Full smoking ban in NRW in Germany


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
beginning May, 2013. No more raucherclubs. Only exception is for private parties. Nanny state increasing.
I spent 12 years in West Germany and don't recognize NRW. Please explain and, if possible, provide a link.

Germans are smart enough to quit :smoke: . I did 9 months ago. :) The HC costs/end of life care are just too burdensome for the living.

australia just instituted their gray pack policy too. Look at the mini me computer at 1:19 Australia's cigarette plain packaging laws come into force - video

There are a lot more expensive ways to die when you get older. What will they have euthanisia centers to lower costs in the future with the people living longer? Dimentia will skyrocket as people live longer, and they won't be able to care for themselves.
Every time I go anywhere where they sell cigarettes I thank the Lord that I quit more than 10 years ago. Today they are selling packs of the blasted things for what I once paid for a carton!

Also, my house and clothing and car no longer smell like burning excrement.
I quit when California raised taxes on cigarettes specifically to provide health care for poor (anchor baby) children.
When everyone quits smoking and liberals need something else to tax the hell out of, what will they target?
When everyone quits smoking and liberals need something else to tax the hell out of, what will they target?

I can tell you right now ....they will tax alcohol and coffee to begin with!

It's the 1920s Prohibition all over again.

Only now is worse!:mad:
alcohol is already heavily taxes. that would be funny if they made a coffee tax.

Well... yes, it's sad

Like someone once said... "the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy"... puts people nervous.

So what do they do? they tax.

I am telling you, it's a sick, sick world we are living in!:mad:
beginning May, 2013. No more raucherclubs. Only exception is for private parties. Nanny state increasing.

Smoking bans work and reduce the number of smokers.
There's a WHO Convention on fighting use of Tobacco, the smoking bans are just a part of these anti-tobacco efforts.
In Turkey, within the first year after the smoke free law, the number of patients who had smoking-related diseases had a substantial decrease of 24.2%

Turkey receives third WHO award for tobacco control achievements
Turkey is the only country in the world that has received three WHO awards in five years' time on the same public health topic.

Since implementation of WHO's framework there are now 2.2 million smokers less in Turkey:
HEALTH - Rate of smokers decline in Turkey, ministry says

It works.
I spent 12 years in West Germany and don't recognize NRW. Please explain and, if possible, provide a link.

He is right. While the cities in NRW perish, the politicians are busy to "protect" non-smokers.
They know want to give the pubs their quietus. A really non-smoker protection would result in a stimulus for hosts to run a non-smoker pub. It would be great to have smoker and non-smoker pubs and bars etc, but they just want to destroy.

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