From El Paso to Antifa to LA: America the Insane


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Roger Simon nails it. As even some on the Left have said, all Democrats have to do to beat Trump is act sane, and they can’t even do that.

From El Paso to Antifa to LA: America the Insane.

Predictably, Beto O’Rourke fairly sprinted down to his hometown of El Paso to blame Donald Trump for the city’s mass murders in the hope of reigniting the Texan’s failing presidential campaign. But if you read the gunman’s manifesto, you would find the murderer as much in agreement, possibly more so, with Elizabeth Warren and O’Rourke himself than with Trump. The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections, a kind of identity politics taken to the nth power, not that any of this matters. The man is clearly insane, as was the now-deceased Dayton killer who was reportedly a Democrat and a Satanist, planning on voting for Warren, as well as, of course, being mentally ill. . . .

This is obviously not politics in any rational sense, although we are hearing endless political statements from pols anxious to exploit the tragedy. It’s about craziness. An epidemic is sweeping the country and has been for some time. Mass shootings are only one manifestation, although arguably the most horrible and extreme one.

It may not immediately seem to be so, but the expanding homeless populations all over the streets of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle are another salient example. These people are hugely disturbed, unwilling to live in shelters, some quite well-equipped, that have been built for them. They prefer to live in tents more hospitable to their lifestyle that frequently involves drugs and to be left alone with their delusions while defecating on the sidewalks. Neighborhoods are being destroyed as a result.

And then there’s Antifa. Is running around in masked costumes smashing windows and beating people in the name of fighting “fascism” an example of sanity or derangement? Obviously the latter. Antifa is yet another tragedy waiting to happen. Their mirror images, white supremacist groups, are similar manifestations of severe emotional disturbance with obvious violent implications.

All these people and groups are connected by their high level of psychological disturbance. Their number is small, even tiny, compared to the total population, but our population is approaching a giant 330 million. If only one-tenth of one percent of that number is seriously disturbed, that’s 330,000 dangerous nut cases.

Because of the sclerotic politics that we all have been living with since we were born, most of the discussion this week will be focused on gun control. It will be largely symbolic and almost entirely irrelevant. Ban AR-15s or not, people who wish to wreak havoc will have no trouble getting the weapons to do it. We've already seen that in places like Chicago and Paris that have stringent gun laws, yet have seen catastrophic gun violence.

The real discussion should be about mental health, not weaponry, but the former is far more difficult to deal with. Indeed, it's almost overwhelming. Ex post facto, almost all these mass murderers are easily classified as mentally ill, but only rarely are they interdicted in advance. Law enforcement agencies, school administrators and other authorities have been reluctant to take action to prevent the disturbed from acting out for fear of repercussions to themselves or simply out of lassitude. This is not only true for the potential shooters, but it also helps explain why nothing has been done about the tent cities turning our most beautiful cities into Third World cesspits. Or the government in Portland allowing Antifa to run rampant. No one wants to be an adult anymore.
The El Paso guys ramblings mirror trump tweets . Leftists don’t want to kill Mexicans and immigrants . That’s all racist trump shit.

You guys always try to twist reality and claim that an obvious right wing kook is not a righty kook.
The El Paso guys ramblings mirror trump tweets . Leftists don’t want to kill Mexicans and immigrants . That’s all racist trump shit.

You guys always try to twist reality and claim that an obvious right wing kook is not a righty kook.
The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections.....
All that just to say that the right bears zero responsibility for the state of things. The unbelievable cop-outs I've read from you people the last few days shows that the worst mental health problem we have is conservative delusions.
the worst mental health problem we have is conservative delusions.

May all that hold on to their deeply seeded hatred, burn in hell, forever and ever! Amen!
The El Paso guys ramblings mirror trump tweets . Leftists don’t want to kill Mexicans and immigrants . That’s all racist trump shit.

You guys always try to twist reality and claim that an obvious right wing kook is not a righty kook.
The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections.....

Didn't Trump promise universal healthcare?

Trump vows 'insurance for everybody' in replacing Obamacare - Reuters
May all that hold on to their deeply seeded hatred, burn in hell, forever and ever! Amen!
Careful what you wish for, for many are what they hate.
I don't hate you. But we need the good Lords help in casting the antichrist and hate filled minions in to the Lake of Fire, .... time for Christ's return, to take care of this evil.

The world needs an exorcism.
The El Paso guys ramblings mirror trump tweets . Leftists don’t want to kill Mexicans and immigrants . That’s all racist trump shit.

You guys always try to twist reality and claim that an obvious right wing kook is not a righty kook.
The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections.....

Didn't Trump promise universal healthcare?

Trump vows 'insurance for everybody' in replacing Obamacare - Reuters
Are you acting stupid or does it come naturally?
May all that hold on to their deeply seeded hatred, burn in hell, forever and ever! Amen!
Careful what you wish for, for many are what they hate.
I don't hate you. But we need the good Lords help in casting the antichrist and hate filled minions in to the Lake of Fire, .... time for Christ's return, to take care of this evil.

The world needs an exorcism.

No it doesn't.
It needs to teach it's children a sense of pride and community. To be proud of your country, and taught the good it has done the world. That instills a natural sense of belonging and community.
Beginning in the 1980's, memorials in parks all across the country were being vandalized/defaced. Right here in my community there is a park dedicated to WW1. It had 4 limestone statues that stood, untouched for over 60 years. They are all gone. The city re-sculptured several of them. Placed new heads on one twice.
To no avail.
I believe these two phenomenon are connected. Kids are growing up today isolated from each other, lack social skills and are no longer taught to love the country they are from. The sense of pride and community is dead to them. Add in identity politics that divides people into groups, maybe they don't feel like they belong to any group.
They lack empathy. Add in insanity and paranoia to everything above, also growing up playing violent games and seeing very realistic violence in movies... I believe that encourages a sick mind to do these things.
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The El Paso guys ramblings mirror trump tweets . Leftists don’t want to kill Mexicans and immigrants . That’s all racist trump shit.

You guys always try to twist reality and claim that an obvious right wing kook is not a righty kook.
The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections.....

Didn't Trump promise universal healthcare?

Trump vows 'insurance for everybody' in replacing Obamacare - Reuters
Are you acting stupid or does it come naturally?
The El Paso guys ramblings mirror trump tweets . Leftists don’t want to kill Mexicans and immigrants . That’s all racist trump shit.

You guys always try to twist reality and claim that an obvious right wing kook is not a righty kook.
The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections.....

Didn't Trump promise universal healthcare?

Trump vows 'insurance for everybody' in replacing Obamacare - Reuters
Are you acting stupid or does it come naturally?

He said it, not me.

We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”
Donald Trump
The El Paso guys ramblings mirror trump tweets . Leftists don’t want to kill Mexicans and immigrants . That’s all racist trump shit.

You guys always try to twist reality and claim that an obvious right wing kook is not a righty kook.
The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections.....

Didn't Trump promise universal healthcare?

Trump vows 'insurance for everybody' in replacing Obamacare - Reuters
Are you acting stupid or does it come naturally?
The El Paso guys ramblings mirror trump tweets . Leftists don’t want to kill Mexicans and immigrants . That’s all racist trump shit.

You guys always try to twist reality and claim that an obvious right wing kook is not a righty kook.
The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections.....

Didn't Trump promise universal healthcare?

Trump vows 'insurance for everybody' in replacing Obamacare - Reuters
Are you acting stupid or does it come naturally?

He said it, not me.

We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”
Donald Trump
Shitforbrains thinks universal healthcare is everyone having access to healthcare plans.
The El Paso guys ramblings mirror trump tweets . Leftists don’t want to kill Mexicans and immigrants . That’s all racist trump shit.

You guys always try to twist reality and claim that an obvious right wing kook is not a righty kook.
The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections.....

Didn't Trump promise universal healthcare?

Trump vows 'insurance for everybody' in replacing Obamacare - Reuters
Are you acting stupid or does it come naturally?
The El Paso guys ramblings mirror trump tweets . Leftists don’t want to kill Mexicans and immigrants . That’s all racist trump shit.

You guys always try to twist reality and claim that an obvious right wing kook is not a righty kook.
The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections.....

Didn't Trump promise universal healthcare?

Trump vows 'insurance for everybody' in replacing Obamacare - Reuters
Are you acting stupid or does it come naturally?

He said it, not me.

We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”
Donald Trump
Shitforbrains thinks universal healthcare is everyone having access to healthcare plans.

It is. That would be universal coverage....which was the goal of the ACA.

There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”
Donald Trump
May all that hold on to their deeply seeded hatred, burn in hell, forever and ever! Amen!
Careful what you wish for, for many are what they hate.
I don't hate you. But we need the good Lords help in casting the antichrist and hate filled minions in to the Lake of Fire, .... time for Christ's return, to take care of this evil.

The world needs an exorcism.

No it doesn't.
It needs to teach it's children a sense of pride and community. To be proud of your country, and taught the good it has done the world. That instills a natural sense of belonging and community.
Beginning in the 1980's, memorials in parks all across the country were being vandalized/defaced. Right here in my community there is a park dedicated to WW1. It had 4 limestone statues that stood, untouched for over 60 years. They are all gone. The city re-sculptured several of them. Placed new heads on one twice.
To no avail.
I believe these two phenomenon are connected. Kids are growing up today isolated from each other, lack social skills and are no longer taught to love the country they are from. The sense of pride and community is dead to them. Add in identity politics that divides people into groups, maybe they don't feel like they belong to any group.
They lack empathy. Add in insanity and paranoia to everything above, also growing up playing violent games and seeing very realistic violence in movies... I believe that encourages a sick mind to do these things.
You claim that children need to grow up with a sense of pride and belonging then describe multiculturalism perfectly. We had a choice, community or multiculturalism. We chose multicilturalism. This is what we got.
The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections.....

Didn't Trump promise universal healthcare?

Trump vows 'insurance for everybody' in replacing Obamacare - Reuters
Are you acting stupid or does it come naturally?
The shooter wants universal healthcare and a guaranteed income. He also wants to kill Mexicans and to partition the country into equal race-based sections.....

Didn't Trump promise universal healthcare?

Trump vows 'insurance for everybody' in replacing Obamacare - Reuters
Are you acting stupid or does it come naturally?

He said it, not me.

We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”
Donald Trump
Shitforbrains thinks universal healthcare is everyone having access to healthcare plans.

It is. That would be universal coverage....which was the goal of the ACA.

There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”
Donald Trump
Yeah, Trump is really pushing for government run healthcare.

May all that hold on to their deeply seeded hatred, burn in hell, forever and ever! Amen!
Careful what you wish for, for many are what they hate.
I don't hate you. But we need the good Lords help in casting the antichrist and hate filled minions in to the Lake of Fire, .... time for Christ's return, to take care of this evil.

The world needs an exorcism.

No it doesn't.
It needs to teach it's children a sense of pride and community. To be proud of your country, and taught the good it has done the world. That instills a natural sense of belonging and community.
Beginning in the 1980's, memorials in parks all across the country were being vandalized/defaced. Right here in my community there is a park dedicated to WW1. It had 4 limestone statues that stood, untouched for over 60 years. They are all gone. The city re-sculptured several of them. Placed new heads on one twice.
To no avail.
I believe these two phenomenon are connected. Kids are growing up today isolated from each other, lack social skills and are no longer taught to love the country they are from. The sense of pride and community is dead to them. Add in identity politics that divides people into groups, maybe they don't feel like they belong to any group.
They lack empathy. Add in insanity and paranoia to everything above, also growing up playing violent games and seeing very realistic violence in movies... I believe that encourages a sick mind to do these things.
It's too late... the violent video games, the internet and lack of human contact, lack of empathy, both parents having to work for a middle class life... leaders dead set on dividing us by race, by nationality, by rich vs poor, by political party....

Sadly, I see no way out of this mess than a Godly intervention...
Are you acting stupid or does it come naturally?
Are you acting stupid or does it come naturally?

He said it, not me.

We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”
Donald Trump
Shitforbrains thinks universal healthcare is everyone having access to healthcare plans.

It is. That would be universal coverage....which was the goal of the ACA.

There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”
Donald Trump
Yeah, Trump is really pushing for government run healthcare.


Yes and he talks everyday about dividing states up according to race. Hear it all the time.
Such losers.

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