Frozen Wind Farms Are Just a Small Piece of Texas’s Power Woes

you can live in the Sahara Desert if you're afraid of climate change...the rest of us humans will simply ADAPT
Texas is like a third-world country. Reminds me of a Groucho Marx movie.

Texas is a Republican dominated state that has refused to integrate their power systems with the rest of the nation - to avoid federal regulation.

Whatever Texas uses as a power source, Texans can only blame themselves and their Republican leadership for this.
You act like other states aren't having power outages over the cold weather........

All propaganda and spin-----------other states regulated are having the same fucking problems--but the media doesn't harp on them as much.
I do have some information as to solar panels at least in California. Solar panels to supply power to a 5 bedroom home is approx $30,000.
That sounds about right. It's probably after rebates.

I have done the math myself for my own home. It doesn't make financial sense, but if someone wants to do their part to feel good and "save the planet," then more power to them.

The cost is still the biggest barrier. I was amazed during my last trip to Hawaii at how few homes had solar panels on them, even though electricity prices are exorbitant (about 2.5X what I pay) in Hawaii, because most electrical generation is produced by petroleum. Hawaii is near the equator and had abundant sunshine and wind, but they burn lots of oil for electricity.


Hawaii - State Energy Profile Overview - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (click "Electricity" tab)
People will help each other, help will come from other states, The national government will call Texas an emergency and help. Texas politicians will blame it on the Democrats.

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

The one nuke that tripped is returning to power. Back at 36% this morning. It's about 1300 MW when at full power.

Yep they get that shit pretty much every year, the systems are designed for those conditions. This is a 100 year event here.
But wait...when you were stupidly attacking renewable fuckers were saying "It's been cold here before and the system worked".

Your argument seems to shift by the moment.

Face it. Your GOP assholes cheaped out...fucked up...and people are dying

We weren't as reliant on renewables then. Like I said, all the subsidies and tax breaks are directed at renewables now, that kills the profitability of sustainables. EROCT require transmission companies to buy from the generation company the sells the cheapest power in 5 minute windows. On good days when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining, the sustainables can't compete and get no revenue. That has to change.

Bullshit, Texas. Your grid was not stress tested as the national grid requires. It was Texas not wanting government regulations and the cost that comes with them. You are paying the cost of building a grid on the cheap.
How has that worked for you.
the left are excited to have this storm so they can push their climate agenda. sorry, i speak the harsh truth

and that lucky pinhead Bill Gates has a book about climate out today. he's ecstatic.

we have a CRISIS OF STUPIDITY in America, folks!

Yes, we do! Look in the mirror...

Too funny! I told the moron to look in the mirror too! ;)
liberal idiots think alike...what an accomplishment!
Liberal idiots. You say that while "extreme conservative" policy is killing people in Texas. You are an idiot.
All conservatives would not make the stupid decisions made in Texas. There are a special kind of stupid conservatism in Texas,
Yep they get that shit pretty much every year, the systems are designed for those conditions. This is a 100 year event here.
But wait...when you were stupidly attacking renewable fuckers were saying "It's been cold here before and the system worked".

Your argument seems to shift by the moment.

Face it. Your GOP assholes cheaped out...fucked up...and people are dying

We weren't as reliant on renewables then. Like I said, all the subsidies and tax breaks are directed at renewables now, that kills the profitability of sustainables. EROCT require transmission companies to buy from the generation company the sells the cheapest power in 5 minute windows. On good days when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining, the sustainables can't compete and get no revenue. That has to change.

Bullshit, Texas. Your grid was not stress tested as the national grid requires. It was Texas not wanting government regulations and the cost that comes with them. You are paying the cost of building a grid on the cheap.
How has that worked for you.

It gave Texans cheap electiricity! I'm sure it was well worth it at the time even as they suffer this arctic blast! These are the same people that criticized California when they had their rolling blackouts in the middle of a raging summer! Cruz had the biggest mouth insulting our local politicians! I wonder how he feels now being on the hot seat down their in Cancun? :rolleyes:
the left are excited to have this storm so they can push their climate agenda. sorry, i speak the harsh truth

and that lucky pinhead Bill Gates has a book about climate out today. he's ecstatic.

we have a CRISIS OF STUPIDITY in America, folks!

Yes, we do! Look in the mirror...

Too funny! I told the moron to look in the mirror too! ;)
liberal idiots think alike...what an accomplishment!
Liberal idiots. You say that while "extreme conservative" policy is killing people in Texas. You are an idiot.
All conservatives would not make the stupid decisions made in Texas. There are a special kind of stupid conservatism in Texas,
Different flavor. Same cake

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

The one nuke that tripped is returning to power. Back at 36% this morning. It's about 1300 MW when at full power.

Great. Only a couple dozen dead and hundreds of millions in damages later

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

Nice paywall, asshole.

What nonsense. You don’t know anything about how to maintain a large power grid. When those windmills and solar stop working entirely, it puts an immediate strain on the other generation sites. The BES is down power generation and makes balancing even more difficult. Couple that with a huge uncommon demand makes balancing that much more difficult. It isn’t just about the power output, it’s about balance. Then throw in the weather causing damage to power lines, causing more strain and spikes in the BES. One failure in the BES can lead to a domino effect.

If their Republican leadership had been willing to accept Federal Regulation, their power systems would be integrated with the rest of the country and they'd be supplied with power from outside Texas.

It wouldn't have mattered if parts of their systems failed or went 'Out of Balance'.
LOL you’re a moron. As I stated, the power generation isn’t usually the problem. You have zero comprehension of how it works if you can say something as stupid as “it wouldn’t matter” if parts fail or go out of balance. Why do you think the agencies that run power grids are called a “Balancing Authority”? If the balance is lost, the power goes out, and yes that can happen when there is too much power just as easily if there isn’t enough. The local outages due to damage cannot be solved by dumping more power, it can only be fixed when the local lines and transformers are fixed.

So you're saying that it's not the wind mills? It's the lines and transformers?

Funny how so many lines and tranformers don't go bad when sub-zero temperatures happen up north!

Funny how there aren't massive amounts of electrical workers from ohther states moving into Texas to help fix those lines and transformers....

Maybe it as something to do with Texas power systems isolation policies.

Put a half inch of ice on any power system and it will go down. It's that simple.


A half inch of ice is common up North

If what you said was true the Northern half of the country would have downed power constantly.

Somehow our power systems can stand up to it.

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