Fruits of Obama's Foreign Policy

This also proves Obama's agreement with Iran is meaningless. But then.........Iran's "president" has already said Iran has no agreement with Obama to shut down it's Nuclear Program.
Fruits of Obama's Foreign Policy

the world is in flames; left-wing nutjobs think obama deserves another Nobel

idiots and hypocrites
What do you suggest he do? I am guessing you think he is weak for not going to war and we know damn sure that if he did you'd call him a war monger.

go cry leftard; i WOULD. not my fault his ineptitude painted himself into a corner
Iran's going nuclear, Muslim Brotherhood controls most of the Middle East, Russia has the Ukraine and Crimea.

It's Jenga!!
What do you suggest he do? I am guessing you think he is weak for not going to war and we know damn sure that if he did you'd call him a war monger.

i would start out with not drawing "red lines" he has no intention of enforcing the meaning of.

also that stupid red reset button thing?
also; i dont think endorsing the Muslim Brotherhood to lead Egypt was a good idea; no matter if they were elected. Hitler and Saddam were elected
or saying Syria was an immediate emergency to the point he could invade them without even asking for the consent of Congress; then going from that to completely ignoring the slaughter there after getting Syria's friend Russia to handle Syria's chemical weapons

or having the gall to join a suit against SOME OF OUR STATES by foreign countries; just because the states had the nerve to want to HELP enforce federal immigration laws obama isnt enforcing
or tripling the use of drones. didnt you left-wing nutjobs say that only makes more enemies?
or turning his back on Eastern European countries friendly to us with regard to missile treaties.
Iran's going nuclear, Muslim Brotherhood controls most of the Middle East, Russia has the Ukraine and Crimea.

It's Jenga!!

WE're either world police or we're not. I know many of you righties will whine about empire but this is what you're suggesting. SO do you support that?

of course that is the suggestion you idiot. that is what we have been for more than 60 years whether you like it or want to admit it or not.

at any rate it speaks to whether he deserved that Nobel or not

CF 8737131
Iran's going nuclear, Muslim Brotherhood controls most of the Middle East, Russia has the Ukraine and Crimea.

Do you agree or disagree with this idiot Xavier Lerma, a freelance conservative writer and columnist writing for Pravda who lives in Moscow?

. The US and Kiev kill civilians and kills kids while blaming Russia. ....

The only combatants today are the Ukrainian puppet army (set up by the US who target civilians) and the SE Ukraine militia heroically trying to defend their families in Novorossia. The West still lies to its people declaring that Putin has invaded Ukraine, but how many American journalists are on the SE Ukraine battlefield today? Zero.

- See more at: No Russian Troops in Ukraine Obama Admits to Coup - English

Why did CrusaderFrank give Xavier Lerma a "like".
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