'Fuck You, Guns'

"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here: Fuck You, Guns



Respectfully, you are confused. The NRA Never condones Lawlessness. Your solution only insures that Criminals and Totalitarians will have guns. It may serve your end, A Police State Utopia, where the critics routinely get rubbed out, the Privileged are provided for by decree, at the expense of the rest of us, of course while being protected by Armed Security, while we are not. You can always rewrite History, and slant it to serve your end, but, you already know that. Sometimes, it's more about having faith in God, in Mankind's purpose for even being here. Consider that even you, especially you, will never matter more, as a part of the collective, as you do as an individual. As you navigate through life, every thought, every choice you make, comes from within, it is first individual choice, before you willingly surrender it to the borg. Self Preservation, Voicing what you witness, from your unique perspective, are not only Rights, but obligations. Consider that certain things do apply equally to those around you, before demanding the surrender, of these inherent rights from those around you. Government is not the author of providence, justice, divine will, even though, at times, it may, in delusion, think so, at best, it is it's caretaker, as are we, both individually and collectively. Sometimes, we get it right, to one level and degree, or another. Sometimes we need to check our bearings.
"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here: Fuck You, Guns



Don't forget the 500 murders in Chicago in 2012... You know... The place where guns are banned.
from p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week.It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."

Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"

"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms! "

And so lets ignore what made Eric tic in life, because it just might lead to something we have all been wondering about anyways (the left and their culture and/or ways of doing things), so lets just blame the guns and make the trails run cold yet again and again right? Meanwhile the left keeps right on building and building these Jeckle and Hides.
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Fuck you Guns!
Fuck you Cars!
Fuck you Tornados!
Fuck you Knives!
Fuck you Spoons!
Fuck you Gravel Ladels!
Fuck you Electricity!
Fuck you Dogs!
Fuck you Bears!
Fuck you Sharks!
Fuck you!Fuck you!Fuck you!Fuck you!Fuck you!

Fuck Yooooohoooo!....Idiot :mad:
Just shootin' from the hip (no pun intended), I'd say a household background check at least as extensive as the one required for federal employment, and limit hardware to weapons that are incapable of firing more than a few rounds before pausing for reload.

Nothing draconian... and certainly not a ban.

a federal background check can get a bit weird.

You are expected to account for every place and time where you lived during your life.

in my case I don't think I can find someone to vouch for my whereabouts many years ago.

Yes, they want dates and addresses and 2 people that can verify that. At least that is what I remember.


what is a few rounds?

Would a 10 round mag for my Savage bolt action .22 be more than a few?

why are libs afraid of my .22 ?
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"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here: Fuck You, Guns


What is THAT fetish called...fucking inanimate objects?
"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here: Fuck You, Guns


YOUR the Idiot in the room. Since does a gun make decisions for itself? AZZHAT
There seems to be some inconsistencies when purchasing guns at a gun show or from individuals. One thing that could be done is a unified purchase procedure.

Tracking of violent or folks routinely suggesting violence, including mandatory reporting by mental health workers seems reasonable too.

Require anyone that has a war weopon, AK 47, AR 15, to have the same permits as someone that has a fully automatic weopon. Same for high capacity pistols. If they are caught outside their homes with such weopons and no permit, the weopons are confiscated and destroyed, and they face prison time.

You store your gun irresponsibly, someone takes it and commits a crime, you own that crime.

Not just reporting. Treatment. Without consideration of the ability to pay for it. The cost to society for untreated mental illness far exceeds the cost of treating such people.

Do you have a fauking clue what your saying libnutter? Gun doesn't need treatment.

Why aren't you including the shooter with meds plus video disorders up the wazzo...kid was dumb down to kindergardener with med's and the vid's cemented by fire practice by his mother who later determined he was out of control.
There seems to be some inconsistencies when purchasing guns at a gun show or from individuals. One thing that could be done is a unified purchase procedure.

Tracking of violent or folks routinely suggesting violence, including mandatory reporting by mental health workers seems reasonable too.

Require anyone that has a war weopon, AK 47, AR 15, to have the same permits as someone that has a fully automatic weopon. Same for high capacity pistols. If they are caught outside their homes with such weopons and no permit, the weopons are confiscated and destroyed, and they face prison time.

You store your gun irresponsibly, someone takes it and commits a crime, you own that crime.

Not just reporting. Treatment. Without consideration of the ability to pay for it. The cost to society for untreated mental illness far exceeds the cost of treating such people.

Lol, you're even dumber than most liberals. See most liberals bloviating on The "gun" debates has shown us they have very little actual knowledge about firearms in general and even less knowldge of the facts surrounding gun ownership in this nation, but they at least, for most of them anyway, KNOW HOW TO FREAKING SPELL W-E-A-P-O-N. These are the types of idiots that we are going to allow to take away our 2nd amendment rights?
Just shootin' from the hip (no pun intended), I'd say a household background check at least as extensive as the one required for federal employment, and limit hardware to weapons that are incapable of firing more than a few rounds before pausing for reload.

Nothing draconian... and certainly not a ban.

a federal background check can get a bit weird.

You are expected to account for every place and time where you lived during your life.

in my case I don't think I can find someone to vouch for my whereabouts many years ago.

Yes, they want dates and addresses and 2 people that can verify that. At least that is what I remember.


what is a few rounds?

Would a 10 round mag for my Savage bolt action .22 be more than a few?

why are libs afraid of my .22 ?
That's just it, why are they afraid of the gun, and not the gun carrier or person behind the gun? Getting to know someone is crucial these days, but they would rather know the weapon instead? Knowing the weapon is not the answer, but knowing our neighbors is the answer, oh but wait that would be profiling now wouldn't it ? We wouldn't want to profile anyone now would we?

We would be all sorts of bad if we wanted to just know who lived next door to us anymore, or who has the government moved next door to us anymore, or who has the government turned loose from prison early, that now lives next door to us anymore, or who might be the pedophile, rapist, killer, dealer, drug attic etc. that is living in the neighborhood with us anymore.
Just shootin' from the hip (no pun intended), I'd say a household background check at least as extensive as the one required for federal employment, and limit hardware to weapons that are incapable of firing more than a few rounds before pausing for reload.

Nothing draconian... and certainly not a ban.

a federal background check can get a bit weird.

You are expected to account for every place and time where you lived during your life.

in my case I don't think I can find someone to vouch for my whereabouts many years ago.

Yes, they want dates and addresses and 2 people that can verify that. At least that is what I remember.


what is a few rounds?

Would a 10 round mag for my Savage bolt action .22 be more than a few?

why are libs afraid of my .22 ?

You are describing the beginning of a SBI (Special Background Investigation) used to grant Top Secret Clearances that will be compartmentalized... What is actually done is a local police records check... And is all that is needed....... I don't know why anyone would be afraid of your .22 I personally don't have anything that small right now, unless you count my crossbow....
"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here: Fuck You, Guns



Come take my 2 AR's, my mini-14, M1A1, my 357, my 4 12 guage shotguns etc and so on.

I dare you to try. Real Americans won't stand for commie tyranny.
No sensible replies from the cowardly gun huggers. I guess when your courage comes from a weapon, your brain comes from the NRA. A sign of a sad society is one in which people are so fearful they have to be armed. Childhood fantasies and Hollywood violence manage the minds of those who see bogeymen around every corner. Machismo made easy for babies.

"Bushmasters are by no means the only assault weapons of choice among mass killers (the Aurora shooter used a Smith & Wesson), but the brand’s repeated presence in murderous incidents reflects Bushmaster’s enormous popularity in the gun world, the result of a successful marketing campaign aimed at putting military firepower and machismo in the hands of civilians. Gun owners once talked about the need for personal protection and sport hunting, but out-of-control ad campaigns like Bushmaster’s have replaced revolvers and shotguns with highly lethal paramilitary fantasies."

Just imagine if Eric had a Bushmaster.

from p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."[/b]

Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"

"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms! "
No sensible replies from the cowardly gun huggers. I guess when your courage comes from a weapon, your brain comes from the NRA. A sign of a sad society is one in which people are so fearful they have to be armed. Childhood fantasies and Hollywood violence manage the minds of those who see bogeymen around every corner. Machismo made easy for babies.

"Bushmasters are by no means the only assault weapons of choice among mass killers (the Aurora shooter used a Smith & Wesson), but the brand’s repeated presence in murderous incidents reflects Bushmaster’s enormous popularity in the gun world, the result of a successful marketing campaign aimed at putting military firepower and machismo in the hands of civilians. Gun owners once talked about the need for personal protection and sport hunting, but out-of-control ad campaigns like Bushmaster’s have replaced revolvers and shotguns with highly lethal paramilitary fantasies."

Just imagine if Eric had a Bushmaster.

from p.280 'Columbine' by Dave Cullen [bold added]

"Eric manufactured three more pipe bombs: the Charlie batch. Then he halted production until December. What he needed was guns. And that was becoming a problem.

Eric had been looking into the Brady Bill. Congress had passed the law restricting the purchase of most popular semiautomatic machine guns in 1993. A federal system of instant background checks would soon go into effect. Eric was going to have a hard time getting around that.

"Fuck you Brady!" Eric wrote in his journal. All he wanted was a couple of guns - "and thanks to your fucking bill I will probably not get any!" He wanted them only for personal protection, he joked: "Its not like I'm some psycho who would go on a shooting spree. fuckers."

Eric frequently made his research do double duty for both schoolwork and his master plan. He wrote up a short research assignment on the Brady Bill that week. It was a good idea in theory, he said, aside from the loopholes. The biggest problem was that checks applied only to licensed dealers, not private dealers. So two-thirds of the licensed dealers had just gone private. "The FBI just shot themselves in the foot," he concluded."[/b]

Eric was rational about his firepower. "As of this date I have enough explosives to kill about 100 people," he wrote. With axes, bayonets, and assorted blades, he could maybe take out ten more. That was as far as hand to-hand combat would get him. A hundred and ten people. "that just isn't enough!"

"Guns!" the entry concluded. "I need guns! Give me some fucking firearms! "
Sorry, but it just doesn't get any dumber than this... Your problem is stereo typing citizens into a group, and this as based upon what has happened in these killings. Now you think you need to suggest or tell the good citizens that they are bad or wrong for wanting to own the bushmaster AR-15 or for them owning an AR-15? Thank God you don't get to tell the good citizens anything about what they should and shouldn't do or can and cannot do in this life...

You feel this way, even when it is not the good citizens that you should be worried about, but rather it is that you should be always worried about the bad people in this country instead. Yes that is who you should be worried about always, and never the good people, so what is your deal actually, are you just this stupid or something? If I am armed (no matter what the weapon I choose) you should be very pleased at this, because I would be there to possibly protect you someday in life, but if I am un-armed then we all die in the situation in which may have gone bad for us all.
Words so true have not been spoken yet in this debate
Senator Dianne Feinstein,

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.

I am not your subject. I am the man who keeps you free. I am not your servant. I am the person whom you serve. I am not your peasant. I am the flesh and blood of America.

I am the man who fought for my country. I am the man who learned. I am an American. You will not tell me that I must register my semi-automatic AR-15 because of the actions of some evil man.

I will not be disarmed to suit the fear that has been established by the media and your misinformation campaign against the American public.

We, the people, deserve better than you.

Respectfully Submitted,
Joshua Boston
United States Marine Corps

U.S. Marine’s Scathing Response to Sen. Feinstein’s Gun Control Proposal: ‘I Am Not Your Subject. I Am the Man Who Keeps You Free’ | TheBlaze.com
"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here: Fuck You, Guns



and fuck you cars for all those tragic deaths. lets get a bandwagon of the perpetually outraged and clueless to hysterically address this bloody issue.

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