Frozen Wind Farms Are Just a Small Piece of Texas’s Power Woes

D'ya think that Texans believe in Climate Change now?


Looks like the whole state is turning BLUE!!!!

It's been this cold before, and it'll be this cold again. It's called weather not climate.


Sometimes you sound sooo DUMB!


the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.


Texas is a Republican dominated state that has refused to integrate their power systems with the rest of the nation - to avoid federal regulation.

Whatever Texas uses as a power source, Texans can only blame themselves and their Republican leadership for this.
You act like other states aren't having power outages over the cold weather........

All propaganda and spin-----------other states regulated are having the same fucking problems--but the media doesn't harp on them as much.

Other states have limited, short term outages due to bad weather. Not the entire power system for elongated periods.

Even hurricanes don't cause catastrophes like they're having in Texas.
Great sale on used windmill blades!

Delivery not included; you have to pick them out of the snow on the ground yourself. Think of it as an ecologically friendly crop.
We normally get cold that lasts for a day or two, a week below freezing especially at the temps we've had this week are extremely rare. Nothing here is built to sustain sub zero wind chill for extended times. It made it up to 34 here today. Temps around 70 are forecast for Sunday.

ok Texas, shut up. you sound more stupid every time you post.
Or keep posting. You are a billboard about how absolutely. beyond imagination, stupid Trump supporters are.

He made a very important point. Normal low in January in Houston is well above freezing...


Normal low in Dallas is also above freezing.


I believe this is the coldest Texas has been in a century.

Infrastructure is normally designed for reasonably-expected extremes, as it costs more to build for the worst extremes ever.

As an example, where I live, everyone has heat pumps to heat their homes. They don't work so well in extreme cold, and they would be worthless up north.
We normally get cold that lasts for a day or two, a week below freezing especially at the temps we've had this week are extremely rare. Nothing here is built to sustain sub zero wind chill for extended times. It made it up to 34 here today. Temps around 70 are forecast for Sunday.

ok Texas, shut up. you sound more stupid every time you post.
Or keep posting. You are a billboard about how absolutely. beyond imagination, stupid Trump supporters are.

He made a very important point. Normal low in January in Houston is well above freezing...

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Normal low in Dallas is also above freezing.

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I believe this is the coldest Texas has been in a century.

Infrastructure is normally designed for reasonably-expected extremes, as it costs more to build for the worst extremes ever.

As an example, where I live, everyone has heat pumps to heat their homes. They don't work so well in extreme cold, and they would be worthless up north.
The question is how much more does it cost to meet the standards the majority power grids in the US are built to? Plus the deregulated Texas system did not weatherize any equipment or increase reserve margins. That could be done within a reasonable budget, Reserve margins help in many situations.
Plus Texas had no plan if that once in a century freeze happens. Everything they did saved money in the short run but cost more money and lives in the long run.
Say what you might about climate change but have you noticed the number of once in a century weather issues have happened in the last couple of years; floods, hurricanes, rain storms, snow storms, flooding.
Going forward there has to be plans for the extreme weather all regions will be facing.
The question is how much more does it cost to meet the standards the majority power grids in the US are built to? Plus the deregulated Texas system did not weatherize any equipment or increase reserve margins. That could be done within a reasonable budget, Reserve margins help in many situations.
Plus Texas had no plan if that once in a century freeze happens. Everything they did saved money in the short run but cost more money and lives in the long run.
Say what you might about climate change but have you noticed the number of once in a century weather issues have happened in the last couple of years; floods, hurricanes, rain storms, snow storms, flooding.
Going forward there has to be plans for the extreme weather all regions will be facing.
Right, but who wants their power bill to go up? :)

Me, if it can avoid a long outage.

It's an optimization problem.

As an example, according to this...

It costs about 5% more to build heated windmills. Then, they are also less efficient, which also has a cost associated with it, as some of the power is used for melting ice. Doesn't sound like much, but it is many millions of dollars.

Money is limited, and its use has to be optimized. What is spent in one place can't be spent in others.

As a personal example, even though I am financially fortunate (that's a PC way to say I have lots of money from working hard my whole life), I drive Nissans and Hyundais, because I don't want to spend the money on more expensive, safer, and more reliable vehicles.

Can't make everything 100% failure-free, but it is arguable if this once-in-a-century severe storm should have been better planned for.

Another approach, which I use, is to not fully rely upon others. I have two generators and a wood stove to protect my family when the power goes out. Can't expect the government or large Capitalist corporations to keep one safe and comfortable 100% of the time. Some personal responsibility is necessary, and everyone should make sure they have a personal plan for dealing with extended power outages. It can happen.

Gasoline, flashlights, generators, water, non-perishable food, alternate heat sources, guns, etc. :)

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We need to use natural gas and nuclear energy....and oil and coal....stop wasting money on ancient forms of power...
Natural gas froze in the pipelines. Nuke plants shut down...fossil fuel plants shut down

And oh yea...Wind Turbines only provide 10% of Texas energy this time of year.

This is a total failure of the Texas government to anticipate a cold snap.

Nothing else
ALL of this could have been prevented.

Wrong. 30 percent comes from green energy. If we weren't using that crap, we wouldn't be in this situation. Period.
We need to use natural gas and nuclear energy....and oil and coal....stop wasting money on ancient forms of power...
Natural gas froze in the pipelines. Nuke plants shut down...fossil fuel plants shut down

And oh yea...Wind Turbines only provide 10% of Texas energy this time of year.

This is a total failure of the Texas government to anticipate a cold snap.

Nothing else
ALL of this could have been prevented.

Wrong. 30 percent comes from green energy. If we weren't using that crap, we wouldn't be in this situation. Period.
You are either lying or stupid.

Even Abbott admitted than in the winter only 10% of energy produced comes from renewables...

The failure was across the board. Texas failed to protect their power sources from cold.

They failed

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

Screw Bloomberg.
He's nothing but a Democrap propagandist.

Bloomberg is citing fact. Texas only gets 10% of it's electricity from wind. As the Washington Post pointed out, Greenland gets it's electricity from wind and despite the cold climate, they have no problems. The cold shut down natural gas lines and forced a shutdown of 1 nuclear reactor. That has nothing to do with green energy. Abbott and other Texas Republicans are lying when they try to blame it on green energy. Aince you are a lying propagandist, it is not surprising you support Republican lies. Republicans are responsible for the failure of the power grid in Texas.

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

That is a BS lie by global warming nuts....Texas would not be in the news for power outages if not for renewable subsidies that replaced their existing power supply with wind and solar the people of America in part paid for Texas to have an unreliable power grid....CA is right in there with them....

Only 10% of Texas' electricity comes from green energy you lying weasel. Abbott even admits it. I suppose he is lying.
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Its not just frozen wind panels are useless without the and wind has been used since the beginning of human existence...for drying skins and supplying water....why are we going backwards?....

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Greenland uses wind power and they have no issues with the cold. That is because they protect their power generation from the cold. Texas did not. That is why the natural gas lines were frozen and a nuclear power plant was shut down.

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

That is a BS lie by global warming nuts....Texas would not be in the news for power outages if not for renewable subsidies that replaced their existing power supply with wind and solar the people of America in part paid for Texas to have an unreliable power grid....CA is right in there with them....

Only 10% of Texas' electricity comes from Green Energy you lying weasel. Abbott even admits it. I suppose he is lying.

Honey, he's a Republican! It's to be expected! They are the epitome of that old joke/adage, "how do I know you're lying? Your lips are moving!" ALL you have to do is go to the head liar in Congress, McConnell saying "Trump was responsible for Jan. 6th, but we can't actually punish him!" :smartass:

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

Nice paywall, asshole.

What nonsense. You don’t know anything about how to maintain a large power grid. When those windmills and solar stop working entirely, it puts an immediate strain on the other generation sites. The BES is down power generation and makes balancing even more difficult. Couple that with a huge uncommon demand makes balancing that much more difficult. It isn’t just about the power output, it’s about balance. Then throw in the weather causing damage to power lines, causing more strain and spikes in the BES. One failure in the BES can lead to a domino effect.

You are the one swho has no clue what you are talking about. Thde reason why the power grid failed is because the natural gas in the pipoelines were frozen. A nuclear power plant shut down because of the cold. There was no strain on the system.
We need to use natural gas and nuclear energy....and oil and coal....stop wasting money on ancient forms of power...
Natural gas froze in the pipelines. Nuke plants shut down...fossil fuel plants shut down

And oh yea...Wind Turbines only provide 10% of Texas energy this time of year.

This is a total failure of the Texas government to anticipate a cold snap.

Nothing else
ALL of this could have been prevented.

Wrong. 30 percent comes from green energy. If we weren't using that crap, we wouldn't be in this situation. Period.
You are either lying or stupid.

Even Abbott admitted than in the winter only 10% of energy produced comes from renewables...

The failure was across the board. Texas failed to protect their power sources from cold.

They failed

Nope, it's 30 percent.

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

That is a BS lie by global warming nuts....Texas would not be in the news for power outages if not for renewable subsidies that replaced their existing power supply with wind and solar the people of America in part paid for Texas to have an unreliable power grid....CA is right in there with them....

Only 10% of Texas' electricity comes from Green Energy you lying weasel. Abbott even admits it. I suppose he is lying.

Honey, he's a Republican! It's to be expected! They are the epitome of that old joke/adage, "how do I know you're lying? Your lips are moving!" ALL you have to do is go to the head liar in Congress, McConnell saying "Trump was responsible for Jan. 6th, but we can't actually punish him!" :smartass:

Liberals same way. If they're talking they're lying.

""Don’t point too many fingers at Texas wind turbines, because they’re Not the main reason broad swaths of the state have been plunged into darkness.

While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the Least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid."...."

Nice paywall, asshole.

What nonsense. You don’t know anything about how to maintain a large power grid. When those windmills and solar stop working entirely, it puts an immediate strain on the other generation sites. The BES is down power generation and makes balancing even more difficult. Couple that with a huge uncommon demand makes balancing that much more difficult. It isn’t just about the power output, it’s about balance. Then throw in the weather causing damage to power lines, causing more strain and spikes in the BES. One failure in the BES can lead to a domino effect.

If their Republican leadership had been willing to accept Federal Regulation, their power systems would be integrated with the rest of the country and they'd be supplied with power from outside Texas.

It wouldn't have mattered if parts of their systems failed or went 'Out of Balance'.
LOL you’re a moron. As I stated, the power generation isn’t usually the problem. You have zero comprehension of how it works if you can say something as stupid as “it wouldn’t matter” if parts fail or go out of balance. Why do you think the agencies that run power grids are called a “Balancing Authority”? If the balance is lost, the power goes out, and yes that can happen when there is too much power just as easily if there isn’t enough. The local outages due to damage cannot be solved by dumping more power, it can only be fixed when the local lines and transformers are fixed.

You are the moron. Texas uses natural gas to generate over half of their electricity. The natural gas in the lines froze up. That has nothing to do with load balancing. A nuclear reactor shut down because of the cold. That has nothing to dow with load balancfing. The reason it happened was because Texas did not weatherize their system to function in cold weather.

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