Funny how much you can learn by studying a bit of history

The GOP treats everyone equally.

You want special treatment.

Don't be a white man and EVER make comments about somebody else wanting special treatment to me again.
I have no obligation to endorse your vacuous opinions. Stop stamping your feet and pouting.
That's true. In America you are free to be dumb and you fully exercise that right.
If only the republicans have voted it would not have passed. And your excuses still don't cover for the nomination of Goldwater.
The Party at that time were moving on to Socially Conscious Rockefeller Republicans even with Goldwater. Once Kennedy was killed the die was cast. The issue is not social justice. The issue is how it is applied.
The Party at that time were moving on to Socially Conscious Rockefeller Republicans even with Goldwater. Once Kennedy was killed the die was cast. The issue is not social justice. The issue is how it is applied.
No it wasn't. Blacks were hoping for Rockefeller but that didn't happen. I was alive at that time and as my dad was a minister I got to listen to the old folks talk about politics. So save the explanation because it's wrong anyway.
You should have stopped there and considered that thought instead of moving on to just call them stupid

Didn't call them stupid. I simply noted that they simply LOVE the ineffective life-long big mouth -- no solution -- now senile Senior politicians that have (D) after their names. YOU CAN CALL that "stupid", I call that BIASED by conflating RACE with politics.

When you look at your Baltimore neighborhood deteriorating before your eyes with capital fleeing, rising crime and drug use,riots, bad LOCAL GOVT and failing schools and your ICON dies (E, Cummings) -- and you pick the same ole 'lip service" Democrat clone instead of Kimberley Klasick (R) -- U GOTTA BELIEVE that talented and ENERGIZED black lady is a RACIST because of the (R) after her name.

Any district would be proud to a Klasick as a Rep. But she CHOSE to take the difficult one because I believe "she cares" and "she WANTS RESULTS".

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Don't be a white man and EVER make comments about somebody else wanting special treatment to me again.
I'll say whatever the hell I want, and there ain't shit you can do about it.
The Party at that time were moving on to Socially Conscious Rockefeller Republicans even with Goldwater. Once Kennedy was killed the die was cast. The issue is not social justice. The issue is how it is applied.
Any "justice" buzzword is code for "Take stuff from some people and give it to me."
Didn't call them stupid. I simply noted that they simply LOVE the ineffective life-long big mouth -- no solution -- now senile Senior politicians that have (D) after their names. YOU CAN CALL that "stupid", I call that BIASED by conflating RACE with politics.

When you look at your Baltimore neighborhood deteriorating before your eyes with capital fleeing, rising crime and drug use,riots, bad LOCAL GOVT and failing schools and your ICON dies (E, Cummings) -- and you pick the same ole 'lip service" Democrat clone instead of Kimberley Klasick (R) -- U GOTTA BELIEVE that talented and ENERGIZED black lady is a RACIST because of the (R) after her name.

Any district would be proud to a Klasick as a Rep. But she CHOOSE to take the difficult one because I believe "she cares" and "she WANTS RESULTS".

This is where idiot leftists start trotting out the ol' "house Negro" if childish name-calling sways rational people.

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