Fund Raiser In Chief.....


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
America's Kenyan President must be recognized for doing what he does (second) best. Right after golf that would be fund raising.

He flew into Baltimore, in the words of The New York Times: " commemorate the 200th anniversary of the British bombardment that inspired the lyrics to “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

"Then he did some fund-raising."

As His once-faithful Times continued:

"After his brief (emphasis added) stop at the star-shaped fort from which the people of Baltimore held off the British Navy during the War of 1812, Mr. Obama was driven to the suburban Baltimore home of politically connected hedge fund owner who once ran a powerful pro-Israel lobbying group....."

Which, of course, is where His REAL work - fund raising - began. Aren't you thrilled to see your tax dollars working so hard for you?

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