Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

They are? There is a part in the AR-15 that will work in both the 15 and the 16, but the same part from an AR-15 WILL NOT WORK IN A AR-15. What is that part? And BTW it is critical to operation.

Did you mean won't work in an M16?

I'll admit, I've never seen the inside of a civilian AR15. I'm sure it has something to do with the sear adaptor. I haven't taken and M16 apart in 23 years and frankly, have no desire to.

You are avoiding the point, aren't you buddie? Point was, except for the full auto feature, an AR15 still fires the same .223 round an M16 does, which will have the same devastating effect when it hits a human being an M16 does.

And 82 people were killed or injured by Holmes, which you apparently think is just peachy. Let's not hold anyone accountable for making that weapons available to him. .

His point was to show you lied about your knowledge of the weapon. He made his point quite well.
What they got the tobacco industry on is different than what you want to get the gun industry for.

But why not go that route. If a smoker develops lung cancer, he should be able to prosecute every convenience store clerk and send them to jail. Every truck driver who hauled cigarettes can also be send to prison. And the tobacco companies can be sent up too.

Well, no, it's no different at all. Other than it takes a LOT of cigarettes to kill one person.

Let's put the gun industry under the same scrutiny the tobacco industry got. Works for me.
It will never happen. Sure, you want the emotional touch. I can see why. You have no logical reason to send the gun dealer to jail. But the laws in this country are sorta against what your plan.

I have a very logical reason-

He's part of an industry that profits off of death and misery.

Just like when they took Big Tobacco to court, and found out that they were intentionally spiking the cigarettes with nicotine and marketting them to kiddies.

I'd like to shake out the whole gun industry, all their internal memos, and see what falls out.

No, I'm not. I am an armorer however, unlike you. In fact I have actually built several AR's for various law enforcement agencies in California and Nevada back when my friend owned a LEO supply store.
What they got the tobacco industry on is different than what you want to get the gun industry for.

But why not go that route. If a smoker develops lung cancer, he should be able to prosecute every convenience store clerk and send them to jail. Every truck driver who hauled cigarettes can also be send to prison. And the tobacco companies can be sent up too.

Well, no, it's no different at all. Other than it takes a LOT of cigarettes to kill one person.

Let's put the gun industry under the same scrutiny the tobacco industry got. Works for me.

Oh, so it is about volume?? lmao

No, if you are wanting to send gun store clerks to prison, then we should send convenience store clerks, truck drivers, and the rest to prison.

And it doesn't take a LOT of cigarettes to get a person addicted. And that makes them all criminally liable, by your standards.

And the convenience store clerk and the truck driver KNEW that cigarettes would kill people. The gun clerk had no way of knowing the gun he sold would kill anyone. 99.99% of the legally owned guns in this country are not used to kill anyone.
I think you are a crazy person. You approach this issue as if you are a child and don't know any better, aren't familiar with the constitution or our rights outlined in it.

Acquaintances, jobs and schools what exactly? The point being, if he does NOT have a criminal record then his rights cannot be infringed upon by the government!

Well, honey, you are the one who comes off as unbalanced, probably because you caught the school nerd in your underwear drawer once or something.

This is a very simple issue. We shouldn't give weapons of war to crazy people. This is not the least bit complicated. And even the constitution says "Well Regulated Militia". Well, I think well-regulated means, "Guy doesn't think he's a psychotic clown from a comic book!" I'm sure there's a regulation for that.

In fact, I had to write up a troop in my squad once because he had a hickey on his neck. I'm sure there'd have been hell to pay if he showed up with orange hair.

Well regulated in the constitution means ready to fight at a moment's notice. We have the constitutional right to bear arms. It doesn't matter if little Joe Joe is frightened of the big bad boogey man. :rolleyes-41:
If you had ever been an armorer you would KNOW the part immediately. Thus you are not what you claim. Also, there is no such thing as a "sear adaptor" where the hell do you idiots come up with these terms?

That's what we called them. and, yeah, I was an armorer and a supply sergeant, thanks for asking.

Admitably, I never had your fetish for guns. I will give you that.

No, you didn't. Parts have very specific nomenclature that ANY ARMORER, anywhere on the planet knows. If I call up a buddy in Australia and ask if he needs a particular part he's not going to go, "uh, what do you call them over there?" You're simply a liar.
No, I'm not. I am an armorer however, unlike you. In fact I have actually built several AR's for various law enforcement agencies in California and Nevada back when my friend owned a LEO supply store.

Whatever, guy.

So are those 12 dead people from Aurora goign to get up and say, "Hey, it's okay. We were only shot with an AR15, and they've got some internal part that makes it different than an M16!"

I mean, you keep dancing around the fact this guy got a military grade weapon and used it to kill or injure dozens of people.
No, you didn't. Parts have very specific nomenclature that ANY ARMORER, anywhere on the planet knows. If I call up a buddy in Australia and ask if he needs a particular part he's not going to go, "uh, what do you call them over there?" You're simply a liar.

Yawn, guy, the fact I can't remember a part nomenclature from 23 years ago proves.... I'm not a gun fetishist.

I think it was "sear selector" I was thinking of, but I'm not going to bother to look it up because you are just deflecting at this point.
If you had ever been an armorer you would KNOW the part immediately. Thus you are not what you claim. Also, there is no such thing as a "sear adaptor" where the hell do you idiots come up with these terms?

That's what we called them. and, yeah, I was an armorer and a supply sergeant, thanks for asking.

Admitably, I never had your fetish for guns. I will give you that.

And just to further show you are lying, Armorer is a different branch of the TOE from supply. The two don't mix. You MAY have been a supply sgt. But you don't know shit about weapons.
Well regulated in the constitution means ready to fight at a moment's notice. We have the constitutional right to bear arms. It doesn't matter if little Joe Joe is frightened of the big bad boogey man.

Uh, no, it means, "Well-Regulated" As in, having a chain of command and rules of conduct.

It does not mean, "any goon with orange hair can have a military grade weapon!"

Holmes killed 12 people, including a 6 year old girl. That's something people should be reasonably afraid of.
No, I'm not. I am an armorer however, unlike you. In fact I have actually built several AR's for various law enforcement agencies in California and Nevada back when my friend owned a LEO supply store.

Whatever, guy.

So are those 12 dead people from Aurora goign to get up and say, "Hey, it's okay. We were only shot with an AR15, and they've got some internal part that makes it different than an M16!"

I mean, you keep dancing around the fact this guy got a military grade weapon and used it to kill or injure dozens of people.

I dance around nothing. I could have killed more people in there if took my Japanese sword in there. It's not the weapon that's used silly boy, it's the mindset of the person. The greatest mass murder in US history was done with a gallon of gasoline.

You wish to disarm everyone so that your government will have an easier time murdering those you don't like. That's why the Founders made that particular feat of yours as difficult as possible. They knew that assholes like you require people to be disarmed so you can murder them easier.
If you had ever been an armorer you would KNOW the part immediately. Thus you are not what you claim. Also, there is no such thing as a "sear adaptor" where the hell do you idiots come up with these terms?

That's what we called them. and, yeah, I was an armorer and a supply sergeant, thanks for asking.

Admitably, I never had your fetish for guns. I will give you that.

Mmmm, yeah, sure you were. :rolleyes-41: I'm a brain surgeon and I say you need a lobotomy.
No, you didn't. Parts have very specific nomenclature that ANY ARMORER, anywhere on the planet knows. If I call up a buddy in Australia and ask if he needs a particular part he's not going to go, "uh, what do you call them over there?" You're simply a liar.

Yawn, guy, the fact I can't remember a part nomenclature from 23 years ago proves.... I'm not a gun fetishist.

I think it was "sear selector" I was thinking of, but I'm not going to bother to look it up because you are just deflecting at this point.

Flail away liar. I won't tell you and I am just laughing my ass off as you dig yourself in ever deeper.
Well regulated in the constitution means ready to fight at a moment's notice. We have the constitutional right to bear arms. It doesn't matter if little Joe Joe is frightened of the big bad boogey man.

Uh, no, it means, "Well-Regulated" As in, having a chain of command and rules of conduct.

It does not mean, "any goon with orange hair can have a military grade weapon!"

Holmes killed 12 people, including a 6 year old girl. That's something people should be reasonably afraid of.

That is not what the founders meant when they wrote the 2nd Amendment. Every knows our history here in this country. It was every man's DUTY to have a gun and to have it ready to go when and if needed.

The founders did NOT want a centralized, federally controlled military.
And just to further show you are lying, Armorer is a different branch of the TOE from supply. The two don't mix. You MAY have been a supply sgt. But you don't know shit about weapons.

Uh, actually, in the Army, they are both the same MOS - 76Y when i was in, but they've changed it to 92Y in the early 90's.

Now, try to keep up. When I was an E-3 and and E-4, I was an armorer. When I was an e-5 and an E-6, I was a supply NCO.

Get it?

Yes, I actually had to get promotions in the Army. I know it's a confusing concept for you.
Flail away liar. I won't tell you and I am just laughing my ass off as you dig yourself in ever deeper.

You're the one who just got caught confusing TOE (It's actually TO&E- Table of organization and Equipment) with MOS.

No, I'm not. TOE is the term I wanted. Supply is QUARTERMASTER. Armorer is ORDNANCE. Look up the difference some day asshat.

Below is a set of enlisted QM insignia, and below that is a set for Ordnance. Different legs of the TOE silly boy. Now I know you weren't even in the military.


That is not what the founders meant when they wrote the 2nd Amendment. Every knows our history here in this country. It was every man's DUTY to have a gun and to have it ready to go when and if needed.

The founders did NOT want a centralized, federally controlled military.

The founders where bunch of hypocrites who wrote stuff like "All Men are Created Equal" and then went home and whipped their slaves for not producing enough wealth for them. I think we can pretty much dismiss any speculation on what they meant about much of anything.

The fact is, we quickly found out that their concept of a non-centralized militia didn't work. We probably figured that out by the Civil War, but we definitely had it figured out by World War I. It's why State Militias were replaced by a NATIONAL Guard that was held to - again- REGULATIONS put down by the army, not just show up with your squirrel gun.

So now that we have established that whatever they thought really has no bearing on the modern world, can you please explain in what universe letting James Holmes, a mentally ill man, purchase a military grade weapon was a good idea.


Oh, that goes for the rest of the peanut gallery. In what universe is letting Holmes by a gun of htat type a good idea?
No, I'm not. TOE is the term I wanted. Supply is QUARTERMASTER. Armorer is ORDNANCE. Look up the difference some day asshat.

Army MOS 76Y MOSDb

Receives, inspects, inventories, loads, unloads, segregates, stores, issues, delivers and turns-in organization and installation supplies and equipment; operates unit level computer (ULC); prepares all unit/organizational supply documents; maintains automated supply system for accounting of organizational and installation supplies and equipment; issues and receives small arms; secures and controls weapons and ammunition in security areas; schedules and performs preventive and organizational maintenance on weapons; inspects completed work for accuracy and compliance with established procedures; coordinates supply activities; reviews and annotates changes to unit material condition status report; post transactions to organizational and installation property books and supporting transaction files; determines method of obtaining relief from responsibility for lost, damaged and destroyed supply items; directs supply personnel in establishing supply and inventory control management functions; maintains property under standard property book system (SPBS); reviews daily and monthly records of issues of petroleum products and operating supplies; provides technical assistance to equipment records and parts specialist; assists and advises supply officer and commander.

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