Fucking Fox News....unreal

O'Reilly is hilarious. Montel Williams walked out on him. Somebody is pissed.
I would like to hear the speeches not their damn paid blowhards. Back to MSNBC

What is worse are the damn long commercials mostly for Depends, Gold coins, Life insurance ..blah blah
I always DVR for 20 minutes to skip the commercials.
Glad to hear your going to other stations too.

I have been jumping CNN, Fox, and MSNBC


Use your own brain...

They must be STOPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure was, lol. I liked him! I even wanted to holler AMEN every now and then, too. :lol:
Holy Shit, that was a mic dropping speech

God Bless America!!

I took communion immediately afterwards....

(washed down with Buffalo Trace, but still.....)


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