From the Department of "You Just Can't Make This Shit Up"


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2012

If it is unusually cold where you are, don't worry, it is not part of a larger cooling trend, it isn't just weather, it isn't anything you ever imagined before. If it is unusually cold where you are, you are just in a global warming hole. That's right...a global warming hole.

Just when you thought the bar in climate science was as low as it could possibly go, the masterminds of the greatest scam ever perpetrated on humanity take it to a whole new low. A paper recently published by the AGU tells us that the bitter cold the southern US has been experiencing, and one can reasonably assume the overall cooling trend the whole US has been experiencing for some time is not really a cooling trend, but a "hole" in global warming.

Read all about it here.......Spatially Distinct Seasonal Patterns and Forcings of the U.S. Warming Hole
I love how they use technical jargon to say nothing of value, but apparently it dupes vast numbers of Americans.

How anyone can't see the AGW movement is bullshit, is beyond me.
Agnotology lives. Having lived a bit, and having bicycled at bit, there is no need to tell me climate change is happening. Experience can be a tough teacher but reality is reality. The harder question is why the right wing conservative / republican in America is so easily led? Corporations pay to deny reality, surely you all still smoke and eat lead filled food, don't you guys? Germs had a hard time being real too, but eventually science won out. The earth still round for you guys? The American right today when it isn't defending Trump and ignoring Russian interference is busy denying other realities, they are like trained puppies. Some of course are paid to support pollution but most are just kinda dumb. As our president would say, sad.

Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [ average Right Winger] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 [or liberal schemes] are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

The Problem With Facts
Agnotology lives. Having lived a bit, and having bicycled at bit, there is no need to tell me climate change is happening.
So your best argument is that man-made catastrophic climate change is real because you have ridden a bicycle.

Wow! You are an idiot in denial that you've been duped into believing in CAGW.

You climategate deniers are fools.

I know several intelligent people who believed in CAGW simply because the propaganda was pushed by the entire mainstream media and many trusted peer reviewed journal sources. However, after the release of the climategate emails which proved beyond any shadow of doubt that there was, in fact, a conspiracy among academics posing as climate scientists from several countries, to push a false narrative, many of them realized they were duped and changed their views appropriately.

Others had egos that were too fragile to admit they were duped by the climategate fraudsters.

Those with healthy self-esteem read through the emails. Then came to the conclusion that they were duped. In response they resolved to be more skeptical of doomsday claims and be more intellectually vigilant in the future, lest they look like a fool again.

Those with low self-esteem cannot admit to themselves that they were ever fooled in the first place.
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If it is unusually cold where you are, don't worry, it is not part of a larger cooling trend, it isn't just weather, it isn't anything you ever imagined before. If it is unusually cold where you are, you are just in a global warming hole. That's right...a global warming hole.

Just when you thought the bar in climate science was as low as it could possibly go, the masterminds of the greatest scam ever perpetrated on humanity take it to a whole new low. A paper recently published by the AGU tells us that the bitter cold the southern US has been experiencing, and one can reasonably assume the overall cooling trend the whole US has been experiencing for some time is not really a cooling trend, but a "hole" in global warming.

Read all about it here.......Spatially Distinct Seasonal Patterns and Forcings of the U.S. Warming Hole
Any one with even a lick of brains understands paradoxical presentation.... Obviously these folks don't have a damn clue about the physics of the atmosphere.. AGU FAIL... morons...
I love how they use technical jargon to say nothing of value, but apparently it dupes vast numbers of Americans.

How anyone can't see the AGW movement is bullshit, is beyond me.
It was pure circular logical fallacy... These idiots don't know if they are coming or going... I would hate to be a student in one of these retards classes...
Agnotology lives. Having lived a bit, and having bicycled at bit, there is no need to tell me climate change is happening. Experience can be a tough teacher but reality is reality. The harder question is why the right wing conservative / republican in America is so easily led? Corporations pay to deny reality, surely you all still smoke and eat lead filled food, don't you guys?

No...I don't smoke, and I don't eat lead filled food...and I don't do much of anything which there is ample real evidence that it is truly bad for you.

Which brings us to the point. Climate always has and always will. It is a chaotic system prone to wild swings in a very short period of time. Hell, on any given day, the difference between the maximum temperature and the minimum temperature on earth is about 200 degrees....and you are telling me that a rise of a couple of degrees is a serious issue? Talk about being easily led.

As I said, I tend to stop doing things if there is ample real evidence that the activity is truly bad for my health. You seem to believe that someone is "leading" me, and other skeptics into a path of denial that a thing is bad for us. It couldn't be further from the truth.

I wholeheartedly agree that the climate is changing. I wholeheartedly disagree that mankind is responsible. And I disagree that a couple of degrees of warming will cause any sort of catastrophe. But I am a reasonable man..and am swayed by the evidence. Change my mind.

You might start by showing me, and the other skeptics around here a single piece...(not an overwhelming mountain, not a plethora, not an avalanche, not a shit wagon full) but a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability. Just one.

Now I can ask you for that single piece of observed, measured data that supports AGW over natural variability in supreme confidence that you won't be able to produce it...because I have been looking for it diligently for close to 3 decades now. It doesn't exist.

That being said, since there is no actual observed, measured evidence that supports the claim that mankind is altering the global climate, exactly what is the basis for your belief that we are? Upon what evidence do you buy the claim of dangerous man made climate change..or man made climate change at all? If there is no actual evidence to support the claim, and yet you still believe, someone is responsible for leading you to that belief. We tend not to hold such beliefs unless someone has led us to them.

Who led you and how difficult was it to convince you to follow. It couldn't have been very difficult as there is no actual evidence upon which to base your belief.

Germs had a hard time being real too, but eventually science won out. accumulated vast amounts of observed, measured quantified evidence in support of the germ theory. Actual observation and repeatable experiment....real evidence that proved the claims that germs could make you sick.

The earth still round for you guys?

Again, real evidence that the earth was, in fact, not flat. Evidence that proved the claim..and evidence in abundance,

The American right today when it isn't defending Trump and ignoring Russian interference is busy denying other realities, they are like trained puppies. Some of course are paid to support pollution but most are just kinda dumb. As our president would say, sad.

What does that have to do with climate? Would my arguments regarding climate be more powerful if I pointed out that democrats ignored the damage that generational dependence on government handouts was causing within the welfare state that they built? Would it help if I pointed out that the problems related to that past generational dependence still exist and are not changing nearly quickly enough to prevent a couple of more generations from being damaged by it? Would that somehow bolster my climate arguments?

The issue is cliamte change...and the belief that man is responsible. So again, can you provide a single piece of observed, measured evidence that supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability?

My bet
Thanks midcan5...for proving my point. Don't worry though...I ask all believers for that single piece of data and none of them can deliver...You are just one more lemming being led by your political leanings rather than scientific evidence. One can only hope that you wake up before you reach the cliff.
except for the fuck it's fucking cold as fuck bomb cyclone, this winter has been very nice in the NE.

to help gorebull warming along, I personally burned off a gallon of gas
except for the fuck it's fucking cold as fuck bomb cyclone, this winter has been very nice in the NE.

to help gorebull warming along, I personally burned off a gallon of gas

Burning half a dozen tires would be more least they produce soot which can, if enough of it is spread around change the albedo of the earth and result in some warming...

Back during the coming ice age scare in the 70's, there was talk of spreading soot across the snow in the arctic in an attempt to get it to melt in an effort to thwart the ice age...they were idiots then and they are idiots now.
except for the fuck it's fucking cold as fuck bomb cyclone, this winter has been very nice in the NE.

to help gorebull warming along, I personally burned off a gallon of gas

Burning half a dozen tires would be more least they produce soot which can, if enough of it is spread around change the albedo of the earth and result in some warming...

Back during the coming ice age scare in the 70's, there was talk of spreading soot across the snow in the arctic in an attempt to get it to melt in an effort to thwart the ice age...they were idiots then and they are idiots now.
I remember that.

something about clearing trees and burning them up there

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