Fuck it! Let Bernie win.

I'm so disheartened by the level of stupidity on display especially among the young. Let's look logically at what would happen if Crazy Bernie wins.

Can we get free stuff? If you are my age (60), we won't get to take advantage of the free college, but we may get free healthcare. At first, we may not have to suffer through long lines and long waits. If you're my age you won't have to worry about paying for the long term effects. So hey! Free stuff right?

If you are young, you have a serious problem. You get free healthcare, free college, a higher minimum wage, and whatever else Crazy Bernie has promised. But eventually the bill will come due. But hey YOU voted for him..."elections have consequences" and all that.

Crazy Bernie says that you don't have to worry, that he'll make Wall Street pay for it. Though he never says how. Yeah, good luck with the consequences of that.

The young, having suffered through years of progressive programming and designed ignorance, will likely only learn the truth when it hits them like a freight train. It may well be that the sooner it happens, the sooner we can trash all of this left wing poison that is making the US of A so sick.

Bernie is the only one running who actually pays his staff. What does that tell you about Republicans?

These other pigs are so full of themselves they think it's a PRIVILEGE for anyone to intern for them.

Feel the Bern, BedPan.


Is Bernie Sanders the Only Presidential Candidate to Pay His Interns?

There are plenty of threads on the positives and negatives of Bernie Sanders, can we stick to the subject outlined in the OP?

Were you talking about someone else named Bernie, or have you forgotten your own thread title?
The Super-delegates aren't ever going to let Crazy Bern win.

I tend to agree, but my point is that we might as well let it happen now. That way they will learn, and we can fix it before people forget what it was like without it.

I hope that you are just being sarcastic and not serious. If they destroy the free market capitalist system that built this country, it will never be the same again. Once you drive over the cliff, there's no recovering from that. There are countries in the Baltics who were only Communist for a few decades and they have been trying for 30 years to re-establish democracy since the fall of the USSR and it's damn near impossible because the infrastructure no longer exists.

The Millennials have to be educated on what Socialism brings with it. They are under this delusion of Utopia that will just never exist but they've bought into it hook, line and sinker. It seems like a hopeless endeavor, I admit, but we simply have to keep fighting. Surrender can't be an option.

I am serious. Remember however that I do not have the power to make it happen.

I believe and hope, that it won't take decades for young Americans to understand the error that they would make. It is truely my belief that we cannot stop the tide of ignorance and progressive indoctrination that is producing people dumb enough to actually vote crazy Bernie into office. You can call it surrender but maybe if it happens sooner than later, it can get fixed before people forget what it was like before him.

I assure you, this is a bad, bad, BAD idea. This is not a matter of "oops, we messed up, let's change it back!" Once you go full-on Socialist, there isn't a way to change back. There is literally nothing to change back to. Once you destroy Wall Street and the financial institutions which underpin the free market system, you can't re-establish them. It's like a man cutting off his pecker to become a woman, it doesn't matter if he realizes down the road that it was a bad idea.

For better or worse (it will be worse), we'll have to live with the Socialist system.... until, ultimately, the US disintegrates into anarchy and what once were states cobble together some semblance of order that may resemble what once was. But the country we once knew will be gone forever. We'll never see it again, our great grandchildren will never see it. They may wish for it... they may be befuddled as to why we ever gave it up... they will inevitably look at history and ponder how we could have been so foolish. But you cannot put the bloom back on the rose.

As futile as it might seem, the better alternative is to continue to fight for what our founders established. We have to take back our education system and stop the indoctrination that has been systemically happening in America for the past 70+ years. This has to be rejected politically and philosophically. We're going to always be dealing with those who have been brainwashed by the Socialist propaganda. We've been dealing with them for years... some say as far back as the Civil War or before.
Yet another poster who doesn't know what democratic socialism means...

I know exactly what it means because I studied world history. It's actually an oxymoron. Socialism is not "democratic" and it can't be. Democracy is when everyone gets a vote... Socialism is when government controls everything. If government has the power of control there is no vote. The term "democratic socialism" is a ruse designed to fool the ignorant into thinking they will control their own destiny. As soon as you've turned your freedom over to government you can forget controlling your own destiny... you'll do as your Socialist government tells you to do. You might get to vote on who controls you but it will always and forever be a Socialist and it will be purely cosmetic... something for the Socialist government to parade around and show the world they are "democratic" when they're nothing remotely close to it.
If only one could understand progressives, marxists, communists and "democratic socialists" as well as adolescent leftists......
Those critical thinkers...... Lol
I'm so disheartened by the level of stupidity on display especially among the young. Let's look logically at what would happen if Crazy Bernie wins.

Can we get free stuff? If you are my age (60), we won't get to take advantage of the free college, but we may get free healthcare. At first, we may not have to suffer through long lines and long waits. If you're my age you won't have to worry about paying for the long term effects. So hey! Free stuff right?

If you are young, you have a serious problem. You get free healthcare, free college, a higher minimum wage, and whatever else Crazy Bernie has promised. But eventually the bill will come due. But hey YOU voted for him..."elections have consequences" and all that.

Crazy Bernie says that you don't have to worry, that he'll make Wall Street pay for it. Though he never says how. Yeah, good luck with the consequences of that.

The young, having suffered through years of progressive programming and designed ignorance, will likely only learn the truth when it hits them like a freight train. It may well be that the sooner it happens, the sooner we can trash all of this left wing poison that is making the US of A so sick.

Bernie is the only one running who actually pays his staff. What does that tell you about Republicans?

These other pigs are so full of themselves they think it's a PRIVILEGE for anyone to intern for them.

Feel the Bern, BedPan.


Is Bernie Sanders the Only Presidential Candidate to Pay His Interns?

People have always volunteered to help with election campaigns. Bernie had to offer something since his supporters are more takers than givers.
Yet another poster who doesn't know what democratic socialism means...

I know exactly what it means because I studied world history. It's actually an oxymoron. Socialism is not "democratic" and it can't be. Democracy is when everyone gets a vote... Socialism is when government controls everything. If government has the power of control there is no vote. The term "democratic socialism" is a ruse designed to fool the ignorant into thinking they will control their own destiny. As soon as you've turned your freedom over to government you can forget controlling your own destiny... you'll do as your Socialist government tells you to do. You might get to vote on who controls you but it will always and forever be a Socialist and it will be purely cosmetic... something for the Socialist government to parade around and show the world they are "democratic" when they're nothing remotely close to it.

I think they are trying to say it democratic socialism because the majority want it because the left has managed to lure so many people into government dependency. They are now voting themselves money from other people. This is why America was never intended to be a true democracy. This is what our forefathers sought to avoid.

We are a constitutional Republic and the left hates that. They are trying to tear us down so they can rewrite the constitution.
Yet another poster who doesn't know what democratic socialism means...

I know exactly what it means because I studied world history. It's actually an oxymoron. Socialism is not "democratic" and it can't be.

So you're yet another who equates it with communism. Or is it Nazism "because they have 'socialist' in their name"?

Scrape off all the RW crap and remind yourself that you're posting on "social" media, that your [grand]parents are on Social Security, and that etymology is nonpartisan. ;)
You had some points until you brought up the indoctrination rhetoric. My kids went to public school, had a great education, and there was not one shred of this so called indoctrination spoken of. If a kid is dumb, find the parents and you have the reason.
I think they are trying to say it democratic socialism because the majority want it because the left has managed to lure so many people into government dependency. They are now voting themselves money from other people. This is why America was never intended to be a true democracy. This is what our forefathers sought to avoid.

We are a constitutional Republic and the left hates that. They are trying to tear us down so they can rewrite the constitution.

I think it's cute how you can't address us one-on-one, but have to resort to the schoolyard trick of talking about us behind your hand.

Still waiting for you to 'splain how we should return to the medical technology of 1776. Ever visit a churchyard from that era? Notice all those children who died before age 6? Notice how many women died in childbirth? Good times, right?
Between Hillary and Sanders ..... better Sanders

but ....he won't win...

somebody else will! :2up:

as a President that is
They are trying to tear us down so they can rewrite the constitution.

Well, in a sense... They actually want to make the Constitution obsolete.

What they are attempting to do is undermine the foundations of free market capitalism so that it collapses. When that happens, the people will become desperate for some kind of relief. Enter Socialism in all it's "heroic" glory to "save the day!" The dumbed-down Millennials are the "useful idiots" who believe the propaganda of the Utopian vision. They will be instrumental in helping bring down the foundations of free market capitalism. They have no concept of how horrific things are going to get or the suffering that lies ahead, they think it's like downloading an upgrade for their iPhone.
They are trying to tear us down so they can rewrite the constitution.

Well, in a sense... They actually want to make the Constitution obsolete.

What they are attempting to do is undermine the foundations of free market capitalism so that it collapses. When that happens, the people will become desperate for some kind of relief. Enter Socialism in all it's "heroic" glory to "save the day!" The dumbed-down Millennials are the "useful idiots" who believe the propaganda of the Utopian vision. They will be instrumental in helping bring down the foundations of free market capitalism. They have no concept of how horrific things are going to get or the suffering that lies ahead, they think it's like downloading an upgrade for their iPhone.

Oh, my. Another third-grader in the schoolyard. And here I was hoping you'd be up for an intelligent conversation.

Well, threads like this will be fun to revisit on November 9th.
You had some points until you brought up the indoctrination rhetoric. My kids went to public school, had a great education, and there was not one shred of this so called indoctrination spoken of. If a kid is dumb, find the parents and you have the reason.

My kids went to public school too. This has not been a blatant thing, it is very subtle and incremental in nature. Some school districts are worse than others and it's not as prevalent in elementary or secondary education as much as it's in the higher institutions of learning. But it IS happening, whether you are aware of it or not. Outcome-based education is pure socialist engineering. Common core is classic Socialism. The "correct" answer is no longer the "right" answer because it's not the most "fair" answer. This is indoctrination.

You have to remember something here... No one... not a single human who ever existed on this planet... has EVER volunteered to be willfully indoctrinated. That's the insidious part of it... you don't realize it is happening.
Well my kids said the pledge every morning and to me that's also s form of indoctrination is it not?
Oh, my. Another third-grader in the schoolyard.

Pretty fucking ironic that I scroll back up the page and every single post you've made is to simply denigrate someone's comments without substance. This is what 3rd graders do in the schoolyard because they haven't learned how to debate or even lob decent insults yet.

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