Ft. Hood: Terror Attack on US Soil?

Was the Ft. Hood attack a "terror attack" on US soil?

  • Yes, there was probably a conspiracy based on his contacts

    Votes: 14 48.3%
  • No, he was obviously a lone nut

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Need more info to decide

    Votes: 7 24.1%

  • Total voters
Even if this were an act of terrorism, I would not lay the blame at President Obama's feet. The blame lies only with the terrorists. No one forced the 9/11 terrorists to perpetrate that attack. No one forced Malik Hasan to kill 13 people and wound 38 others at Ft Hood.

The idea that our government is to blame for not stopping these attacks is crazy as far as I am concerned. Do we expect the police to stop every crime before they occur? If they fail to arrest the burgler before he strikes do we blame the city police?


in both cases the us gov. had the information,, they should have acted upon it.

I just can't figure out what they were supposed to do. The idea that they were supposed to arrest a person who has not committed a crime is frightening to me. Especially knowing that I disagree with today's politicians in so many ways.

Should I be afraid?


well for starters they could have gotten him released from the duty he so desperately didn't want to fullfill. Make him pay every penny he owed back, Then secondly they could take a few Republicans and returning vets off the terror watch list and assign Janet Napolitano to keep her beady little eyes on this guy..
I think it does qualify as a terrorist attack. Even though the Major was or seems to have been working alone, the attack was made to advance his radical religion beliefs against unarmed helpless victims.

The term “terrorism” means premeditated, politically or Reliegion motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets.

The troops were unarmed and were not in a combat situation.

Yep, a 'lone wolf' possibility, though it's looking more and more against that.
No sooner had the gunshots from the Fort Hood shooting stopped echoing than conservatives started trying to score political points off the tragedy. Their first move is to label the attack at Fort Hood as terrorism. Why? So they can say there was a terrorist attack during President Obama's watch. Having been unable to keep this country safe during their watch, they are now willing to do anything to spread the belief that Barack Obama can't keep us safe. BBC NEWS | Americas | US major contacted radical cleric What happened at Fort Hood was murder. Blaming this on Barack Obama would be like trying to lay blame for the Charles Manson murders on Richard Nixon. Heck, you might as well blame the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on Abraham Lincoln. He was president at the time, after all.

Randi Rhodes

you know what Bobo i dont give a dam if you are the president and this Happened....i dont blame Obama, i blame the FBI and the military who apparently knew what this jerk was doing before this happened....and they did squat.....ALL BECAUSE OF FUCKING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS....."we dont want to piss off a certain segment of the population so let it go....the Muslims will say we are singling them out....we cant have that".....and Randi Rhodes aint no better then your teabagging buddy Rush.....
Obama was not the 'one' to say, "Get rid of this guy." However, who is the ultimate authority of the FBI, the military, Homeland Security? Who sets the tone? It lays at his feet.

i agree Annie...BUT...does the President know EVERYTHING that is going on?....if he knew then its on him...if he wasnt informed then its on the highest ranking guy in the govt who did know....if Obama did know and said let the guy be....dont want CAIRE coming down on me....then he is no fucking leader.....which i believe anyway....
you know what Bobo i dont give a dam if you are the president and this Happened....i dont blame Obama, i blame the FBI and the military who apparently knew what this jerk was doing before this happened....and they did squat.....ALL BECAUSE OF FUCKING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS....."we dont want to piss off a certain segment of the population so let it go....the Muslims will say we are singling them out....we cant have that".....and Randi Rhodes aint no better then your teabagging buddy Rush.....
Obama was not the 'one' to say, "Get rid of this guy." However, who is the ultimate authority of the FBI, the military, Homeland Security? Who sets the tone? It lays at his feet.

i agree Annie...BUT...does the President know EVERYTHING that is going on?....if he knew then its on him...if he wasnt informed then its on the highest ranking guy in the govt who did know....if Obama did know and said let the guy be....dont want CAIRE coming down on me....then he is no fucking leader.....which i believe anyway....

I doubt, but do not KNOW that the President knows details about individuals on the level of Hasan. In any case, I think it too much to expect of a president, any, to make individual decisions. That would be crazy.

However, someone at some level in the executive branch should have said, 'Something is wrong here, too many pings!'
in both cases the us gov. had the information,, they should have acted upon it.

I just can't figure out what they were supposed to do. The idea that they were supposed to arrest a person who has not committed a crime is frightening to me. Especially knowing that I disagree with today's politicians in so many ways.

Should I be afraid?


Seems there was enough information to get him out of the army and to take away registered firearms.

in both cases the us gov. had the information,, they should have acted upon it.

I just can't figure out what they were supposed to do. The idea that they were supposed to arrest a person who has not committed a crime is frightening to me. Especially knowing that I disagree with today's politicians in so many ways.

Should I be afraid?


That is a question that we need to ask, and one that we need to answer. On 9-11-01 the world changed, and if we do not take action and change with it then we are doomed to suffer more attacks against us. In this case you have an American Military Officer who is a Muslim and has been heard praising suicide bombers. Seems as though that could and maybe should be considered an act of treason. As those suicide bombers are attacking the USA. Can we start arresting someone for thinking about an act of terrorism? I believe we almost have to. Damned if I would want to have to write that law though.

This whole thing is extremely bothersome to me.

I am pro-life. Some people claim that makes me a terrorist. If the right politician were to make it to the oval office, I could very easily be declared an enemy of the state. My bookshelves have several anti-abortion books.

My dad was a WWII nut. He collected all kinds of books about Hitler and when he passed away some of those books ended up in my bookshelves although, I can't find his copy of "Mein Kampf" which I was curious about. Does the fact that I have a biography of Adolf Hitler in my bookshelf mean that I am a terrorist?

If someone were to go through my bookshelves would they think, "this guy is a ticking time bomb"? Would my right to own handguns be taken away from me because of the literature that was handed down to me by my dad? Is my freedom threatened because I believe that an unborn child has the right to live and that this country should not be promoting the destruction of unborn children for birth control reasons?

I am not a violent man... although I do have a temper and when pushed I tend to get nasty and loud, but except for in the case of self-defense, I would never deliberately hurt another human being.

That would not stop the government from declaring me a danger to others and removing my right to bare arms and maybe take away my freedom.

I suppose that today, I can be thankful with the above information that I have shared that at least I am not Muslim, because if I were... :(

Hate to say it but when I heard that this happened I said to myself I bet it was a muslim that did it. And guess what I was right. This is not the first time this kind of muslim terrorist attact has occured here. it happens all the time but the media never mentions it. it is always hidden. Time to wake up America the muslims want to take over the world and instill Islam to every one or kill all the infidels that don't convert!!!!
"Terrorism require alienated individuals, a complicit community, and a legitimizing ideology motivated by a desire for revenge, renown, and reaction from the enemy." Louise Richardson

Is the definition above correct or is the one below correct, and then to complicate things, is the last quote correct - didn't bin Laden become a hero to Muslims with our help in defeating the Russians?

"War is the terrorism of the rich and powerful, and terrorism is the war of the poor and powerless". Peter Ustinov

"The difference between political terror and ordinary crime becomes clear during the change of regimes, in which former terrorists become well-regarded representatives of their country." Jurgen Habermas

So long as we are a presence in fundamentally Muslim nations there will always be those who see us and use us as the enemy. Making friends is hard when you occupying nations in which the majority of people don't want you and actually hate you.
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However, someone at some level in the executive branch should have said, 'Something is wrong here, too many pings!'

exactly....and i would not doubt that,THAT individual was worried about the response he was going to get from the PC crowd and orgs. like CAIRE....
No sooner had the gunshots from the Fort Hood shooting stopped echoing than conservatives started trying to score political points off the tragedy. Their first move is to label the attack at Fort Hood as terrorism. Why? So they can say there was a terrorist attack during President Obama's watch. Having been unable to keep this country safe during their watch, they are now willing to do anything to spread the belief that Barack Obama can't keep us safe. BBC NEWS | Americas | US major contacted radical cleric What happened at Fort Hood was murder. Blaming this on Barack Obama would be like trying to lay blame for the Charles Manson murders on Richard Nixon. Heck, you might as well blame the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on Abraham Lincoln. He was president at the time, after all.
Randi Rhodes

What about the mountain of evidence to the contrary?
You really think "lone nuts" could shoot a pregnant woman? (I think it takes a terrorist)

Your politically motivated post says that you are more of a political hack than a fair, open-minded, thinking person.

What mountain of evidence to the contrary? What, did he go to some anti American websites? Clearly he's al queda. :cuckoo:

No, you are right. A lone nut could not shoot a pregnant woman. :eusa_liar:

The evidence NOW says that his commanding officers thought he was a wacko and they even asked if he might be capable of doing something like this. They all hoped he would "disappear" when they transferred him to Fort Hood. He's a lone nut.

I'll bet you anything you are right wing hack. How dare you suggest I am when it is you that wished for such an attack so you could say Obama and the dems aren't keeping us safe. Patriots my ass. Evil.
No sooner had the gunshots from the Fort Hood shooting stopped echoing than conservatives started trying to score political points off the tragedy. Their first move is to label the attack at Fort Hood as terrorism. Why? So they can say there was a terrorist attack during President Obama's watch. Having been unable to keep this country safe during their watch, they are now willing to do anything to spread the belief that Barack Obama can't keep us safe. BBC NEWS | Americas | US major contacted radical cleric What happened at Fort Hood was murder. Blaming this on Barack Obama would be like trying to lay blame for the Charles Manson murders on Richard Nixon. Heck, you might as well blame the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on Abraham Lincoln. He was president at the time, after all.

Randi Rhodes

you know what Bobo i dont give a dam if you are the president and this Happened....i dont blame Obama, i blame the FBI and the military who apparently knew what this jerk was doing before this happened....and they did squat.....ALL BECAUSE OF FUCKING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS....."we dont want to piss off a certain segment of the population so let it go....the Muslims will say we are singling them out....we cant have that".....and Randi Rhodes aint no better then your teabagging buddy Rush.....

"Political correctness". Give me a fucking break. He wasn't in a union. If the guy needed to be honorably or dishonorably discharged, please don't try to blame this on liberal policies. We just had 8 years of Bush. They knew last year this guy was a fucking mess. So was the military liberal after 8 years of Bush? Give it a rest. Not even close. They need every man because we are spread thin. Maybe blame that. And look into the people we are recruiting now. Lower physical, mental and criminal standards.

We told you for how many years the military was on the verge of being broken completely. People are snapping. He was going to be sent to Iraq.

They were lazy and incompetent. And what would you have done? Discharging him could have caused him to snap. Then what?

Isn't the military still run by the people appointed on Bush's watch?
No sooner had the gunshots from the Fort Hood shooting stopped echoing than conservatives started trying to score political points off the tragedy. Their first move is to label the attack at Fort Hood as terrorism. Why? So they can say there was a terrorist attack during President Obama's watch. Having been unable to keep this country safe during their watch, they are now willing to do anything to spread the belief that Barack Obama can't keep us safe. BBC NEWS | Americas | US major contacted radical cleric What happened at Fort Hood was murder. Blaming this on Barack Obama would be like trying to lay blame for the Charles Manson murders on Richard Nixon. Heck, you might as well blame the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on Abraham Lincoln. He was president at the time, after all.

Randi Rhodes

you know what Bobo i dont give a dam if you are the president and this Happened....i dont blame Obama, i blame the FBI and the military who apparently knew what this jerk was doing before this happened....and they did squat.....ALL BECAUSE OF FUCKING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS....."we dont want to piss off a certain segment of the population so let it go....the Muslims will say we are singling them out....we cant have that".....and Randi Rhodes aint no better then your teabagging buddy Rush.....
Obama was not the 'one' to say, "Get rid of this guy." However, who is the ultimate authority of the FBI, the military, Homeland Security? Who sets the tone? It lays at his feet.

Then vote for Sarah Palin in 2012. I have a feeling you will anyways. Make this incident your reason for voting GOP.

But vote for GW in 2004 after 9-11. :cuckoo:

You can't seriously debate people who reach as far as you do.
However, someone at some level in the executive branch should have said, 'Something is wrong here, too many pings!'

exactly....and i would not doubt that,THAT individual was worried about the response he was going to get from the PC crowd and orgs. like CAIRE....

This falls on the Executive Branch? I didn't know you turned into a right wing retard while I was gone.

What happened at Fort Hood was murder. Blaming this on Barack Obama would be like trying to lay blame for the Charles Manson murders on Richard Nixon

This is a great connection made, Manson who was a liberal/marxist/democrat and obama is a liberal/marxist/democrat, as sealybobo points out its absurb to blame manson's crimes on nixon as you would not blame the moslem major's crime on islam, sealybobo points out that the criminal mind of manson is not different than the same idealogy of Obama, both guilty of murder, both of the same generation, both who lived the same era and have many similiarities.

Obama the Manson in our times, than sealyb
"Political correctness". Give me a fucking break. He wasn't in a union. If the guy needed to be honorably or dishonorably discharged, please don't try to blame this on liberal policies. We just had 8 years of Bush. They knew last year this guy was a fucking mess. So was the military liberal after 8 years of Bush? Give it a rest. Not even close. They need every man because we are spread thin. Maybe blame that. And look into the people we are recruiting now. Lower physical, mental and criminal standards.

We told you for how many years the military was on the verge of being broken completely. People are snapping. He was going to be sent to Iraq.

They were lazy and incompetent. And what would you have done? Discharging him could have caused him to snap. Then what?

Isn't the military still run by the people appointed on Bush's watch?

Uh-huh. The same way 9/11 occurred before Bush had even half of his team approved.
Ft. Hood occurred on Obama's watch, there is no finger pointing allowed except at Obama. I saw his apologist generals come out and start the PC bullshit of "diversity" and "inclusion" already. By appeasing 0.8% of the population they're alienating 85%.
"Political correctness". Give me a fucking break. He wasn't in a union. If the guy needed to be honorably or dishonorably discharged, please don't try to blame this on liberal policies. We just had 8 years of Bush. They knew last year this guy was a fucking mess. So was the military liberal after 8 years of Bush? Give it a rest. Not even close. They need every man because we are spread thin. Maybe blame that. And look into the people we are recruiting now. Lower physical, mental and criminal standards.

We told you for how many years the military was on the verge of being broken completely. People are snapping. He was going to be sent to Iraq.

They were lazy and incompetent. And what would you have done? Discharging him could have caused him to snap. Then what?

Isn't the military still run by the people appointed on Bush's watch?

Uh-huh. The same way 9/11 occurred before Bush had even half of his team approved.
Ft. Hood occurred on Obama's watch, there is no finger pointing allowed except at Obama. I saw his apologist generals come out and start the PC bullshit of "diversity" and "inclusion" already. By appeasing 0.8% of the population they're alienating 85%.
And 9/11 happened on Bush's watch. So far, Bush, a Republican, is responsible for more American deaths.
"political correctness" was responsible for both terror attacks. Until we start getting serious about national security there is no protection from terrorists in our midst.
Terrorist attack? You bet. This guy was in contact with a radical jihadist. I don't think they were discussing the weather. This guy obviously thought more of his religion than he did his fellow soldiers and he had no problem murdering 13 of them. What a guy. Hope he burns in hell minus his 72 virgins.

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