From commanding the skies to sleeping in a minivan: Homeless veteran USAF colonel now


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
lives in his car because he can't find a job

Colonel Robert Freniere, 59, was once a special assistant General Stanley McChrystal, the former commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan
He has served his country in Somalia, Panama, Haiti, and Kuwait
Freniere now lives out of his minivan in King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania, as he can't find a job

A U.S. veteran who has experienced combat all over the world and was once a special aide to military top brass has been reduced to living in his van as he can't find a job. But it's not for a lack of trying.

Homeless Robert Freniere, 59, told his story to, and explained how he has been rejected for dozens of jobs he has applied for from public libraries, despite having excellent references and three graduate degrees.

When people ask why don't you get a job as a janitor, Freniere replies: 'Well, I've tried that.' He lives out of his blue minivan in King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania.


Frustration: Despite having a wealth of military experience and three graduate degrees, Colonel Robert Freniere is currently living in his van with all of his possessions in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania

Freniere, who served in the military for 30 years and reached the rank of colonel, said he hasn't had regular employment since 2012 when he worked as defense contractor.

Though he receives an annual military pension of $40,000 a year, he told he has been overwhelmed by debt since retiring from the Air Force and splitting up from his wife two years ago.

The colonel explained that the bills mounted up - such as the cost of putting his two sons through college - and he couldn't return home, so he moved into his van.

Freniere said he stays in motels when he can afford it, and also occasionally sleeps on friends' couches. Yet he has impressive experience behind him.

read more Homeless veteran Air Force colonel now lives out of his minivan as he can't find a job - despite three graduate degrees and experience with the military's top brass | Mail Online
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Our neglect and abandonment of our veterans is a national disgrace. As for private sector "job creators," he's probably too qualified - and too old - for what they want to spend.
Our neglect and abandonment of our veterans is a national disgrace.
Neglect? He's getting a COLAd pension of 40k per year and free healthcare, how money people would love to have a 40k salary much less a lifetime pension in that amount.

This guy's problem has nothing to do with the military, it has to with life choices and shitty personal finance skills.
Our neglect and abandonment of our veterans is a national disgrace.
Neglect? He's getting a COLAd pension of 40k per year and free healthcare, how money people would love to have a 40k salary much less a lifetime pension in that amount.

This guy's problem has nothing to do with the military, it has to with life choices and shitty personal finance skills.

Like it said in the article I think what killed him was the divorce and the assets he lost during that, if his wife was with him for over 20 years she gets some of that retirement money too.
Like it said in the article I think what killed him was the divorce and the assets he lost during that, if his wife was with him for over 20 years she gets some of that retirement money too.

Looks like the 40K a year is after tax and his ex's cut:
OSD Military Compensation (

At his income percentile bracket, he isn't doing too bad:
Where Do You Rank In The Income-Percentile Bracket? | CPS News

Divorced from his "estranged wife" two years ago.
From the Pentagon to life in a van -

If she took everything, there's a good chance he screwed up big time, got caught and paid the price. Common story. Odds are she couldn't have cleaned him out if she had been the one screwing up.

40K a year plus health care. He'll live.


If this guy was a reservist, whole different story.
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The plot thickens:

Retired colonel homeless after 30 years in military | Military Times |

Since Freniere‘s story was published, several people have asked online why he isn’t getting more retirement pay.

The answer is complicated.

Freniere’s 30 years in the military was a mix of time on active duty and in the Reserve. He received an active-duty retirement, so he is compensated for the 13 years he spent on active duty in both the Army and Air Force, said Air Reserve Personnel Center spokeswoman Lt. Col. Belinda Petersen.

Because he was medically retired, his compensation is based on his 40 percent disability rating, Petersen said.

He is not eligible for Reserve retired pay when he turns 60 because federal law prohibits him from collecting both active-duty and Reserve retirement pay.

Had he opted to collect his Reserve retirement pay, Freniere would have had to wait until he turned 60 before starting to get the money, which is taxable, Petersen said.

As soon as he retired, Freniere was able to start collecting his disability retirement pay, which is tax free. By law, disability retirement pay cannot be split with former spouses when service members get divorced, said Steve Burghardt, a spokesman for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service.
So bottom line, like williepete said... he'll live.

From williepete's link he's even better off than the first article implied. He's pulling in $3928/month tax free, that is like having a regular job making 60k. He's making choices that while noble (continuing to fund his two sons' college tuition) aren't logical from a financial perspective if they make him homeless. He also spent six years after retirement earning 150k/year as a contractor, that on top of a 30 year career should have put him on much better financial footing.

There are people out there far more worthy of sympathy.
Our neglect and abandonment of our veterans is a national disgrace.
Neglect? He's getting a COLAd pension of 40k per year and free healthcare, how money people would love to have a 40k salary much less a lifetime pension in that amount.

This guy's problem has nothing to do with the military, it has to with life choices and shitty personal finance skills.

Wrong answer. His ex wife more than likely gets half his retirement.
Obama cut military retiree Cola to 1%
And we haven't had "Free" healthcare since Clinton in 1995.

Do play again sometime.
Ya know...when I first read this and saw it was from, I was more than a little skeptical. Then when I realized what the retirement pay of a retired USAF Colonel is from $71,561 - $126,688 per year, I'm just gonna call BULLSHIT on this.

Apparently, this guy (a right winger) agrees with me.

Robert Freniere's Story Smells Fishy
Like it said in the article I think what killed him was the divorce and the assets he lost during that, if his wife was with him for over 20 years she gets some of that retirement money too.

Looks like the 40K a year is after tax and his ex's cut:
OSD Military Compensation (

At his income percentile bracket, he isn't doing too bad:
Where Do You Rank In The Income-Percentile Bracket? | CPS News

Divorced from his "estranged wife" two years ago.
From the Pentagon to life in a van -

If she took everything, there's a good chance he screwed up big time, got caught and paid the price. Common story. Odds are she couldn't have cleaned him out if she had been the one screwing up.

40K a year plus health care. He'll live.


If this guy was a reservist, whole different story.

A full bird would have got $4400 a month retirement in 06. I doubt it has grown much since then, we had at least 2 years recently with zero cola and this year it was capped at 1%. So no the $40K wouldn't be after his exwifes 50% cut. And that is automatic in the military if they are married for more than half of his career.
So bottom line, like williepete said... he'll live.

From williepete's link he's even better off than the first article implied. He's pulling in $3928/month tax free, that is like having a regular job making 60k. He's making choices that while noble (continuing to fund his two sons' college tuition) aren't logical from a financial perspective if they make him homeless. He also spent six years after retirement earning 150k/year as a contractor, that on top of a 30 year career should have put him on much better financial footing.

There are people out there far more worthy of sympathy.

He looks in pretty good shape for 60, that's something. Maybe the publicity will help land him a position or at least a better place to live. I wish him good luck. He paid his dues.
He needs to do what I did and move to an affordable area.......... he is homeless by choice......
Our neglect and abandonment of our veterans is a national disgrace. As for private sector "job creators," he's probably too qualified - and too old - for what they want to spend.

Agreed, however...the VA is working overtime to improve the situation with the limited funds allocated to it. He does have his retirement pay and regardless of comments above about his divorce, his ex-wife can't take more than 50% of it.
Wrong answer. His ex wife more than likely gets half his retirement.
Obama cut military retiree Cola to 1%
And we haven't had "Free" healthcare since Clinton in 1995.

Do play again sometime.
Fail, big time.

Read the thread, is income is from disability not retirement. His spouse gets nothing.

Do play again sometime.
Our neglect and abandonment of our veterans is a national disgrace.
Neglect? He's getting a COLAd pension of 40k per year and free healthcare, how money people would love to have a 40k salary much less a lifetime pension in that amount.

This guy's problem has nothing to do with the military, it has to with life choices and shitty personal finance skills.

Fail, big time.

Read the thread, is income is from disability not retirement. His spouse gets nothing.

Do play again sometime.

I'm sorry shit for brains, but that information came out after your bad information which I corrected. Do try again.

You see he is not getting a 40K pension and he is not getting free healthcare. He might get some pretty cheap healthcare from VA since he has disability status, but he does pay. But we didn't know that when you made your uninformed statements either....
Our neglect and abandonment of our veterans is a national disgrace.
Neglect? He's getting a COLAd pension of 40k per year and free healthcare, how money people would love to have a 40k salary much less a lifetime pension in that amount.

This guy's problem has nothing to do with the military, it has to with life choices and shitty personal finance skills.

Fail, big time.

Read the thread, is income is from disability not retirement. His spouse gets nothing.

Do play again sometime.

I'm sorry shit for brains, but that information came out after your bad information which I corrected. Do try again.

You see he is not getting a 40K pension and he is not getting free healthcare. He might get some pretty cheap healthcare from VA since he has disability status, but he does pay. But we didn't know that when you made your uninformed statements either....

You shouldn't call someone ignorant when you're running the stupid train. If he's on VA disability, and it appears he should be, then his VA healthcare is free.

Additionally, the VA has an extensive initiative to find housing for homeless veterans, including nursing homes.

It's looking more and more like this guy's just whining to get attention.

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