Fully Vaccinated Cruise Ship Has ChiCom Flu Outbreak

This is not a vaccine it is GENE THERAPY
This does NOT fight the virus, it helps create massive cancer cells which are the results from severe protein spikes.
This is going to wipe out more of the population.

It never ceases to amaze me to see just how crazy some people around here truly are. Nothing about the covid vaccine is gene therapy. Literally nothing. Gene therapy is where DNA is taken from someone's body, altered, and then put back. mRNA vaccines do none of that. That don't even touch DNA. And as far as causing cancer, the stats don't reflect that. Despite there being some 600 million jabs in the U.S. alone, cancer cases are up just 5%. Not much higher than the year before at 2.5%. And cancer deaths are up just 0.3%. That's about 2000 additional deaths.

You're a fucking lunatic and shouldn't be spreading disinformation over the internet.
Hilarious. You can’t even state why the jab is being forced upon people without immediately backtracking on everything you fabricated.

You're demented, ya crazed penguin. I answered that and did not backtrack. My answer hasn't waivered -- it's still because there's a greater chance of spreading it when you're unvaccinated.
You're thoroughly confused. You go from one post calling flu vaccines, flu vaccines, AND how they're effective against the flu AND how they're a "vaccine" ...

... to your very next post calling flu vaccines, flu "vaccines," as though they're not AND how useless they are against the flu AND how they're "flu shots."

And again, you're simply citing yourself since no organization says what you're saying so you can't even link a citation.
I’m not confused at all. I know what a vaccine is and what it is supposed to do. The CDC’s new definition is bullshit. I’ll stick to the 2019 version before they sold their souls to Pfizer.
I had know problem with masking up, vaccination, and 6 ft distancing. I had a huge problem with liberals shutting down the economy - in particular, small businesses, and shutting down weddings, funerals, sporting events, etc., yet mass social justice protests with people standing cheek-to-cheek with about a third of them not wearing masks was permitted????

Follow whose science?
I’m not confused at all. I know what a vaccine is and what it is supposed to do. The CDC’s new definition is bullshit. I’ll stick to the 2019 version before they sold their souls to Pfizer.
Nope, you already exposed you don't know what a vaccine is as evidenced by the dictionary, encyclopedia and medical sources I cited describing what a vaccine really is.

All you did was cite yourself to say, nuh-uh!
Nope, you already exposed you don't know what a vaccine is as evidenced by the dictionary, encyclopedia and medical sources I cited describing what a vaccine really is.

All you did was cite yourself to say, nuh-uh!
Will you get a booster jab every few months, if Fauci tells you to?
Will you get a booster jab every few months, if Fauci tells you to?
I take the advice of the medical community in general into consideration. I also consider my own situation. I also consider the threat level of covid. There are many factors in making g that decision.
I take the advice of the medical community in general into consideration. I also consider my own situation. I also consider the threat level of covid. There are many factors in making g that decision.
Master degree…LMFAO.
I take the advice of the medical community in general into consideration. I also consider my own situation. I also consider the threat level of covid. There are many factors in making g that decision.
….and you ignore all the lies they’ve told you, and still believe them.
Dolt Alert
Ditch the masks
End the advertising of how OK you are with the ruse.
I take the advice of the medical community in general into consideration. I also consider my own situation. I also consider the threat level of covid. There are many factors in making g that decision.
Is it within your realm of feelings and wishes motivation to acknowledge that following “advice” is an option and not something you get locked in your house over via “mandates”
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Liberals are so addled that 1,000 people in Ft Wayne could all get the shots and all still get sick and libbies would latch onto some “benefit” that the shots provided. Or make up a new “benefit” which has been done recently .
You don’t really believe that do you?
Believe what? That the CDC has revised its figures downward 4 times in the last year. Nothing there to even “believe”. It’s published fact.
800k dead revised way downward yet you still falsely cling to the 800k .

Oh? Show where that "way downward" revision occurred...


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