Ft. Hood Shooter Sentenced To Death

They ought not set a date for his execution. Instead, they should just tell him that some day, at some time, someone will kill you...

I like it!! Just tell him someone will walk up to his cell and put a bullet in him.
That would make meal times a hoot !! For added fun you could shoot him a few times with a paintball gun...in red paint of course.
I see endless opportunities....
I like the sentence, unfortunately the scumbag still has rights and this will be in appeal stage for some time with his appointed attorneys mucking things up.

Actually I don't think he will go for appeal.....he wants to die, a martyr.

In the military a death sentence is an AUTOMATIC appeal. No action required by the convicted.

An appeal in a capital case used to be mandatory in all states. Some no longer have that requirement. Perhaps the military will change as well. In this instance it would be refreshing.
I like the sentence, unfortunately the scumbag still has rights and this will be in appeal stage for some time with his appointed attorneys mucking things up.

Actually I don't think he will go for appeal.....he wants to die, a martyr.

In the military a death sentence is an AUTOMATIC appeal. No action required by the convicted.

I have no issues with appeals processes for death penalty cases, automatic appeals in particular. We have to make sure due process is followed.

Then we can hang the son of a bitch. I would prefer his head be placed on a pike for display, but some people don't like that sort of thing anymore.
All it is is more premeditated, cold-blooded killing.

Life in prison no parole ever, should be the sentence.
Lock him up and throw away the key...let God decide when he dies.

Death chambers need to be bulldozed.

Death needs to be on the table for some crimes, this is one of them.

I would abolish the DP on one condition. The maximum punishment would be to have to break down a boulder using a small hammer and chisel 12 hours a day. After that the criminal would have to crazy glue the boulder back together. Once done, he gets a new boulder, repeat ad nauseum. No workie, no feedie, and there is a noose availible if he/she wants to use it.

Death needs to be abolished for all crimes.
All of them.
Some US states have seen the light.

Nooses, electric chairs, lopping off heads, firing squads, stonings, hanging from cranes, gas chambers, beds...all barbaric in a civilised world.

I have no problem with the boulder breaking punishment though.

All convicteds must be kept alive...so that if they're later found to be innocent, as many have been...Sabrina Butler as but one example...poor Black single teen mom in the ghetto, her baby died, they said it was murder and shipped her off to death row for execution-homiciding by the state.
Luckily, after the DNA fraud scandal in Texas, she was granted an appeal.
She got a retrial, and was found to be innocent.
Actually I don't think he will go for appeal.....he wants to die, a martyr.

In the military a death sentence is an AUTOMATIC appeal. No action required by the convicted.

I have no issues with appeals processes for death penalty cases, automatic appeals in particular. We have to make sure due process is followed.

Then we can hang the son of a bitch. I would prefer his head be placed on a pike for display, but some people don't like that sort of thing anymore.

They don't because they feel it lesssens them as human beings and turns them into barbarians...Japanese invading troops used to do it, and worse, during WW2.
In the military a death sentence is an AUTOMATIC appeal. No action required by the convicted.

I have no issues with appeals processes for death penalty cases, automatic appeals in particular. We have to make sure due process is followed.

Then we can hang the son of a bitch. I would prefer his head be placed on a pike for display, but some people don't like that sort of thing anymore.

They don't because they feel it lesssens them as human beings and turns them into barbarians...Japanese invading troops used to do it, and worse, during WW2.

Hell, our own Euro-ancestors used to 'take heads' all the time, as a commonplace form of capital punishment...

And, as I recall, the French were still chopping-off heads as recently as the middle or late 1970s, when they finally retired the guillotine... well within living memory in an old and civilized and cultured post-WWII Western nation...

Hell, I've got freckles older than that...

It's an old and honorable form of capital punishment...

Perhaps we can send-away for the Saudi Swordsman?

I hear he's good at Parking Lot Quickies...

I'll volunteer to work the Ticket Booth in the parking lot driveway, so long as somebody tapes the fun and puts it on YouTube...

Oh, and... the traitor's head on a pike, afterwards?

Kinky... rather Henry-the-Eighth (-ish) - but... maybe they can build a Renaissance Fair thing around it for the weekend afterwards...

Folks would pay $10 a throw, to toss cubed pork-meat bits at it... you get a free glass of ale or wine or soda if you hit him square-on-the-nose and ring the bell... and the proceeds could go to a Victims Fund...
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I'm not big on the sentence since I don't think any country should use capital punishments. Still, this is simply a personal conviction and has religious roots.

But the Bible speaks a lot about murder......

Numbers 35:16
“But if he struck him down with an iron object, so that he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death.

Numbers 35:30
“If anyone kills a person, the murderer shall be put to death on the evidence of witnesses. But no person shall be put to death on the testimony of one witness.

BibleGateway.com - Keyword Search: murder
They ought not set a date for his execution. Instead, they should just tell him that some day, at some time, someone will kill you...

I like it!! Just tell him someone will walk up to his cell and put a bullet in him.
That would make meal times a hoot !! For added fun you could shoot him a few times with a paintball gun...in red paint of course.
I see endless opportunities....

And while he's waiting for it to happen....only serve him bacon!!

No....wait, don't want to waste bacon!!!!!!!!!!!!! Serve him pork liver!!! :)
"...there's still time, up until he's actually put to death."

Obama is President No. 44.

By the time the appeals process has been concluced and the Feds actually get around to executing him, we'll be on President No. 47 or 48 or 49.
All it is is more premeditated, cold-blooded killing.

Life in prison no parole ever, should be the sentence.
Lock him up and throw away the key...let God decide when he dies.

Death chambers need to be bulldozed.

Death needs to be on the table for some crimes, this is one of them.

I would abolish the DP on one condition. The maximum punishment would be to have to break down a boulder using a small hammer and chisel 12 hours a day. After that the criminal would have to crazy glue the boulder back together. Once done, he gets a new boulder, repeat ad nauseum. No workie, no feedie, and there is a noose availible if he/she wants to use it.

Death needs to be abolished for all crimes.
All of them.
Some US states have seen the light.

Nooses, electric chairs, lopping off heads, firing squads, stonings, hanging from cranes, gas chambers, beds...all barbaric in a civilised world.

I have no problem with the boulder breaking punishment though.

All convicteds must be kept alive...so that if they're later found to be innocent, as many have been...Sabrina Butler as but one example...poor Black single teen mom in the ghetto, her baby died, they said it was murder and shipped her off to death row for execution-homiciding by the state.
Luckily, after the DNA fraud scandal in Texas, she was granted an appeal.
She got a retrial, and was found to be innocent.

So you think Hasan could actually be found innocent????? Lol! I kind of agree on some, unless they have clear proof that a person murdered in cold blood, they should not be killed. But you know this isn't the case here....You said let God make the punishment. Well he already did.......

Exodus 20:13
“You shall not murder.

Numbers 35:16
“But if he struck him down with an iron object, so that he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death.

Numbers 35:17
And if he struck him down with a stone tool that could cause death, and he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death.

Numbers 35:18
Or if he struck him down with a wooden tool that could cause death, and he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death

Numbers 35:30
“If anyone kills a person, the murderer shall be put to death on the evidence of witnesses. But no person shall be put to death on the testimony of one witness.

Sounds like God was pretty clear at what we should do.
They ought not set a date for his execution. Instead, they should just tell him that some day, at some time, someone will kill you...

I like it!! Just tell him someone will walk up to his cell and put a bullet in him.
That would make meal times a hoot !! For added fun you could shoot him a few times with a paintball gun...in red paint of course.
I see endless opportunities....

And while he's waiting for it to happen....only serve him bacon!!

No....wait, don't want to waste bacon!!!!!!!!!!!!! Serve him pork liver!!! :)

With a side of pork rinds and head cheese.

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