'Fuck You, Guns'

Haven't encouraged any such thing.... You may stop with the talking points at any time.

You may go to hell with the rest of the people that created this situation in our nation.

That would include you and your kind,your more responsible than any responsible person that owns a gun.

But no matter how many times you are told this,idiots like yourself will never allow themselves to admit that or even attempt to understand that.

You have no real relevance in this conversation.
Require anyone that has a war weopon, AK 47, AR 15, to have the same permits as someone that has a fully automatic weopon

Conversation over,you beyond reasonable hope. learn what is what befor you run your mouth.

hey dumbshit.., that revolver will never kill anyone unless you beat them to death with it...., there are NO indexing slots for the revolver to line up the cylinder to the forcing cone/barrel, you fucking liarberals are clown funny at times, the rest of the time you people are just plain STUPID !! :up:
I will not give up my right to own firearms.......

No matter how many nutcases there are out there....

When with the nutters stop repeating the LIE that anyone is trying to take away their guns?

When did they so goddamned DUMB?
"When it comes to gun violence in America, we play the nightmare lottery every time we send our children off to school, each time we visit a public place, walk the streets, and in some cases, live in our homes."

"The Great American Gun Violence Lottery" The Great American Gun Violence Lottery | ACS

While all that is true, the reason for such appropriate fears has nothing to do with the availability of guns, but the perceived rights of others to commit crimes as an entitlement.

Much depends on where you live. If you live in an all white small town your danger will be slight to none. If you live in a major city with many minorities, you don't have to go out. You can be killed right in your own home, while you are sleeping or sitting down to dinner.
"When it comes to gun violence in America, we play the nightmare lottery every time we send our children off to school, each time we visit a public place, walk the streets, and in some cases, live in our homes."

"The Great American Gun Violence Lottery" The Great American Gun Violence Lottery | ACS

While all that is true, the reason for such appropriate fears has nothing to do with the availability of guns, but the perceived rights of others to commit crimes as an entitlement.

Much depends on where you live. If you live in an all white small town your danger will be slight to none. If you live in a major city with many minorities, you don't have to go out. You can be killed right in your own home, while you are sleeping or sitting down to dinner.

Also it depends on whether the teachers are allowed to concealed carry if they want.

Two nations have passed policies/laws that grant teachers the right to be armed at public schools and their problems with mass killings at their schools STOPPED TOTALLY. Those nations are Isreal and Thailand.

Too bad the libtard gun grabbing fascist rule this country, or we would have similar policies here as well and NO MASS KILLNGS.

Not all mas killings at public schools are done with guns, BTW. There have been many knife wielding mass killings in China, for example. The knives, making a quiet kill, did not alert teachers near by of what was happening. If they ever have such an incident involving someone with some decent training with knives and the slaughter would be probably higher than Sandy Hook.
I will not give up my right to own firearms.......

No matter how many nutcases there are out there....

When with the nutters stop repeating the LIE that anyone is trying to take away their guns?

When gun grabbing fascist like you stop trying to take our guns away by increments.

When did they so goddamned DUMB?

Lol, I guess to an idiot like you, vigilance in protecting our legal rights is pretty dumb.

Tell you bullshit story of trusting the federal government to the Amerindians. They know first hand the results of that mistake.

hey dumbshit.., that revolver will never kill anyone unless you beat them to death with it...., there are NO indexing slots for the revolver to line up the cylinder to the forcing cone/barrel, you fucking liarberals are clown funny at times, the rest of the time you people are just plain STUPID !! :up:

Some idiot gun grabbing fascist tries to depict a lethal gun and draws something that has what looks like maybe 12 cylinders and none of it would work anyway, roflmao.
"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here: Fuck You, Guns



Off to the psych ward with you...
Obama sycophants such as yourself don't have the right to an opinion.
Your extreme left bias is documented.
You worship the Obama family. We get it.
What are you going to do after Jan 19th 2017?
Crawl back under your rock, I hope?
Tell ya what there appeaser, the day every criminal is disarmed, we'll talk. Until then the sheep have a right to protection from the wolves.
Bullshit. Guns kill. In a nation awash with war weopons, these guns are now killing even little children. Three shootings so far this week.

Yes, we are going to have to control what kind of guns are on the streets, and who has them. And that is permitted under the Supreme Court rulings on the Second Amendment.

This whole tragedy has been so predictable. We refuse to treat or recognize our citizens that are mentally ill until they harm someone. We have easy access to assault weopons and high capacity pistols. And we have the people on the right wing glorifying violence. Look at the people that have guns in their avatars on this board. They are not the liberals, they are rightwingnuts.

Time to hold the wingnuts and the NRA accountable for the slaughter they have encouraged.

"We refuse to treat or recognize our citizens that are mentally ill until they harm someone."
And right there lies the problem.
There is a cottage industry for liberal psychiatric experts ready to parade into court rooms and state legislatures( for a large fee of course) to testify or lobby to quash any idea or proposed legislation that would place preventative measures on mentally ill people.
No, we cannot do that. In the eyes of the far left, that would be tantamount to punishing them because of what they might do.
"And we have the people on the right wing glorifying violence."
Hmm, have you heard lyrics to gangsta rap or seen any movies lately?
yes, none of which are produced by liberals..
Stop it.
Care to change your bullshit story?
I happen to be a very responsible gun owner. A respected person in my community, and so far more intelligent than you there is no comparison..... But please carry on........

By the way, why is it that this happened in a Gun free zone?

Dumb fuck. You really think that arming a five year old is a good idea?

No, you are part and parcel of what led to this situation. The flooding of our nation with war weopons has created a situation where any nutcase can easily get his hands on enough fire power to destroy multiple families dreams.

Yes, you and the NRA are accountable for this tragedy. You encourage the image of violence, glorify it. You claim that more and more guns is the answer, even as we have more and more tradgedies.

Enough is enough. Get the war guns off the streets. Recognize mental illness and help the people suffering from it irregardless of their ability to pay. The price that society pays for unrecognized mental illness is far to high.
"You really think that arming a five year old is a good idea?"
With that question, your argument just lost all credibility.
Not a single person would suggest such an action would be logical.
Straw man arguments get you no mileage here.
I can't find where anyone suggested that guns should be banned. Ollie and Big Black Dog - please show me where that has been stated.

Meanwhile, this is not about gun control. Its about gun safety.

All the talk about rights leaves out the right we all have to be safe. Whether its our children at school or at a mall or church or driving down the street. We DO have the right to be safe.

Do I have the answer?


But, I do know that its wrong to give up looking without ever trying. Just as its wrong to blame the victims and its wrong to hide behind the word "ban".
Then you are not looking.
The OP suggested it in his opener.
There seems to be some inconsistencies when purchasing guns at a gun show or from individuals. One thing that could be done is a unified purchase procedure.

Tracking of violent or folks routinely suggesting violence, including mandatory reporting by mental health workers seems reasonable too.

Require anyone that has a war weopon, AK 47, AR 15, to have the same permits as someone that has a fully automatic weopon. Same for high capacity pistols. If they are caught outside their homes with such weopons and no permit, the weopons are confiscated and destroyed, and they face prison time.

You store your gun irresponsibly, someone takes it and commits a crime, you own that crime.

Not just reporting. Treatment. Without consideration of the ability to pay for it. The cost to society for untreated mental illness far exceeds the cost of treating such people.

AR-15's are not "war weapons"...AK's are not legal for purchase by the general public.
"We could've talked about it, oh, anytime in the past 13 years since Columbine, because there have been at least 31 school shootings in the U.S. since then. It's a waste of our time to keep listing all of the times we could've talked about it; it's easier just to say the time was then, the time is tomorrow, and the time is now.

Hey, White House: we know you're trying to be respectful, but respect doesn't mean shit to the dozens of families who just lost their little kids and loved ones. Respect them by starting the conversation right now. Start it tonight.

While we're talking politics: Fuck you, all of the politicians who received money from the NRA last election cycle. Check them out here! Memorize their names and remember that they're a massive part of the problem."

Read it and other pieces here: Fuck You, Guns



So you support more gun free zones. More places to kill unarmed citizens.
What you are hoping for is out of the question and is not up for debate.

Where does the post mention more gun free zones?

Ignorant turd.

Climb back in the dog's ass you fell out of.

We have country to fix and you're just stinking up the room.
Ahh yes..Out come the insults...You just lost the argument.
There seems to be some inconsistencies when purchasing guns at a gun show or from individuals. One thing that could be done is a unified purchase procedure.

Tracking of violent or folks routinely suggesting violence, including mandatory reporting by mental health workers seems reasonable too.

Require anyone that has a war weopon, AK 47, AR 15, to have the same permits as someone that has a fully automatic weopon. Same for high capacity pistols. If they are caught outside their homes with such weopons and no permit, the weopons are confiscated and destroyed, and they face prison time.

You store your gun irresponsibly, someone takes it and commits a crime, you own that crime.

Not just reporting. Treatment. Without consideration of the ability to pay for it. The cost to society for untreated mental illness far exceeds the cost of treating such people.

AR-15's are not "war weapons"...AK's are not legal for purchase by the general public.

I'm sorry to correct you but AK's can be legally purchased.

Here's just one website where you can purchase them.

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