From Bedouin to billionaire: how this entrepreneur beat the odds


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This shows you that if you have the gumption and work hard, you might be able to go from rags to riches like this Bedouin.

From Bedouin to billionaire: how this entrepreneur beat the odds

Colin Randall

June 14, 2015 Updated: June 14, 2015 09:59 PM
Marseille, France // The illegitimate Syrian-born son of a Bedouin tribal leader has triumphed over a wretched start in life to be named World Entrepreneur of the Year for 2015.

Mohed Altrad, who is around 65 but cannot be sure of his birth date, has built two prosperous businesses from scratch since arriving in France on a student scholarship.

His Altrad group, created from the ruins of a bankrupt scaffolding supply company, now has 170 affiliates worldwide, 17,000 employees and a turnover of US$2 billion (Dh7.34bn), producing annual profits of around $200 million.

He attributes his remarkable success in part to a business philosophy based on the belief that when workers are happy, they perform better and more efficiently. But he insists he has never forgotten his roots.

Mr Altrad was born in the desert outside Raqqa, now — to his immense sadness — controlled by ISIL. He says his birth was the product of rape, the second time his father, leader of a Bedouin tribe and representing its only lawful authority, had forced himself on a girl barely into her teens.

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Good for him.
Unfortunately.. More then 80% of the world makes less then $10 a day, and how many people are billionaires/millionaires? He's a lucky case, but hard work does not equal becoming a capitalist, if so, the majority of the world's lower class would all be billionaires at this point.
Good for him.
Unfortunately.. More then 80% of the world makes less then $10 a day, and how many people are billionaires/millionaires? He's a lucky case, but hard work does not equal becoming a capitalist, if so, the majority of the world's lower class would all be billionaires at this point.

Notice, Mr. Socialist, that I didn't use "could" but "might." I think everyone realizes that there are millions and millions of very poor people around the world, but there are those people who were able to to become very successful like the Bedouin in the article. By the way, do Socialists ever invest in the stock market.? Since the Saudis have opened their bourse (stock market) to foreigners, here's a chance for you and some of your fellow Socialists to make a few bucks.

Saudi Arabia opens stock market Five shares worth buying - Telegraph

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