Frontier Airlines hunt passengers who flew with nurse


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2014
"The airline also is reaching out to about 750 passengers on five flights Tuesday that used the same plane on which Vinson flew, Frontier said in a statement Thursday night. The trips were flight 2042, Dallas to Cleveland; flight 1104, Cleveland to Fort Lauderdale; flight 1105, Fort Lauderdale to Cleveland; flight 1101, Cleveland to Atlantaa; and flight 1100, Atlanta to Cleveland, The Denver Post reported.

A CDC spokesperson reached by on Thursday declined to comment on the progress of the passenger notifications for flight 1143.

Frontier Airlines said in a staff memo that four flight attendants and two pilots from flight 1143 were on paid leave for 21 days, and The Cleveland Clinic and The MetroHealth System said Wednesday that some of their nurses and other employees on the same flight were also on paid leave."
Ebola outbreak CDC Frontier Airlines hunt passengers who flew with nurse Fox News

The spread of this virus will happen very quickly. The US healthcare system cannot handle this. Obama has failed us once again.
"The airline also is reaching out to about 750 passengers on five flights Tuesday that used the same plane on which Vinson flew, Frontier said in a statement Thursday night. The trips were flight 2042, Dallas to Cleveland; flight 1104, Cleveland to Fort Lauderdale; flight 1105, Fort Lauderdale to Cleveland; flight 1101, Cleveland to Atlantaa; and flight 1100, Atlanta to Cleveland, The Denver Post reported.

A CDC spokesperson reached by on Thursday declined to comment on the progress of the passenger notifications for flight 1143.

Frontier Airlines said in a staff memo that four flight attendants and two pilots from flight 1143 were on paid leave for 21 days, and The Cleveland Clinic and The MetroHealth System said Wednesday that some of their nurses and other employees on the same flight were also on paid leave."
Ebola outbreak CDC Frontier Airlines hunt passengers who flew with nurse Fox News

The spread of this virus will happen very quickly. The US healthcare system cannot handle this. Obama has failed us once again.

But everything is going to be okay. We have Obamacare now. :D
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"The airline also is reaching out to about 750 passengers on five flights Tuesday that used the same plane on which Vinson flew, Frontier said in a statement Thursday night. The trips were flight 2042, Dallas to Cleveland; flight 1104, Cleveland to Fort Lauderdale; flight 1105, Fort Lauderdale to Cleveland; flight 1101, Cleveland to Atlantaa; and flight 1100, Atlanta to Cleveland, The Denver Post reported.

A CDC spokesperson reached by on Thursday declined to comment on the progress of the passenger notifications for flight 1143.

Frontier Airlines said in a staff memo that four flight attendants and two pilots from flight 1143 were on paid leave for 21 days, and The Cleveland Clinic and The MetroHealth System said Wednesday that some of their nurses and other employees on the same flight were also on paid leave."
Ebola outbreak CDC Frontier Airlines hunt passengers who flew with nurse Fox News

The spread of this virus will happen very quickly. The US healthcare system cannot handle this. Obama has failed us once again.

But everything is going to be okay. We have Obamacare now. :D

Easy peasey

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"The Frontier Airlines jet that carried a Dallas healthcare worker diagnosed with Ebola made five additional flights after her trip before it was taken out of service, according to a flight-monitoring website.
Denver-based Frontier said in a statement that it grounded the plane immediately after the carrier was notified late Tuesday night by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the Ebola patient. "


Frontier jet that carried Ebola patient made five more flights - LA Times

This is never going to end. How many passengers were exposed to the virus and how many did they come into contact with. This can be catastrophic. If only Obama instituted measures back in 2010 the US would not be The United States of Ebola.
Chickenshit whiners pissing their panties like squeamish little girls because in a country of 320 million 3 people have Ebola. Do you know how chickenshit that makes you? Blaming Obama makes you look incredibly stupid too.
Chickenshit whiners pissing their panties like squeamish little girls because in a country of 320 million 3 people have Ebola. Do you know how chickenshit that makes you? Blaming Obama makes you look incredibly stupid too.

That is an ignorant comment. Ignorant as hell. Anything to save your dear leader's reputation, huh? SCREW the lives of those 3 Americans and more who WILL get this disease? We can see where your loyalty lies, and it's NOT with the American people but with the government. You are the REAL chickenshit here.
From CNN, for you liberal asses.

Nurse may have had Ebola symptoms longer than thought -

The fact health officials are working from this latter assumption -- that Vinson may have been ill for longer than once thought -- could significantly expand the number of people who might have been in contact with Vinson while she was contagious.

Earlier, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden had said there's an "extremely low" risk to anyone on Frontier's Cleveland-to-Dallas flight, though his agency was reaching out to all 132 passengers as part of "extra margins of safety." Frontier is also grounding its six crew members for 21 days -- the maximum time between when a person can contract Ebola and show symptoms -- out of what its CEO says is "an abundance of caution."

Frontier now says it is notifying up to 800 passengers total, a figure that includes those on last Friday's Dallas-to-Cleveland flight, the return flight four days later, plus five subsequent trips taken by the plane used in that last flight.

And now "12 confirmed contacts of Amber Vinson in Ohio ... are currently under quarantine," according to Summit County's assistant health commissioner Donna Skoda. They include at least two people who worked at a bridal store, where the 29-year-old nurse went as part of her wedding planning.
Chickenshit whiners pissing their panties like squeamish little girls because in a country of 320 million 3 people have Ebola. Do you know how chickenshit that makes you? Blaming Obama makes you look incredibly stupid too.

That is an ignorant comment. Ignorant as hell. Anything to save your dear leader's reputation, huh? SCREW the lives of those 3 Americans and more who WILL get this disease? We can see where your loyalty lies, and it's NOT with the American people but with the government. You are the REAL chickenshit here.
Save Obama`s reputation from what? Batshit crazy haters? When 80 people get shot at a movie theater where is the concern from the right?
It is a contagious DISEASE, you liberal morons. It doesn't care about how much you LOVE Obama or hate conservatives!
I see the right wing media which lives to spew misinformation, has turned up the volume for it`s dumbed down followers.
Right-Wing Fear-Mongering Is Far More Contagious Than Ebola The Nation
Chickenshit whiners pissing their panties like squeamish little girls because in a country of 320 million 3 people have Ebola. Do you know how chickenshit that makes you? Blaming Obama makes you look incredibly stupid too.

Would you ride in a plane/car/ bus with someone who has ebola?

Would you invite them into your house?
Chickenshit whiners pissing their panties like squeamish little girls because in a country of 320 million 3 people have Ebola. Do you know how chickenshit that makes you? Blaming Obama makes you look incredibly stupid too.

That is an ignorant comment. Ignorant as hell. Anything to save your dear leader's reputation, huh? SCREW the lives of those 3 Americans and more who WILL get this disease? We can see where your loyalty lies, and it's NOT with the American people but with the government. You are the REAL chickenshit here.
Save Obama`s reputation from what? Batshit crazy haters? When 80 people get shot at a movie theater where is the concern from the right?

pure evasion and distraction...

we aren't talking about movie theaters or shooting, are we?

It is a contagious DISEASE, you liberal morons. It doesn't care about how much you LOVE Obama or hate conservatives!
I see the right wing media which lives to spew misinformation, has turned up the volume for it`s dumbed down followers.
Right-Wing Fear-Mongering Is Far More Contagious Than Ebola The Nation

Thanks for the link to the hyperpartisan site...partisans are always good for some laughs...
Chickenshit whiners pissing their panties like squeamish little girls because in a country of 320 million 3 people have Ebola. Do you know how chickenshit that makes you? Blaming Obama makes you look incredibly stupid too.
Ok numbnuts want to hang around with someone who is infected? You cannot see the nose in front of your face for the gigantic zit you call a brain. President Obala abandoned plans to contain the virus in 2010 so you and I and everyone else can be exposed to this deadly virus. Obala had not taken any steps to prevent inflected people from Ebolaland coming in to the US.

ebola2.jpg everyone who flew on that plane has to be interviewed?
Why is that?
Were they all touching her "bodily fluids"?

...or are they just not sure whether the disease can be airborne? everyone who flew on that plane has to be interviewed?
Why is that?
Were they all touching her "bodily fluids"?

...or are they just not sure whether the disease can be airborne?
That is a question on everyone's mind and the US healthcare service cannot answer that to any degree of certainty or satisfaction.
Chickenshit whiners pissing their panties like squeamish little girls because in a country of 320 million 3 people have Ebola. Do you know how chickenshit that makes you? Blaming Obama makes you look incredibly stupid too.

That is an ignorant comment. Ignorant as hell. Anything to save your dear leader's reputation, huh? SCREW the lives of those 3 Americans and more who WILL get this disease? We can see where your loyalty lies, and it's NOT with the American people but with the government. You are the REAL chickenshit here.
Save Obama`s reputation from what? Batshit crazy haters? When 80 people get shot at a movie theater where is the concern from the right?
It is a contagious DISEASE, you liberal morons. It doesn't care about how much you LOVE Obama or hate conservatives!
I see the right wing media which lives to spew misinformation, has turned up the volume for it`s dumbed down followers.
Right-Wing Fear-Mongering Is Far More Contagious Than Ebola The Nation

What is the matter with you people? Why are you turning this into a right/left issue? It is NOT a right/left issue. It is about a very contagious disease that kills people. It turns your inside into liquid.

Oh really, then why is Obama appointing an "Ebola Czar?"

Obama to name Ebola czar
President Obama will name former White House official Ron Klain to serve as a so-called "Ebola czar" to oversee the government's handling of the virus, CBS News confirmed Friday morning.

Klain, who previously served as chief of staff for Vice President Joe Biden and for Vice President Al Gore, will report directly to Lisa Monaco, the president's homeland security adviser, and national security adviser Susan Rice, the White House said.
I think it's time for some education about just how serious this disease is, for the dummies . . .

Behind the unprecedented Ebola outbreak in West Africa lies a species with an incredible power to overtake its host. Zaire ebolavirus and the family of filoviruses to which it belongs owe their virulence to mechanisms that first disarm the immune response and then dismantle the vascular system. The virus progresses so quickly that researchers have struggled to tease out the precise sequence of events, particularly in the midst of an outbreak. Much is still unknown, including the role of some of the seven proteins that the virus’s RNA makes by hijacking the machinery of host cells and the type of immune response necessary to defeat the virus before it spreads throughout the body. But researchers can test how the live virus attacks different cells in culture and can observe the disease’s progression in nonhuman primates—a nearly identical model to humans.

Here are some of the basic things we understand about how Ebola and humans interact.

What does Ebola do to the immune system?

Once the virus enters the body, it targets several types of immune cells that represent the first line of defense against invasion. It infects dendritic cells, which normally display signals of an infection on their surfaces to activate T lymphocytes—the white blood cells that could destroy other infected cells before the virus replicates further. With defective dendritic cells failing to give the right signal, the T cells don’t respond to infection, and neither do the antibodies that depend on them for activation. The virus can start replicating immediately and very quickly.

Ebola, like many viruses, works in part by inhibiting interferon—a type of molecule that cells use to hinder further viral reproduction. In a new study published today in Cell Host & Microbe, researchers found that one of Ebola’s proteins, called VP24, binds to and blocks a transport protein on the surface of immune cells that plays an important role in the interferon pathway.

Curiously, lymphocytes themselves don’t become infected with the virus, but a series of other factors—a lack of stimulation from some cells and toxic signals from others—prevent these primary immune cells from putting up a fight.

How does Ebola cause hemorrhaging?

As the virus travels in the blood to new sites, other immune cells called macrophages eat it up. Once infected, they release proteins that trigger coagulation, forming small clots throughout the blood vessels and reducing blood supply to organs. They also produce other inflammatory signaling proteins and nitric oxide, which damage the lining of blood vessels, causing them to leak. Although this damage is one of the main symptoms of infection, not all patients exhibit external hemorrhaging—bleeding from the eyes, nose, or other orifices.

Does the virus target certain organs?

Ebola triggers a system-wide inflammation and fever and can also damage many types of tissues in the body, either by prompting immune cells such as macrophages to release inflammatory molecules or by direct damage: invading the cells and consuming them from within. But the consequences are especially profound in the liver, where Ebola wipes out cells required to produce coagulation proteins and other important components of plasma. Damaged cells in the gastrointestinal tract lead to diarrhea that often puts patients at risk of dehydration. And in the adrenal gland, the virus cripples the cells that make steroids to regulate blood pressure and causes circulatory failure that can starve organs of oxygen.

What ultimately kills Ebola patients?

Damage to blood vessels leads to a drop in blood pressure, and patients die from shock and multiple organ failure.

Why do some people survive infection?

Patients fare better with supportive care, including oral or intravenous rehydration that can buy time for the body to fight off infection. But studies on blood samples from patients during the 2000 outbreak of a different Ebola strain in Uganda have also identified genes and other markers that seem to be predictive of survival. Patients who recovered had higher levels of activated T cells in their blood and had certain variants of a gene that codes for surface proteins that white blood cells use to communicate. Earlier this year, researchers found a new association between survival and levels of sCD40L, a protein produced by platelets that could be part of the body’s attempt to repair damaged blood vessels. The authors note that markers like sCD40L could suggest new therapies that augment the repair mechanisms most important for survival.

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