Further proof...EVs will cause a collapse of the electricity grid!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The BELOW are experts people. And those of you encouraging EVs... PLEASE READ carefully!

PJM Interconnection—one of the U.S.’s largest grid operators—released a phase three report showing that fossil-fuel plants will be shutting down in favor of green energy. These plant shutdowns could potentially cause the destabilization of the grid and result in unreliable service to thousands of households. PJM predicts the retirement of energy resources through 2030 will put a strain on the grid because of “mismatches” in load growth and the lower “pace of new generation entry.”
According to a WSJ Op-Ed on the PJM report, the impact on consumers will be a destabilization of the electric grid, with “shortages and blackouts” sure to be on the horizon. The study found that “for the first time in recent history, PJM could face decreasing reserve margins” if the trends continue. The WSJ reports:
PJM typically generates a surplus of power owing to its large fossil-fuel fleet, which it exports to neighboring grids in the Midwest and Northeast. When wind power plunged in the Midwest and central states late last week, PJM helped fill the gap between supply and demand and kept the lights on.
That’s why it’s especially worrisome that PJM is predicting a large decline in its power reserves as coal and natural-gas plants retire.”

The analysis from the report points to 40 GW of “existing generation are at risk of retirement by 2030.” This represents 21% of PJM’s currently installed capacity. Growth in demand is projected at 1.4% per year for “the PJM footprint over the next 10 years.”
As fossil fuel plants retire, policy demandsfor renewables far outpace the demands for natural gas and coal.

Now coupled with the above study again by the experts those of you including our IDIOT President who said and I'm shouting!
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” Made September 6th, 2019 campaign stop

AGAIN for you truly dumb people that can't follow the math..
If 50% of all cars/trucks are EVs the USA will need an additional 6.984 Trillion kWh on top of the current 4.165 Trillion kWh.
So with the above report showing the elimination of fossil fuels as Biden GUARANTEES.. a need of additional nuclear plants is even more EVIDENT!

Sales are falling through the floor, demand is dropping, several of the manufacturers are looking at bankruptcy in 6 months, so the grid will probably be safe for another couple of years. Even Musk's govt. subsidized welfare corp has lost revenue in Red China and his shares are dropping now. It's just another failed boondoogle on its way to a crash, along with all the bux blown on it. The insiders have probably already been bailing out for a few months now. Musk made a show of his cashing out at a huge profit a while back, pretending to be pandering to his supporters but we know he was going to sell off a big chunk regardless, the offer was just showmanship and avoiding SEC scrutiny is all.
Just because the "green energy" economy has never been remotely feasible doesn't mean the puppet masters will pull back from the plan to shut down the reliable production from fossil fuels.
The goal has never really been about stopping pollution or saving the environment, it is all about redistribution of resources & totalitarian control through energy scarcity & the starvation that follows
Go nuclear or go dark. Sounds clear to me.
Or begin a sane 50 year, gradual transition away from fossil fuels to multiple energy sources like nuclear, hydrogen, hydro-electric and yes SOME solar and wind energy as the technology matures.
Looking forward to seeing California in the upcoming years ... their EV policies begin rolling out to begin shifting to selling EV cars and phasing out fossil fuel vehicles, while at the same time, rolling out policies to fully renewable sources to power California.
Looking forward to seeing California in the upcoming years ... their EV policies begin rolling out to begin shifting to selling EV cars and phasing out fossil fuel vehicles, while at the same time, rolling out policies to fully renewable sources to power California.
Yep, they should be fine, as long as it doesn't snow, or rain, or the wind doesn't blow, or anything catch fire, or they do maintenance.
The insurance companies are going to be the ones that drive a stake through the heart of EV......They said "no mas" to the exorbitant hourly repair and part costs and are totaling them for mere fender-benders now.

EV collision repair is a license to print money.....Or it was. ;)
Or begin a sane 50 year, gradual transition away from fossil fuels to multiple energy sources like nuclear, hydrogen, hydro-electric and yes SOME solar and wind energy as the technology matures.
OH I agree! But read what Biden said versus WHAT I would have said!
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” Made September 6th, 2019 campaign stop

Now Biden could have said this:..
"We need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!

The above is what I would have said that would do what you said.."gradual transition".

But with this totally ignorant "Guarantee" just shows what a truly poor executive Biden is.
PLUS the biased MSM did NOT help by constantly tearing down and also ignoring Trump's stance on the environment.
Under President Trump, Americans are breathing the cleanest air in our Nation's recorded history. Between 1970 and 2019, the combined emissions of criteria and precursor pollutants dropped by 77 percent, while the United States economy grew by 285 percent.

But NOTE this came from the TrumpwhiteHouse archives which is the ONLY source describing accomplishments! Again biased MSM!
14 pages of accomplishments which you and I frankly had no idea... again.. MSM biased news.
Just one of many accomplishments which again the biased MSM didn't share!

Page 8..
In FY 2017 and FY 2019 completed the two largest energy savings performance contracts in the history of the Department of Energy ESPC program, awarding a $243 million and $344 million contracts which are estimated to result in over $650 million and $834 million in energy savings respectively.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Federal agencies cut GHG emissions from Federal operations by 2.7 percent, or over 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent since FY 2016. FY 2019 Government-wide emissions were the lowest ever reported since tracking began in FY 2008.

Again I never heard of this from the biased MSM!
Finally the below two pages show WHY you and I never heard about the above accomplishments!
Please take some time and read the below and maybe you can understand why people like me (again I provided links...not opinions!) have such
negative feelings about the biased MSM!

The BELOW are experts people. And those of you encouraging EVs... PLEASE READ carefully!

PJM Interconnection—one of the U.S.’s largest grid operators—released a phase three report showing that fossil-fuel plants will be shutting down in favor of green energy. These plant shutdowns could potentially cause the destabilization of the grid and result in unreliable service to thousands of households. PJM predicts the retirement of energy resources through 2030 will put a strain on the grid because of “mismatches” in load growth and the lower “pace of new generation entry.”
According to a WSJ Op-Ed on the PJM report, the impact on consumers will be a destabilization of the electric grid, with “shortages and blackouts” sure to be on the horizon. The study found that “for the first time in recent history, PJM could face decreasing reserve margins” if the trends continue. The WSJ reports:
PJM typically generates a surplus of power owing to its large fossil-fuel fleet, which it exports to neighboring grids in the Midwest and Northeast. When wind power plunged in the Midwest and central states late last week, PJM helped fill the gap between supply and demand and kept the lights on.
That’s why it’s especially worrisome that PJM is predicting a large decline in its power reserves as coal and natural-gas plants retire.”

The analysis from the report points to 40 GW of “existing generation are at risk of retirement by 2030.” This represents 21% of PJM’s currently installed capacity. Growth in demand is projected at 1.4% per year for “the PJM footprint over the next 10 years.”
As fossil fuel plants retire, policy demandsfor renewables far outpace the demands for natural gas and coal.

Now coupled with the above study again by the experts those of you including our IDIOT President who said and I'm shouting!
"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” Made September 6th, 2019 campaign stop

AGAIN for you truly dumb people that can't follow the math..
If 50% of all cars/trucks are EVs the USA will need an additional 6.984 Trillion kWh on top of the current 4.165 Trillion kWh.
So with the above report showing the elimination of fossil fuels as Biden GUARANTEES.. a need of additional nuclear plants is even more EVIDENT!

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You seem to think that the electrical grid will be never expanded enough to deal with the future needs. Lord but you are so short sighted, it's frightenng.
You seem to think that the electrical grid will be never expanded enough to deal with the future needs. Lord but you are so short sighted, it's frightenng.

Where's all that money coming from?
What there was is all being sent overseas or spent on illegals to get votes to replace the lost black vote.
OH! I FORGOT! The gubbment can print all the money everyone needs. Simple Ignorant Leftist solution.

14 Trillion in reparations? NO PROBLEM. Get to printing !!!

(Problem is, a trillion will be worth about $5)
Where's all that money coming from?
What there was is all being sent overseas or spent on illegals to get votes to replace the lost black vote.
OH! I FORGOT! The gubbment can print all the money everyone needs. Simple Ignorant Leftist solution.

14 Trillion in reparations? NO PROBLEM. Get to printing !!!

(Problem is, a trillion will be worth about $5)

Infrastructure investment. Instead of spending billions blowing up shit in Afghanistan, you can replace the failing electrical grids in California and Texas.

You have no problem finding money for wars or tax cuts or space travel, but anything that helps working people is too expensive. Universal health care, student debt relief, child tax benefit. Too expensive.

Bullshit. Your priorities are whack.
Where's all that money coming from?
What there was is all being sent overseas or spent on illegals to get votes to replace the lost black vote.
OH! I FORGOT! The gubbment can print all the money everyone needs. Simple Ignorant Leftist solution.

14 Trillion in reparations? NO PROBLEM. Get to printing !!!

(Problem is, a trillion will be worth about $5)
Infrastructure investment. Instead of spending billions blowing up shit in Afghanistan, you can replace the failing electrical grids in California and Texas.

You have no problem finding money for wars or tax cuts or space travel, but anything that helps working people is too expensive. Universal health care, student debt relief, child tax benefit. Too expensive.

Bullshit. Your priorities are whack.
FRANKLY Dragon butt... YOU are totally ignorant of the costs that are involved! Where will the $42 quadrillion come from to build the 21,270 NEW non-fossil fuel plants?

IT IS NOT ONLY the GRID ! How do you think the GRID gets the electricity that will be used in re-chargers for the EVs?
Oh wait... I know since your name is DragonLady... just a snap of your wand will produce the additional 8,003,063,320,000 kWh for all the cars (and you people forget TRUCKS) that will need the electricity that travels over the GRID to the re-chargers to charge the EVs? WHERE will this money come from?

Simple math of the numbers shows:$42,944,437,775,120,000 to build 21,270 new non-fossil fuel plants....
AND THIS IS NOT COUNTING the 6,642 EXISTING fossil fuel plants that Biden will get rid of when he Biden stupidly says "
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Simple fact if Biden et. al. dummies like you continue to promote EVs there are NOT enough electricity generating plants in the USA to meet the nearly
13 Trillion kWh demand! Again... 8 Trillion for EVs and 4.165 Trillion used TODAY... a total of 13 Trillion kWh.. including EVs!
DO YOU F>...king understand? And please don't give me the totally unsubstantiated crap about wind turbines or solar panels. I've done the numbers and
it will take 22 billion 3'X5' solar panels that each create 730.5 kWh per panel/year divide 8 trillion kWh by 730 kWh hours if you care.
Or it would take 792,129 WTs each generating 10,116,000 kWh at a total cost of $80 Trillion to generate 8 trillion kWh.
FACTS!!! supported by links!
While destroying the fossil fuels industry, Biden will be a direct cause of permanent electric black outs around the USA.
FACT: 11,070 total power plants in usa Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (6,642 right now are fossil fuels... to be gone!)
FACT: These plants create: 4,165,030,000,000 kWh/year...
Electricity generation, capacity, and sales in the United States - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

FACT: If 80% of cars/trucks are EVs in the USA, EVs will require nearly 2 times the electricity currently generated in the USA.
An EV car uses .25 kWh to travel 1 mile, A 2022 Tesla Model 3 RWD: 25 kWh/100 miles Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs]
Trucks 1.89 kWh per Mile Per Truck. Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | OSTI.GOV
Average American car travels 14,263 miles per year...https://www.thezebra.com/resources/driving/average-miles-driven-per-year/
Trucks average 100,000 miles per truck/ year source: How Many Miles Do Truckers Drive a Year?
Thus 650,963,320,000 total kWh by EV car drivers will be required for 2,603,853,280,000 miles
Thus 7,352,100,000,000 total KWh for EV trucks Economics and Industry Data
Total 8,003,063,320,000 kWh will be needed just for EV cars/trucks, so how will the current 11,070 power plants generate the additional 8 Trillion kWh?
This would require at the total 4.165 trillion kWh generated by the current 11,070 power plants per plant of 376,244,806 kWh construction of
21,270 NEW non-fossil fuel (nuclear for example) power plants. Advanced nuclear reactors are estimated to cost $5,366 for every kilowatt of capacity.
That means to produce all the additional 8 trillion kWh in electricity for 80% of EV cars/trucks of 8,003,063,320,000 kWh X $5,366/kWh equals FACT: Why America abandoned nuclear power (and what we can learn from South Korea)

$42,944,437,775,120,000 to build 21,270 new non-fossil fuel plants.
Let me repeat... 21,270 NEW nuclear power plants at cost per plant of $2,018,929,627,823 per plant based on each kWh generate cost $5,366/kWh.
Totally ridiculous numbers for sure... But would any of you lazy dummies prove the numbers wrong? Of course you won't because the numbers are facts and more so because you idiots are too lazy to find out...EVEN though I've provided the FACTS!

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