Fully Vaccinated will develop AIDS


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Okay let’s call this a conspiracy theory, but all information should be considered.

According to this, vaccinated are seeing their immune systems get compromised against all viruses and cancers.

Do the mRNA vaccines end up giving people a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)?

Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.”

I think the numbers are way off. I think it does weaken immune systems but is more gradual and will take a few years.
Okay let’s call this a conspiracy theory, but all information should be considered.

According to this, vaccinated are seeing their immune systems get compromised against all viruses and cancers.

Do the mRNA vaccines end up giving people a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)?

Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.”

I think the numbers are way off. I think it does weaken immune systems but is more gradual and will take a few years.

Seems possible, based on my own extensive research as a layman. One thing is for certain and that is the unvaccinated could soon find themselves in a world with lots and lots of newly available real estate. Either way one slices it mass vaccination for COVID is mass murder: democide.

My wife and I are sort of monitoring the health (from a close distance) of several of our family members and friends who rolled up their sleeve for a double dose. My twenty year-old niece, a nursing student and intern at a large local hospital, has been suffering from deep depression since receiving the vaccine; she says she no longer "feels like herself". My mother-in-law, who is diabetic and was recovering from non-life threatening kidney problems before the second jab, has been diagnosed with early stage kidney failure which seems to be worsening at an alarming rate. My great aunt who lives on an elderly care campus in her own apartment is, since getting jabbed, experiencing all manner of heath issues and serious eye problems.

I could go on, but why bother? What's going on here, with the vaccine, is terrifyingly obvious: people we know and love, who were in relatively great to good health pre-jab, are going downhill fast—in one way or the other. I imagine there are millions of similar and even more horrifying accounts out there across America.
Seems possible, based on my own extensive research as a layman. One thing is for certain and that is the unvaccinated could soon find themselves in a world with lots and lots of newly available real estate. Either way one slices it mass vaccination for COVID is mass murder: democide.

My wife and I are sort of monitoring the health (from a close distance) of several of our family members and friends who rolled up their sleeve for a double dose. My twenty year-old niece, a nursing student and intern at a large local hospital, has been suffering from deep depression since receiving the vaccine; she says she no longer "feels like herself". My mother-in-law, who is diabetic and was recovering from non-life threatening kidney problems before the second jab, has been diagnosed with early stage kidney failure which seems to be worsening at an alarming rate. My great aunt who lives on an elderly care campus in her own apartment is, since getting jabbed, experiencing all manner of heath issues and serious eye problems.

I could go on, but why bother? What's going on here, with the vaccine, is terrifyingly obvious: people we know and love, who were in relatively great to good health pre-jab, are going downhill fast—in one way or the other. I imagine there are millions of similar and even more horrifying accounts out there across America.

Did they all have the mRNA vaccines? I've been thinking that the Johnson and Johnson vaccine might be the way to go seeing that it doesnt use the messenger rna and is more traditional
Did they all have the mRNA vaccines? I've been thinking that the Johnson and Johnson vaccine might be the way to go seeing that it doesnt use the messenger rna and is more traditional
The J&J one is not “traditional”. It’s a virus vector type which is relatively new. It uses an adenovirus to make the spike protein of COVID. From what I have seen it has had even worse short term adverse reactions than the mRNA ones.

Bharat Biotech is making an inactivated virus type vaccine, which is the “traditional” way of making vaccines. It uses a dead or inactive version of the actual SARS CoV-2. Their vaccine, Covaxin, is being used in India and several other countries. They are undergoing the FDA process now, but will likely take a long time to get approved.
Seems possible, based on my own extensive research as a layman. One thing is for certain and that is the unvaccinated could soon find themselves in a world with lots and lots of newly available real estate. Either way one slices it mass vaccination for COVID is mass murder: democide.

My wife and I are sort of monitoring the health (from a close distance) of several of our family members and friends who rolled up their sleeve for a double dose. My twenty year-old niece, a nursing student and intern at a large local hospital, has been suffering from deep depression since receiving the vaccine; she says she no longer "feels like herself". My mother-in-law, who is diabetic and was recovering from non-life threatening kidney problems before the second jab, has been diagnosed with early stage kidney failure which seems to be worsening at an alarming rate. My great aunt who lives on an elderly care campus in her own apartment is, since getting jabbed, experiencing all manner of heath issues and serious eye problems.

I could go on, but why bother? What's going on here, with the vaccine, is terrifyingly obvious: people we know and love, who were in relatively great to good health pre-jab, are going downhill fast—in one way or the other. I imagine there are millions of similar and even more horrifying accounts out there across America.
I haven't kept statistics, but I have to agree. It "Seems" to me that a large number of people I have done business/work/known for some time have all of a sudden taken a turn for the worse as far as social/cognitive/performance abilities. This includes close family members and people such as board members of various organizations I work with. It's like they are there, but not really "there". Not all of them, but enough so that it's noticeable....things aren't going as smoothly as normal. I hope it's just my imagination.
Do the mRNA vaccines end up giving people a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)?
I don't think so.

However, what I do know is that in Fort Detrick, virologists bioengineered a bat coronavirus that was genetically modified in gain of function research. The bat respiratory coronavirus was genetically modified by splicing it with alleles from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in order to make it gain the function of being able to infect the human respiratory system.

And the program was then moved from the Fort Detrick facility to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Is that the virus that causes COVID 19? I don't know. And I don't know whether they designed it as a biological weapon or not. But the CCP certainly used it as a bioweapon. There's no denying that.

One concern is that it is not merely infecting the respiratory system, it is also infecting peoples' central nervous system.

Your skin or lung cells are replaced with new cells every few weeks or so. Your liver cells are regenerated every few months or so. Your bone marrow cells will last a decade or so.

Some of your CNS cells, you keep from birth to death. This means that the virus may lie dormant in those cells for many many years and cause disease later in life. Like HIV. An HIV infection generally just causes flu-like symptoms for a couple weeks or so when someone is first infected with it.

Then many years later it can cause full-blown AIDS.
Seems possible, based on my own extensive research as a layman. One thing is for certain and that is the unvaccinated could soon find themselves in a world with lots and lots of newly available real estate. Either way one slices it mass vaccination for COVID is mass murder: democide.

My wife and I are sort of monitoring the health (from a close distance) of several of our family members and friends who rolled up their sleeve for a double dose. My twenty year-old niece, a nursing student and intern at a large local hospital, has been suffering from deep depression since receiving the vaccine; she says she no longer "feels like herself". My mother-in-law, who is diabetic and was recovering from non-life threatening kidney problems before the second jab, has been diagnosed with early stage kidney failure which seems to be worsening at an alarming rate. My great aunt who lives on an elderly care campus in her own apartment is, since getting jabbed, experiencing all manner of heath issues and serious eye problems.

I could go on, but why bother? What's going on here, with the vaccine, is terrifyingly obvious: people we know and love, who were in relatively great to good health pre-jab, are going downhill fast—in one way or the other. I imagine there are millions of similar and even more horrifying accounts out there across America.
If true, the media will cover it up.
If true, the media will cover it up.
Why anyone takes the vax or booster is proof we’re surrounded by idiots. Just doing some basic research ought to cause one to refuse it. The lies by the establishment are numerous.

Top 10 COVID-19 Epic Fails

#1. Mandatory masks with holes way too big to stop the virus from spreading, plus they cause bacterial infections of the mouth, throat and lungs that can turn into pneumonia

#2. Social distancing – turns out virus particles travel much more than 6 feet

#3. Spike protein injections – come to find out they don’t stop contraction, transmission or a “bad case” of Covid

#4. Vaccine passports – so far, the 40 percent of unvaccinated Americans have halted that scam by protesting and going on strike (just look at the pilot’s unions right now)

#5. There’s no science-based evidence or research to prove the vaccines work at all, while the most vaccinated nations have the worst outbreaks of Covid — among the vaccinated

#6. Lockdowns have proven deadly to the masses, as suicide rates have skyrocketed, small businesses have been crushed and people have been isolated from social interaction

#7. Herd immunity has blown up in the face of vaccine theory, as the Covid-vaccinated sheeple shed and spread the virus to each other while under the false-pretense of protecting each other

#8. “Flattening the curve” never happened – not with lockdowns, masks, social distancing or vaccines; in fact, those only made for more spreading and breeding of the virus, compounded by other bacterial and pathogenic infections

#9. Antibacterial everything – including soaps, sprays, hand sanitizers, baby wipes, etc., have wiped out people’s good bacteria too, thus lowering immune system function

#10. Remdesivir and ventilators as go-to-forms of “toxic treatment” for the Covid-sickened in ICU — and almost assures that patients die within three weeks, by decimating kidney function and further inflaming breathing passages
zero viral defence by Christmas

I'm scheming of a blight Christmas
Just like the media would show
Where immunity’s missin, and Fauci keeps pissin’
What Pfizer is all afraid we'd know

I'm dreaming of a blight Christmas
With fema trains all packed to go
May your viral degradation assume your destination
While CDC decides who they will blow

I'm dreaming of a blight Christmas,
With mask nazi’s lined up in a row
May the viral hacks hole up, the FDA blow up

And may all your Christmases be blight

~S~ w/apologies to Bing
Why anyone takes the vax or booster is proof we’re surrounded by idiots. Just doing some basic research ought to cause one to refuse it. The lies by the establishment are numerous.

Top 10 COVID-19 Epic Fails

#1. Mandatory masks with holes way too big to stop the virus from spreading, plus they cause bacterial infections of the mouth, throat and lungs that can turn into pneumonia

#2. Social distancing – turns out virus particles travel much more than 6 feet

#3. Spike protein injections – come to find out they don’t stop contraction, transmission or a “bad case” of Covid

#4. Vaccine passports – so far, the 40 percent of unvaccinated Americans have halted that scam by protesting and going on strike (just look at the pilot’s unions right now)

#5. There’s no science-based evidence or research to prove the vaccines work at all, while the most vaccinated nations have the worst outbreaks of Covid — among the vaccinated

#6. Lockdowns have proven deadly to the masses, as suicide rates have skyrocketed, small businesses have been crushed and people have been isolated from social interaction

#7. Herd immunity has blown up in the face of vaccine theory, as the Covid-vaccinated sheeple shed and spread the virus to each other while under the false-pretense of protecting each other

#8. “Flattening the curve” never happened – not with lockdowns, masks, social distancing or vaccines; in fact, those only made for more spreading and breeding of the virus, compounded by other bacterial and pathogenic infections

#9. Antibacterial everything – including soaps, sprays, hand sanitizers, baby wipes, etc., have wiped out people’s good bacteria too, thus lowering immune system function

#10. Remdesivir and ventilators as go-to-forms of “toxic treatment” for the Covid-sickened in ICU — and almost assures that patients die within three weeks, by decimating kidney function and further inflaming breathing passages
I am not anti-vaccine. However, the speed at which this experimental drug was developed, the lack of controlled studies, and the political approvals by the FDA are all red flags for taking this drug.

The fact that the media is covering up the covid injection deaths, the emerging and terrifying symptoms of some people should give people pause. If those symptoms stop being a trickle and become a flood, we could see a death toll (a real one) that far exceeds the covid made-up death toll.

And we haven't even gotten to the women who have given birth since the injection.
I am not anti-vaccine. However, the speed at which this experimental drug was developed, the lack of controlled studies, and the political approvals by the FDA are all red flags for taking this drug.

The fact that the media is covering up the covid injection deaths, the emerging and terrifying symptoms of some people should give people pause. If those symptoms stop being a trickle and become a flood, we could see a death toll (a real one) that far exceeds the covid made-up death toll.

And we haven't even gotten to the women who have given birth since the injection.
Agreed. Add to that the lies told by politicians, media, and establishment doctors and you can only conclude we’re being systematically lied to.

Plus look what they’ve done to anyone who criticizes the vax. Doctors lose their license. Commentators get deplatformed and ridiculed

They lied about ivermectin. Joe Rogan says he took it and they say it took a horse dewormer. Yet ivermectin has been used successfully in humans for decades with no known side effects and it’s CHEAP. Big Pharma can’t accept cheap.

One thing we can conclude for certain, we are living in an Orwellian dystopia.
Okay let’s call this a conspiracy theory, but all information should be considered.

According to this, vaccinated are seeing their immune systems get compromised against all viruses and cancers.

Do the mRNA vaccines end up giving people a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)?

Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.”

I think the numbers are way off. I think it does weaken immune systems but is more gradual and will take a few years.
More of your irresponsable dunbass bullshit You have blood on your hands



Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Daily Expose a Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy and Quackery level Pseudoscience website based on promoting false and misleading information regarding Covid-19.
Okay let’s call this a conspiracy theory, but all information should be considered.

According to this, vaccinated are seeing their immune systems get compromised against all viruses and cancers.

Do the mRNA vaccines end up giving people a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)?

Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.”

I think the numbers are way off. I think it does weaken immune systems but is more gradual and will take a few years.
Who cares what a new website which hides who's behind it has to say?
Apparently you do.
No, I don't. I recognize it as the fake news it was intended to be.

a) new website registered this year.

b) website hides the registrant.

c) the article you linked hides the author. Instead, they are listed as a "concerned reader."

d) the data contained in the charts in the article you linked do not exist in the underlying report.

e) there are claims made in the article YOU link which cannot be found in the underlying report.

That nonsense has all the hallmarks of fake news yet there are rightards here who blindly, but eagerly, accept it as factual.

Thanks for posting this thread as it serves as the primary reason the American rightwing has become so dumbed down, they're incapable of making cogent arguments.

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