Fucking Obama - Hated in US - Hated Internationally

Poor losers have little to offer but, "ain't Obama awful". Of course Warrior with his homosexual interests would be the one to suggest "fucking Obama" - the dude really needs to get with Rabbi again.

Wry why dont you answer what what Warrior said?.....or do you always have to be the Lefts "echo chamber".....just askin.....

I'll guess that even Wry has enough brains not to bother answering the imbecile.

...but I admit, unless we could dissect their heads, we may never know which has the smaller of the pea-brains.

the reason i asked is because when Obama was elected so many here on the left were saying how this guy will heal all the dislike Bush left with our allies and the rest of the world.....where is it?....it seems like all i am hearing from Europe the ME and SA....is Obama aint as popular as he was supposed to be......:eusa_eh:

Obama in Ireland..

I thought the world was going to love us once this Chimp was placed in office.

Ah, there you go. Now we get to the crux of the matter. Now we get to the truth as the blatant racism rears it's ugly head.

Everything you say just lost all meaning. You have no credibility.
I don't plan on every having an abortion. That's my CHOICE. Got it?

You're anti-life. We get it.


I thought Bode was a Lesbo.


You'd think that may create an obsticle to abortion.

Lesbians get pregnant all the time. They even have their gay male friends help them. It's not that they CAN'T have sex with the opposite gender, it's just that they prefer not to. But if there's a purpose for doing, well sure they can.

The CHOICE that people speak of is for ALL women, whether gay or straight. I suspect that lesbian women, having become pregnant purposefully rather than accidentally, probably elect abortion much less often than straight women. But that doesn't mean they are against CHOICE for all women.
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You take a stand against the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, instead of taking a stand against these fucking Egyptians, both the Muslim and the non-Muslim?

They hate us, so fuck them. Sounds like you are on their side.

That region is the armpit of the world, and they will NEVER be happy with ANYTHING. The more we can distance ourselves from those fuckers the better off we will be. How dare they blame the United States of America for their own bullshit. Ignorant fucks.
Poor losers have little to offer but, "ain't Obama awful". Of course Warrior with his homosexual interests would be the one to suggest "fucking Obama" - the dude really needs to get with Rabbi again.

Wry why dont you answer what what Warrior said?.....or do you always have to be the Lefts "echo chamber".....just askin.....

LOL, I didn't know others had said anything about Warriors sexual orientation. I really believed he and Rabbi had kept their mutual interests hidden in a closet.

Do you really believe the Muslim Brotherhood's reaction to the popular uprising in Egypt was Obama's doing? I thought you were smarter than that.
Poor losers have little to offer but, "ain't Obama awful". Of course Warrior with his homosexual interests would be the one to suggest "fucking Obama" - the dude really needs to get with Rabbi again.

Wry why dont you answer what what Warrior said?.....or do you always have to be the Lefts "echo chamber".....just askin.....

I'll guess that even Wry has enough brains not to bother answering the imbecile.

...but I admit, unless we could dissect their heads, we may never know which has the smaller of the pea-brains.

Wanna play Jeopardy against me Sammy Boy?
Poor losers have little to offer but, "ain't Obama awful". Of course Warrior with his homosexual interests would be the one to suggest "fucking Obama" - the dude really needs to get with Rabbi again.

Wry why dont you answer what what Warrior said?.....or do you always have to be the Lefts "echo chamber".....just askin.....

LOL, I didn't know others had said anything about Warriors sexual orientation. I really believed he and Rabbi had kept their mutual interests hidden in a closet.

Do you really believe the Muslim Brotherhood's reaction to the popular uprising in Egypt was Obama's doing? I thought you were smarter than that.

apparently you dont follow the posts........if you did you would have read my reply to Samson.....i havent seen much goodwill towards the guy who was supposed to strengthen our friendships with the Countries who Bush was supposed too have fucked up.....i have seen negative things from Europe,the ME, S.America,Russia and Africa.....and it seems more and more every week in this Country more and more People are starting to distrust our own Government......

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