Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

Yeah, we know you put it on the gun dealers. You will have an easier time just making all guns illegal than to send someone to prison for following the law to the letter and for doing something for which they had federal approval.

The old saying is, you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

If you guys think you are in the right, you should welcome the your day in court.

They did get their day in court--- and they won.
Oh, gee, Holmes was staging a performance for the judge and potential jury members..."see, look at me! I'm crazy! Crazy I tell you! Find me not guilty because I'm crazy!" And look at that, joeb is so dumb he fell for it. Works every time!

I don't think it's an "act". The guy really does think he's a psychotic clown from a comic book. But I'm sure you can explain what his "devious" plan was.

Sure you don't. That way your silly little meme works.
Yeah, we know you put it on the gun dealers. You will have an easier time just making all guns illegal than to send someone to prison for following the law to the letter and for doing something for which they had federal approval.

The old saying is, you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

If you guys think you are in the right, you should welcome the your day in court.

Yep, you probably CAN get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

But there is one tiny detail you seem to have forgotten (or didn't know). Namely that a grand jury indictment does not mean anything except that there will be a trial. With a jury. And you will play hell trying to convince 12 citizens that the gun dealer, who followed all the rules and laws, is guilty of any crime.

Oh, and exactly what would the charges against the gun dealer be?
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Just because you hate guns does not mean someone will go to prison after following the letter of the law. You expect a clerk at a gun store to make a psychological evaluation based on hair color. Utterly ridiculous.

Guy, did you see Holmes at his arraignment? Are you really telling me that a gun store employee couldn't tell that guy was nuts?
The complaint was filed against internet suppliers of ammo and accesories. They allege that none of the defendants had any physical encounter with Holmes. Nor do we have any idea what he looked like when he made the purchases anyway.
His gun dealer knew him on a daily personal level.......?
Of course you're violate an innocent persons civil rights, as long as it suited your sociopolitical outlook........
You're not related to Joseph McCarthy are you?

Uh, no, guy, he doesn't have a civil right to a business. He should be responsible for the consequences of this business's actions.

I'm not seeing a world where giving a guy who thinks he's the Joker a machine gun with a 100 round magazine is ever a good idea.
I never said he had a civil right to a business, he does have a right to due process which you just stated you would deny him, "even if he's innocent.....", do you always twist what people say to fit your my way or the highway, the constitution be damned world view? Friggin' pathetic sputz. :cuckoo:
Yep, you probably CAN get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

But there is one tiny detail you seem to have forgotten (or didn't know). Namely that a grand jury indictment does not mean anything except that there will be a trial. With a jury. And you will play hell trying to convince 12 citizens that the gun dealer, who followed all the rules and laws, is guilty of any crime.

Oh, and exactly what would the charges against the gun dealer be?

Accessory to murder. 12 counts. Problem solved.

and you have a jury of 12 moms. Problem solved.

Just slap down the crime scene photos of dead kids.
I never said he had a civil right to a business, he does have a right to due process which you just stated you would deny him, "even if he's innocent.....", do you always twist what people say to fit your my way or the highway, the constitution be damned world view? Friggin' pathetic sputz

Um, yeah. He sold a weapon to a crazy person and 12 people died. There really isn't an issue as far as I'm concerned.

I don't really care what the law or the constitution says. Just like I don't think we should let an ax-murderer go because a cop didn't have "probable cause" when he found his dead wife and the bloody ax in a trunk.
Joeb Shows his true colors-guns should be banned. he lies about what the gun industry does because he really wants NO ONE to be able to own a gun while freedom loving americans realize WE NEED GUNS in case assholes like JOEB get into power and want to use MEN WITH GUNS to oppress gun owners

Guy, big corporations took your freedom a long time ago. Clinging to your gun and your bible doesn't change.

as usual that is an idiotic comment. I am very wealthy mainly because of say my ancestors buying up lots of PG stock. You are afraid of honest people being armed

why? do you engage in activity that would justify someone capping your ass?
No you wouldn't. YOU wouldn't hang anyone. You want the gov't to do it for you.

You want the gun dealers hung but the mental health professionals get a free pass. You are the insane one.

Insanity is giving a crazy person a military grade weapon because 250 years ago, some slave-rapist couldn't write a militia amendment properly.

Since it is next to impossible to commit the insane, I really don't put this on the MH professionals. I put it on the gun dealers.

do you understand that a bolt action single shot rifle is "military grade"

and the AR15 as bought by Holmes has NEVER Been

stop voiding your garments over guns
Yep, you probably CAN get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

But there is one tiny detail you seem to have forgotten (or didn't know). Namely that a grand jury indictment does not mean anything except that there will be a trial. With a jury. And you will play hell trying to convince 12 citizens that the gun dealer, who followed all the rules and laws, is guilty of any crime.

Oh, and exactly what would the charges against the gun dealer be?

Accessory to murder. 12 counts. Problem solved.

and you have a jury of 12 moms. Problem solved.

Just slap down the crime scene photos of dead kids.
won't survive a motion for a directed verdict after the plaintiff's case is presented

in fact it won't survive a motion to quash the indictment

and any DA who even tries to bring that sort of case should be hung for treason
To the best of my knowledge the store owner is not a licensed practicing psychiatrist.......
And you're telling us you can spot a crazy just by looking at them or talking with them for a few minutes........
How about this guy? Look nuts to you?

Yeah, sure, whatever.

Again, everyone in the Jokers' life knew he was nuts...except his gun dealer?

But I'd hang that gun dealer even if I thought he was totally innocent, because it will make the next one think twice.

Yep, you probably CAN get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

But there is one tiny detail you seem to have forgotten (or didn't know). Namely that a grand jury indictment does not mean anything except that there will be a trial. With a jury. And you will play hell trying to convince 12 citizens that the gun dealer, who followed all the rules and laws, is guilty of any crime.

Oh, and exactly what would the charges against the gun dealer be?

Accessory to murder. 12 counts. Problem solved.

and you have a jury of 12 moms. Problem solved.

Just slap down the crime scene photos of dead kids.

Could you be a bigger idiot?
No you wouldn't. YOU wouldn't hang anyone. You want the gov't to do it for you.

You want the gun dealers hung but the mental health professionals get a free pass. You are the insane one.

Insanity is giving a crazy person a military grade weapon because 250 years ago, some slave-rapist couldn't write a militia amendment properly.

Since it is next to impossible to commit the insane, I really don't put this on the MH professionals. I put it on the gun dealers.

There was no way the dealer could have known his mental status. Obviously, if it were you trying to purchase a weapon, that would be a different story. You are stark raving mad.
I never said he had a civil right to a business, he does have a right to due process which you just stated you would deny him, "even if he's innocent.....", do you always twist what people say to fit your my way or the highway, the constitution be damned world view? Friggin' pathetic sputz

Um, yeah. He sold a weapon to a crazy person and 12 people died. There really isn't an issue as far as I'm concerned.

I don't really care what the law or the constitution says. Just like I don't think we should let an ax-murderer go because a cop didn't have "probable cause" when he found his dead wife and the bloody ax in a trunk.

You don't care what the law or the constitution says?

A person who sells guns is not a psychiatrist, as was pointed out. A gun dealer is not QUALIFIED to make any kind of diagnosis at all. In fact, if the dealer had tried to do that, he would violating the rights of the buyer. Also, this man had not committed ANY crimes at the time when he purchased the weapon.

You are bloody insane, govna!
I never said he had a civil right to a business, he does have a right to due process which you just stated you would deny him, "even if he's innocent.....", do you always twist what people say to fit your my way or the highway, the constitution be damned world view? Friggin' pathetic sputz

Um, yeah. He sold a weapon to a crazy person and 12 people died. There really isn't an issue as far as I'm concerned.

I don't really care what the law or the constitution says. Just like I don't think we should let an ax-murderer go because a cop didn't have "probable cause" when he found his dead wife and the bloody ax in a trunk.
You're comparison is pathetically unhinged at best. What are you, 16? 17? If so that would give you an excuse for being who and what you are.
Yep, you probably CAN get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

But there is one tiny detail you seem to have forgotten (or didn't know). Namely that a grand jury indictment does not mean anything except that there will be a trial. With a jury. And you will play hell trying to convince 12 citizens that the gun dealer, who followed all the rules and laws, is guilty of any crime.

Oh, and exactly what would the charges against the gun dealer be?

Accessory to murder. 12 counts. Problem solved.

and you have a jury of 12 moms. Problem solved.

Just slap down the crime scene photos of dead kids.

Could you be a bigger idiot?
only if he gains weight
The complaint was filed against internet suppliers of ammo and accesories. They allege that none of the defendants had any physical encounter with Holmes. Nor do we have any idea what he looked like when he made the purchases anyway.

that makes them more guilty, don't you think?

Nope it makes it plainly frivolous and subject to sanctions as there was no reason for the online seller to suspect anything was amiss. It was also going against significant legal precedent against them. The Brady Campaign was the primary mover of this lawsuit and I hope the judge makes them pay the lawyer fees rather than the parents.
No you wouldn't. YOU wouldn't hang anyone. You want the gov't to do it for you.

You want the gun dealers hung but the mental health professionals get a free pass. You are the insane one.

Insanity is giving a crazy person a military grade weapon because 250 years ago, some slave-rapist couldn't write a militia amendment properly.

Since it is next to impossible to commit the insane, I really don't put this on the MH professionals. I put it on the gun dealers.

In this particular case, the Defendants did not sell any weapon to Holmes, let alone military grade weapons.

Since none of the defendants were gun dealers, you should be pleased with the result.

The AR-15 is not and never has been a "military grade" weapon is is not employed by any modern military force in the world as its primary battle weapon because they prefer fully automatic weapons or weapons capable of burst fire, like the M-16.

205 years ago some slave-rapist did write a militia amendment properly... it read:

"That each State respectively shall have the power to provide for organizing, arming and disciplining it's own Militia, whensoever Congress shall omit or neglect to provide for the same."

That was part of the Amendments proffered by the Virginia ratifying convention to alter the body of the constitution and including such things a term limits for the president and that salaries of public officials not be raised or lowered during their term of office-- miscellaneous adjustments.

In addition to amendments offered to the body of the Constitution, the Virginia Ratifying Convention proposed that "there be a Declaration or Bill of Rights asserting and securing from encroachment the essential and unalienable Rights of the People in some such manner as the following."

Among those rights declared by Virginia to be the essential and unalienable Rights of the People was the following:

That every freeman has a right to be secure from all unreasonable searches and siezures

That the people have a right peaceably to assemble together to consult for the common good, or to instruct their Representatives; and that every freeman has a right to petition or apply to the legislature for redress of grievances.

That the people have a right to freedom of speech, and of writing and publishing their Sentiments; but the freedom of the press is one of the greatest bulwarks of liberty and ought not to be violated.

That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well regulated Militia composed of the body of the people trained to arms is the proper, natural and safe defence of a free State.

Bogus and Hartman did not mention that, did they? :cool-45:
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