Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

the best reason of all to own a gun is to upset the wannabe Hitler/sheep who dont like for anyone to be able to resist their dictation of how everyone else "should" live. Any of these mass shooters COULD have used explosives or poison to do MORE harm (and get away with it). When they use a gun, they are quickly caught or killed

except sales of explosives are regulated now. Even sales of fertilizers are regulated now.

Which is why you haven't had a mass explosion death sine OKC. And after some other assholes used planes to do mass murder, we tightened up the security on planes.

And that's the point. The Airlines went along with tightened security after fighting it for years because AFTER 9/11, they ended up paying out billions in wrongful death and injury suits.

The thing is, the gun industry COULD tighten background checks on their own. They just don't want to, because they know if criminals and crazy people can't get guns, people like some of the posters on this thread won't be pissing themselves and wanting more guns, too.
Actually, if your paranoid delusions were accurate, you would be the poster boy for the NRA. If people though there was a snowball's chance in hell of you getting your wish, they would stockpile even more.

Wasting their money on something the government is going to confiscate?

JoeB131's real name must be "Nobody" because I am always told that Nobody wants to confiscate your guns.
have given you good reasons for owning guns numerous times. You choose to ignore them.

Self defense is a very good reason for owning a gun.

Hunting is an excellent reason for owning a gun.

Target shooting is a good reason for owning a gun.

Vermin control is a good reason for owning a gun.

self defense never happens, and the guns that the Joker got don't fit into any of those other categories.
Actually, if your paranoid delusions were accurate, you would be the poster boy for the NRA. If people though there was a snowball's chance in hell of you getting your wish, they would stockpile even more.

Wasting their money on something the government is going to confiscate?

JoeB131's real name must be "Nobody" because I am always told that Nobody wants to confiscate your guns.

The problem is, you guys are doing this to yourselves.

ten years ago, I'd have been right with you on gun control.

Now, after watching too many kids getting wheeled out of schools in body bags, you guys lost me.

Because you'd rather see dead kids than fill out an extra bit of paperwork to make sure a guy like Holmes or Lanza or Loughner can't get a gun.
Actually, if your paranoid delusions were accurate, you would be the poster boy for the NRA. If people though there was a snowball's chance in hell of you getting your wish, they would stockpile even more.

Wasting their money on something the government is going to confiscate?

JoeB131's real name must be "Nobody" because I am always told that Nobody wants to confiscate your guns.

The problem is, you guys are doing this to yourselves.

ten years ago, I'd have been right with you on gun control.

Now, after watching too many kids getting wheeled out of schools in body bags, you guys lost me.

Because you'd rather see dead kids than fill out an extra bit of paperwork to make sure a guy like Holmes or Lanza or Loughner can't get a gun.

Bullshit. You are not looking at " extra bit of paperwork". You want all guns banned. Too late to try and sound reasonable.

And if you are going to let the mental health professionals off the hook when they don't do their job, why would more paperwork do anything at all?
Joker Holmes did not buy a military grade machine gun

Really? Looks like the same one I carried when I was in the Army.

I am sure you could find an AirSoft one that looks like the one you carried in the Army. You can also buy nonfiring replicas that look like the one you carried in the Army.

But the point is, they are not machine guns. A machine gun fires continuously as long as you hold the trigger. Does the gun Holmes bought do that??
Really? Looks like the same one I carried when I was in the Army.

If you put a racing stripe a rear spoiler on your Hyundai it may look like a NASCAR racer, but it will never win the Daytona 500. A machine gun by definition is capable of firing more than one round with each pull of the trigger. The firearm Holmes used was capable of firing only one round with each pull of the trigger
Holmes did not buy his guns online. The retail sale of firearms over the internet must be completed face to face with a full background check.

Right. A full background check that allowed a guy who thought he was a psychotic clown from a comic book to buy a military grade assault rifle and a 100 round magazine.
am sure you could find an AirSoft one that looks like the one you carried in the Army. You can also buy nonfiring replicas that look like the one you carried in the Army.

But the point is, they are not machine guns. A machine gun fires continuously as long as you hold the trigger. Does the gun Holmes bought do that??

Irrelevant. It did fire fast enough to where he could kill 12 people and injure 70 others.

Holy Cognitive dissonance, Batman, did this point not become clear to you?
If you put a racing stripe a rear spoiler on your Hyundai it may look like a NASCAR racer, but it will never win the Daytona 500. A machine gun by definition is capable of firing more than one round with each pull of the trigger. The firearm Holmes used was capable of firing only one round with each pull of the trigger

Actually, the one Holmes had was designed to do exactly what the one I had in the army did.

Kill a lot of people. Which he totally did with it.

And you guys are worried his trigger finger was getting tired?
am sure you could find an AirSoft one that looks like the one you carried in the Army. You can also buy nonfiring replicas that look like the one you carried in the Army.

But the point is, they are not machine guns. A machine gun fires continuously as long as you hold the trigger. Does the gun Holmes bought do that??

Irrelevant. It did fire fast enough to where he could kill 12 people and injure 70 others.

Holy Cognitive dissonance, Batman, did this point not become clear to you?

Again, pure bullshit. The term "machine gun" has a specific meaning. The rifle he bought does not fit the term. So when you call it a machine gun, for sensationalistic reasons, you are lying.
If you put a racing stripe a rear spoiler on your Hyundai it may look like a NASCAR racer, but it will never win the Daytona 500. A machine gun by definition is capable of firing more than one round with each pull of the trigger. The firearm Holmes used was capable of firing only one round with each pull of the trigger

Actually, the one Holmes had was designed to do exactly what the one I had in the army did.

Kill a lot of people. Which he totally did with it.

And you guys are worried his trigger finger was getting tired?

We are simply calling you on your lie. The gun he bought was NOT a machine gun. You know this and continue to lie. I enjoy making you look like a fool.
Again, pure bullshit. The term "machine gun" has a specific meaning. The rifle he bought does not fit the term. So when you call it a machine gun, for sensationalistic reasons, you are lying.

no, I am accurately describing a weapon with a high rate of fire designed to inflict a massive amount of damage on human flesh, which is what the AR-15/M16 was designed to do.

You are bemoaning the fact poor Joker had to pull a trigger more than once to acheive his desired effect.

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