Fully vaxxed fake native American Elizabeth Warren tests positive for Covid

If you have no symptoms and still test positive, are the tests just as effective as the vaccine?
Seems to be a lot of false positives. Another thing, Why in God's name would you wait in line for a covid test if you do not feel sick?
Rush didn't die of Covid.
It doesn't care, it was simply looking to land a blow for cruelty & evil! That literally defines them, they are profoundly evil, how could we expect any different from animals who have murdered some 70-million babies by vaccum sucking their brains as they rip them out of their murderous mothers wombs, they will reap exactly as they have sown! ;)
This is super sweet! Enjoy your jabs!

Break through case she says eh ? How crazy are people like Warren ? Did she think that she couldn't get the thing if vaxed ? Heck she might not even be infected, can anyone actually prove it ?

There might be a thing going on where as the claim will be made by politician's that they are fully vaxed, got the virus, but because THEY ARE VAXED, they are only experiencing mild to no symptoms. Otherwise this could be yet another big advertisement in support that Biden vaxing everyone is working. Beware folks, because we don't know what is truth and what is lies anymore. Stay tuned I guess.
How is it possible that people are still fretting over nonsense like this?

The vaccines do not prevent you from contracting Covid. Or "omicron" or anything else. If you read the papers you get when you are vaccinated, you would know this. It is not secret information.

What the vaccines and boosters DO is to prevent you from becoming seriously sick.

When Healthy person (e,g,, Betsy Warren) is vaccinated and boosted and DIES FROM the CAJUNA VIRUS, then THAT will be news!!!

Write it up. It might even be a FIRST!

There is nothing the least bit remarkable about the "news" flash at the top of this thread.
This is creepy... they're all giving pretty much the same statement.


And remember folks... "safe and effective".
May Pocahontas and Spartacus both recover swiftly and fully.

May they both also realize the lunacy of what they have been supporting and the Biden Administration's unscientific and unconstitutional mandates.

As soon as they told the vaccinated that you still had to wear masks, anyone with half a brain realized that the vaccines were broken and did not provide immunity.

Months later, gullible people still believe politicians and CNN and willingly roll up their sleeves for more shots which do not work.

Effective immunity is from the infection, not the vaccines. The vaccines are tuned only to the Alpha spike protein. The immunity provided by infection provides antibodies against multiple aspects of the real virus, and long-term memory T- and B-cells deep within one's bone marrow which can start producing antibodies after subsequent exposures many years into the future.

Almost everyone will eventually get COVID, just like the four other coronaviruses in circulation that most people acquire at some point in their lives. There is nothing humans can do to stop respiratory viruses which mutate quickly and have animal reservoirs.

Everyone in the know knew this would happen. We have had influenza vaccines for many decades, but they have to be tuned at least annually are only effective about 50% of the time in a good year, less than 20% in a bad one.

Omicron has killed hardly anyone, but the vaccines have killed thousands of Americans according to VAERS.

They can't possibly mandate a vaccine which does not work but has more serious side effects than all other vaccines in history combined, can they? Yes, the tyrants are doing exactly that, and we need to make them all pay for it next time they are up for election.

It's never been about safety. It's been about power and control. Please join me in refusing to comply.

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If you have no symptoms and still test positive, are the tests just as effective as the vaccine?
Seems to be a lot of false positives. Another thing, Why in God's name would you wait in line for a covid test if you do not feel sick?
Great question. I can't imagine they would be doing it if it wasn't free. And those false positive result might be used to close their neighbor's business or restrict personal liberties. Most tests have a false positive rate on the order of 1% or greater, so if you test 100 million people, you get a million false positives

"Free" vaccines were bad enough - $30 to Pfizer and $45 to CVS, paid for by you and I (our children, really). Now Fauci and the Dems are pushing "free" and unreliable at-home test kits for everyone at $20 per pop. They are desperate to keep the plandemic going so that they can steal the 2022 election with absentee ballots.
This is creepy... they're all giving pretty much the same statement.

View attachment 577632

And remember folks... "safe and effective".
Sounding like the news collage heard on the leftist cultist news cast, otherwise you know whenever you hear them repeating exactly the same thing on just about all the episodes in unison when they are in attack mode.

Could be that this is a way to falsely say that they are infected maybe, and then have these so called mild symptoms as if to suggest that the vaccines are always working, and this in hopes to convince everyone to get vaccinated.

You know, so then hopefully Biden can declare a victory over the virus at a very strategic point and time period. Stay tuned.
If you have no symptoms and still test positive, are the tests just as effective as the vaccine?
Seems to be a lot of false positives. Another thing, Why in God's name would you wait in line for a covid test if you do not feel sick?

Because so few people who get Covid actually feel sick that you can literally be giving it to everyone like a bad Christmas gift and not know it.
I don't want to mandate shit. I give no fucks what magaturds do. :dunno: Ya'll are bigger drama queens than the left. If some of you die because of your Qult's mission to 'own da libz' how can I complain?

You don't? Then how come YOUR FUCKING CHILD MOLESTING PRESIDENT mandated the fucking jab for all companies 100 employees or more?

Stupid fucking liberal.

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