Furry Women..

^^^^ I would like to know the answer to that too.

Lump, what is it with your obsessively misogynistic shit?

Well actually, I never would have known there's some contraption out there with some kind of spring action. You see I have this big clump of wiry hair right at the base of my spine that I can't reach, and...

I'M JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, they are electric and pull the hair out by the roots (and it doesn't grow back for quite awhile). Can't remember what they are called, but one of my cousins has one and she loves it. Sounds like torture to me...but beauty is pain. Or so my mother always said ;)

They are called epilators. Mechanical plucking machines.
I see all these adds for hair removal for the ladies.. wax, laser, ripping them out with some electric spring thingy (looks like torture)..etc.

So.. what's the deal, are women furrier nowadays?

If so why.. the Pill maybe?

Global warming has consequences...oops, I mean climate change.
I see all these adds for hair removal for the ladies.. wax, laser, ripping them out with some electric spring thingy (looks like torture)..etc.

So.. what's the deal, are women furrier nowadays?

If so why.. the Pill maybe?

Global warming has consequences...oops, I mean climate change.

So are you saying you like furry women?

Ah.. I like my wife just the way she is..

I do find dark mustaches on women distracting...

Well? There's your answer, just as I said. Men don't like hair on women, period. Don't we always bow to your wants and needs?

I've always heard that women dress for other women.. a competitive thing I'm guessing..

If that is (?) true, wouldn't it be the same for the rest of the ..ah.. Gal stuff..?
Ah.. I like my wife just the way she is..

I do find dark mustaches on women distracting...

Well? There's your answer, just as I said. Men don't like hair on women, period. Don't we always bow to your wants and needs?

I've always heard that women dress for other women.. a competitive thing I'm guessing..

If that is (?) true, wouldn't it be the same for the rest of the ..ah.. Gal stuff..?

But the competition is still all about DA MAN!!! When I was in high school, you hung out with someone uglier/fatter than you so you looked pretty good, by comparison. Same with clothes. Gotta look better than your closest competition, even if she's your best friend, cuz you never know what's just around the corner.
Ah.. I like my wife just the way she is..

I do find dark mustaches on women distracting...

Well? There's your answer, just as I said. Men don't like hair on women, period. Don't we always bow to your wants and needs?

I've always heard that women dress for other women.. a competitive thing I'm guessing..

If that is (?) true, wouldn't it be the same for the rest of the ..ah.. Gal stuff..?

The other Gal stuff?? Have you read some of the comments on the boards from the men concerning womens looks,bodies etc. Most of them expect women to look and be damn near perfect. Nope... I don't agree that women just dress or groom themselves a certain way for other women. Some might do it for themselves (as a feel good tool)...but most do it for the men in their lives or to attract men in general.
Well? There's your answer, just as I said. Men don't like hair on women, period. Don't we always bow to your wants and needs?

I've always heard that women dress for other women.. a competitive thing I'm guessing..

If that is (?) true, wouldn't it be the same for the rest of the ..ah.. Gal stuff..?

But the competition is still all about DA MAN!!! When I was in high school, you hung out with someone uglier/fatter than you so you looked pretty good, by comparison. Same with clothes. Gotta look better than your closest competition, even if she's your best friend, cuz you never know what's just around the corner.

I'm glad I'm a Guy... this Gal stuff is too confusing and far to much work..:lol:

^^^^ I would like to know the answer to that too.

Lump, what is it with your obsessively misogynistic shit?

This misogynist bullshit charge bugs me... I love the Ladies...I have a wife and 3 beautiful daughters..sheez

I was watching an infomercial on laser hair removal (I don't no why.. ah.. the controller was across the room), it's obviously an issue, so I posted a message. I had no intention at misogyny, just opening up the issue for discussion..:eusa_eh:

Being curious and asking questions about why women do the things they do is not misogynistic. Women tend to do some kooky stuff to look good. Whoever thought hot wax was a good idea to remove hair for example?

I tried some just on my eyebrows once...never again. That shit hurts bad!!:eek:...and I just don't need to impress the men that badly (sorry)...love me...love my bushy eyebrows ;)
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Sounds like a total bitch to me,be thankful she did not go, how would you deal with her attitude all the time.:eek:

True, and I did go on to have a very nice night on my own, but when you're not exactly beating women off with a stick, even the dates that end.... "Dear Lord, I don't ever want to see you again!!" have a certain appeal to them.

Oh i know that :) You should see mens faces when you even suggest they shave their dick and balls. :lol:

THAT has a lot to do with the fact that you ladies are taught about shaving your legs and other areas at a young age. As you grow up it kind of becomes an expected routine. For guys, that's just not the case. Therefore the idea of having sharp objects around certain anatomical areas just does not make us very happy.

:eusa_eh: That's terrible! Your "friend" set you up on a blind date with a real jerk!

Co-worker, but I get your point. My co-worker was shocked and completely appolgetic about it the next morning at work. I don't think that she had any idea the date would turn out like that.

Obviously judging someone solely on their looks is quite shallow but still you can't blame people for being superficially attracted to good looking people either...It's only natural.

I just can't imagine having the heart to slam the door in a guys face like that...I mean is it really so difficult to just be kind to someone and look beneath the surface?

Anachronisms blind date sounds like a heartless wench. :lol:

It's natural, but so often it ends up being the ones who complain about everyone else judging their looks who end up being the most judgemental themselves. I like to think I'm an intelligent, articulate, fun, and entertaining guy. I will admit to having a handful of unpleasant personality traits as well; but it seems like so much of a lost cause to even get a date that I spent basically the first half of my 30's not even trying. Now as I re-enter the dating field at age 36, it's even worse than it was 5-10 years ago. As soon as they see the photo, the interest dies.
^^^^ I would like to know the answer to that too.

Lump, what is it with your obsessively misogynistic shit?

This misogynist bullshit charge bugs me... I love the Ladies...I have a wife and 3 beautiful daughters..sheez

I was watching an infomercial on laser hair removal (I don't no why.. ah.. the controller was across the room), it's obviously an issue, so I posted a message. I had no intention at misogyny, just opening up the issue for discussion..:eusa_eh:

Being curious and asking questions about why women do the things they do is not misogynist. Women tend to do some kooky stuff to look good. Whoever thought hot wax was a good idea to remove hair for example?

I tried some just on my eyebrows once...never again. That shit hurts bad!!:eek:...and I just don't need to impress the men that badly (sorry)...love me...love my bushy eyebrows ;)

:lol:... I wouldn't change a thing about you.. Sweets..
Oh i know that :) You should see mens faces when you even suggest they shave their dick and balls. :lol:

THAT has a lot to do with the fact that you ladies are taught about shaving your legs and other areas at a young age. As you grow up it kind of becomes an expected routine. For guys, that's just not the case. Therefore the idea of having sharp objects around certain anatomical areas just does not make us very happy.

oh come on! :lol:
How about the simple answer: It feels better.

See, that depends on whose viewpoint you're looking at it from. Honestly most guys are NOT looking at it from the standpoint of whether or not it's more comfortable for the woman. They may be looking at it from the standpoint of their own comfort, but hers really doesn't play into the equation.

Oh i know that :) You should see mens faces when you even suggest they shave their dick and balls. :lol:
Hi. :tongue:
I see all these adds for hair removal for the ladies.. wax, laser, ripping them out with some electric spring thingy (looks like torture)..etc.

So.. what's the deal, are women furrier nowadays?

If so why.. the Pill maybe?

Women have less testosterone than men, thus less hair. But we still don't like it because men accuse us of being furry.

Hair is what protects the largest organ--the skin--from potential damage from foreign objects and critters, which is why cavemen were extremely furry. If they weren't, they would have been scratched by vegetation and attacked by bugs even more. Lesson over.

If honest opinions are actually being solicited here, this average Joe likes a little fur, ass-u-me-ing it's in all the right places ;)

Hair is what protects the largest organ--the skin--from potential damage from foreign objects and critters, which is why cavemen were extremely furry. If they weren't, they would have been scratched by vegetation and attacked by bugs even more. Lesson over.

True on the history lesson. However, we are no longer the neanderthals who required that much hair to protect our bodies from the natural world around us. Therefore, the vast majority of the hair on the human body has become largely unnecessary due to clothing, changes in society, etc....

Now, the the OP's original topic....

Just as being "plump" and having the most fair-skinned complexion was the height of beauty during the middle ages, being as hairless as possible has now become the height of beauty "standards". Largely for the same reason.

Being "plump" and of fair complexion in the Middle Ages were signs that one had the means to eat often and in great quantity. Being fair-skinned meant you were of sufficient means that you weren't out constantly toiling under the oppressive sun all day working. Likewise, hair removal can be a costly and time consuming process. It is something that must be maintained regularly for most people. Therefore, having the time, interest, and money to be able to upkeep one's appearance in as hairless a fashion as possible shows a certain implied higher level of "class" and "distinction" in today's society.

A very inteluatiaul response. :)

How about the simple answer: It feels better.

Freedom to choose R:rock:cks!
oh come on! :lol:

I'm totally serious. You ladies are using straight razors on your legs and armpits before most guys ever even consider the need to potentially shave their faces. In some cases several years before we do that. Like almost anything else, the younger one starts doing something the more accustomed they become to it. By the time most guys start shaving the simple idea of taking a razor down around that area for most guys is almost unthinkable. We know what it feels like to get kicked/punched there. We don't want to think about what a cut down there would feel like.

Due to my birthmark I have to use an electric razor on my face, so I'm a little less resistant to using something to "trim the hedges" as it were. Not a total shaving though.
Well? There's your answer, just as I said. Men don't like hair on women, period. Don't we always bow to your wants and needs?

I've always heard that women dress for other women.. a competitive thing I'm guessing..

If that is (?) true, wouldn't it be the same for the rest of the ..ah.. Gal stuff..?

The other Gal stuff?? Have you read some of the comments on the boards from the men concerning womens looks,bodies etc. Most of them expect women to look and be damn near perfect. Nope... I don't agree that women just dress or groom themselves a certain way for other women. Some might do it for themselves (as a feel good tool)...but most do it for the men in their lives or to attract men in general.
A guy who expects his women to look like centerfolds is going to be disappointed; and if he falls for someone more normal-looking, he's going to be dissatisfied, and she's going to be frustrated that she can't live up to his expectations.

Me, I try to find something I like about every woman I see. Skinny, fat, tall, short, pale, dark, whatever.

I just love women. :)
So are you saying you like furry women?

Ah.. I like my wife just the way she is..

I do find dark mustaches on women distracting...

Well? There's your answer, just as I said. Men don't like hair on women, period. Don't we always bow to your wants and needs?

A voice from the shadows in the corner growls, "not always and never enough." Ja, we guys are very, very physical and visual. We don't think at first normally, simply react to what we see and smell and feel. That's why we are slaves for love. And my valentine tells me that the girls play to that in guys, play very hard.
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