Full speech: Pocahontas tells her life story, takes questions from Iowa audience

Elizabeth Warren passed herself off as a "Native American" because it was advantageous to her career in academics! It was a sleazy thing to do.

That's a lie that conservatives tell, but it never happened. Warren has never asked for or received any special consideration in the academic world, because of her native heritage. Harvard was not even aware of her native heritage when they hired her.

Conservative will believe any lie they're told. Start fact checking before you swallow their slurs and repeat them.

Warren didn't have to "ask" for special treatment by Harvard but she knew damn well that it would be forthcoming! Why? It was because Harvard was touting her as a "Professor of color"! She's about as much of a Native American as I am yet she passed herself off as one because it gave her protected status in the academic community and among liberals in general. That's not a "slur" against Elizabeth Warren...it's simply what happened and something she's going to have to live with.
Elizabeth Warren passed herself off as a "Native American" because it was advantageous to her career in academics! It was a sleazy thing to do.

That's a lie that conservatives tell, but it never happened. Warren has never asked for or received any special consideration in the academic world, because of her native heritage. Harvard was not even aware of her native heritage when they hired her.

Conservative will believe any lie they're told. Start fact checking before you swallow their slurs and repeat them.

America has rejected coherency, react emotionally and chose one of the two lanes you are offered.

Oh bullshit! You've got a white college professor that jobbed the system for decades claiming to be a minority when she wasn't one...and is now whining about being called on it when she left academia and entered politics where opponents bring up things like that. Is the American Indian community guilty of reacting "emotionally" when they chastised Ms. Warren for what she did? They know that she's passed herself off as something that she's not and they grasp the concept that if a white woman is being held up to prove that a college is racially inclusive it means that a REAL American Indian didn't get that position!
Elizabeth Warren passed herself off as a "Native American" because it was advantageous to her career in academics! It was a sleazy thing to do.
Don lost his bet and reneged, kinda his thing. That's why US banks haven't gone near him for decades.

And that does what? Allow Pocahontas to claim minority status when convenient?

That's not why she's under your skirt. Recall all the times Don boasted about abusing the system? Whine about both phony.

So, she's "under my skirt" because Don boasted? WTF kinda liberal logic is that?
Just observing your triggered state.
Elizabeth Warren passed herself off as a "Native American" because it was advantageous to her career in academics! It was a sleazy thing to do.

That's a lie that conservatives tell, but it never happened. Warren has never asked for or received any special consideration in the academic world, because of her native heritage. Harvard was not even aware of her native heritage when they hired her.

Conservative will believe any lie they're told. Start fact checking before you swallow their slurs and repeat them.

America has rejected coherency, react emotionally and chose one of the two lanes you are offered.

Oh bullshit! You've got a white college professor that jobbed the system for decades claiming to be a minority when she wasn't one...and is now whining about being called on it when she left academia and entered politics where opponents bring up things like that. Is the American Indian community guilty of reacting "emotionally" when they chastised Ms. Warren for what she did? They know that she's passed herself off as something that she's not and they grasp the concept that if a white woman is being held up to prove that a college is racially inclusive it means that a REAL American Indian didn't get that position!

Oh that's rich, now americans are concerned about the indigenous peoples we functionally genocided out of existence.

We all have all kinds of genetic mixtures in our genomes, you're a mutt as well. Go see.
Elizabeth Warren passed herself off as a "Native American" because it was advantageous to her career in academics! It was a sleazy thing to do.
Don lost his bet and reneged, kinda his thing. That's why US banks haven't gone near him for decades.

And that does what? Allow Pocahontas to claim minority status when convenient?

That's not why she's under your skirt. Recall all the times Don boasted about abusing the system? Whine about both phony.

So, she's "under my skirt" because Don boasted? WTF kinda liberal logic is that?
Just observing your triggered state.

LOL, don't tell me your one of them intelligent liberals.
Elizabeth Warren passed herself off as a "Native American" because it was advantageous to her career in academics! It was a sleazy thing to do.

That's a lie that conservatives tell, but it never happened. Warren has never asked for or received any special consideration in the academic world, because of her native heritage. Harvard was not even aware of her native heritage when they hired her.

Conservative will believe any lie they're told. Start fact checking before you swallow their slurs and repeat them.

America has rejected coherency, react emotionally and chose one of the two lanes you are offered.

Oh bullshit! You've got a white college professor that jobbed the system for decades claiming to be a minority when she wasn't one...and is now whining about being called on it when she left academia and entered politics where opponents bring up things like that. Is the American Indian community guilty of reacting "emotionally" when they chastised Ms. Warren for what she did? They know that she's passed herself off as something that she's not and they grasp the concept that if a white woman is being held up to prove that a college is racially inclusive it means that a REAL American Indian didn't get that position!

Oh that's rich, now americans are concerned about the indigenous peoples we functionally genocided out of existence.

We all have all kinds of genetic mixtures in our genomes, you're a mutt as well. Go see.

Interesting...wasn't Elizabeth Warren taking the place of a REAL "indigenous" person who should have been teaching at Harvard if they really wanted to be inclusive? Isn't that in essence a form of workplace genocide? As for my racial makeup? I'm not claiming to be black...or Hispanic...or American Indian...for an advantage in my career.
Elizabeth Warren passed herself off as a "Native American" because it was advantageous to her career in academics! It was a sleazy thing to do.

That's a lie that conservatives tell, but it never happened. Warren has never asked for or received any special consideration in the academic world, because of her native heritage. Harvard was not even aware of her native heritage when they hired her.

Conservative will believe any lie they're told. Start fact checking before you swallow their slurs and repeat them.

America has rejected coherency, react emotionally and chose one of the two lanes you are offered.

Oh bullshit! You've got a white college professor that jobbed the system for decades claiming to be a minority when she wasn't one...and is now whining about being called on it when she left academia and entered politics where opponents bring up things like that. Is the American Indian community guilty of reacting "emotionally" when they chastised Ms. Warren for what she did? They know that she's passed herself off as something that she's not and they grasp the concept that if a white woman is being held up to prove that a college is racially inclusive it means that a REAL American Indian didn't get that position!

Oh that's rich, now americans are concerned about the indigenous peoples we functionally genocided out of existence.

We all have all kinds of genetic mixtures in our genomes, you're a mutt as well. Go see.
this makes no sense.

we're not concerned about indians. we're concerned about people lying about who they are and their background so they can get a status they do not deserve. find me any official indian culture that has welcomed warren as a true indian and we can talk. otherwise you're just spouting shit to see who responds.
Elizabeth Warren passed herself off as a "Native American" because it was advantageous to her career in academics! It was a sleazy thing to do.

That's a lie that conservatives tell, but it never happened. Warren has never asked for or received any special consideration in the academic world, because of her native heritage. Harvard was not even aware of her native heritage when they hired her.

Conservative will believe any lie they're told. Start fact checking before you swallow their slurs and repeat them.

America has rejected coherency, react emotionally and chose one of the two lanes you are offered.

Oh bullshit! You've got a white college professor that jobbed the system for decades claiming to be a minority when she wasn't one...and is now whining about being called on it when she left academia and entered politics where opponents bring up things like that. Is the American Indian community guilty of reacting "emotionally" when they chastised Ms. Warren for what she did? They know that she's passed herself off as something that she's not and they grasp the concept that if a white woman is being held up to prove that a college is racially inclusive it means that a REAL American Indian didn't get that position!

Oh that's rich, now americans are concerned about the indigenous peoples we functionally genocided out of existence.

We all have all kinds of genetic mixtures in our genomes, you're a mutt as well. Go see.
this makes no sense.

we're not concerned about indians..

Yeah, that was the point Shirley, and it was posted in response to the post it was in response to. But thanks.
Elizabeth Warren passed herself off as a "Native American" because it was advantageous to her career in academics! It was a sleazy thing to do.

That's a lie that conservatives tell, but it never happened. Warren has never asked for or received any special consideration in the academic world, because of her native heritage. Harvard was not even aware of her native heritage when they hired her.

Conservative will believe any lie they're told. Start fact checking before you swallow their slurs and repeat them.

America has rejected coherency, react emotionally and chose one of the two lanes you are offered.

Oh bullshit! You've got a white college professor that jobbed the system for decades claiming to be a minority when she wasn't one...and is now whining about being called on it when she left academia and entered politics where opponents bring up things like that. Is the American Indian community guilty of reacting "emotionally" when they chastised Ms. Warren for what she did? They know that she's passed herself off as something that she's not and they grasp the concept that if a white woman is being held up to prove that a college is racially inclusive it means that a REAL American Indian didn't get that position!

Oh that's rich, now americans are concerned about the indigenous peoples we functionally genocided out of existence.

We all have all kinds of genetic mixtures in our genomes, you're a mutt as well. Go see.

Interesting...wasn't Elizabeth Warren taking the place of a REAL "indigenous" person who should have been teaching at Harvard if they really wanted to be inclusive? Isn't that in essence a form of workplace genocide? As for my racial makeup? I'm not claiming to be black...or Hispanic...or American Indian...for an advantage in my career.
Reread the post you're attempting to respond to.
That's a lie that conservatives tell, but it never happened. Warren has never asked for or received any special consideration in the academic world, because of her native heritage. Harvard was not even aware of her native heritage when they hired her.

Conservative will believe any lie they're told. Start fact checking before you swallow their slurs and repeat them.

America has rejected coherency, react emotionally and chose one of the two lanes you are offered.

Oh bullshit! You've got a white college professor that jobbed the system for decades claiming to be a minority when she wasn't one...and is now whining about being called on it when she left academia and entered politics where opponents bring up things like that. Is the American Indian community guilty of reacting "emotionally" when they chastised Ms. Warren for what she did? They know that she's passed herself off as something that she's not and they grasp the concept that if a white woman is being held up to prove that a college is racially inclusive it means that a REAL American Indian didn't get that position!

Oh that's rich, now americans are concerned about the indigenous peoples we functionally genocided out of existence.

We all have all kinds of genetic mixtures in our genomes, you're a mutt as well. Go see.

Interesting...wasn't Elizabeth Warren taking the place of a REAL "indigenous" person who should have been teaching at Harvard if they really wanted to be inclusive? Isn't that in essence a form of workplace genocide? As for my racial makeup? I'm not claiming to be black...or Hispanic...or American Indian...for an advantage in my career.
Reread the post you're attempting to respond to.

Your point being what?
It's obvious that in American academia at least...that YES...we are "concerned" about the same indigenous people that we nearly exterminated! It's also obvious that Elizabeth Warren used that concern to her advantage as a college professor passing herself off as an American Indian.
America has rejected coherency, react emotionally and chose one of the two lanes you are offered.

Oh bullshit! You've got a white college professor that jobbed the system for decades claiming to be a minority when she wasn't one...and is now whining about being called on it when she left academia and entered politics where opponents bring up things like that. Is the American Indian community guilty of reacting "emotionally" when they chastised Ms. Warren for what she did? They know that she's passed herself off as something that she's not and they grasp the concept that if a white woman is being held up to prove that a college is racially inclusive it means that a REAL American Indian didn't get that position!

Oh that's rich, now americans are concerned about the indigenous peoples we functionally genocided out of existence.

We all have all kinds of genetic mixtures in our genomes, you're a mutt as well. Go see.

Interesting...wasn't Elizabeth Warren taking the place of a REAL "indigenous" person who should have been teaching at Harvard if they really wanted to be inclusive? Isn't that in essence a form of workplace genocide? As for my racial makeup? I'm not claiming to be black...or Hispanic...or American Indian...for an advantage in my career.
Reread the post you're attempting to respond to.

Your point being what?

That if you read and keep up you may not get so dizzy from going in circles.
It's obvious that in American academia at least...that YES...we are "concerned" about the same indigenous people that we nearly exterminated! It's also obvious that Elizabeth Warren used that concern to her advantage as a college professor passing herself off as an American Indian.

Great. Go on and explain how she took and received advantage if that is really what you're upset over about her.

And are you only concerned with improper advantage in academia? Or do you feel the same, about the same in the so called private corporate/business and political realms?
It's obvious that in American academia at least...that YES...we are "concerned" about the same indigenous people that we nearly exterminated! It's also obvious that Elizabeth Warren used that concern to her advantage as a college professor passing herself off as an American Indian.

Great. Go on and explain how she took and received advantage if that is really what you're upset over about her.

And are you only concerned with improper advantage in academia? Or do you feel the same, about the same in the so called private corporate/business and political realms?

So you're claiming that Warren didn't receive any advantage by being viewed as an American Indian by Harvard? Remember that this was when the college was embroiled in controversy for not having enough minority representation in their faculty and that Warren was being put forth by the school as an example of a minority professor that they DID have!
As for my concern about people fraudulently claiming minority status in business and politics? Abuses like that are going to occur whenever you start having "quotas" instead of taking the most qualified candidates. Some overly ambitious people are going to cheat the system. Some downright lazy people are going to do the same thing to keep jobs they don't deserve. It's the penalty you pay for implementing "Affirmative Action".
It's obvious that in American academia at least...that YES...we are "concerned" about the same indigenous people that we nearly exterminated! It's also obvious that Elizabeth Warren used that concern to her advantage as a college professor passing herself off as an American Indian.

Great. Go on and explain how she took and received advantage if that is really what you're upset over about her.

And are you only concerned with improper advantage in academia? Or do you feel the same, about the same in the so called private corporate/business and political realms?

So you're claiming that Warren didn't receive any advantage by being viewed as an American Indian by Harvard?

Nope, read the post again, you are being asked to explain and discuss it. You have the floor, carry on ....

Explain how she took and received advantage if that is really what you're upset about.
As for my concern about people fraudulently claiming minority status in business and politics? Abuses like that are going to occur whenever you start having "quotas" instead of taking the most qualified candidates. Some overly ambitious people are going to cheat the system. Some downright lazy people are going to do the same thing to keep jobs they don't deserve. It's the penalty you pay for implementing "Affirmative Action".

So you're an anti-lazy crusader? OK. Who are the lazy?
I'm not upset about anything. I simply think Elizabeth Warren took advantage of the situation at Harvard by posing as an American Indian...something that would have given her a certain "status" that she wouldn't otherwise have been given as a women professor! What part of that don't you grasp?
As for my concern about people fraudulently claiming minority status in business and politics? Abuses like that are going to occur whenever you start having "quotas" instead of taking the most qualified candidates. Some overly ambitious people are going to cheat the system. Some downright lazy people are going to do the same thing to keep jobs they don't deserve. It's the penalty you pay for implementing "Affirmative Action".

So you're an anti-lazy crusader? OK. Who are the lazy?

People that don't do their share of the work? Let me guess...you want to paint me as a "racist!" because I point out that quotas in the workplace will sometimes lead to people abusing the system? This isn't about skin color or religious affiliation. It's about human nature. Some people will get lazy if their job is protected. It's been that way with unions for quite some time.
That's a lie that conservatives tell, but it never happened. Warren has never asked for or received any special consideration in the academic world, because of her native heritage. Harvard was not even aware of her native heritage when they hired her.

Conservative will believe any lie they're told. Start fact checking before you swallow their slurs and repeat them.

America has rejected coherency, react emotionally and chose one of the two lanes you are offered.

Oh bullshit! You've got a white college professor that jobbed the system for decades claiming to be a minority when she wasn't one...and is now whining about being called on it when she left academia and entered politics where opponents bring up things like that. Is the American Indian community guilty of reacting "emotionally" when they chastised Ms. Warren for what she did? They know that she's passed herself off as something that she's not and they grasp the concept that if a white woman is being held up to prove that a college is racially inclusive it means that a REAL American Indian didn't get that position!

Oh that's rich, now americans are concerned about the indigenous peoples we functionally genocided out of existence.

We all have all kinds of genetic mixtures in our genomes, you're a mutt as well. Go see.
this makes no sense.

we're not concerned about indians..

Yeah, that was the point Shirley, and it was posted in response to the post it was in response to. But thanks.
way to edit what i said so you can be a sanctimonious dick.

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