'Fuck You, Guns'

Because you are too stupid and ignorant to know the threat, hell, you probably enjoy getting cavity searched by the TSA.

Don't know, that's never happened to me. Of course, I don't act suspiciously and mutter about the evil "gummit" while I'm waiting in line, either. That's probably what your problem is.

I have never been physically searched while in line at the airport, but the virtual strip search doen with the scanners is just as much a search and unconstitutional if they dont have probable cause.

I just think you are the type of subserviant perv who would enjoy such fare.

You didn't say "virtual strip search", guy, you said "cavity search". So you are pretty much moving the goalposts- again.

A high powered rifle capable of firing full auto is what the military issues and what makes said rifle military grade. Auto-loaders are not bought by military establishments because they do not regard it as military grade weaponry.

But that does not matter to liars like you. You are going to fucking lie every time you think you can get away with it no matter what the facts are because youare a fucking whore.

Yes, the name calling really improves your case.

An AR-15 fires the same 5.56 mm round an M-16 does, and like the M-16, the barrel is rifled in such a way that the bullet "tumbles" causing the maximum amount of damage to human flesh. (Again, a six year old doesn't stand a fucking chance when hit with one of these.)

Just like a 30-06 or a 7mm Remington magnum rifle that people use to hunt with.

These so-called assault weapons are half the cost of well made hunting rifles with wood stocks, typically. That is why people buy them.

That's exactly the point, though. Cheap guns means any unqualified asshole can buy them.

You really need to lern how to read for comprehension. Where did I say I wanted to pretend the shooting didnt happen, you lying fucktard?

And the media is bullying the NRA like any other internet bully that targets someone with lies, slander and agit-prop. Except the media is all marching in lock step, each afraid they might be hauled before a Senate committe and have their licenses revoked in various markets as the Dems have already threated repeatedly to do.

Or it might be that they all have kids, too, and don't want Adam Lanza showing up in their kid's classroom.

I would think responsible gun owners would want guns kept out of the hands of a Lanza as much as any other sane person would.

1. We do.

2. Finally you admit that we are in fact sane. Being the liar that you are I am sure that was merely a slip.

yeah, you're demonstrating yourself as a find beacon of sanity this morning Jimbo... I frankly don't know what a lot of gun owners are thinking, other than they've been conditioned by the NRA to think any gun law is an assault on them personally.

Frankly, I don't think you need guns, but I'm willing to meet you halfway and restrict only certain kinds of guns and have limits on ownership that would still allow responsible gun owners to keep their guns. Even though I know that will still mean a certain number of suicides and accidents would have to be lived with.

But you just couldn't get LaPeirre to say that restricting ANY kind of gun was the answer.

Because it is not the answer. Unlike you he isnt willing to tell just any lie at all to get his point across, and in the thirty plus years I have been a member of the NRA I have never once caught him lying about anything.

You mean when he called ATF agents "jack-booted thugs", or blamed videogames for Sandy Hook when there was no evidence Lanza even played videogames?
Don't know, that's never happened to me. Of course, I don't act suspiciously and mutter about the evil "gummit" while I'm waiting in line, either. That's probably what your problem is.

I have never been physically searched while in line at the airport, but the virtual strip search doen with the scanners is just as much a search and unconstitutional if they dont have probable cause.

I just think you are the type of subserviant perv who would enjoy such fare.

You didn't say "virtual strip search", guy, you said "cavity search". So you are pretty much moving the goalposts- again.

I was talking about two different situations, Einstein;

1. what the TSA does every day, and

2. what the TSA can do and that you would likely enjoy being the perv you are.

Yes, the name calling really improves your case.

It isnt calling names when its true, JoeBlow.

An AR-15 fires the same 5.56 mm round an M-16 does, and like the M-16, the barrel is rifled in such a way that the bullet "tumbles" causing the maximum amount of damage to human flesh. (Again, a six year old doesn't stand a fucking chance when hit with one of these.)

The Nato 5.56 round doesnt tumble because of the rifling, moron. It is due to how light the round is and it traveling at high velocity. If going at the right speed and hitting a hard object like a bone, these FMJ 5.56 rounds will tumble backwards, If it doesnt hit somehin like a bone, it just does a through and through wound unless it happens to hit a vital organ.

A sinlge round of double ought buck would do far more damage.

That's exactly the point, though. Cheap guns means any unqualified asshole can buy them.

These guns were stolen, not bought. Most guns used in such crimes by these flakes are stoilen because they dont have the cash, usually to buy them themselves. And if they suspect that they might get screened, they get someone to buy the guns for them.

Or it might be that they all have kids, too, and don't want Adam Lanza showing up in their kid's classroom.

I doubt Lanza will show up in their classroom, unless the Zombie Apocolypse finally breaks out.

yeah, you're demonstrating yourself as a find beacon of sanity this morning Jimbo... I frankly don't know what a lot of gun owners are thinking, other than they've been conditioned by the NRA to think any gun law is an assault on them personally.

That is who you libtards think; what you believe to be true you think is obvious and stands bsed on the weight of the evidence, thus those who disagree are either corrupt, insane or ignorant. But many issues are cropping up over the lase few decades where the liberal assumptions are shown by evidence to be nothing more than that; assumptions.

But you just cant believe that because you cant think deeper than your gut reaction and the apparent connsensus that surrounds you. But this is because you liberals surround yourself with people who think like you do, because you are too intolerant to keep friends who disagree. Thus this consensus you think is there, is entirely artificial due to a liberal cultural bias that you cant even imagine might exist.

Frankly, I don't think you need guns, ....

Yeah, you fucked up on that 'think' thing again.

but I'm willing to meet you halfway ....

Lol, a libtards idea of compromise to demand all that you have, then compromise by being willing to take only half instead, lolol. This is the logic of a tyrant and the sychophant that makes tyranny possible.

and restrict only certain kinds of guns and have limits on ownership that would still allow responsible gun owners to keep their guns.

ROFLMAO, you will let us keep some of our guns, lol.

You only say that because you wont be the one coming to get them. You will send some poor bastards who only want to enforce the law to do the dirty work for you.

Here is an idea; why dont you gun grabbing fascist whores come and get the guns your own damned selves?

But you just couldn't get LaPeirre to say that restricting ANY kind of gun was the answer.

Because it is not the answer. Unlike you he isnt willing to tell just any lie at all to get his point across, and in the thirty plus years I have been a member of the NRA I have never once caught him lying about anything.

You mean when he called ATF agents "jack-booted thugs", or blamed videogames for Sandy Hook when there was no evidence Lanza even played videogames?

There have been incidents where some in the ATF have been jack booted thugs, and Lanza did play the kind of games laPiere was refering to.

Adam Lanza Addicted To Video Games — ‘Call Of Duty’ Cause Of Shooting? - Hollywood Life
I have never been physically searched while in line at the airport, but the virtual strip search doen with the scanners is just as much a search and unconstitutional if they dont have probable cause.

I just think you are the type of subserviant perv who would enjoy such fare.

You didn't say "virtual strip search", guy, you said "cavity search". So you are pretty much moving the goalposts- again.

I was talking about two different situations, Einstein;

1. what the TSA does every day, and

2. what the TSA can do and that you would likely enjoy being the perv you are.

Again, you claimed the TSA is going around cavity searching people... when they probably just did it to you because you had what they call "the crazy look".

You didn't say "virtual strip search", guy, you said "cavity search". So you are pretty much moving the goalposts- again.

I was talking about two different situations, Einstein;

1. what the TSA does every day, and

2. what the TSA can do and that you would likely enjoy being the perv you are.

Again, you claimed the TSA is going around cavity searching people... when they probably just did it to you because you had what they call "the crazy look".


Stop trying to change the discussion with your lame ass bullshit. Anyone can read the thread themselves, so fuck you.
The Nato 5.56 round doesnt tumble because of the rifling, moron. It is due to how light the round is and it traveling at high velocity. If going at the right speed and hitting a hard object like a bone, these FMJ 5.56 rounds will tumble backwards, If it doesnt hit somehin like a bone, it just does a through and through wound unless it happens to hit a vital organ.

A sinlge round of double ought buck would do far more damage.

Guy, I handled M16's for 11 years. There is no rational reason why civilians should have these weapons or a commercial version of them.


That is who you libtards think; what you believe to be true you think is obvious and stands bsed on the weight of the evidence, thus those who disagree are either corrupt, insane or ignorant. But many issues are cropping up over the lase few decades where the liberal assumptions are shown by evidence to be nothing more than that; assumptions.

But you just cant believe that because you cant think deeper than your gut reaction and the apparent connsensus that surrounds you. But this is because you liberals surround yourself with people who think like you do, because you are too intolerant to keep friends who disagree. Thus this consensus you think is there, is entirely artificial due to a liberal cultural bias that you cant even imagine might exist.

Like I said, I was pretty right wing until a few years ago, when I realized that it was all bullshit.

Fact is, every other industrialized democracy limits gun ownership, and they have a fraction of our crime rate...

Lol, a libtards idea of compromise to demand all that you have, then compromise by being willing to take only half instead, lolol. This is the logic of a tyrant and the sychophant that makes tyranny possible.

You only say that because you wont be the one coming to get them. You will send some poor bastards who only want to enforce the law to do the dirty work for you.

Here is an idea; why dont you gun grabbing fascist whores come and get the guns your own damned selves?

Oh, no, I want to leave that to the professionals.

You don't need guns. You can either work with us, or we can just take what you have. Those are your options, because you can't win elections anymore... you're sort of done.
The Nato 5.56 round doesnt tumble because of the rifling, moron. It is due to how light the round is and it traveling at high velocity. If going at the right speed and hitting a hard object like a bone, these FMJ 5.56 rounds will tumble backwards, If it doesnt hit somehin like a bone, it just does a through and through wound unless it happens to hit a vital organ.

A sinlge round of double ought buck would do far more damage.

Guy, I handled M16's for 11 years.

Then you should know what makes an M16 round tumble, but since you dont, you must have slept through all that shit, right?

There is no rational reason why civilians should have these weapons or a commercial version of them.


In your opinion, and you opinion does not trump a God given right that is fully enumerated in the Constitution.

That is who you libtards think; what you believe to be true you think is obvious and stands bsed on the weight of the evidence, thus those who disagree are either corrupt, insane or ignorant. But many issues are cropping up over the lase few decades where the liberal assumptions are shown by evidence to be nothing more than that; assumptions.

But you just cant believe that because you cant think deeper than your gut reaction and the apparent connsensus that surrounds you. But this is because you liberals surround yourself with people who think like you do, because you are too intolerant to keep friends who disagree. Thus this consensus you think is there, is entirely artificial due to a liberal cultural bias that you cant even imagine might exist.

Like I said, I was pretty right wing until a few years ago, when I realized that it was all bullshit.

The bullshit STARTS with the left-right paradigme to start with.

The dichotomy here is between those who want to give absolute power to the state and those who do not and there are plenty of both kinds on both the left and the right.

Yes, I know that the rightwing has its own facist thugs just like the left, but they dont usually post here.

Fact is, every other industrialized democracy limits gun ownership, and they have a fraction of our crime rate...

No, that is not a fact as I have at least twice now shown on this message board. One of which you responded though, though you apparently did not actually read it, a standard practice with you it seems.

But why read anything when you just make up whatever you want to say anyway?

Lol, a libtards idea of compromise to demand all that you have, then compromise by being willing to take only half instead, lolol. This is the logic of a tyrant and the sychophant that makes tyranny possible.

You only say that because you wont be the one coming to get them. You will send some poor bastards who only want to enforce the law to do the dirty work for you.

Here is an idea; why dont you gun grabbing fascist whores come and get the guns your own damned selves?

Oh, no, I want to leave that to the professionals.

So they can get maimed or killed for you; you are no better than theneocons that sent hundreds of thousands to get maimed and killed in Afghanistan and Iraq.

You don't need guns.

In your fucked up fascist opinon.

You can either work with us, or we can just take what you have.

Ahhh, now you claim to speak for LEOS everywhere?

F U C K Y O U, B A ST A R D.

Those are your options, because you can't win elections anymore... you're sort of done.

Nope, not done.

The struggle never ends. It is only dormant occasionally from the delusion of peace and security.

Then you should know what makes an M16 round tumble, but since you dont, you must have slept through all that shit, right?

I don't obsess about the mechanics of it like you do... nope. I know enough about the weapon to know that Adam Lanza never should have had one.

In your opinion, and you opinion does not trump a God given right that is fully enumerated in the Constitution.

There is no God, and the constitution is just a piece of paper. If the majority demand gun control, we'll get it.

The dichotomy here is between those who want to give absolute power to the state and those who do not and there are plenty of both kinds on both the left and the right.

No, the dichotomy is between those who want to live in a civilized society and those who are too selfish to pony up to make one. Let's be honest, if you wanted your dream society- no govenrment and every asshole has a gun, they've got that. It's called Somalia. Somehow, I don't think you'd want to live there.

No, that is not a fact as I have at least twice now shown on this message board. One of which you responded though, though you apparently did not actually read it, a standard practice with you it seems.

No, you tried to claim Soviet Georgia is an "advanced democracy"... which was sort of laughable.

So they can get maimed or killed for you; you are no better than theneocons that sent hundreds of thousands to get maimed and killed in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The only ones getting maimed and killed will be the gun nuts... and frankly, it will just speed up the process when they try it.

Ahhh, now you claim to speak for LEOS everywhere?

Most law enforcment would like to see tighter guns laws.

The struggle never ends. It is only dormant occasionally from the delusion of peace and security.

Peace and security works for me.

Having to worry about being shot up by a crazy person because the gun industry loves profits more than common sense doesn't.

Then you should know what makes an M16 round tumble, but since you dont, you must have slept through all that shit, right?

I don't obsess about the mechanics of it like you do... nope.

Dumbass, it is the mechanics that determine if it is an assault military grade weapon. You are more than happy to engage in the mechanics of the topic as long as it suits you, but when the facts are contrary (and almost always are) you get your panties in a was and go running off crying about how mechanics dont matter, lol.

I know enough about the weapon to know that Adam Lanza never should have had one.

There you go again, stating a universally held opinion as if anyone is arguing that point, dumbass.

In your opinion, and you opinion does not trump a God given right that is fully enumerated in the Constitution.

There is no God, and the constitution is just a piece of paper.

Ah, but there is a God, but you are too stupid and full of hubris to know it.

And if you really were in the Army, then you swore an oath to uphold that piece of paper, you fucking lying ass coward.

If the majority demand gun control, we'll get it.

You are not the majority, no, you are only a cadre of ruthless lying fucks who think you will do a Chavez in this country but it wont last even if your little bullshit does have some temporary success.

No, the dichotomy is between those who want to live in a civilized society and those who are too selfish to pony up to make one.

But we all know what constitutes a civilized society to you libtards: you on top in control and the public on its knees.

Let's be honest, if you wanted your dream society- no govenrment and every asshole has a gun, they've got that. It's called Somalia. Somehow, I don't think you'd want to live there.

I would far rather live in Somalia than the North Korea you fascists are trying to put in place.

No, you tried to claim Soviet Georgia is an "advanced democracy"... which was sort of laughable.

Again, you simply lie. I said it was an industrial Europen democracy, which it is. You threw the 'advanced' weasel term in there after my rsponse, you lying jack ass.

The only ones getting maimed and killed will be the gun nuts...

Yeah, tell that to the Taliban, you stupid shithead.

and frankly, it will just speed up the process when they try it.

I know that there will be hotheads who jump the gun, no doubt, and there will be fools who think blowing up bombs in malls will convince anyone of anything (though some of those bombs will be 'Fast and Furious' type bombs).

But the ones who will win this are the ones who will take it to the top two teirs of the government below any elected officials and leave the rest of the country alone. Except for the press and academia, many of whom are enemies of our Republic.

Ahhh, now you claim to speak for LEOS everywhere?

Most law enforcment would like to see tighter guns laws.

Another bullshit lie tossed out there with zero evidence to back it up.

No, rank and file LEOs do NOT want more gun control. The morons who do are the poilitical ones at the top. And they only say that because they think they are safe. But they are not.

The struggle never ends. It is only dormant occasionally from the delusion of peace and security.

Peace and security works for me.

Hell you are so stupid you could probably live in a ceptic tank and be happy as long as you can still have your delusions of speaking for all civlized society, lol.

Having to worry about being shot up by a crazy person because the gun industry loves profits more than common sense doesn't.

Aside from your stubborn delusion about who is responsible for these shootings, do you really worry about being shot by a crazy person? Really? Given that the odds are far higher that you will die in a car crash or drown in a swimming pool or fall from a ladder and break your fucking neck?

Nah, you cant be that stupid. You are just a lying fuckhead who wants to take our guns.

Again, Fuck you, come and take them, bitch.
You'll discover that Ole Joe there simply moves the goal posts whenever he gets cornered, and then he'll accuse you of being the one who did it.

He uses that tactic day after day and and believes himself to be a very clever fellow for doing it.


Then you should know what makes an M16 round tumble, but since you dont, you must have slept through all that shit, right?

I don't obsess about the mechanics of it like you do... nope.

Dumbass, it is the mechanics that determine if it is an assault military grade weapon. You are more than happy to engage in the mechanics of the topic as long as it suits you, but when the facts are contrary (and almost always are) you get your panties in a was and go running off crying about how mechanics dont matter, lol.

There you go again, stating a universally held opinion as if anyone is arguing that point, dumbass.

Ah, but there is a God, but you are too stupid and full of hubris to know it.

And if you really were in the Army, then you swore an oath to uphold that piece of paper, you fucking lying ass coward.

You are not the majority, no, you are only a cadre of ruthless lying fucks who think you will do a Chavez in this country but it wont last even if your little bullshit does have some temporary success.

But we all know what constitutes a civilized society to you libtards: you on top in control and the public on its knees.

I would far rather live in Somalia than the North Korea you fascists are trying to put in place.

Again, you simply lie. I said it was an industrial Europen democracy, which it is. You threw the 'advanced' weasel term in there after my rsponse, you lying jack ass.

Yeah, tell that to the Taliban, you stupid shithead.

I know that there will be hotheads who jump the gun, no doubt, and there will be fools who think blowing up bombs in malls will convince anyone of anything (though some of those bombs will be 'Fast and Furious' type bombs).

But the ones who will win this are the ones who will take it to the top two teirs of the government below any elected officials and leave the rest of the country alone. Except for the press and academia, many of whom are enemies of our Republic.

Another bullshit lie tossed out there with zero evidence to back it up.

No, rank and file LEOs do NOT want more gun control. The morons who do are the poilitical ones at the top. And they only say that because they think they are safe. But they are not.

Peace and security works for me.

Hell you are so stupid you could probably live in a ceptic tank and be happy as long as you can still have your delusions of speaking for all civlized society, lol.

Having to worry about being shot up by a crazy person because the gun industry loves profits more than common sense doesn't.

Aside from your stubborn delusion about who is responsible for these shootings, do you really worry about being shot by a crazy person? Really? Given that the odds are far higher that you will die in a car crash or drown in a swimming pool or fall from a ladder and break your fucking neck?

Nah, you cant be that stupid. You are just a lying fuckhead who wants to take our guns.

Again, Fuck you, come and take them, bitch.
Aside from your stubborn delusion about who is responsible for these shootings, do you really worry about being shot by a crazy person? Really? Given that the odds are far higher that you will die in a car crash or drown in a swimming pool or fall from a ladder and break your fucking neck?

Nah, you cant be that stupid. You are just a lying fuckhead who wants to take our guns.

Again, Fuck you, come and take them, bitch.

Again, we'll let the professionals handle that detail.

Your days of whackery are coming to an end...
Socialism requires a less well armed society in order to move to the next level.

When private ownership to firearms are gone all the free stuff will surprisingly also disappear.

well, I know that's what you hope...

I would suggest that you do some research on the subject but I know you will not.
Did Communist Russia have a welfare system?
Does China have a welfare system?
How about Cuba?
How about Chavesa he's a great dictator how is his welfre system?
When private ownership to firearms are gone all the free stuff will surprisingly also disappear.

well, I know that's what you hope...

I would suggest that you do some research on the subject but I know you will not.
Did Communist Russia have a welfare system?
Does China have a welfare system?
How about Cuba?
How about Chavesa he's a great dictator how is his welfre system?

Yawn, socialism, marxism, communism.

Cold War's over, buddy. Capitalism survived as a system a whole 20 years longer than Socialism did...
The 2nd amendment had nothing to do with an armed citizenry why is that so hard for the gun nuts to understand. I was in a crowded mall last evening and thought imagine everyone armed. You gun huggers must be retarded if you think that would make you safe. And if you think limitations would work then you are a hypocrite.

Arming everyone demonstrates a level of stupidity hardly reached in other areas of debate. Why do we not have hand grenades, missiles and bazookas too. All who live in a 'well regulated militia' raise your hand. Guns are only a symbol for the wingnuts, like most symbols of the right, empty of consequence, actual concern or even common sense.

"The logic is inexorable: as more private individuals acquire guns, the power of the police declines, personal security becomes more a matter of self-help, and the unarmed have an increasing incentive to get guns, until everyone is armed. When most citizens then have the ability to kill anyone in their vicinity in an instant, everyone is less secure than they would be if no one had guns other than the members of a democratically accountable police force.

The logic of private gun possession is thus similar to that of the nuclear arms race. When only one state gets nuclear weapons, it enhances its own security but reduces that of others, which have become more vulnerable. The other states then have an incentive to get nuclear weapons to try to restore their security. As more states get them, the incentives for others increase. If eventually all get them, the potential for catastrophe — whether through irrationality, misperception, or accident — is great. Each state’s security is then much lower than it would be if none had nuclear weapons." Gun 'Control' Is Not Enough - NYTimes.com

"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state." Cass R. Sunstein, “The Most Mysterious Right,” National Review

"Late in 1997, Eric took notice of school shooters. "Every day news broadcasts stories of students shooting students, or going on killing sprees," he wrote. He researched the possibilities for an English paper. Guns were cheap and readily available. Gun Digest said you could get a Saturday night special for $69. And schools were easy targets. "It is just as easy to bring a loaded handgun to school as it is to bring a calculator," Eric wrote... "Ouch!" his teacher responded in the margin. Overall, he rated it "thorough & logical. Nice job." 'Columbine' p199 Dave Cullen

I haven't seen so much crap in one place since the last time I used a porta-potti.
Gee I guess those "gun free zone" signs aren't working out for you are they?

Those signs just don't repel those homicidal maniacs do they now?

Should you put up bigger print?


yeah that'll work won't it?

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