From commanding the skies to sleeping in a minivan: Homeless veteran USAF colonel now

Our neglect and abandonment of our veterans is a national disgrace. As for private sector "job creators," he's probably too qualified - and too old - for what they want to spend.

Our neglect and abandonment of ALL OUR FELLOW CITIZENS is a national disgrace.

At least that what this veteran thinks.
I remember a conversation I believe it may have been Bill Cosby doing one of his acts.. He says when he was in school he asked his father how much it costs. His father asked how much does what cost, he says everything, life, how much do I have to make. His father replies, "all of it>"

What people are forgetting is something that I lived through, I was quite used to living on my military retirement plus working full time as the GM of a Home Improvement company. Suddenly I was forced to stop working and apply for Disability....For 6 months I had to live on only my retirement, that covered the house and some of the bills, not all of them and not the groceries.
I know that if i had to I could survive on my retirement income alone. But not with the same bills and level that I live at today.

The Colonel is in the same situation he was used to living a certain way and he had bills based upon what he was making. suddenly he lost 3/4 of it. But he didn't loose the bills.....

How many of you could give up 3/4 of your income and continue to live as you do now? Plus still being married but not able to live in the home you have to pay for.....
He violated one of the first rules of responsible personal finance: live under your means, because someday your means may suddenly change. That is easier said than done as a young man, but this dude had a 30 year career as an officer, then six years making 150k as a contractor, yet 2 years after that he suddenly is homeless because he can't pay his bills when he's bringing in almost 4k per month tax free.

He needs to wise up. Stop paying the kids tuition, stop paying for his wife to live in a house he can't even if that means sucking up a divorce, stop saying he's mulling over what job is right for him when he should take anything he can get, etc.

If this guy has to be homeless he likely doesn't have many assets, how much could a divorce impact him if she has no claim to his disability. He's just being stupid.

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