Full Text of Trump Letter to J6 Committee: "Thousands" of National Guard Troops Were Authorized, Stopped by Pelosi on J6. "I Did My Job."

I know you think this is funny and clever but you have lost the plot.

Under Trump (a Republican) we DID have a great economy and we were energy independent. Then comes Biden and it was decimated. Yes, SOME of it has to do with recovery from the pandemic. But there's no doubt it was helped massively along by his out of control spending and energy policies.

That economy...began under President Barack Hussein Obama...who started with a lump of crap from his predecessor.
And, refresh my memory, who was President when the pandemic (was ignored) began? Wasn't that guy on track for a 3 trillion dollar deficit..BEFORE the pandemic (was ignored) began? :)
Trump coasts for three years and then the moment his presidency is tested for the first time, he craps himself.

Oh yeah, and the United States of America has not been energy independent...for DECADES!!
That economy...began under President Barack Hussein Obama...who started with a lump of crap from his predecessor.
And, refresh my memory, who was President when the pandemic (was ignored) began? Wasn't that guy on track for a 3 trillion dollar deficit..BEFORE the pandemic (was ignored) began? :)
Trump coasts for three years and then the moment his presidency is tested for the first time, he craps himself.

Oh yeah, and the United States of America has not been energy independent...for DECADES!!

Hey you don't have to convince only me...let's see how your fellow Americans feel about that Nov. 8
I know you think this is funny and clever but you have lost the plot.

Under Trump (a Republican) we DID have a great economy and we were energy independent. Then comes Biden and it was decimated. Yes, SOME of it has to do with recovery from the pandemic. But there's no doubt it was helped massively along by his out of control spending and energy policies.

what they CANT STAND is that its INDISPUTABLE how great our economy was before the pandemic thanks to Trump.

Had Trump remained POTUS he would have brought us right back to where we were before the China flu, and they KNOW IT because he had ALREADY DONE IT.

Their guy got installed and FUCKED IT UP BEYOND BELIEF. All of this is indisputable fact. Its the reason they always want to talk about ANYTHING ELSE.
what they CANT STAND is that its INDISPUTABLE how great our economy was before the pandemic thanks to Trump.

Had Trump remained POTUS he would have brought us right back to where we were before the China flu, and they KNOW IT because he had ALREADY DONE IT.

Their guy got installed and FUCKED IT UP BEYOND BELIEF. All of this is indisputable fact. Its the reason they always want to talk about ANYTHING ELSE.

My personal belief is that Biden was immediate recompense from God for all their cheating.

They cheated....and "won" Biden. It is their undoing. It might well be their undoing for decades.
well...you mean talking about it for 2 years on an internet forum is not going to accomplish anything?
Well it does accomplish something, a shorter life span for conspiracy theorists on average.

But it doesn't change anything...see the 9/11 Truthers for example.

We call this a win/win.
My personal belief is that Biden was immediate recompense from God for all their cheating.

They cheated....and "won" Biden. It is their undoing. It might well be their undoing for decades.
they laugh at your post here.

I bet they wont be laughing after the midterms!!
Disgraceful that you have to go to some podunk website to find a link to the actual letter, not Reuters, not Microsoft Network, not CNN would even link it. They need to control what they want you to know about what it says. The rest might be too damning.

The letter is just a rehashing of his usual lies. Why doesn't he come and testify before the Committee instead of writing a nasty letter?
My personal belief is that Biden was immediate recompense from God for all their cheating.

They cheated....and "won" Biden. It is their undoing. It might well be their undoing for decades.

Recompense from God???? The adulation and devotion of cult members to this corrupt criminal never ceases to amaze me. Especially from people who claim to be Christian yet worship a man who abuses women, cheating on three wives. He lies cheats and steals, and don't try the King David story on me. That's total bullshit.
Recompense from God???? The adulation and devotion of cult members to this corrupt criminal never ceases to amaze me. Especially from people who claim to be Christian yet worship a man who abuses women, cheating on three wives. He lies cheats and steals, and don't try the King David story on me. That's total bullshit.

It's not about Trump. It's about fraud.
It's not about Trump. It's about fraud.

I really have no interest in reading 18 pages of Trump's lies and bullshit. He let a million people die from covid and didn't once offer condolences.

One million dead Americans because Trump politicized the pandemic. In Canada, our rates of disease and death were 1/3 of what you had, and it was only that high because of our proximity to plague central next door.

There really is no hope for a nation in thrall to a criminal conman.
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I will.

The GOP will take the House, the DNC will hold the Senate and not a damn fucking thing will change

Possible, which means our country is finished as we know it. It means the people are too brainwashed to recover. Years of indoctrination have succeeded. Our enemies are laughing at our utter stupidity.
There really is no hope for a nation in thrall to a criminal conman.

You mean like Biden? Yeah, you are corrrect, there is no hope if our nation is too naive not to see the damage this administration is doing to our country.
I can be as specific as I want, dumbass.

No one controls me, shit for brains.

There's nothing to admit, Mac.

You think 50% of America are tin foil hat conspiracy nuts whose minds are being controlled by an orange baboon.

Don't you realize how incredibly nutty that sounds?

What's nuttier, a few thousand people engaged in election fraud or millions under mind control?

STOP WITH THE STUPID, you dumbass paranoid conspiracy nut.
No, I think that's about 20% to 30% of the voting population, not 50%. And the world has seen this before, so there is plenty of precedent.

And the fact remains: This isn't about policy, issues or ideas for you people. It's about obedience. Plenty of Republicans and Independents know that's the case.

So, too bad. Your opinion of me means nothing.
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Possible, which means our country is finished as we know it. It means the people are too brainwashed to recover. Years of indoctrination have succeeded. Our enemies are laughing at our utter stupidity.

Dude, where have you been? This has been the case for the last couple decades.

The duopoly has been dividing us by design to ensure we keep voting for the "less shitty" person.
Dude, where have you been? This has been the case for the last couple decades.

The duopoly has been dividing us by design to ensure we keep voting for the "less shitty" person.
Then came Trump to bust that all up, but you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies lost your minds and crapped all over yourselves and everyone else to demonize him and his voters.
So yes, the programming you describe is in fact what caused YOUR Pavlovian response to his efforts. :eusa_hand:
Then came Trump to bust that all up, but you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies lost your minds and crapped all over yourselves and everyone else to demonize him and his voters.
So yes, the programming you describe is in fact what caused YOUR Pavlovian response to his efforts. :eusa_hand:

You rubes are so much fun.

Trump has been funding the duopoly his whole adult life.

Trump ended up with nothing but swamp critters in his admin. He started with a few outsiders and booted them all within a year and then replaced them all with party stooges.

Trump submitted the 4 largest budget request in our nations history at the time.

But yeah, some how he was different!

Wow, just a bit over the top here.
Is there any wonder why the sane among us consider you nutters to be cancers?
You've officially lost it.

No. We're officially mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore.

So bring it....if you have the courage. Stop talking about it and do it.

Oh, we have the courage. We're hoping you idiots will regain your senses just like the Republicans did after the Neo-Cons left. (Or rather, we're booted out). If you dont, well... we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

You fuckers are nothing new, you know. Fredric Bastiat was all over your sorry asses 150 years ago.

"Using the law as an instrument of plunder".

That's you.
You rubes are so much fun.

Trump has been funding the duopoly his whole adult life.

Trump ended up with nothing but swamp critters in his admin. He started with a few outsiders and booted them all within a year and then replaced them all with party stooges.

Trump submitted the 4 largest budget request in our nations history at the time.

But yeah, some how he was different!

Right, he's just like them, except THEY have been trying to STOP him with the FBI, DOJ, and YOU subverted MORONS!!!

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