Fully vaxxed fake native American Elizabeth Warren tests positive for Covid

Poke's virus was possibly being sequenced before this story went to press. If the vaccine-linked mutation is there, it more likely links to the breakthrough than if it is not there. The curiosity would be too much to bear: they had to get it sequenced.
Omicron is the first variant to sport a vaccine-linked mutation.
This Omicron is the First Stooge Virus in Mankiind.Just wait till the fall
in 2022 and the Voter Suppression Virus arrives in town.
Right on schedule.Better than clockwork.
Mores like - A Clockwork Orange - { 1971 } a landmark movie.
Where instead of all Black the BLM and Antifa enforcers will be donning
All White.With Black bowlers,what else.Um ... Bowlers are a gents make of a
black derby hat.
This is super sweet! Enjoy your jabs!

Pottawannabe Speakum With Forked Tongue

Even those immune to the cronyvirus and its offspring get slightly sick. It's like a lopsided game in sports, but it still gets played. My blowout against the fake contagion lasted one tenth as long as when I get the flu.

Omicron is the first variant to sport a vaccine-linked mutation.
The damn thing probably is the vaccine... I'm sure somebody somewhere has found a date and time link between the first wave of vaccinations and the first wave of omicron.... With subsequent waves all being equally spaced apart in like manner.
The damn thing probably is the vaccine... I'm sure somebody somewhere has found a date and time link between the first wave of vaccinations and the first wave of omicron.... With subsequent waves all being equally spaced apart in like manner.
Omicron is fascinating because it's the first variant with a definite vaccine link. The mutation happens precisely in the region of the spike that (must [italics]) be stabilized during the vaccine-making process. Yes, though PCR testing in South Africa is not up to par, Omicron may evade PCR.

The medical community in SA does have the stats on who received vaccine, and which vaccine it was, their age and gender, etc. Here in the States, they undoubtedly sequenced Pocahontas's virus because she was vaxxed. They would not miss that opporunity. They now know if Poke has or does not have, a vaccine-linked mutation connected to Beluga whales.

Note that the whale link is for position 796 of the SARS-CoV-2 spike, Omicron D796Y. Note that the white-boned commie Wuhan bat lady, Zheng-li Shi, wrote a paper on viruses of shrimp in 2006. Note that the Seafood Market's "Patient Zero" was supposedly a shrimp seller. Finally, note that yellow head coronavirus of shrimp (YHV) at position 796 of its spike, is Y (tyrosine).
At what point do these breakthrough cases become too numerous to be called breakthroughs?
Seems like “they” selected that phrase to tweak public perception, similar to how the definition of vaccine suddenly changed last January to include messenger RNA. The question remains whether or not Webster’s will now change the definition for breakthrough. Here is my predicted wording for it: when a vaccinated person amazingly contracts the COVID-19 virus from most likely an unvaxed person. Lol

I will never use a Webster’s dictionary again and when I Google I make sure now to avoid any click on Webster’s dictionary! I hope others will do the same. Webster’s is longstanding print and altering basic medical definitions. This is not because of messenger RNA being new medical info, as it isn’t new, but altering the definition at a later date for public persuasion purposes? I call foul ball.
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Sounding like the news collage heard on the leftist cultist news cast, otherwise you know whenever you hear them repeating exactly the same thing on just about all the episodes in unison when they are in attack mode.

Could be that this is a way to falsely say that they are infected maybe, and then have these so called mild symptoms as if to suggest that the vaccines are always working, and this in hopes to convince everyone to get vaccinated.

You know, so then hopefully Biden can declare a victory over the virus at a very strategic point and time period. Stay tuned.
I don't think they'll let it go, they'll milk the fruits of this virus forever.

It happened in every leftist-run country, from Australia and New Zealand, to Germany, Austria and France, to our newest communist neighbor, Canada.

Chairman Trudeau just revoked Canadian charter rights. Watch! This is coming to the USA.


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