Fuck it! Let Bernie win.

My daughter despises the Bern, and the black live matter folk, and the Trumpeters for that matter. I suspect she'd vote for Hill simply because she knows Hill will nominate pro choice judges, but really she's not very political beyond thinking govt screws things up more than it helps

I keep telling myself that these young kids voting for the Bern are a small minority within a small minority of the public, and recalling that most kids voted for Nixon.

This is just the first wave. As we type these words, kids are being indoctrinated in the public schools. Wave after wave of ignorant and uneducated kids will old enough to vote and encouraged to do so. I say lets get it over with so it can be fixed faster.
Why should you care, you are just about dead anyway.

That is part of my point. The people who will suffer the most are the very people who are uneducated enough to believe in Bernie's crazy shit. Fuck it! Let him win.

My daughter despises the Bern, and the black live matter folk, and the Trumpeters for that matter. I suspect she'd vote for Hill simply because she knows Hill will nominate pro choice judges, but really she's not very political beyond thinking govt screws things up more than it helps

I keep telling myself that these young kids voting for the Bern are a small minority within a small minority of the public, and recalling that most kids voted for Nixon.

This is just the first wave. As we type these words, kids are being indoctrinated in the public schools. Wave after wave of ignorant and uneducated kids will old enough to vote and encouraged to do so. I say lets get it over with so it can be fixed faster.
I don't see any of his legislative proposals getting through two houses of Congress. But we might see a 15-year war end, less unwarranted surveillance, a sane drug policy...

There is that. That pesky little fact that very few politicians have ever really done what they promised during the election.
The prospect of a Sanders presidency is exciting!

It has stimulated my desire to spend, spend, spend so I'll be positioned to benefit from all the free stuff and leave nothing to my heirs 'cause anything they might have gotten under normal circumstances will simply be taxed away.

Under Sanders the American Dream becomes: HOORAY for me and screw you! Once you get past all that outdated shit like personal responsibility and providing for family it becomes ever so much fun.
I'm so disheartened by the level of stupidity on display especially among the young. Let's look logically at what would happen if Crazy Bernie wins.

Can we get free stuff? If you are my age (60), we won't get to take advantage of the free college, but we may get free healthcare. At first, we may not have to suffer through long lines and long waits. If you're my age you won't have to worry about paying for the long term effects. So hey! Free stuff right?

If you are young, you have a serious problem. You get free healthcare, free college, a higher minimum wage, and whatever else Crazy Bernie has promised. But eventually the bill will come due. But hey YOU voted for him..."elections have consequences" and all that.

Crazy Bernie says that you don't have to worry, that he'll make Wall Street pay for it. Though he never says how. Yeah, good luck with the consequences of that.

The young, having suffered through years of progressive programming and designed ignorance, will likely only learn the truth when it hits them like a freight train. It may well be that the sooner it happens, the sooner we can trash all of this left wing poison that is making the US of A so sick.

People don't vote for Sanders because they think they will get free stuff out of it.

They are voting for him because he is the only one out there with some GUTS...

Trump seems to be the most inline guy on the reps side, and you can see his numbers are rising as well.

American people are tired of lousy disgusting politicians.
Thats the bottom line of this election...

There is some truth to that but I have seen a tremendous amount of news and video showing Sanders supporters either completely unable to state why they support him or state that they want the rich to pay for everything.
I don't see any of his legislative proposals getting through two houses of Congress. But we might see a 15-year war end, less unwarranted surveillance, a sane drug policy...

There is that. That pesky little fact that very few politicians have ever really done what they promised during the election.

I mean, even with a Democratic congress, it is unlikely.

My daughter despises the Bern, and the black live matter folk, and the Trumpeters for that matter. I suspect she'd vote for Hill simply because she knows Hill will nominate pro choice judges, but really she's not very political beyond thinking govt screws things up more than it helps

I keep telling myself that these young kids voting for the Bern are a small minority within a small minority of the public, and recalling that most kids voted for Nixon.

This is just the first wave. As we type these words, kids are being indoctrinated in the public schools. Wave after wave of ignorant and uneducated kids will old enough to vote and encouraged to do so. I say lets get it over with so it can be fixed faster.

What does a over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?
The prospect of a Sanders presidency is exciting!

It has stimulated my desire to spend, spend, spend so I'll be positioned to benefit from all the free stuff and leave nothing to my heirs 'cause anything they might have gotten under normal circumstances will simply be taxed away.

Under Sanders the American Dream becomes: HOORAY for me and screw you! Once you get past all that outdated shit like personal responsibility and providing for family it becomes ever so much fun.

That is only barely relevant to this thread. Though I agree with the sentiment.


My daughter despises the Bern, and the black live matter folk, and the Trumpeters for that matter. I suspect she'd vote for Hill simply because she knows Hill will nominate pro choice judges, but really she's not very political beyond thinking govt screws things up more than it helps

I keep telling myself that these young kids voting for the Bern are a small minority within a small minority of the public, and recalling that most kids voted for Nixon.

This is just the first wave. As we type these words, kids are being indoctrinated in the public schools. Wave after wave of ignorant and uneducated kids will old enough to vote and encouraged to do so. I say lets get it over with so it can be fixed faster.

What does a over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?
I don't see any of his legislative proposals getting through two houses of Congress. But we might see a 15-year war end, less unwarranted surveillance, a sane drug policy...

There is that. That pesky little fact that very few politicians have ever really done what they promised during the election.

I mean, even with a Democratic congress, it is unlikely.

Sure, piss in my punch bowl with your logic and reason!


My daughter despises the Bern, and the black live matter folk, and the Trumpeters for that matter. I suspect she'd vote for Hill simply because she knows Hill will nominate pro choice judges, but really she's not very political beyond thinking govt screws things up more than it helps

I keep telling myself that these young kids voting for the Bern are a small minority within a small minority of the public, and recalling that most kids voted for Nixon.

This is just the first wave. As we type these words, kids are being indoctrinated in the public schools. Wave after wave of ignorant and uneducated kids will old enough to vote and encouraged to do so. I say lets get it over with so it can be fixed faster.

What does a over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

Alright then...what does an out of focus over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

Ok. you cannot figure it out. Laughing at the stupidity of the post.



My daughter despises the Bern, and the black live matter folk, and the Trumpeters for that matter. I suspect she'd vote for Hill simply because she knows Hill will nominate pro choice judges, but really she's not very political beyond thinking govt screws things up more than it helps

I keep telling myself that these young kids voting for the Bern are a small minority within a small minority of the public, and recalling that most kids voted for Nixon.

This is just the first wave. As we type these words, kids are being indoctrinated in the public schools. Wave after wave of ignorant and uneducated kids will old enough to vote and encouraged to do so. I say lets get it over with so it can be fixed faster.

What does a over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

Alright then...what does an out of focus over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?
I don't see any of his legislative proposals getting through two houses of Congress. But we might see a 15-year war end, less unwarranted surveillance, a sane drug policy...

There is that. That pesky little fact that very few politicians have ever really done what they promised during the election.

I mean, even with a Democratic congress, it is unlikely.

But again I can also go back to the point that this is only the first wave. With each graduating high school and college class, more and more people who have been undereducated and intentionally misinformed will go out and vote. It could happen that during Sanders' 4 year term, he has the congress that he needs.

Ok. you cannot figure it out. Laughing at the stupidity of the post.



This is just the first wave. As we type these words, kids are being indoctrinated in the public schools. Wave after wave of ignorant and uneducated kids will old enough to vote and encouraged to do so. I say lets get it over with so it can be fixed faster.

What does a over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

Alright then...what does an out of focus over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

So whats a fat retarded guy have to do with anything?
He is laughing at the fucking idiot you are.



Ok. you cannot figure it out. Laughing at the stupidity of the post.



What does a over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

Alright then...what does an out of focus over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

So whats a fat retarded guy have to do with anything?
And logically if Cruz wins you'll get more crony capitalism. He's funded by the banks

Says you.

Yes says me, common sense, logic, and reading skills.

So your reading tells you Cruz can defeat Sanders but not Clinton and that's why you consider Rubio irrelevant. That makes sense.

No, your lack of reading comprehension skills leads you to post irrelevant garbage and then scratch your pointy head wondering wtf I'm referring to.

Re-read the OP and then stay on topic. Read it as slowly as you need to. Ask someone to explain it to you if you must, but I won't include you in the discussion untill you post something relevant.

Ok. you cannot figure it out. Laughing at the stupidity of the post.



This is just the first wave. As we type these words, kids are being indoctrinated in the public schools. Wave after wave of ignorant and uneducated kids will old enough to vote and encouraged to do so. I say lets get it over with so it can be fixed faster.

What does a over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

Alright then...what does an out of focus over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

Good job eliminating yourself from the discussion. Bye.
He is laughing at the fucking idiot you are.



Ok. you cannot figure it out. Laughing at the stupidity of the post.


What does a over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

Alright then...what does an out of focus over rated lousy free throw shooter have to do with anything?

So whats a fat retarded guy have to do with anything?

Nah...he's laughing at your inability to use the written word to convey your thoughts.
Re-read the OP and then stay on topic.

You claim to want Sanders to win. Okay, so not because you believe Cruz can beat him in the general, but because your loathing for Hillary is so strong. Got it.

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