Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

Do you think criminals seek out armed victims? They are scavengers. They want victims who won't fight back.

I think criminals can't tell the armed from the unarmed. I think that when you are drugged up lookign to score, you aren't going to be intimidated by a gun 99.9999% of the time. Some of those guys are going to make a move and get shot.

But you guys would claim we have 5 million DGU's and only 200 cases where they get shot in the process. That means gun nuts and druggie thugs showing Marquis of Queensbury kind of restraint.

"I'm going to rob you, dear boy! I need a fix of that Nose Candy!!!"

"Oh, pip, pip, I have a gun here."

"Oh, druthers, I guess I am going to have to move along. Pip Pip!"

Yeah, don't think so.

The reality is- crimes are over before the gun nut can even think to pull his gun. That's why you only have 200 justifable homicides out of 11,100 a year.

Another post full of bullshit.

Armed citizens are not what the criminal wants. That you think all the criminals out there are so impaired that they cannot think it absolutely ridiculous.

And just because someone pulls a gun to stop a crime does not mean they want to kill anyone. The overwhelming majority of law abiding armed citizens do not want to kill someone. These claims that gun owners are bloodthirsty is a product of your own imagination.

Hmm. I must be on this guy's ignore list or something. He never responds to my posts! :lol: Oh well, can't please all the people all the time!

Typically if you make a good point he ignores it.
Do you think criminals seek out armed victims? They are scavengers. They want victims who won't fight back.

I think criminals can't tell the armed from the unarmed. I think that when you are drugged up lookign to score, you aren't going to be intimidated by a gun 99.9999% of the time. Some of those guys are going to make a move and get shot.

But you guys would claim we have 5 million DGU's and only 200 cases where they get shot in the process. That means gun nuts and druggie thugs showing Marquis of Queensbury kind of restraint.

"I'm going to rob you, dear boy! I need a fix of that Nose Candy!!!"

"Oh, pip, pip, I have a gun here."

"Oh, druthers, I guess I am going to have to move along. Pip Pip!"

Yeah, don't think so.

The reality is- crimes are over before the gun nut can even think to pull his gun. That's why you only have 200 justifable homicides out of 11,100 a year.

Another post full of bullshit.

Armed citizens are not what the criminal wants. That you think all the criminals out there are so impaired that they cannot think it absolutely ridiculous.

And just because someone pulls a gun to stop a crime does not mean they want to kill anyone. The overwhelming majority of law abiding armed citizens do not want to kill someone. These claims that gun owners are bloodthirsty is a product of your own imagination.

Hmm. I must be on this guy's ignore list or something. He never responds to my posts! :lol: Oh well, can't please all the people all the time!

Typically if you make a good point he ignores it.

I was talking about you! :p
Do you think criminals seek out armed victims? They are scavengers. They want victims who won't fight back.

I think criminals can't tell the armed from the unarmed. I think that when you are drugged up lookign to score, you aren't going to be intimidated by a gun 99.9999% of the time. Some of those guys are going to make a move and get shot.

But you guys would claim we have 5 million DGU's and only 200 cases where they get shot in the process. That means gun nuts and druggie thugs showing Marquis of Queensbury kind of restraint.

"I'm going to rob you, dear boy! I need a fix of that Nose Candy!!!"

"Oh, pip, pip, I have a gun here."

"Oh, druthers, I guess I am going to have to move along. Pip Pip!"

Yeah, don't think so.

The reality is- crimes are over before the gun nut can even think to pull his gun. That's why you only have 200 justifable homicides out of 11,100 a year.

Another post full of bullshit.

Armed citizens are not what the criminal wants. That you think all the criminals out there are so impaired that they cannot think it absolutely ridiculous.

And just because someone pulls a gun to stop a crime does not mean they want to kill anyone. The overwhelming majority of law abiding armed citizens do not want to kill someone. These claims that gun owners are bloodthirsty is a product of your own imagination.

Hmm. I must be on this guy's ignore list or something. He never responds to my posts! :lol: Oh well, can't please all the people all the time!

Typically if you make a good point he ignores it.

I was talking about you! :p

Oh hell, I apologize. I missed the post.
Whether it "does to you" or not is irrelevant. Whether is does in the actual law is what counts. Your fantasies do not count.

Hunters and target shooters buy more than all the thugs combined. There are 9,000 murders a year. If the gun industry only sold 9,000 guns a year it would not exist.

Actually, hunting is declining. Has been for decades.

That's when the gun industry decided they needed to sell "fear". They needed to sell pink handguns to women scared of rape. they needed to sell handguns to george Zimmerman. They needed people to be really scared.

And the best way to do that? Make sure that the thugs get easy access to guns! Weak background checks? Check. Gun Show loopholes? Check! private sellers with no accountability? Check. is summer so joe is out of school now....his parent's left him home alone and now he is acting out on the computer........does anyone know his parent's work numbers....they need to make sure the nanny gives him the proper meds......

Your concession of the argument is duly noted. I know it's hard to be a gun nut and live in your own reality that everything is peachy.

Yes, because obviously he planned the whole thing because he just wanted to kill a black boy. You can't really be THIS stupid, can you?

Uh, actually, yeah, I do. I think the guy is a sociopath. One only has to look at his behavior SINCE the Klan Lady's Auxiliary acquitted him to see that.

Considering you want to send someone to prison when they have broken no law, cheered the murder of a mother holding her baby, and have made all sorts of outrageous claims and lies, whether you believe that 99.9% of the gun owners don't shoot a criminal is hardly relevant. Your distorted mind may not grasp the actual facts.

Yes, Nazis who murder federal agents need to have deadly force used against them. Yes, gun sellers who arm thugs need to go to prison. And yes, I've pointed out all the lies of the gun industry, which no doubt makes you a sad panda.

While the number of hunters may be in decline, they still represent far more gun sales than the murders do.

And yes, the one thing you are accurate about is that there has been more marketing towards women. Now women take their own protection in their own hands, since waiting for the police is not an option worth considering.

And I am not a "sad panda". I am a happy guy. I get to hunt, target shoot, help remove invasive species and vermin, and do not worry about my girlfriend's safety when I am on the road working.

I haven't seen any lies except the ones you told. You know, like claiming Holmes had a "machine gun".

Actually, I've read that hunting is on the increase amongst women.

I wonder why Joe wants to leave women unarmed and unable to defend themselves?

Ok, now I see. Yes, hunting is, like recreational shooting, on the rise among women.
Whether it "does to you" or not is irrelevant. Whether is does in the actual law is what counts. Your fantasies do not count.

Hunters and target shooters buy more than all the thugs combined. There are 9,000 murders a year. If the gun industry only sold 9,000 guns a year it would not exist.

Actually, hunting is declining. Has been for decades.

That's when the gun industry decided they needed to sell "fear". They needed to sell pink handguns to women scared of rape. they needed to sell handguns to george Zimmerman. They needed people to be really scared.

And the best way to do that? Make sure that the thugs get easy access to guns! Weak background checks? Check. Gun Show loopholes? Check! private sellers with no accountability? Check. is summer so joe is out of school now....his parent's left him home alone and now he is acting out on the computer........does anyone know his parent's work numbers....they need to make sure the nanny gives him the proper meds......

Your concession of the argument is duly noted. I know it's hard to be a gun nut and live in your own reality that everything is peachy.

Yes, because obviously he planned the whole thing because he just wanted to kill a black boy. You can't really be THIS stupid, can you?

Uh, actually, yeah, I do. I think the guy is a sociopath. One only has to look at his behavior SINCE the Klan Lady's Auxiliary acquitted him to see that.

Considering you want to send someone to prison when they have broken no law, cheered the murder of a mother holding her baby, and have made all sorts of outrageous claims and lies, whether you believe that 99.9% of the gun owners don't shoot a criminal is hardly relevant. Your distorted mind may not grasp the actual facts.

Yes, Nazis who murder federal agents need to have deadly force used against them. Yes, gun sellers who arm thugs need to go to prison. And yes, I've pointed out all the lies of the gun industry, which no doubt makes you a sad panda.

While the number of hunters may be in decline, they still represent far more gun sales than the murders do.

And yes, the one thing you are accurate about is that there has been more marketing towards women. Now women take their own protection in their own hands, since waiting for the police is not an option worth considering.

And I am not a "sad panda". I am a happy guy. I get to hunt, target shoot, help remove invasive species and vermin, and do not worry about my girlfriend's safety when I am on the road working.

I haven't seen any lies except the ones you told. You know, like claiming Holmes had a "machine gun".

Actually, I've read that hunting is on the increase amongst women.

I wonder why Joe wants to leave women unarmed and unable to defend themselves?

Ok, now I see. Yes, hunting is, like recreational shooting, on the rise among women.

It must be very upsetting to Joe to know that. Apparently he would rather women remain defenseless against potential male attackers.
Whether it "does to you" or not is irrelevant. Whether is does in the actual law is what counts. Your fantasies do not count.

Hunters and target shooters buy more than all the thugs combined. There are 9,000 murders a year. If the gun industry only sold 9,000 guns a year it would not exist.

Actually, hunting is declining. Has been for decades.

That's when the gun industry decided they needed to sell "fear". They needed to sell pink handguns to women scared of rape. they needed to sell handguns to george Zimmerman. They needed people to be really scared.

And the best way to do that? Make sure that the thugs get easy access to guns! Weak background checks? Check. Gun Show loopholes? Check! private sellers with no accountability? Check. is summer so joe is out of school now....his parent's left him home alone and now he is acting out on the computer........does anyone know his parent's work numbers....they need to make sure the nanny gives him the proper meds......

Your concession of the argument is duly noted. I know it's hard to be a gun nut and live in your own reality that everything is peachy.

Yes, because obviously he planned the whole thing because he just wanted to kill a black boy. You can't really be THIS stupid, can you?

Uh, actually, yeah, I do. I think the guy is a sociopath. One only has to look at his behavior SINCE the Klan Lady's Auxiliary acquitted him to see that.

Considering you want to send someone to prison when they have broken no law, cheered the murder of a mother holding her baby, and have made all sorts of outrageous claims and lies, whether you believe that 99.9% of the gun owners don't shoot a criminal is hardly relevant. Your distorted mind may not grasp the actual facts.

Yes, Nazis who murder federal agents need to have deadly force used against them. Yes, gun sellers who arm thugs need to go to prison. And yes, I've pointed out all the lies of the gun industry, which no doubt makes you a sad panda.

While the number of hunters may be in decline, they still represent far more gun sales than the murders do.

And yes, the one thing you are accurate about is that there has been more marketing towards women. Now women take their own protection in their own hands, since waiting for the police is not an option worth considering.

And I am not a "sad panda". I am a happy guy. I get to hunt, target shoot, help remove invasive species and vermin, and do not worry about my girlfriend's safety when I am on the road working.

I haven't seen any lies except the ones you told. You know, like claiming Holmes had a "machine gun".

Actually, I've read that hunting is on the increase amongst women.

I wonder why Joe wants to leave women unarmed and unable to defend themselves?

Ok, now I see. Yes, hunting is, like recreational shooting, on the rise among women.

It must be very upsetting to Joe to know that. Apparently he would rather women remain defenseless against potential male attackers.

He prefers gov't control of everything.
Actually, hunting is declining. Has been for decades.

That's when the gun industry decided they needed to sell "fear". They needed to sell pink handguns to women scared of rape. they needed to sell handguns to george Zimmerman. They needed people to be really scared.

And the best way to do that? Make sure that the thugs get easy access to guns! Weak background checks? Check. Gun Show loopholes? Check! private sellers with no accountability? Check.

Your concession of the argument is duly noted. I know it's hard to be a gun nut and live in your own reality that everything is peachy.

Uh, actually, yeah, I do. I think the guy is a sociopath. One only has to look at his behavior SINCE the Klan Lady's Auxiliary acquitted him to see that.

Yes, Nazis who murder federal agents need to have deadly force used against them. Yes, gun sellers who arm thugs need to go to prison. And yes, I've pointed out all the lies of the gun industry, which no doubt makes you a sad panda.

While the number of hunters may be in decline, they still represent far more gun sales than the murders do.

And yes, the one thing you are accurate about is that there has been more marketing towards women. Now women take their own protection in their own hands, since waiting for the police is not an option worth considering.

And I am not a "sad panda". I am a happy guy. I get to hunt, target shoot, help remove invasive species and vermin, and do not worry about my girlfriend's safety when I am on the road working.

I haven't seen any lies except the ones you told. You know, like claiming Holmes had a "machine gun".

Actually, I've read that hunting is on the increase amongst women.

I wonder why Joe wants to leave women unarmed and unable to defend themselves?

Ok, now I see. Yes, hunting is, like recreational shooting, on the rise among women.

It must be very upsetting to Joe to know that. Apparently he would rather women remain defenseless against potential male attackers.

He prefers gov't control of everything.

And for people to be defenseless against criminals, because he knows damn well that all the gun restrictions in the world won't stop a criminal who's intent is killing people.
We knew it wouldn't take long to get to the racism.

yeah telling the truth is racism to the bed wetting lefties. Why should white Americans-the group with the largest number-per capita and real numbers-of gun owners- be blamed for high rates of gun violence that is caused mainly by blacks? our rates of gun violence aren't any higher than rates of whites in those Eurosocialist states with nanny government gun control that a bedwetter like you craves?
Considering you want to send someone to prison when they have broken no law, cheered the murder of a mother holding her baby, and have made all sorts of outrageous claims and lies, whether you believe that 99.9% of the gun owners don't shoot a criminal is hardly relevant. Your distorted mind may not grasp the actual facts.

JoeB hates gun owners over how they voted. So all his rants about public safety and crime is nothing more than a facade the turd brained liar spews to cover his real motivations.

He's a Demotard who wants more socialists in office
Do you think criminals seek out armed victims? They are scavengers. They want victims who won't fight back.

I think criminals can't tell the armed from the unarmed. I think that when you are drugged up lookign to score, you aren't going to be intimidated by a gun 99.9999% of the time. Some of those guys are going to make a move and get shot.

But you guys would claim we have 5 million DGU's and only 200 cases where they get shot in the process. That means gun nuts and druggie thugs showing Marquis of Queensbury kind of restraint.

"I'm going to rob you, dear boy! I need a fix of that Nose Candy!!!"

"Oh, pip, pip, I have a gun here."

"Oh, druthers, I guess I am going to have to move along. Pip Pip!"

Yeah, don't think so.

The reality is- crimes are over before the gun nut can even think to pull his gun. That's why you only have 200 justifable homicides out of 11,100 a year.

But you guys would claim we have 5 million DGU's

Actually, the average number of gun uses.....without counting police and military....would be 2 million a year......not 5.....and of the 19 studies done over 40 years on defensive gun uses....not one is below the number of 764,000 defensive gun uses each year...........

And again.....why so few dead violent criminals....they don't want to get shot, and victims don't want to kill....moron.....
Do you think criminals seek out armed victims? They are scavengers. They want victims who won't fight back.

I think criminals can't tell the armed from the unarmed. I think that when you are drugged up lookign to score, you aren't going to be intimidated by a gun 99.9999% of the time. Some of those guys are going to make a move and get shot.

But you guys would claim we have 5 million DGU's and only 200 cases where they get shot in the process. That means gun nuts and druggie thugs showing Marquis of Queensbury kind of restraint.

"I'm going to rob you, dear boy! I need a fix of that Nose Candy!!!"

"Oh, pip, pip, I have a gun here."

"Oh, druthers, I guess I am going to have to move along. Pip Pip!"

Yeah, don't think so.

The reality is- crimes are over before the gun nut can even think to pull his gun. That's why you only have 200 justifable homicides out of 11,100 a year.

But you guys would claim we have 5 million DGU's

Actually, the average number of gun uses.....without counting police and military....would be 2 million a year......not 5.....and of the 19 studies done over 40 years on defensive gun uses....not one is below the number of 764,000 defensive gun uses each year...........

And again.....why so few dead violent criminals....they don't want to get shot, and victims don't want to kill....moron.....

People who want to limit MY rights because of their paranoia really anger me!
While the number of hunters may be in decline, they still represent far more gun sales than the murders do.

Which wasn't what I was arguing, but never mind.

OOOOOOOOOOKay, going to explain it to you SLLLLOOOOOWLY. It's not the profits from Murders the Gun Industry wants. It's the profits of all the people with tiny peckers who get all scared when they watch the news and hear about crime. That's what the gun industry, which used to be FOR sensible gun laws, changed it's business practices. They realized scared white people were it's niche market. How do we keep them scared? Make sure just enough guns get to the criminal element so they want more of them.

He is probably suffering from depression for taking a life! I'm sure that's not an easy thing to live with and people who are suffering tend to act out.

Yes, he was so depressed he got on Hannity and did a victory lap. Then he went to the gun maker to do a photo shoot that even the gun maker realized was a bad idea. (what happens when you let the kids make the business decisions.)

It must be very upsetting to Joe to know that. Apparently he would rather women remain defenseless against potential male attackers.

You mean like the lady who got shot with her own gun, which I posted to earlier in the thread? Or the woman who found her dead son in the basement after he killed himself wiht that gun she bought for protection.
And for people to be defenseless against criminals, because he knows damn well that all the gun restrictions in the world won't stop a criminal who's intent is killing people.

Yet, oddly, every other country that has restricted guns has a FRACTION of our murder and crime rates. We have 16,000 homicides a year, 11,000 with guns. Germany - which by the way, only LIMITS who can own a gun - has 600 a year with only 250 committed with guns. Japan, which BANS gun ownership in its constitution, has only 400 murders a year, only 11 with guns.

yeah telling the truth is racism to the bed wetting lefties. Why should white Americans-the group with the largest number-per capita and real numbers-of gun owners- be blamed for high rates of gun violence that is caused mainly by blacks? our rates of gun violence aren't any higher than rates of whites in those Eurosocialist states with nanny government gun control that a bedwetter like you craves?

I know that's probably what you read on some website, but the fact is, most murder victims in the US are... wait for it... WHITE.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

I know that's probably what you read on some website, but the fact is, most murder victims in the US are... wait for it... WHITE.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Hey shit for brains-most murderers in the USA are BLACK. that is what really matters. and yes, white murder victims are often criminals.

Why do you keep pretending your anti gungasms are based on crime when you have already admitted you are upset that gun owners tend to vote for Republicans and you are a hard core government tit suckler
Hey shit for brains-most murderers in the USA are BLACK. that is what really matters. and yes, white murder victims are often criminals.

Did you not read the FBI's data, that says otherwise? Or were the numbers too complicated for you?

Why do you keep pretending your anti gungasms are based on crime when you have already admitted you are upset that gun owners tend to vote for Republicans and you are a hard core government tit suckler

Weren't you the one who claimed to be a federal agent. (That's when you weren't a self-made millionaire). Doesn't' that technically make you the government teet sucker?
Weren't you the one who claimed to be a federal agent. (That's when you weren't a self-made millionaire). Doesn't' that technically make you the government teet sucker?

No I was born rich and made myself even richer. started with about 10 million, now worth about 50 million. that is how I could afford to take my honors Ivy league law degree and work for the feds which was far more interesting than working for one of the 6 wall street firms that gave me offers

oh BTW, every quarter I write a check to the IRS bigger than the yearly paycheck I got from the Feds. so no I was working for free and then some

but lets get back to your anti gun idiocy. blacks commit more than half the murders in the USA

blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks
And for people to be defenseless against criminals, because he knows damn well that all the gun restrictions in the world won't stop a criminal who's intent is killing people.

Yet, oddly, every other country that has restricted guns has a FRACTION of our murder and crime rates. We have 16,000 homicides a year, 11,000 with guns. Germany - which by the way, only LIMITS who can own a gun - has 600 a year with only 250 committed with guns. Japan, which BANS gun ownership in its constitution, has only 400 murders a year, only 11 with guns.

yeah telling the truth is racism to the bed wetting lefties. Why should white Americans-the group with the largest number-per capita and real numbers-of gun owners- be blamed for high rates of gun violence that is caused mainly by blacks? our rates of gun violence aren't any higher than rates of whites in those Eurosocialist states with nanny government gun control that a bedwetter like you craves?

I know that's probably what you read on some website, but the fact is, most murder victims in the US are... wait for it... WHITE.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

So if you take away the guns, we have 5,000 homicides, Germany has 350 and Japan has 11. This proves, once and for all, that the US is a violent culture. And that is assuming that all 11,000 gun murders would not happen.

Of course, it also assumes that there would be no black market guns, which is ridiculous.
So if you take away the guns, we have 5,000 homicides, Germany has 350 and Japan has 11. This proves, once and for all, that the US is a violent culture. And that is assuming that all 11,000 gun murders would not happen.

Of course, it also assumes that there would be no black market guns, which is ridiculous.

does anyone truly believe JoeB's rants are motivated by a public safety issue? COME ON FOLKS, he has already admitted he hates gun owners based on how he believes gun owners voted
Maddow Blasts Law Requiring Aurora Shooting Victim s Parents To Pay Gun Manufacturers

its about time the courts start doing this. Assholes trying to slake their grief by suing innocent makers or being used as pawns by scumbags like Bloomberg need to get absolutely destroyed for this sort of nonsense

Pissing Rachel Madcow off-added bonus

I don't understand how they can blame the gun makers. It is silly beyond belief. So if someone drowns in their backyard pool, can you sue the pool manufacturer? No . . .

It is total BS. People who bring frivolous lawsuits at least do need to pay for the court costs imposed.
Well if you are a super-scumbag you would sue the pool manufactuer, the grunts who installed it, the real estate agent who sold you the property, the municipal water company, and that 7 year old girl down the street who failed to infom you that people can drown in swimming pools despite her knowledge that this could happen.

And her little dog too!
No I was born rich and made myself even richer. started with about 10 million, now worth about 50 million. that is how I could afford to take my honors Ivy league law degree and work for the feds which was far more interesting than working for one of the 6 wall street firms that gave me offers

Oh, is that your story now? You have more careers than Barbie. Were you an astronaut, too?

but lets get back to your anti gun idiocy. blacks commit more than half the murders in the USA

No, they really don't. Again, go back to the link I posted. they are committing more than their proportion of the population do, but not "half".

Whites committed 2755 murders.
Blacks committed 2767 murders
Other races committed 270 murders.

Your Original claim was "our rates of gun violence aren't any higher than rates of whites in those Eurosocialist states with nanny government gun control that a bedwetter like you craves?"

Except that isn't true.

The United Kingdom had only 48 gun homicides.
Germany only had 258 gun homicides.

These countries have nowhere near the homicide rates we do.

does anyone truly believe JoeB's rants are motivated by a public safety issue? COME ON FOLKS, he has already admitted he hates gun owners based on how he believes gun owners voted

Is that going to be your whine every time you get caught spewing gun nut lies? Because I'll take that as a concession.

So if you take away the guns, we have 5,000 homicides, Germany has 350 and Japan has 11. This proves, once and for all, that the US is a violent culture. And that is assuming that all 11,000 gun murders would not happen.

No, it proves that guns make it easier to kill. I'd happily reduce the murder rate by 2/3rds.

Does it mean we need to still fix the other problems? Yes. Yes we do.

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