Furious Pelosi Rants on MSNBC, Dismisses Explosive New Video Admitting She’s Responsible for Lack of National Guard on J6!

Cool then post the video where trump tells the supporters to charge the capital
Not falling for your games 3+ years on. You’ve overplayed your hand. You’re the one that needs to prove you and your cohorts aren’t traitors.

Not falling for your games 3+ years on. You’ve overplayed your hand. You’re the one that needs to prove you and your cohorts aren’t traitors.

So you can’t, so more disinformation by another cuck
They do, and they should have been charged with insurrection.
I don't know why they weren't.
Perhaps ... just maybe ... that an insurrection didn't take place in the first place. Therefore, the Dept. of Justice didn't charge anyone for breaking the law of Insurrection & Rebellion. I don't recall the DOJ referring to J6 as an insurrection. That was what the media called it.
Perhaps ... just maybe ... that an insurrection didn't take place in the first place. Therefore, the Dept. of Justice didn't charge anyone for breaking the law of Insurrection & Rebellion. I don't recall the DOJ referring to J6 as an insurrection. That was what the media called it.
Shh Rachel said so, so that’s fact for them

Furious Pelosi Rants on MSNBC, Dismisses Explosive New Video Admitting She’s Responsible for Lack of National Guard on J6!

19 Jun 2024

In a recent MSNBC interview, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi dismissed the explosive new video that revealed her admitting she refused to secure the Capitol on January 6th.
The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that, as Pelosi fled the Capitol amid the chaos, she grilled her top staffer regarding the situation.
“We have a responsibility Terry. We did not have any accountability on what was going on there, and we shoud have,” Pelosi said.
“You’re going to ask me — in the middle of the thing when they’ve already breached the inaugural stuff — ‘should we call … the National Guard?’” Pelosi incredulously asked her chief of staff, Terri McCullough, while being escorted to Fort McNair. “Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?”

As reported back in 2021, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and GOP Leader Mitch McConnell refused National Guard support before the announced protests on January 6th.
This was well documented and explains why Democrats closed their bogus impeachment case against President Trump rather than allow the light of truth to shine down on the American public who would learn that it was Nancy Pelosi who failed to secure the US Capitol in January.

Read more:

This is the woman behind the real insurrection, started at the State of the Union Address when she tore up Trumps SOTU program and she was knee deep in it all the way to Jan6th. I wonder if she will be as remembered as infamously as Marie Antoinette?
Nancy is an integral part of this current regime. This is about taking Biden out of the race as they know he is poison for the Democrat Beo-Marxists in congress. Nancy is just collateral damage and expendable. It is all about winning and Biden is a loser for the Dems. I really suspect they have given up on the presidency and are more concerned that Trump will have a Republican Congress.
Nancy Pelosi, Dereliction of Duty. “No one is above the law”. J'accuse

Is the point of this whole talking point to suggest that had troops been there then the insurgency would not have happened?
Let's examine that theory.
Let's imagine a scenario where Trump gives his ridiculous speech sending his MAGAt army to The Capitol to "fight like hell to save their country."
So the MAGAt army complies and marches.
When the MAGAts reach the police barricades they refuse to yield. They push through, overwhelming Capitol officers, stomping and trampling and beating them.
Guard troops open fire and begin dropping MAGAts in the street like fish in a barrel.
At the end of the afternoon instead of one dead Ashli Babbit now there are 500.
Are you all claiming this is what should have happened instead?
Is this what you are accusing Nancy Pelosi of failing to set into motion?
Have you all considered that MAYBE this is EXACTLY why any decision may have been made to withold troops?
And finally you should realize that any mistakes made on Jan. 6th 2000 were a one time deal.
It won't happen again. Nothing like it had never happened before. There was a steep learning curve.
The next time a rag tag army of misguided, redneck, MAGAt hillbillies tries to attack our republic they most likely will be met with overwhelming force. Few will survive.
We won't get fooled again.
So you want to blame somebody for not calling out the National Guard to mow down the MAGAts before they could reach The Capitol steps tbat day?
But you should really be careful what you wish for.
Is the point of this whole talking point to suggest that had troops been there then the insurgency would not have happened?
Let's examine that theory.
Let's imagine a scenario where Trump gives his ridiculous speech sending his MAGAt army to The Capitol to "fight like hell to save their country."
So the MAGAt army complies and marches.
When the MAGAts reach the police barricades they refuse to yield. They push through, overwhelming Capitol officers, stoping and trampling and beating them.
Guard troops open fire and begin dropping MAGAts in the street like fish in a barrel.
At the end of the afternoon instead of one dead Ashli Babbit now there are 500.
Are you all claiming this is what should have happened instead?
Is this what you are accusing Nancy Pelosi of failing to set into motion?
Have you all considered that MAYBE this is EXACTLY why any decision may have been made to withold troops?
And finally you should realize that any mistakes made on Jan. 6th 2000 were a one time deal.
It won't happen agsin. Nothing like it had never happened before. There was a steep learning curve.
The next time a rag tag army of misguided, redneck, MAGAt hillbillies tries to attack our republic they most likely will be met with overwhelming force. Few will survive.
We won't get fooled again.
So you want to blame somebody for not calling out the National Guard to mow down the MAGAts before they could reach The Capitol steps tbat day?
But you should really be careful what you wish for.
If the fbi wasn’t planted is the fact
If the fbi wasn’t planted is the fact
Wouldn't you expect LEO plants to be scattered throughout a wild, insurgent, potentially domestic terrorist crowd gathering around the Capitol like that?
It's not like the F.B.I. didn't have intel alerting it to what these MAGAt freaks were intending.
I do agree though that knowing what they did about the factions making up that MAGAt crowd that day, federal troops should have opened up on the crowd as soon as it moved toward the Capitol.
Oh well.
You can be sure the same mistakes won't be made twice.
Wouldn't you expect LEO plants to be scattered throughout a wild, insurgent, potentially domestic terrorist crowd gathering around the Capitol like that?
It's not like the F.B.I. didn't have intel alerting it to what these MAGAt freaks were intending.
I do agree though that knowing what they did about the factions making up that MAGAt crowd that day, federal troops should have opened up on the crowd as soon as it moved toward the Capitol.
Oh well.
You can be sure the same mistakes won't be made twice.
Why doesn’t Wray just say that then? Hahaha

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