'Fuck You, Guns'

In a society in which eight children die each day because of lax regulation and the proliferation of a dangerous device, complicit proponents argue freedom and an amendment that was about a regulated militia and not handguns. Automatic and semi automatic weapons did not even exist then, if the birdbrains who worship the gun used cap and ball that would prevent lots of deaths. Curious that the same people who argue freedom for themselves fail to consider the lack of freedom that guns bring to others to live in safety and peace, without fear that the next trip will bring death. Gun worshipers are wackos without minds nor reason, watch the loonies on Prepper shows sometime and you witness stupidity at its best.

Those representatives and the NRA are complicit in the gun deaths in America.

According to this, around the world 21,000 kids per day DIE of......lack of food.
In the US, it is stated in terms of tragedy that no one should lose a child to violence.
However, when comparative analysis is performed, the world has a much larger issue with kids not getting enough to eat than becoming victims of gun violence.
A Year After Sandy Hook, Our Kids Are Still Dying From Guns (VIDEO)
yet, knee jerk libs view this gun thing as much more sexy. It gets their 'cause' more attention.
You libs owe it the kids who don't have enough to eat or don't have access to nutritious meals. Because malnutrition of our young people is a MUCH larger problem.
But again, for your side, it's not the latest "cause"...
You people are such hypocrites.
Typical left wing morons, lets stand atop the bodies of dead children to push an agenda. Completely ignoring any of the real reasons for the shootings. Lets use these dead kids and the powerful emotions they elicit to step on the rights of others and increase our control.

Thank God for the NRA and I will memorize that list so that I can work toward getting them re-elected.
Anything to avoid responsibility for yourself eh?

It's the guns fault your not safe? Blame the inanimate object so you don't have to take responsibility for your actions.

But then, that's exactly what the left wants. No one taking resposibility for themselves. It's easier to conquor and subjugate people who dont defend themselves and dont have the will to learn.
Bullshit. Guns kill. In a nation awash with war weopons, these guns are now killing even little children. Three shootings so far this week.

Yes, we are going to have to control what kind of guns are on the streets, and who has them. And that is permitted under the Supreme Court rulings on the Second Amendment.

This whole tragedy has been so predictable. We refuse to treat or recognize our citizens that are mentally ill until they harm someone. We have easy access to assault weopons and high capacity pistols. And we have the people on the right wing glorifying violence. Look at the people that have guns in their avatars on this board. They are not the liberals, they are rightwingnuts.

Time to hold the wingnuts and the NRA accountable for the slaughter they have encouraged.

More people are killed every year by cars and the "blunt instrument" than by guns. Why aren't you trying to ban them?
I've been carrying my new Glock 17 everyday for a month now, and it hasn't jumped up and shot anyone yet. I've even carried it into Wal*Mart numerous times, Kohl's, JC Penney's, The Mall, several restaurants, and a movie theatre.

Why would anyone want to ban it?
I've been carrying my new Glock 17 everyday for a month now, and it hasn't jumped up and shot anyone yet. I've even carried it into Wal*Mart numerous times, Kohl's, JC Penney's, The Mall, several restaurants, and a movie theatre.

Why would anyone want to ban it?

Same with my guns. With all the thousands of rounds, they still just can't manage to kill anybody. Hell they haven't even wounded anybody. Makes one wonder if they're working properly.

So then you know that what you posted aren't AK-47's

Here is one on FORM 4 for $20,000
NFA Firearms Ads

Read your ad.

AK 47 Under folder.
Stamped Min Shan Factory. Aslo AKS Semi
Auto. Conversion done by Clayco.

7.62 calb
Fired 3 times.
In pristine condition.
Form 4 in Oregon.
Tax and Shipping not included.

Just like the ones shown on the other web site given. they have all been converted to Semi..... Still Ak's....
Well, honestly, a semi-auto AK is like a kit car. Looks just like the real deal, but that's where the similarities end.

Is someone arguing that all AK 47's are automatic's? OH DEAR ME WHAT A STUPID FUCK THEY ARE.

I'm not too sure to be honest bigreb. It may be semantics. I suppose in some sort of technical fashion, the "AKs" listed on the webpage given are AKs, but in my mind, an AK47 is a fully automatic weapon.

I might be off base, but I don't think I am?
Well, honestly, a semi-auto AK is like a kit car. Looks just like the real deal, but that's where the similarities end.

Is someone arguing that all AK 47's are automatic's? OH DEAR ME WHAT A STUPID FUCK THEY ARE.

I'm not too sure to be honest bigreb. It may be semantics. I suppose in some sort of technical fashion, the "AKs" listed on the webpage given are AKs, but in my mind, an AK47 is a fully automatic weapon.

I might be off base, but I don't think I am?

ok you have the AK 47 and the AK platform rifle.
One is automatic the other is not.
That's how I see it. The Lonestar_logic guy, supposed gun shop owner was saying the rifles listed in the webpage he gave were AK47s. I just don't see it that way as they are semi-autos.

I also found it hard to believe a gun shop owner would not know the difference.

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