From the Philadelphia Inquirer .....A veteran's observation of Joe Biden at West Point

Blaine Sweeter

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2019
This is a letter to the editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer:::

To the Editor:
This past Saturday, Joe Biden gave the commencement address to the West Point Class of 2024. Afterwards, he spent over an hour saluting and shaking the hands of each one of the 1,036 graduates.

Here’s what he didn’t do:
He didn’t stand at Arlington National Cemetery and ask aloud "what was in it for them?"
He didn’t call them "suckers" and "losers." (Courtesy of former C.O.S. General John Kelly)
He didn't order that visibly disabled soldiers be kept from public view.
He didn't cancel a visit to a World War cemetery because he didn't want to get his hair wet.
He didn’t insult Gold Star parents mourning fallen sons and daughters.
He didn’t equate his draft-exempt sexual escapades with combat in Vietnam.

Donald Trump has said and done all these things.

As a veteran, I cannot begin to understand how anyone who cares about honor and decency can even begin to think about voting for someone who has so often shown such contempt for those who serve their country. But there we are.""""

I'm not the one who pulled our troops out from Afghanistan so sloppily that it killed 13 Marines... the largest number of troops killed together in that hell hole in 4 years.... all brought to us by Biden....

Biden didn't START the war in Afghanistan, either. Dubya did. Trump said he would pull our troops out. He lied. Probably was advised that it would be dangerous so he chickened out. And it was dangerous.
Biden kept his promise.
Trump didn't.
You're still a LOSER Rambunctious
Biden didn't START the war in Afghanistan, either. Dubya did. Trump said he would pull our troops out. He lied. Probably was advised that it would be dangerous so he chickened out. And it was dangerous.
Biden kept his promise.
Trump didn't.
You're still a LOSER Rambunctious
Bush sent troops to Afghanistan... Obama couldn't win the war... 8 years and Obama and Biden couldn't beat the Taliban... Trump pulled our troops into the green zones and used the Afghan troops on the ground with our air and logistic support and it saved American lives... get your facts straight....

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