Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

Facts are really not relevant to JoeyB. That is why he keeps harping on the "machine gun" idea, despite the fact that is was not a machine gun and that the rifle jammed after firing only a few rounds.

I'm sure the people killed by those "few rounds" feel much better.

"Oh my god, I have a sucking 5.56MM hole in my chest!

"It's okay, man. It was only a semi-automatic!"

You really have difficulty with relevance, don't you. No one has cheered the deaths of those people, unlike you cheering the deaths of people you dislike. But you called the AR that Holmes bought a "machine gun" and claimed he emptied the 100 round magazine. Both were lies.
yeah behind every gun banner is a Democrat Party Fluffer

I was a right wing republican until Bush fucked up the country. Now i know better. Unfortunately, we aren't going to get rid of people like the Bush family until we get rid of the people who support them for stupid reason. That means the religious nuts, the gun nuts and the libertarian nuts.

you have no common sense when it comes to guns You are on record saying no citizen should own a gun.

You have yet to give me a "good" reason why a civilian should own a gun. but that aside, there's always room for comprimise.

No one should own a military grade weapon.
No one should have a clip that has more than 10 rounds. If you can't hit your target at ten rounds, you shouldn't be shooting.
No civilian should own armor piercing bullets.
Guns should only be sold by licensed dealers, after thorough background checks.
When they sell a gun to the wrong person, they should be held criminally responsible.
Doctors should be able to warn families of the dangers of guns in the home.

These are all things you gun fetishists opposed.
yeah I believe you I really do. I was an Aztec demigod until the spanish came and screwed up the new world.

my grandfather's 45 was a military grade weapon-MORON

my KABAR fighting knife is a MILITARY GRADE Weapon-MORON

people like you are lying assholes. and since there are MANY criminals law abiding citizens shouldn't be limited to 10 rounds
Neither is the right to own military grade machine guns.

The right to own military grade machine guns is tightly controlled by the NFA of 1934
Do you think Joeb even has a clue what makes a weapon "military grade"

hell, given militaries have used firearms for close to 700 years or so, most of my guns are well beyond "military grade".
he is a lying turd and his anti gun idiocy has nothing to do with crime control

he admitted it

he's had numerous meltdowns over W preventing Gore from stealing the election

he blames the religious right and gun owners for keeping Gore out of the White House

that is why JoeB-a HARD CORE GORE/KERRY/OBAMA FLUFFER is so hateful towards gun owners

The reason no one is telling you why Holmes having a machine gun was a good idea is simple. Holmes didn't have a machine gun.

Okay, frankly, if you want to keep redefining things, let's call it a pop gun. So why was it a good idea for Holmes to have a military grade pop gun that fired a hundred rounds allowing him to kill or injure nearly 100 people.


And no, we are not going to ban guns. I am all for boosting mental health facilities. I am all for the VA doing more for veterans. But I am not giving up my constitutionally guaranteed right because of the actions of 0.001% of the gun owners.

Yes, you are perfectly willing to let children die so you can compensate fora tiny dick. got it.

your fixation on the penis size of another poster demonstrates to me that you probably are a flaming fairy and your hatred of gun owners is based on your perception that gun owners are hostile to gay rights
Oliver Wendell Holmes was 90 when he retired. If Scalia and Kennedy stay till they are 90, they will be there for another 11 years. Hillary won't get to nominate their replacement (assuming she wins). And you are assuming Hillary wins and gets enough of a senate majority to push thru an anti-gun jurist.

That's wishful thinking.

And frankly, you guys don't have the balls to fight a nominee on that one.
Do you think Joeb even has a clue what makes a weapon "military grade"

hell, given militaries have used firearms for close to 700 years or so, most of my guns are well beyond "military grade".
he is a lying turd and his anti gun idiocy has nothing to do with crime control

he admitted it

Uh, no, I didn't. But that' okay, I know you gun nuts need to believe that you aren't the problem when you are.

he's had numerous meltdowns over W preventing Gore from stealing the election

No, I've had a real problem with the fact that Bush stole the election, got us into an unnecessary war and wrecked the economy. I'm not sure why you don't.

he blames the religious right and gun owners for keeping Gore out of the White House

I blame them for helping Bush get close enough to steal an election. So I'm not in the mood to comprimise with them. Hang Joker HOlmes around their neck at every oppurtunity.
You really have difficulty with relevance, don't you. No one has cheered the deaths of those people, unlike you cheering the deaths of people you dislike. But you called the AR that Holmes bought a "machine gun" and claimed he emptied the 100 round magazine. Both were lies.

Uh, guy, you are the one who worried poor Holmes finger got tired or something.

The relevence is that guns are too easy to get if this Clown could get one. That's the relevence.
people like you are lying assholes. and since there are MANY criminals law abiding citizens shouldn't be limited to 10 rounds

Are all ten of them going to show up at once? I mean, I know you fetishist like to arm yourselves like the Zombie Apocolypse is going to break out, but frankly, if you can't hit one bad guy with ten rounds, you probalby shouldn't be trusted with a gun.
You really have difficulty with relevance, don't you. No one has cheered the deaths of those people, unlike you cheering the deaths of people you dislike. But you called the AR that Holmes bought a "machine gun" and claimed he emptied the 100 round magazine. Both were lies.

Uh, guy, you are the one who worried poor Holmes finger got tired or something.

The relevence is that guns are too easy to get if this Clown could get one. That's the relevence.

Bullshit. Like I said, show where I said anything about his finger getting tired. You invented that crap. I called you on your lies.
You really have difficulty with relevance, don't you. No one has cheered the deaths of those people, unlike you cheering the deaths of people you dislike. But you called the AR that Holmes bought a "machine gun" and claimed he emptied the 100 round magazine. Both were lies.

Uh, guy, you are the one who worried poor Holmes finger got tired or something.

The relevence is that guns are too easy to get if this Clown could get one. That's the relevence.

Bullshit. Like I said, show where I said anything about his finger getting tired. You invented that crap. I called you on your lies.

we could fertilize the sahara desert with the manure JoeB squirts on this forum weekly.

he already admitted his gun hate comes from Bush beating sore/loserman in 2000
No, Kleck has not been debunked.

Yes, he has. Thoroughly. Get your head out of your ass and actually read something other than NRA gun Fetish websites..

They are not America.

No, they aren't. They aren't inhabited by bible thumping rednecks who keep voting against their own economic interests. They actually realize that you avoid mass murder by NOT LETTING CRAZY PEOPLE HAVE GUNS. It's an amazing context.

They also have some silly idea about not letting people starve, and they don't have anywhere near the crime rates we have.

No he has not. You are lying as per usual.

They are different countries that do not have the same freedoms that Americans do. If you like those countries so much, then go there! Please! I'll help you pack.
Hmm, well, let's think about that. Maybe due to the fact that MOST mass shootings happen in "gun free zones." Another great idea and law that some nitwit came up with that does not work and, in fact, pretty much makes those places targets for mass shootings. Of course, they know there is no one there that can stop them!

Well, no, they really don't. Tuscon wasn't a "gun free zone". Loughner was still able to shoot six people to death. Your "Good guy with a gun" damn near shot the person who disarmed him.

I said MOST. Pay attention.
Uh, yes they did. it just that the militia amendment did not make the final cut. The individual right to have and use arms for private purposes did make the final cut, much to your chagrin.

Yeah, again, these were the same racist assholes who talked smack about "All Men are created equal" and then built a country based on racism and genocide.

You are so dumb. I really tried to have a decent conversation with you, but it is just impossible because you are too asinine.
Hmm, well, let's think about that. Maybe due to the fact that MOST mass shootings happen in "gun free zones." Another great idea and law that some nitwit came up with that does not work and, in fact, pretty much makes those places targets for mass shootings. Of course, they know there is no one there that can stop them!

Well, no, they really don't. Tuscon wasn't a "gun free zone". Loughner was still able to shoot six people to death. Your "Good guy with a gun" damn near shot the person who disarmed him.

I said MOST. Pay attention.

Joeb already admitted that the reason why he hates gun owners is that they helped elect W over his beloved Al Gore the idiot bore. It has nothing to do with crime control, nothing to do with making American streets safer but rather the spiteful butt hurt whining of an Al Gore FLUFFER
Hmm, well, let's think about that. Maybe due to the fact that MOST mass shootings happen in "gun free zones." Another great idea and law that some nitwit came up with that does not work and, in fact, pretty much makes those places targets for mass shootings. Of course, they know there is no one there that can stop them!

Well, no, they really don't. Tuscon wasn't a "gun free zone". Loughner was still able to shoot six people to death. Your "Good guy with a gun" damn near shot the person who disarmed him.

I said MOST. Pay attention.

Joeb already admitted that the reason why he hates gun owners is that they helped elect W over his beloved Al Gore the idiot bore. It has nothing to do with crime control, nothing to do with making American streets safer but rather the spiteful butt hurt whining of an Al Gore FLUFFER

Yes, I read his stupid posts. :cuckoo:
Bullshit. Like I said, show where I said anything about his finger getting tired. You invented that crap. I called you on your lies.

Guy, you were the ones who said, "Well, it wasn't military grade because he had to keep pulling the trigger", not because it fires a high-powered military grade round specifically designed to do enormas damage to human flesh.
I said MOST. Pay attention.

Except most aren't.

Columbine had armed guards.
Fort Hood was a fucking military base. So was the Washington Naval Yard.
VA Tech had an armed police force.

There were plenty of good guys with guns in the mass shootings. It's just that your average "active shooter events" are usually over before anyone has a chance to react.

Even trained LEO.

That's why the "good guy with a gun is a fallacy". The bad guy with a gun has done his thing long before the "good guy" even knows what is going on.

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