Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

Incorrect, his high cap mag jammed because he was trying to fire his weapon too quickly (something it was not designed to do) so he had to abandon his semi auto sporting rifle in favor of his Joe Biden endorsed shotgun and his handguns which accounted for a majority of those killed and the vast majority of the injuries (because a Joe Biden approved shotgun tends to wound a lot of people in an enclosed space. I guess you were not paying attention to the facts of the case as introduced at trial, huh?

So your argument is that his trigger finger was getting tired?

WTF? Are you really this stupid? How does a gun jamming equate to his finger getting tired??
Another lie. What a surprise. No, he did not empty the 100 round magazine.

"Madman James Holmes was forced to switch weapons when his Smith & Wesson M&P 15, with a special 100-round drum magazine, failed after a few shots." from: Rifle failure that stopped yet more Batman carnage World News Daily Express

"The law enforcement official said authorities think the gunman first used the shotgun — some victims have buckshot wounds — and then began using the assault rifle, which jammed. Then he resorted to the handgun." from: Aurora Colo. shooting spree A day of tears for victims and twists in case - The Washington Post

Another one arguing for a tired trigger finger.

Hey, dumbass, the fact that it could have been worse doesn't mean it still wasn't pretty bad.

These are weapons the guy never, ever should have had.

Another lie. JoeyB is going full steam in his usual methods.

Ok, nimrod, please point out where I said anything about his finger getting tired? I posted the linked info to debunk your claim that he emptied a 100 round magazine. He didn't.
Naw, here's how you do it.

Antonin Scalia takes a well-deserved dirt nap. He is replaced by President Hillary by a sane person who recognizes that Comic Book Clowns don't constitute a "Well-Regulated Militia".

You then get a majority in Congress to repeal the stupidity that gun sellers and manufacturers aren't liable for the deaths their products call. You swamp the gun industry in lawsuits and in discovery, you find out how they and the NRA have watered down background checks and influenced politicians.

Then you make gun ownership a privilage instead of a right, just like every other country has done.

It is clear that Comic Book Clowns don't constitute a "Well-Regulated Militia". But that, of course is irrelevant. The right to keep and bear arms is delegated to the people and not the "well regulated militia."

"Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like." Alan Dershowitz, former National Board member of the ACLU, Harvard Constitutional Law Professor and famed appellate attorney.
I never argued that. Thanks for verifying your emotive zealousness.

Guy, you argue exactly that.

You just don't realize it.

You see, usually when something bad happens, in a democracy, we make sure it never happens again. For instance, the end result of that train crash will be a lot of safety improvements.

BUt not for gun deaths. Pretty much a Lanza or a Holmes or a Loughner shoots up a bunch of people, and you gun nuts are pretty much manning the barricades making sure no changes happen.

You argue for "conceal carry" to be changed to "open Carry". Which is just nuts.

And every year, we find ourselves with more metal detectors and more Closed circuit TV and more police armed like soldiers because the bad guys are armed like soldiers, and you cry about "Freedom" when frankly, we are a lot less free than other industrialized nations that have had the good sense to limit private gun ownership.
Wow....... When was your last psych eval? Obviously you're overdue. :cuckoo:
It is clear that Comic Book Clowns don't constitute a "Well-Regulated Militia". But that, of course is irrelevant. The right to keep and bear arms is delegated to the people and not the "well regulated militia."

"Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like." Alan Dershowitz, former National Board member of the ACLU, Harvard Constitutional Law Professor and famed appellate attorney.

this is the same Alan Dershashitz who has gotten murderers off on technicalities and was banging underage girls on an island, right?

Here's the thing. Maybe the Militia made sense in 1787, but it really doesn't make sense in 2015.

Other countries limit private gun ownership, and they are much freer than we are. Equating gun ownership to freedom is foolish when you have to maintain damn near a police state to keep order.
What? You are a rambling idiot, aren't you? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Aren't you the guy who used to be a cop in Cleetusland until you beccame a PI? Or do I have you confused with someone else? Because you can't keep the Bubbas straight without a scorecard.

How about sticking with the actual topic? I know that is a novel concept for you, much like using facts or telling the truth would be.

No, I am not a cop.
It is clear that Comic Book Clowns don't constitute a "Well-Regulated Militia". But that, of course is irrelevant. The right to keep and bear arms is delegated to the people and not the "well regulated militia."

"Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like." Alan Dershowitz, former National Board member of the ACLU, Harvard Constitutional Law Professor and famed appellate attorney.

this is the same Alan Dershashitz who has gotten murderers off on technicalities and was banging underage girls on an island, right?

Here's the thing. Maybe the Militia made sense in 1787, but it really doesn't make sense in 2015.

Other countries limit private gun ownership, and they are much freer than we are. Equating gun ownership to freedom is foolish when you have to maintain damn near a police state to keep order.

That is fine. Muster up the support to amend the US Constitution and remove the 2nd amendment.
Here's the thing. Maybe the Militia made sense in 1787, but it really doesn't make sense in 2015.

If you feel the 2nd Amend is outdated, here is your solution:

First you get 2/3rds of the US House and 2/3rds of the US Senate to pass a proposed a constitutional amendment repealing the 2nd Amendment. Then you get 38 states to ratify the proposed constitutional amendment and "poof" the 2nd Amendment disappears.

You should demand that the Democratic Party adopt such a policy as a central plank of their 2016 Presidential Election Platform... suggested campaign slogan:

Vote democratic Party 2016-- dismantling the Bill of Rights one amendment at time!

Good luck!
So your argument is that his trigger finger was getting tired?

Nope, you failed remedial reading in High School, huh? I am saying his semi auto sporting rifle jammed after a few rounds because he was trying to fire it too fast. He then used other weapons to kill most of his victims. If his trigger finger got too tired he could not have used other firearms requiring the pulling of a trigger, he would have use his knife perhaps.... I guess you were not paying attention to the facts of the case as introduced at trial, huh?
So your argument is that his trigger finger was getting tired?

Nope, you failed remedial reading in High School, huh? I am saying his semi auto sporting rifle jammed after a few rounds because he was trying to fire it too fast. He then used other weapons to kill most of his victims. If his trigger finger got too tired he could not have used other firearms requiring the pulling of a trigger, he would have use his knife perhaps.... I guess you were not paying attention to the facts of the case as introduced at trial, huh?

Facts are really not relevant to JoeyB. That is why he keeps harping on the "machine gun" idea, despite the fact that is was not a machine gun and that the rifle jammed after firing only a few rounds.
So your argument is that his trigger finger was getting tired?

Nope, you failed remedial reading in High School, huh? I am saying his semi auto sporting rifle jammed after a few rounds because he was trying to fire it too fast. He then used other weapons to kill most of his victims. If his trigger finger got too tired he could not have used other firearms requiring the pulling of a trigger, he would have use his knife perhaps.... I guess you were not paying attention to the facts of the case as introduced at trial, huh?

Facts are really not relevant to JoeyB. That is why he keeps harping on the "machine gun" idea, despite the fact that is was not a machine gun and that the rifle jammed after firing only a few rounds.
There are times when one can say, "thank God for after market magazines!" :thup:
Yeah but but but. don't dare accuse her and that Nasty station she is on, Msnbc: as being Fringe and Extremist.

who want's to watch a liberal talking head screeching and melting down all the time. icky

that's why they (liberals) can't make it big on the radio, like say a Rush Limbaugh. they drive people to want to poke their ear drums out and :booze:...

Looking at her is bad enough, but hearing her too? That's more than any person should have to endure.
Facts are really not relevant to JoeyB. That is why he keeps harping on the "machine gun" idea, despite the fact that is was not a machine gun and that the rifle jammed after firing only a few rounds.

I'm sure the people killed by those "few rounds" feel much better.

"Oh my god, I have a sucking 5.56MM hole in my chest!

"It's okay, man. It was only a semi-automatic!"
If you feel the 2nd Amend is outdated, here is your solution:

First you get 2/3rds of the US House and 2/3rds of the US Senate to pass a proposed a constitutional amendment repealing the 2nd Amendment. Then you get 38 states to ratify the proposed constitutional amendment and "poof" the 2nd Amendment disappears.

You should demand that the Democratic Party adopt such a policy as a central plank of their 2016 Presidential Election Platform... suggested campaign slogan:

No, we just need to get non-crazy people on the Supreme Court.

scalia and kennedy are pushing 80.
If you feel the 2nd Amend is outdated, here is your solution:

First you get 2/3rds of the US House and 2/3rds of the US Senate to pass a proposed a constitutional amendment repealing the 2nd Amendment. Then you get 38 states to ratify the proposed constitutional amendment and "poof" the 2nd Amendment disappears.

You should demand that the Democratic Party adopt such a policy as a central plank of their 2016 Presidential Election Platform... suggested campaign slogan:

No, we just need to get non-crazy people on the Supreme Court.

scalia and kennedy are pushing 80.

Oliver Wendell Holmes was 90 when he retired. If Scalia and Kennedy stay till they are 90, they will be there for another 11 years. Hillary won't get to nominate their replacement (assuming she wins). And you are assuming Hillary wins and gets enough of a senate majority to push thru an anti-gun jurist.

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