'Further Evidence of Atypical Physical Development' [of pedophiles]


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Second paper I've seen talking about physical abnormalities of pedophiles. Other was about atypical brain development, in essence, smaller brains. Now another saying pedophiles are smaller height-wise. So thought it warranted a thread.

Leg Length Versus Torso Length in Pedophilia


Adult men’s height results from an interaction among positive and negative influences, including genetic predisposition, conditions in utero, and influences during early development such as nutritional quality, pathogen exposure, and socioeconomic status. Decreased height, reflected specifically as a decreased leg length, is strongly associated with increased risk of poorer health outcomes. Although prior research has repeatedly shown that pedophiles are shorter than nonpedophiles, the largest study to date relied on self-reported height. In the present study, pedophiles demonstrated reduced measured height and reduced leg length as compared with teleiophiles. Given the prenatal and early childhood origins of height, these findings contribute additional evidence to a biological, developmental origin of pedophilia. In addition, the magnitude of this height difference was substantially larger than that found in children exposed to a variety of early environmental stressors, but similar to that seen in other biologically based neurodevelopmental disorders."

To consider pedophiles might be physically different or indicated isn't something that really sits right in my lap so if you doubt it, you're not alone. Interesting possibility though. I'm 6'2" btw. ;)
Short people are horrid.

Great character in later season of West Wing, the "pixie" really short lady. She and CJ Cregg "who's very tall" had some funny height-related scenes where the short woman walks up to her and being so short nearly walks up right in front of her startling her. :)

Someone else agrees, made a neat little gif :)


"What are you like 4'10"?"

"Me? I'm 4'11"."

"I can't believe we're the same species."


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Swedes workin' on a anti-pedophile drug...

Unique Swedish study tests drugs to prevent child sex abuse
May 8, 2016 - "No one would choose this, it's obvious," said Anders who has unwanted sexual thoughts about children.
He is at the forefront of a unique scientific study under way in Sweden to see if drugs can prevent paedophiles from acting on their urges. Anders, who agreed to be interviewed using a pseudonym, says he has never abused children but sought help because he knew his sexual fantasies were "not normal". He hopes the ground-breaking trial will halt his "improper" urges.


Christoffer Rahm (right) is the psychiatrist and lead researcher for the ground-breaking trial at Stockholm's Karolinska Institute​

At Stockholm's Karolinska Institute, patients like Anders who have sought help for paedophile fantasies, but have not acted on them, are being given a drug normally used to treat advanced prostate cancer to determine if it reduces the risk of them sexually abusing a child. "The goal is to establish a preventive treatment programme for men with paedophiliac disorder that is both effective and tolerable so that we can prevent child sexual abuse from happening in the first place," psychiatrist and lead researcher Christoffer Rahm told AFP. Various types of chemical castration are used around the world on paedophiles convicted of actual sex offences, but the treatment is not used preventively.

- 'Determine the risk' -

"What we introduce with this study is a way of shifting perspective from being reactive to proactive," Rahm said. Clinical studies on paedophiles are also rare, because of ethical issues and difficulties gathering data. Conducting research where patients risk harming a third party requires special cooperation with legal and child welfare experts, Rahm said. In the clinical trial, half of the 60 subjects receive an injection of the drug Degarelix and the other half get a "dummy" drug, or placebo. Subjects who receive Degarelix will have non-detectable levels of testosterone after three days, an effect that lasts about three months.

Testosterone is involved in several of the most important risk factors for committing child sex abuse, including high sexual arousal, diminished self-control and low empathy, Rahm said. Anders does not know if he has received the real drug or the placebo, and will only find out when the study is completed in two to three years. "I have noticed that my sex drive has been sinking lately but I don't know if it's attributable to the medicine," Anders says. Subjects will also undergo brain scans using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) while they are looking at computer-generated pictures of partially-clothed people of all ages, to see how different areas of their brains react.

- 'Such a stigma' -

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