From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)



"For fourty years the rainbow will not appear.

For fourty years it will appear everyday.

The dry Earth will become more parched,

And there will be great floods when it is seen."

(Here he appears to again be describing the "floods" that accompany a Pole-Shift. Also he mentions disturbances in the sky. Another effect of the Pole-Shift. Dry Earth..another effect.)


"The great famine I see drawing near

Turns one way, then another,

then becomes universal.

So great and long that they will pluck the root from the tree and the child from the breast."

(This obviously describes a servere "great famine" that will most likely come either right before, during, or after the Pole-Shift, and which will involve the entire World).
Sorry I haven't been able to finish this thread yet guys I have been very buisy for awhile now with some other projects but this thread is still only about 65% complete at the moment and I plan to finish it eventually. It won't be too much longer for those who may have been curious.
World War I, also known as the First World War, the Great War and the War To End All Wars, was a global military conflict which took place primarily in Europe and which started in 1914 (The Chinese year of the Tiger). Over 40 million casualties resulted, including approximately 20 million military and civilian deaths.

World War II, or the Second World War, was a global military conflict, the amalgamation of what had initially been two separate conflicts. The first began in Asia in 1937 (The Chinese year of the Ox), and tensions between countries really started to heat up during the next year 1938 (The Chinese year of the Tiger) as countries started provoking eachother into war, as the Second Sino-Japanese War; the other began in Europe in 1939 (The Chinese year of the Rabbit) with the German invasion of Poland.

The Korean War was an escalation of a civil war between two rival Korean regimes, each of which was supported by external powers, with each trying to topple the other through political and guerilla tactics. After failing to strengthen their cause in the free elections held in South Korea during May 1950 (The Chinese year of the Tiger) and the refusal of South Korea to hold new elections per North Korean demands, the communist North Korean Army moved south on June 25, 1950 (The Chinese year of the Tiger) to attempt to reunite the Korean peninsula.

This is very interesting to me. Because in our modern era, these were the 3 biggest wars in our history. They involved not just 1 or 2 nations, but many nations. And they all started around the same exact time in relation to Astrology. (The chinese year of the Tiger).

The possible World War 3 that we may have coming to us soon (within the next 2 years), will again, occur at the exact same time as the above 3 wars did. Which is during or right next to the Chinese year of the Tiger.

The Chinese year of the Tiger is famous for being a time when Nations around the World begin to poke and provoke eachother into battle. It will be interesting what the Universe has in store for us in 2010 (The Chinese year of the Tiger).
The Chinese year of the Tiger is famous for being a time when Nations around the World begin to poke and provoke eachother into battle. It will be interesting what the Universe has in store for us in 2010 (The Chinese year of the Tiger).

World War 3 has already started. 2010 will be the year when THIS war will get worse.With Iran & N.K going nuclear, Pakistan falling into the hands of Mullahs,China testing space based weapons there is plenty in store for us in 2010!:eusa_wall:

JACKSON, Tennessee (CNN) -- Tornadoes and storms in the mid-South have killed 54 people since Tuesday evening in the deadliest tornado outbreak in the United States in more than 20 years.

The trail of death stretched across four states, with four people killed in Alabama, 13 in Arkansas, seven in Kentucky and 30 in Tennessee.

In some cases, there was almost no warning before the severe weather hit.

James Baskin of Jackson, Tennessee, was driving a car when a twister "just picked us up and threw us," he said.

Everyone in the car was injured, including his daughter's friend, who suffered a broken collarbone.

President Bush said Wednesday he had called the governors of the affected states to offer help and to tell them that "the American people hold those who suffered up in prayer."

The Federal Emergency Management Agency was deploying teams to the area, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff said Wednesday.

"We're going to keep watching this," he said.

The newest deaths were reported in Sumner County, Tennessee, where two victims were found outside a house that had been blown away by the storm, said Jay Austin, the county's primary death investigator.

Elsewhere in the area, a mother was found dead in a creek bed about 50 yards from where her house stood. Her baby was found alive 250 yards away. The child was taken to a local hospital, Austin said.

Meanwhile, the Tennessee Highway Patrol reported looting in hard-hit Macon County, where 12 people died, CNN affiliate WSMV reported.

Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen, who flew over the disaster area Wednesday, said he was stunned by the storm's power. Watch Bredesen describe a 'nightmare' »

"I don't think that I have seen, since I've been governor, a tornado where the combination of the intensity of it and the length of the track was as large as this one," Bredesen said.

"That track had to be 25 miles long. [The twister] didn't skip like a lot of them do. ... It's just 25 miles of a tornado sitting on the ground."

In Jackson, Tennessee, a tornado trapped Union University students and retirees in collapsed buildings, said Julie Oaks, a spokeswoman for the state's Emergency Management Agency. Watch how the tornado devastated the campus »

"It looks like a war zone," said university President David Dockery. "Cars and trucks thrown from one side of the campus to the other."

Dockery said the women's dorms were destroyed, along with two academic buildings. Many other school buildings received lesser damage.

To the west, a tornado swept through the southeastern section of Memphis in Shelby County. The storms yanked the roof off a hangar at Memphis International Airport, the National Weather Service said.

Oaks said one person was killed at the Hickory Ridge Mall in Shelby County.

Company officials believe a tornado hit a compressor station for the Columbia Gulf Transmission company in Hartsville, Tennessee, about 40 miles northeast of Nashville, setting off a spectacular natural gas fire. Watch flames leap hundreds of feet »

The blaze could be seen in the night sky for miles around, with flames shooting "400, 500 feet in the air," said Tennessee Emergency Management spokesman Donnie Smith.

The station was damaged significantly, but there were no reports of injuries or fatalities, said Columbia spokesman Kelly Merritt. "We would not have had any employees there [overnight]." The blaze was put out early Wednesday morning, he said.

"It just took the house and everything and my horses and my dog," a shaken Reasonover said, as the glow of the fire lit the sky behind her. "I don't know if they're alive or dead, but we'll make it."

In Arkansas, the storm killed 13 people in six counties, the state Emergency Management Agency said.

In the city of Atkins, a man, woman and child in the same family were killed, county Judge Jim Ed Gibson told CNN. The storms overturned trucks and other vehicles along Interstate 40, closing the highway briefly, he said.

Storms also ripped through Kentucky, killing at least seven people. A state of emergency was declared in Muhlenberg County, and Kentucky National Guard troops were deployed, state emergency spokesman Buddy Rogers said.

In Alabama, the storms killed four people, three in Lawrence County and one in Jackson County, officials said.

Resident Roger Riddle said that when he heard the tornado siren, he rounded up his children and took them to a community storm shelter.

When he emerged, he saw the twister traveling away from them and "total destruction."

"We've got things tore up, and the house across the road from us is completely gone," Riddle said.

In Mississippi, the director of the state's Emergency Management Agency, Mike Womack, estimated that 20 to 30 tornadoes pounded the state in areas above the state capital of Jackson.

"We have no reported fatalities, and that is extremely fortunate," he said, given the havoc the storm caused.

And this is only the beginning guys. The Pole-Shift is not too far off now. Maybe 3-5 years away Maximum.
I am going to list a mix of current information and psychic predictions for the World War that is supposed to occur within the next 3 years involving China, Libya, Syria, USA, Russia, and a few others.

All of the psychic sources that I will be using are TRUE psychics who have been tested over time and who have proven themselves time and time again.

I think alot of people will enjoy the information that I will be posting in this thread, but I must warn you, it can be a little scary at first, so brace yourselves for some of the events we have coming ahead.
- The key is not to scare you, but to instead prepare your mind for the changes that we will soon be facing. I am putting this information out there because there is no way that I could keep this all to myself without allowing other people the chance to see whats coming.

What does Nostradamus say?
Just a little update. I can't believe how December 21st, 2012 is soon to be less than 4 years away! =) I am very excited to see what happens as we get closer and closer to that famous date.
What a bunch of superstitious garbage. Sometimes it seems like the people who think any of this is actually going to happen, secretly want the world to end, or at least they seem somewhat pleased with the notion that it might. People always seem to enjoy things that alleviate them from having to deal with reality. You don't have to do anything to try and fix the world, if it is going to end soon anyway, right?
What a bunch of superstitious garbage. Sometimes it seems like the people who think any of this is actually going to happen, secretly want the world to end, or at least they seem somewhat pleased with the notion that it might. People always seem to enjoy things that alleviate them from having to deal with reality. You don't have to do anything to try and fix the world, if it is going to end soon anyway, right?

Who cares about the world? We're talking about my birthday here ...:evil:
I am going to list a mix of current information and psychic predictions for the World War that is supposed to occur within the next 3 years involving China, Libya, Syria, USA, Russia, and a few others.

All of the psychic sources that I will be using are TRUE psychics who have been tested over time and who have proven themselves time and time again.

I think alot of people will enjoy the information that I will be posting in this thread, but I must warn you, it can be a little scary at first, so brace yourselves for some of the events we have coming ahead.
- The key is not to scare you, but to instead prepare your mind for the changes that we will soon be facing. I am putting this information out there because there is no way that I could keep this all to myself without allowing other people the chance to see whats coming.

Hmmm... one more year left to see if the psychics are really psychics or scam artists.
I forgot all about this thread. What ever happened to Nuclear Winter?

And how in the hell has this thread not been moved to Conspiracy Theories?

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