Frivolous litigants crucified by court-Rachel Maddow melts down

Indeed you do have a trend. But not proof of what would happen here. Since none of the nations you use for comparison has nearly the non-gun violence that we do, there is ample evidence that your claims are false.

Again, the non-gun violence rates in the US show us to be a violent culture. You dismiss Japan's extremely high suicide rates as being part of their culture. But you want to blame our violent culture on a single inanimate object. Simply nonsense.

Well, okay, obviously, you are going to reject FOREIGN exmaples of less guns, less murder...

So let's go with an AMERICAN one.

Connecticut s gun law linked to large homicide drop -

To assess the effect of this law, researchers identified states that had levels of gun-related homicide similar to Connecticut before 1995. These include Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maryland. When the researchers compared these states to Connecticut between 1995 and 2005, they found the level of gun-related homicide in Connecticut dropped below that of comparable states.

Based on the rates in these comparable states, the researchers estimated Connecticut would have had 740 gun murders if the law had not been enacted. Instead, the state had 444, representing a 40% decrease.

The researchers also looked at rates of nonfirearm homicide and found no difference between Connecticut and other states across the time frame of the study (1985-2005), suggesting the drop in gun-related murders in Connecticut was not simply due to waning murder rates in the state overall.
We have a bigger population than any of those countries. We also have a gang problem, whether you want to be honest and acknowledge that or not. There are TONS of unsolved murders in the "hood." You should educate yourself, watch some documentaries, do some research about gangs so that you can see just how big of a problem they actually are in this country.

I live in Chicago which has a huge gang problem. But here's the thing. Gang Homicides represent only about 10% of all homicides committed.
We have a bigger population than any of those countries. We also have a gang problem, whether you want to be honest and acknowledge that or not. There are TONS of unsolved murders in the "hood." You should educate yourself, watch some documentaries, do some research about gangs so that you can see just how big of a problem they actually are in this country.

I live in Chicago which has a huge gang problem. But here's the thing. Gang Homicides represent only about 10% of all homicides committed.

If you had read my link, you would have learned that this not the case. The problem is that there are SO MANY gang related murders that the police have a huge back load. A lot of them go unsolved and become cold cases.
We have a bigger population than any of those countries. We also have a gang problem, whether you want to be honest and acknowledge that or not. There are TONS of unsolved murders in the "hood." You should educate yourself, watch some documentaries, do some research about gangs so that you can see just how big of a problem they actually are in this country.

I live in Chicago which has a huge gang problem. But here's the thing. Gang Homicides represent only about 10% of all homicides committed.

And you are a moron still......the Chicago Tribune says you are wrong....

Obama has to confront the gangs - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

Chicago police estimate that roughly 80 percent of homicides in the city are gang-related. There are about 100,000 gang members here.
Indeed you do have a trend. But not proof of what would happen here. Since none of the nations you use for comparison has nearly the non-gun violence that we do, there is ample evidence that your claims are false.

Again, the non-gun violence rates in the US show us to be a violent culture. You dismiss Japan's extremely high suicide rates as being part of their culture. But you want to blame our violent culture on a single inanimate object. Simply nonsense.

Well, okay, obviously, you are going to reject FOREIGN exmaples of less guns, less murder...

So let's go with an AMERICAN one.

Connecticut s gun law linked to large homicide drop -

To assess the effect of this law, researchers identified states that had levels of gun-related homicide similar to Connecticut before 1995. These include Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maryland. When the researchers compared these states to Connecticut between 1995 and 2005, they found the level of gun-related homicide in Connecticut dropped below that of comparable states.

Based on the rates in these comparable states, the researchers estimated Connecticut would have had 740 gun murders if the law had not been enacted. Instead, the state had 444, representing a 40% decrease.

The researchers also looked at rates of nonfirearm homicide and found no difference between Connecticut and other states across the time frame of the study (1985-2005), suggesting the drop in gun-related murders in Connecticut was not simply due to waning murder rates in the state overall. need to stop trusting gun grabber studies...they lie.....this is backed by gun grabber bloomberg....

Bloomberg s School of Public Health Cherry Picked Claim that firearm homicides in Connecticut fell 40 because of a gun licensing law - Crime Prevention Research Center

As the authors of the study note, from 1995 to 2005 the firearm homicide rate in Connecticut indeed fell from 3.13 to 1.88 per 100,000 people, representing a 40% drop over a ten-year period (“We estimate that the law was associated with a 40% reduction in Connecticut’s firearm homicide rates during the first 10 years that the law was in place“). However, unexplained is that the firearms homicide rate was falling even faster immediately prior to the licensing law. From 1993 to 1995, the Connecticut firearms homicide rate fell from 4.5 to 3.13 per 100,000 residents, which means more than a 30% drop in just two years. This represented a greater decline than the 17% national decline over those two years. Of course, Rudolph and his co-authors do not address this inconvenient fact (though if one looks at their Figure 1 on page 3 this preceding drop is clearly visible).

Their results are also extremely sensitive to the last year that they pick. The firearm homicide rate in 2006 was actually back up to 2.62. Indeed, with the exception of just one year from 2006 to 2010, there is only one year where the ratio of Connecticut’s firearm homicide rate to that for the US as a whole is lower than it was in 1995.

To see another way how sensitive the results are to the dates chosen, while it is true that Connecticut’s firearm homicide rate fell by 40% from 1995 to 2005, it only fell by 12.5% between 1995 and 2010. Meanwhile from 1995 and 2010, the US firearm homicide rate fell by 39% and the Northeast firearm homicide rate fell by 31%.

The authors say that they limit the data to 2005 because one paper that they cite looked at only 10 years after a law that they were investigating (p. 4: “We conclude the post-law period in 2005 to limit extrapolation in our predictions of the counterfactual to 10 years, as has been done previously“). But just because a study on to cigarette smoking looks at 12 years (not 10 as claimed (Proposition 99went into effect on January 1, 1989 and their sample went until 2000)) after the law was in effect, doesn’t explain why a study on crime would do the same thing. Indeed, the reason given by the authors that Rudolph et al. cite isn’t applicable to the current paper (p. 16: “It ends in 2000 because at about this time anti-tobacco measures were implemented across many states, invalidating them as potential control units“). There was no similar adoption across the states of handgun licensing laws. Yet, if Rudolph et al. had gone for this 12th year as the study that they cite does, it would have dramatically altered their results.
If you had read my link, you would have learned that this not the case. The problem is that there are SO MANY gang related murders that the police have a huge back load. A lot of them go unsolved and become cold cases.

I don't read links from gun nuts.

Government figures are that less than 2000 homicides year are "gang related". The rest are domestic disputes. And 70% of them wouldn't happen if we controlled who can get a gun in this country like every other developed nation does. need to stop trusting gun grabber studies...they lie.....this is backed by gun grabber bloomberg....

Yawn. Of course they do. And the other countries lie, and doctors lie, and the government lies.

You can only trust the NRA which is owned by the gun manufacturers and has an interest in selling you more g uns. More guns. You need more guns. Keep repeating that.

FYI, I've been reading JoeB's posts all over the board, this guy's not just a liberal leftist, he's an extreme progressive leftist who honestly makes Mao Tse Tung look positively conservative. He's also an anti-Israeli conspiracy nut (thinks the Zionists control America). This guy's a nut job.
If you had read my link, you would have learned that this not the case. The problem is that there are SO MANY gang related murders that the police have a huge back load. A lot of them go unsolved and become cold cases.

I don't read links from gun nuts.

Government figures are that less than 2000 homicides year are "gang related". The rest are domestic disputes. And 70% of them wouldn't happen if we controlled who can get a gun in this country like every other developed nation does.

Moron..we do control who can have guns. Felons are not allowed, by law, to own or carry guns. Europe has even stricter gun laws and their criminals also get guns easily......

and you said in Chicago gang killings were only 10%.... And the Chicago tribune quoted the police that it was 80%
In other industrialized countries you get thrown in jail for saying the wrong things

Really? Which ones?

That's the best you can come up with, that Neo-Nazis can't deny the Holocaust happened?
Didn't read the whole thing huh? That was merely one example there are many more

There are many countries that you want to emulate that allow the stifling of rights we take for granted.

Feel free to move to any one you wish.

A .0035% chance of getting shot is a ridiculous thing to be afraid of.

In fact getting killed by a gun doesn't even make the top 15 causes of death.

So why don't you worry about something that actually matters?
Moron..we do control who can have guns. Felons are not allowed, by law, to own or carry guns. Europe has even stricter gun laws and their criminals also get guns easily......

and you said in Chicago gang killings were only 10%.... And the Chicago tribune quoted the police that it was 80%

No, i said NATIONALLY, gang murders are only 10% of all homicides.

NATIONALLY. This is according to the Dept. of Justice.
Didn't read the whole thing huh? That was merely one example there are many more

yeah, but if that was the best you had, that was kind of weak.

In fact getting killed by a gun doesn't even make the top 15 causes of death.

No, but it is 100% preventable.

No it isn't...criminals will get guns and murder people.....even if you ban them for victims and serve those victims up for rape, robbery and murder......

If you had read my link, you would have learned that this not the case. The problem is that there are SO MANY gang related murders that the police have a huge back load. A lot of them go unsolved and become cold cases.

In cincinnati, blacks wear T-shirts that say DON'T SNITCH. black leaders preach that message. Our former Black Chief of Police-now in Detroit, used to commonly complain that this attitude caused lots of black on black crime to go unsolved. I worked with cops all the time and even black cops said they got tired of investigating shootings only to have everyone in the area suffer from collective amnesia

stuff like this I used to see all the time when I had to go down to the state courthouse.

DoNt Be A SnItCh 7391 Clothing Co. Tee Shirt Zazzle

Stop Snitchin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
1) DGU"s almost never happen.

2) Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic fights and accidents. "Criminal" gun use is a small fraction of the 32,000 gun deaths we have.

so all your caterwauling for more laws is a waste of time. no law will prevent a suicide nor an accident

you just castrated your own silly facade for gun bans

and why do you keep talking about this stuff

you have already admitted that it is the politics of gun owners that causes your garment soiling rants about gun owners-not crime or accidental shootings

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