Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

No I was born rich and made myself even richer. started with about 10 million, now worth about 50 million. that is how I could afford to take my honors Ivy league law degree and work for the feds which was far more interesting than working for one of the 6 wall street firms that gave me offers

Oh, is that your story now? You have more careers than Barbie. Were you an astronaut, too?

but lets get back to your anti gun idiocy. blacks commit more than half the murders in the USA

No, they really don't. Again, go back to the link I posted. they are committing more than their proportion of the population do, but not "half".

Whites committed 2755 murders.
Blacks committed 2767 murders
Other races committed 270 murders.

Your Original claim was "our rates of gun violence aren't any higher than rates of whites in those Eurosocialist states with nanny government gun control that a bedwetter like you craves?"

Except that isn't true.

The United Kingdom had only 48 gun homicides.
Germany only had 258 gun homicides.

These countries have nowhere near the homicide rates we do.

does anyone truly believe JoeB's rants are motivated by a public safety issue? COME ON FOLKS, he has already admitted he hates gun owners based on how he believes gun owners voted

Is that going to be your whine every time you get caught spewing gun nut lies? Because I'll take that as a concession.

So if you take away the guns, we have 5,000 homicides, Germany has 350 and Japan has 11. This proves, once and for all, that the US is a violent culture. And that is assuming that all 11,000 gun murders would not happen.

No, it proves that guns make it easier to kill. I'd happily reduce the murder rate by 2/3rds.

Does it mean we need to still fix the other problems? Yes. Yes we do.

Yes, it DOES prove we are a violent culture. And it is the violent culture that should be addressed, not the tools used. Your solution to violence is like solving the problem of a leaking roof by putting a bucket under it. Sure, it prevents water on the floor. But it does not address the actual issue.

As for the racial issue, comparing the number of murders without comparing the relative population size ruins your argument.
Yes, it DOES prove we are a violent culture. And it is the violent culture that should be addressed, not the tools used. Your solution to violence is like solving the problem of a leaking roof by putting a bucket under it. Sure, it prevents water on the floor. But it does not address the actual issue.

As for the racial issue, comparing the number of murders without comparing the relative population size ruins your argument.

uh, no, it doesn't. The argument made by Federal Barbie was that if you take out the Darkies, we have a murder rate comparable to the Europeans, which we clearly don't. Even limited to White people, we are the most violent country in the developed world.

Guns are A HUGE part of that.
No I was born rich and made myself even richer. started with about 10 million, now worth about 50 million. that is how I could afford to take my honors Ivy league law degree and work for the feds which was far more interesting than working for one of the 6 wall street firms that gave me offers

Oh, is that your story now? You have more careers than Barbie. Were you an astronaut, too?

but lets get back to your anti gun idiocy. blacks commit more than half the murders in the USA

No, they really don't. Again, go back to the link I posted. they are committing more than their proportion of the population do, but not "half".

Whites committed 2755 murders.
Blacks committed 2767 murders
Other races committed 270 murders.

Your Original claim was "our rates of gun violence aren't any higher than rates of whites in those Eurosocialist states with nanny government gun control that a bedwetter like you craves?"

Except that isn't true.

The United Kingdom had only 48 gun homicides.
Germany only had 258 gun homicides.

These countries have nowhere near the homicide rates we do.

does anyone truly believe JoeB's rants are motivated by a public safety issue? COME ON FOLKS, he has already admitted he hates gun owners based on how he believes gun owners voted

Is that going to be your whine every time you get caught spewing gun nut lies? Because I'll take that as a concession.

So if you take away the guns, we have 5,000 homicides, Germany has 350 and Japan has 11. This proves, once and for all, that the US is a violent culture. And that is assuming that all 11,000 gun murders would not happen.

No, it proves that guns make it easier to kill. I'd happily reduce the murder rate by 2/3rds.

Does it mean we need to still fix the other problems? Yes. Yes we do.

Yes, it DOES prove we are a violent culture. And it is the violent culture that should be addressed, not the tools used. Your solution to violence is like solving the problem of a leaking roof by putting a bucket under it. Sure, it prevents water on the floor. But it does not address the actual issue.

As for the racial issue, comparing the number of murders without comparing the relative population size ruins your argument.

Only simple minded people like Joe have to stick with the use of absolute figures

Statistics is beyond their ability
Yes, it DOES prove we are a violent culture. And it is the violent culture that should be addressed, not the tools used. Your solution to violence is like solving the problem of a leaking roof by putting a bucket under it. Sure, it prevents water on the floor. But it does not address the actual issue.

As for the racial issue, comparing the number of murders without comparing the relative population size ruins your argument.

uh, no, it doesn't. The argument made by Federal Barbie was that if you take out the Darkies, we have a murder rate comparable to the Europeans, which we clearly don't. Even limited to White people, we are the most violent country in the developed world.

Guns are A HUGE part of that.

If you take out just a few large cities with gang problems our murder rate plummets.

Tell me what's the murder rate of a small Midwest town compared to that of LA, Chicago, Oakland or Baltimore?
Only simple minded people like Joe have to stick with the use of absolute figures

Statistics is beyond their ability

There's a statistic where our level of gun violence looks good?

Even Benjamin Disreali would be horrified by that level of Mendacity.
Only simple minded people like Joe have to stick with the use of absolute figures

Statistics is beyond their ability

There's a statistic where our level of gun violence looks good?

Even Benjamin Disreali would be horrified by that level of Mendacity.

You tout Europe as having good gun death stats.

We have many areas of the country where our gun death stats are as low as any European country.

We have a gang violence problem that is skewing our numbers.

So take out those outliers and what do you get?
We have a gang violence problem that is skewing our numbers.

No, we don't. The "Gang problem" is only 2000 out of some 16,000 homicides a year. Most homicides are domestic disputes, and an easy access to guns makes those a lot worse.
We have a gang violence problem that is skewing our numbers.

No, we don't. The "Gang problem" is only 2000 out of some 16,000 homicides a year. Most homicides are domestic disputes, and an easy access to guns makes those a lot worse.

your 16000 homicides are not ALL gun deaths are they?

Our death by firearm stat is 3.5 per 100,000 or .0035%

Seems pretty fucking good to me
Yes, it DOES prove we are a violent culture. And it is the violent culture that should be addressed, not the tools used. Your solution to violence is like solving the problem of a leaking roof by putting a bucket under it. Sure, it prevents water on the floor. But it does not address the actual issue.

As for the racial issue, comparing the number of murders without comparing the relative population size ruins your argument.

uh, no, it doesn't. The argument made by Federal Barbie was that if you take out the Darkies, we have a murder rate comparable to the Europeans, which we clearly don't. Even limited to White people, we are the most violent country in the developed world.

Guns are A HUGE part of that.

Guns are a tool used by violent people. The numbers show that Americans commit more violent crimes without guns. Your claim that all the gun murders would simply not happen is nonsense.
Guns are a tool used by violent people. The numbers show that Americans commit more violent crimes without guns. Your claim that all the gun murders would simply not happen is nonsense.

Again, I'd take any reduction I can get and call it a day.

IF we banned guns tomorrow, the murder rate would drop.
Guns are a tool used by violent people. The numbers show that Americans commit more violent crimes without guns. Your claim that all the gun murders would simply not happen is nonsense.

Again, I'd take any reduction I can get and call it a day.

IF we banned guns tomorrow, the murder rate would drop.

The murder rate has been dropping steadily for decades. If you want it to drop faster, address the reasons for the violence, not the tools.

And the continuing decline in gun murders has happened during a time when the number of CCW permits has grown exponentially.
The murder rate has been dropping steadily for decades. If you want it to drop faster, address the reasons for the violence, not the tools.

And the continuing decline in gun murders has happened during a time when the number of CCW permits has grown exponentially.

Correlation is not causality.

The main reason why the murder rate has dropped is because as a population, we are getting older.

Nothing to do with gun nuts walking around with guns, not stopping crimes, ever.
The murder rate has been dropping steadily for decades. If you want it to drop faster, address the reasons for the violence, not the tools.

And the continuing decline in gun murders has happened during a time when the number of CCW permits has grown exponentially.

Correlation is not causality.

The main reason why the murder rate has dropped is because as a population, we are getting older.

Nothing to do with gun nuts walking around with guns, not stopping crimes, ever.

This is simply your opinion. And its funny that you do not want the correlation in this nation to be used as causation, but you continually want to use the lack of firearms in other, culturally different nations, as proof of your claims.

But lets look at the racial element again, and compare it to what you want to do.

Whites committed 2755 murders.
Blacks committed 2767 murders
Other races committed 270 murders.

So if we banned blacks (13.2% of the population) the murder rate would drop by half. This is as rational an answer as your wish to ban all guns.
This is simply your opinion. And its funny that you do not want the correlation in this nation to be used as causation, but you continually want to use the lack of firearms in other, culturally different nations, as proof of your claims.

Yes, if it was just ONE country that banned firearms and had a low murder rate, you could claim culture.

When it's ALL of them and the only thing they have in common is limiting the means of actually doing the deed, then we have us a TREND.
This is simply your opinion. And its funny that you do not want the correlation in this nation to be used as causation, but you continually want to use the lack of firearms in other, culturally different nations, as proof of your claims.

Yes, if it was just ONE country that banned firearms and had a low murder rate, you could claim culture.

When it's ALL of them and the only thing they have in common is limiting the means of actually doing the deed, then we have us a TREND.

Indeed you do have a trend. But not proof of what would happen here. Since none of the nations you use for comparison has nearly the non-gun violence that we do, there is ample evidence that your claims are false.

Again, the non-gun violence rates in the US show us to be a violent culture. You dismiss Japan's extremely high suicide rates as being part of their culture. But you want to blame our violent culture on a single inanimate object. Simply nonsense.
And for people to be defenseless against criminals, because he knows damn well that all the gun restrictions in the world won't stop a criminal who's intent is killing people.

Yet, oddly, every other country that has restricted guns has a FRACTION of our murder and crime rates. We have 16,000 homicides a year, 11,000 with guns. Germany - which by the way, only LIMITS who can own a gun - has 600 a year with only 250 committed with guns. Japan, which BANS gun ownership in its constitution, has only 400 murders a year, only 11 with guns.

yeah telling the truth is racism to the bed wetting lefties. Why should white Americans-the group with the largest number-per capita and real numbers-of gun owners- be blamed for high rates of gun violence that is caused mainly by blacks? our rates of gun violence aren't any higher than rates of whites in those Eurosocialist states with nanny government gun control that a bedwetter like you craves?

I know that's probably what you read on some website, but the fact is, most murder victims in the US are... wait for it... WHITE.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

We have a bigger population than any of those countries. We also have a gang problem, whether you want to be honest and acknowledge that or not. There are TONS of unsolved murders in the "hood." You should educate yourself, watch some documentaries, do some research about gangs so that you can see just how big of a problem they actually are in this country.

Putting Gun Death Statistics in Perspective
your 16000 homicides are not ALL gun deaths are they?

Our death by firearm stat is 3.5 per 100,000 or .0035%

Seems pretty fucking good to me

Compard to other industrialied countries, it isn't.

So what?

In other industrialized countries you get thrown in jail for saying the wrong things

A .0035% chance of getting killed by a gun without trampling over our rights is pretty good odds in my book

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