From commanding the skies to sleeping in a minivan: Homeless veteran USAF colonel now

You shouldn't call someone ignorant when you're running the stupid train.
Exactly, Ollie comes rolling into a thread with a completely irrelevant lecture about pensions and healthcare costs along with snide "do play again" comments when we had already established he was on disability. He needs to stick with searching for his lucky charms.

It's looking more and more like this guy's just whining to get attention.
Agreed 100%.

I don't see how his children let him do it either. If I was in college and knew my dad was homeless to pay my tuition, I'd stop going to college. Join the military to get the GI Bill, get student loans, whatever.

This entire story is just bizarre.
I'm sorry, but there is some bull shit somewhere here.

Ex-military officer, can't get a job? These guys have college graduate degrees, and not in something worthless like Liberal Arts.

I'm a vet myself, though not an officer. I've never ever had trouble finding a job.

I think there is much of this story that is left out.
I'm sorry, but there is some bull shit somewhere here.

Ex-military officer, can't get a job? These guys have college graduate degrees, and not in something worthless like Liberal Arts.

I'm a vet myself, though not an officer. I've never ever had trouble finding a job.

I think there is much of this story that is left out.

The reason the soldier is having a hard time finding a job is probably more about the fact he is 59 years old than anything else.
Businesses are not always eager to hire older people when they can find younger ones who will work for less money and do the same job.

I recently hired a 52 year old retired soldier to do a job he is so over-qualified to do it breaks my heart not having anything more for him.
I don't really need a career weapons specialist with a laundry list of accomplishments and meritorious service in 3 separate combat arenas.
In any case ... He shows up with a smile on his face ... And he does what he is asked to do.

He will string fence or whatever else needs to be done for an extra 32k a year on top of the retirement he is getting.
I pay him more than he is worth for the job he is doing in comparison to what I could hire someone else to do the same job (part-time handyman and farm hand) ... And his skills are not part of what I require.
In fact he kind of sucks as a handyman ... But I was a soldier ... He was a soldier ... And we don't let each other down.

We also trade war stories over the ice chest after a hard day's work ... And at least he speaks English.

I find something very fish about the story too.

If this guy is a retired Colonel, regardless of what kind of retirement it is, he should have more than enough to be able to rent a decent place to live.

As for not being able to find a job, more and more business owners are seeking to hire older people who have the right work ethic, are literate, and show dependability.
As bonus comedy the bearded pinhead Ollie is now threatening me in PM, he seems to be frustrated over looking like such an ass lecturing about irrelevant info. He just keeps on responding in PM, pretty funny shit.

SFC Ollie said:
Now do me a favor and drop it. Unless you want to give permission to bring this out into the open.

Is that great or what? Our little zz-top wanna be is going to bring it out in the open! ooooohh wow.
OK Steadydoesntdoit wants to look stupid in public. I'm glad to help.

In post number 6 of this thread he states:

He's getting a COLAd pension of 40k per year and free healthcare, how money people would love to have a 40k salary much less a lifetime pension in that amount.

And I replied to him in Post 11:
Wrong answer. His ex wife more than likely gets half his retirement.
Obama cut military retiree Cola to 1%
And we haven't had "Free" healthcare since Clinton in 1995.

Now in the meantime someone posted further info which makes the Colonel's situation a bit different. And Steadydoesn'tdoit is harassing me because I didn't read post 9 before replying to his errors in post 6.....

There it is without all the name calling I've gotten from the numbnutts.
And I've asked him to stop PMing me and lo and behold there's another one....You got another neg coming dickweed....... Send me some more.
Even better little Ollie is now threatening me with a neg.... ohhhh!

SFC Ollie said:
Next PM will not be read. But will generate another neg when 48 hours is up. Now end this stupidity.

How small must your life be where you think anyone gives a shit about you threatening to neg them on an anonymous message board? You couldn't write shit this funny.

Get 'em Ollie! You so important others will cringe at the threat of your neg reps, and you seem to even know the exact timing you need to do it again. Hah hah. You sad little man, trust me I don't give a shit about a neg rep on this forum.

Get 'em tiny bearded retard!

You got another neg coming dickweed.

lol I love it, can you believe this? He really thinks people give a shit about threats of neg reps?

You have a fairly empty life don't you, little bearded man. I'm thinking this is a feeling helpless in life thing. Surely if someone thinks they have impact on others by threatening them with neg reps on an anonymous message board they don't feel they have much impact or control in person. You have this one little slice of your life where you think you wield power... but trust me dude it is only power to you, not me. Neg rep me a billion times I couldn't care less.
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He's an American and thus doesn't have the skill set for the 15th through 21st centuries.
There's plenty of stories like this on the job forums...You're an American? Screw you!
Come on steadydon'tdoit, admit you are making a mountain out of a mole hill, that you were wrong first in your post and then by calling me out. I've asked you to end this stupidity but you refuse...Just doesn't make sense.
I've asked you to end this stupidity but you refuse...Just doesn't make sense.
Of course it doesn't make sense to you, because your life is clearly so shallow that you actually believe threatening someone with neg reps on an anonymous message board means anything.

Do you do this often? Threaten people on the internet with pointless actions? Can you look any sadder?
Actually outside the conspiracy nuts and maybe Deano I don't usually neg anyone. I'd say maybe one a month, You must be that special sort of stupid.
Actually outside the conspiracy nuts and maybe Deano I don't usually neg anyone.
Actually anyone who even comes upon the idea of threatening someone with neg reps in 48 hours likely has some power and control issues in real life. That must suck for you.
Though he receives an annual military pension of $40,000 a year,

Our neglect and abandonment of our veterans is a national disgrace. As for private sector "job creators," he's probably too qualified - and too old - for what they want to spend.

He gets about the national average wage but has to do nothing for it.

Retired colonel homeless after 30 years in military | Military Times |

at age 51 he landed a job with a defense contractor in Afghanistan earning $150,000 per year.

He gets about the national average wage and for years he was earning three times that average. One has to ask where the cash has gone.
His story about kids to school is crap.

College tuition in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2012-13, the average cost of annual tuition in the United States ranged from $3,131 for public two-year institutions (community colleges) to $29,056 for private four-year institutions

Retired colonel homeless after 30 years in military | Military Times |
While he gets about $3,928 per month in disability pay for a back injury, he said he cannot afford an apartment because he still pays all the bills he had when he was pulling down six figures.

Another $4,000/month
There's a lot more to this bullshit story than the report is saying.
This isn't a story about a hard luck case, more a story about a tosser who can't manage his rather large income.
He's clearly just bad at looking after his case.
How many McD minimum wage monkeys are homeless?
Yes, none, but this wanker on a high salary can't manage.
From the Pentagon to life in a van -

In 2005, Freniere said, he volunteered to go to Iraq. "Everybody thought I was nuts, especially my sons," who were 15 and 13 at the time,


His 13 year old son is now 22; the 15 year old one, 24.
Assuming they went to collage at the normal age of 18, a four year course would have finished for both of them by now.

Even if they were late, his salary should easily cover all fees, even if the sons are too lazy to work their way through education.

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