Fully vaxxed fake native American Elizabeth Warren tests positive for Covid

Get triggered snowflake?

I hear is last few days were very agonizing.

Snowflake is a term used for leftists who think they're special in some way, and therefore should be treated differently.

There are no snowflakes on the right, Chud, and we don't get triggered. That reserved for you. Now, calm down, put on your mask, and get back to your safe space.

I don't think they'll let it go, they'll milk the fruits of this virus forever.

It happened in every leftist-run country, from Australia and New Zealand, to Germany, Austria and France, to our newest communist neighbor, Canada.

Chairman Trudeau just revoked Canadian charter rights. Watch! This is coming to the USA.

The Progressive Dems have until 2024. After the next national election it’s too hard to determine how it will play out with current population trends and younger voters reaching majority. It’s more important than ever for conservatives to get in there next time around to at least give us another 4 years to fix the mess that Biden has created. Eight years is preferable.
Poke's virus was possibly being sequenced before this story went to press. If the vaccine-linked mutation is there, it more likely links to the breakthrough than if it is not there. The curiosity would be too much to bear: they had to get it sequenced.
Break that down.So that even Joe Biden could possibly understand.
Simplicity is the mother of honesty.
HOW do you know she's been "vaxxed"?????
HOW do you know she's got COVID???

1. DementocRats LIE with every breath.
2. DementocRats LIE with every word.
3. DementocRats LIE to get media attention.
4. DementocRats LIE to get votes.
4. DementocRats LIE to get empathy from their sheeples.

So, HOW DO YOU KNOW any of what she spews out her LIE HOLE is true???
Good point. Could all just be propaganda. The awful Maryland governor Hogan is parading around saying he has Covid, too. Sheeeeeeeesh. He's the one with the mask mandates and lockdowns to STOP it. END the virus, he said. The worthless liar.
Snowflake is a term used for leftists who think they're special in some way, and therefore should be treated differently.

There are no snowflakes on the right, Chud, and we don't get triggered. That reserved for you. Now, calm down, put on your mask, and get back to your safe space.

View attachment 577934
I'm trying to think of a movie character named " Snowflake ".
But then I doubt there are Any MOVIE characters named Biden.
Turns out a black man in 30's movies,and many Westerns
appearing in over 200 films was Fred " Snowflake " Toones.
Seen in comedies as a " middle-aged man with a high-pitched voice
and childlike demeanor ". Used in stereotype roles such as domestic help,
stable grooms,doormen,janitors,cooks,elevator operators,valets.bartenders
and butlers.
All areas of work Joe Biden could never pass muster at w/o mush help.
Med mafia found out if Poke had any Omicron mutations.
Again ... Don't use a response that would make a cruddy title for some
white paper detailing Coronavirus hiccups.
Or how to politely sneeze at some black tie affair.
Looks like there is a major COVID outbreak in the Executive Branch.

Here is Jen Psaki today, effectively admitting it. What she says is that even though they are 99% vaccinated at the White House, "we expect breakthrough cases."

It also appears that President Biden has had close contact with an infected person, based upon her dodge of an answer. Should could have answered the simple questions directly, but did what she is paid for.

She really starts sweating and stumbling, and includes in her long answer, "I don't have an update for you at this time," while answering, in my opinion, in the affirmative.

Timestamped to begin at 17:04 when Psaki is asked about a White House outbreak...
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Nothing is foolproof vaccinated people can still get a virus.
Yep, I witnessed it at the company I work for. And these employees that were fully vaxed had the same deadly symptoms that a first timer gets. Both of them got the transfusions even though vaxed. They weren't taking any chances. The aftermath was the very same symptoms that I had (breathing issues). It all cleared up for them just like it did for me.

My relative's who are over 80 just got over a severe respiratory virus, and it actually gave both of them the same symptoms that Covid gives. Took them around two weeks to get over it, and after that they felt weak, and was having trouble breathing for another week along with a cough that wanted to hang on.

Wasn't Covid though, and they are fully recovered now. I had a cold myself that lasted about a week and a half, but no COVID either, so hopefully we are seeing less and less of the Covid, and more and more of the normal viruses back again.

There was something going around, but it wasn't Covid thank goodness. Everyone is recovering well. Onward we all go.
Yep, I witnessed it at the company I work for. And these employees that were fully vaxed had the same deadly symptoms that a first timer gets. Both of them got the transfusions even though vaxed. They weren't taking any chances. The aftermath was the very same symptoms that I had (breathing issues). It all cleared up for them just like it did for me.

My relative's who are over 80 just got over a severe respiratory virus, and it actually gave both of them the same symptoms that Covid gives. Took them around two weeks to get over it, and after that they felt weak, and was having trouble breathing for another week along with a cough that wanted to hang on.

Wasn't Covid though, and they are fully recovered now. I had a cold myself that lasted about a week and a half, but no COVID either, so hopefully we are seeing less and less of the Covid, and more and more of the normal viruses back again.

There was something going around, but it wasn't Covid thank goodness. Everyone is recovering well. Onward we all go.
People have gotten so covid obsessed they seem to forget there are non covid illnesses.
People have gotten so covid obsessed they seem to forget there are non covid illnesses.
Yeah and its amazing that everything isn't still being listed as Covid. The money might be drying up. I remember the flu disappearing for almost two years. It's finally back.. Amazing.
Looks like there is a major COVID outbreak in the Executive Branch.

Here is Jen Psaki today, effectively admitting it. What she says is that even though they are 99% vaccinated at the White House, "we expect breakthrough cases."

It also appears that President Biden has had close contact with an infected person, based upon her dodge of an answer. Should could have answered the simple questions directly, but did what she is paid for.

She really starts sweating and stumbling, and includes in her long answer, "I don't have an update for you at this time," while answering, in my opinion, in the affirmative.

Timestamped to begin at 17:04 when Psaki is asked about a White House outbreak...

Again she is merely an Obama flak.Trained in how to Lie and be
pushy.She is incapable of being a full human being.She's a roboton.
A human who forgets their heart at home.Takes pride in things that aren't
prideful.Lives for the cushy use of finding blame where it does not exist.
Also in pride where none exists.The converse of rationality.
Where Truth can be treated as if cotton candy.Sticky and uhealthy
and not appearing as if edible.
" There is no worse lie than a truth misunderstood by
those who hear it. " --
William James { The Will to Believe } 1897
Yeah and its amazing that everything isn't still being listed as Covid. The money might be drying up. I remember the flu disappearing for almost two years. It's finally back.. Amazing.
Does anyone else smell Fau Chi?
People have gotten so covid obsessed they seem to forget there are non covid illnesses.
At this point in time I doubt many Americans view Biden's White House
staff as if People.They all act as if taking everything said and polled about
their Boss { Biden } personally.Staff for a White House Administration come and go.
They weren't elected.So by shielding Biden this way is not counterproductive but
counterintuitive.,Lie the way Hillary popularized the word " Smart ".
She was not only deemed " The Smartest Woman on earth " } but everything
she said was " smart ".It's like if one tells a Lie many many times eventually people
tend to start believing it.To quote Joseph Goebbels.
So when Hillary and her Ilk keep insisting everything they drum-up is
Smart as in smart policy or smart this and smart that ... It's bunk.

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