Furious Pelosi Rants on MSNBC, Dismisses Explosive New Video Admitting She’s Responsible for Lack of National Guard on J6!

WHY does THAT matter?

It matters because they've been telling us it was an insurrection for almost 4 years, and they still haven't been able to make that claim stick.


Since nobody has been charged and/or convicted of the thing they they claimed Trump is responsible for, how in the Hell can they say with a straight face that it even happened in the first place????


I saw you in Walmart?

"Dereliction" of duty belongs to your dear leader.
THE reason, the traitors were there in the FIRST place.

Why would the Trump cult, need the NG for a "Peaceful" protest?

The Dems / Socialists had Rap Epps there to instigate problems. The Pelosi Cultists are quick to deflect from her admission to dereliction of duty.
The act of insurrection.

Seditious conspiracy overlaps insurrection and is much broader in the scope of prosecution.

Not subversion of an election to pay for discretion. Lib loons have connected dots where there aren’t any
The Dems / Socialists had Rap Epps there to instigate problems.
So, the Trump cult can spot a "Socialist/Communist" from a mile away, according to them.
But got taken by one?
The guy never even had a Facebook account.
Teabaggers rallied around and took direction from a random 'socialist"?

They're dumber than previously noted.
The Pelosi Cultists are quick to deflect from her admission to dereliction of duty.

WHY would Pelosi be responsible for the security at the Ellipse?
A Trump sponsored event.
Pelosi refused to cooperate with Trump on security during the Jan 6th 2021 election certification, and this (as well as other bad actors) caused the riots and the deaths of two women inside the Capital.

Here is a video of Pelosi taking the blame while escaping from the Capital, but this video was hidden from the public.

Instead they blamed Trump for everything.

Again, it’s a setup to deflect from her involvement in the actual event orchestrated by her
So, the Trump cult can spot a "Socialist/Communist" from a mile away, according to them.
But got taken by one?
The guy never even had a Facebook account.
Teabaggers rallied around and took direction from a random 'socialist"?

They're dumber than previously noted.

WHY would Pelosi be responsible for the security at the Ellipse?
A Trump sponsored event.
You seem to be bent on proving that Hillary was correct when she said Democrats are really stupid.

Ask yourself why a normal person would want to act like a nutty socialists?
The expected cowardice enabled by lies and deceit on the part of the Dems/ socialists.
She said what she said to say she didn’t have involvement in the choreography. She will say, see, see I can admit my mistakes!! Hahaha hahaha . She choreographed it
It implies foul play, unlawful acts
Are we now wandering in the realm of what is "implied"
Just want to be clear on that in the future when discussing convicted felon, twice impeached, ex president Trump's future crimunal trials and his role in instigating the Jan. 6th 2020 insurgency and attempted coup.
I think people can read just fine. What I asked Smoking OP is why didn't the DOJ charge anybody with Insurrection & Rebellion? He and fellow democrats have been calling J6 an insurrection for over three years. I'll ask you a similar question. Why has nobody, not even Trump, has been charged by the DOJ or Jack Smith for violating 18 U.S.C 2383?
Nobody cares about your questions. MAGA has the ‘splainin’ to do. This all just running interference for a felon and traitor, fellow traveler!

Nobody cares about your questions. MAGA has the ‘splainin’ to do. This all just running interference for a felon and traitor, fellow traveler!

Neither you nor Smoking can answer them because y'all don't have an answer. I didn't vote for Trump or Biden, so I'm not worried about "my side" winning the argument.

Y'all have said that J6 was an insurrection for over three years now. However, in all this time, nobody can show a single person charged with that crime. To me, MAGA don't have to explain how it wasn't one. You're making the claim. The burden of proof is on you to show how it was one.

You believe it because it's what you heard it being called from the media. The same media who has gaslit Americans for years, and you've fallen for one of their lies. You can't believe that because that would mean that you're just as gullible to misinformation or disinformation as the MAGA supporters that you mock and criticize. And that's something your ego & pride can't or won't accept.
Neither you nor Smoking can answer them because y'all don't have an answer. I didn't vote for Trump or Biden, so I'm not worried about "my side" winning the argument.

Y'all have said that J6 was an insurrection for over three years now. However, in all this time, nobody can show a single person charged with that crime. To me, MAGA don't have to explain how it wasn't one. You're making the claim. The burden of proof is on you to show how it was one.

You believe it because it's what you heard it being called from the media. The same media who has gaslit Americans for years, and you've fallen for one of their lies. You can't believe that because that would mean that you're just as gullible to misinformation or disinformation as the MAGA supporters that you mock and criticize. And that's something your ego & pride can't or won't accept.
It’s not that I don’t have an answer, it’s that I choose not to answer. MAGA fans never listen anyway. IMO, it’s the Trump fans that need to answer questions, like why they support a convicted felon! :dunno:

Neither you nor Smoking can answer them because y'all don't have an answer. I didn't vote for Trump or Biden, so I'm not worried about "my side" winning the argument.

Y'all have said that J6 was an insurrection for over three years now. However, in all this time, nobody can show a single person charged with that crime.
Insurrection is harder to prove in court.
Just because a person broke a window , or got caught entering the capitol doesn't mean they were intent on overthrowing the government.
The prosecution would have to prove their intent.

Seditious conspiracy is much easier to prove, in court, of their intent and carries a harsher sentence.
It centers more on incitement and plotting.

Insurrection carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison.
Seditious conspiracy carries a penalty of up to 20 years.
To me, MAGA don't have to explain how it wasn't one. You're making the claim. The burden of proof is on you to show how it was one.
Insurrection: Defined under 18 U.S.C. § 2383, insurrection refers to any act of rising against the authority of the state or its laws. Legally, it's the violent uprising against governmental authority. This includes taking up arms or otherwise actively opposing the government's power and lawful authority.

Insurrection Definition & Meaning​

https://www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › insurr...

5 days ago — The meaning of INSURRECTION is an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.

Both describe, the ACT, not the intent.

You believe it because it's what you heard it being called from the media. The same media who has gaslit Americans for years, and you've fallen for one of their lies. You can't believe that because that would mean that you're just as gullible to misinformation or disinformation as the MAGA supporters that you mock and criticize. And that's something your ego & pride can't or won't accept.
Evidently, you fall into the category of the MAGA supporters.
Sure, Q-NUT.

Taking that Trump U. "law" school correspondence course really shows, you aced the course.
So that’s what you think about rather than following evidence! Interesting cuck habit

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