Further proof the MSM needs to be exposed! Why other than bias would they do this?

Another perfect example, thanks.

Just to play devil's advocate, and I do find it excruciating to defend that blithering imbecile, but in some cases we have to have division.

When it comes to a group of people piles of steaming animated bullshit who parrot absurd lies, slander and seditious agitprop we absolutely need division.

It's not even a matter of rhetoric anymore, it's a matter of which side is actively engaging in violent behavior and the libturds OWN that. Just yesterday another group of rabid, foaming at the mouth moonbats in Seattle converged on a group of people they're programmed to hate and violently assaulted them.

Clash between Patriot Prayer, Antifa members prompts police crackdown

I want to be divided from leftists. I want to be divided from lying, servile, collectivist parasites.

Just like IM2 wants to be divided from productive patriotic Americans.

We're after different things. I want our problems to be solved, and it's my opinion that the best and longest-lasting solutions come from communication, collaboration and honesty.

That means we have to check our egos at the door and stop assuming that our way is the only way. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, sometimes we come up with something absolutely new, together. But that last one can't happen right now.

The Division Pimps have been fabulously successful in convincing their "sides" that (a) they have all the answers, (b) they have the only answers, (c) the other "side" is the enemy and anything said or done to defeat them is justified, and (d) that their "side" is innocent and has done nothing wrong.

I'm sorry, but I think that's madness.
You don't want cooperation, not when you can't see what to cooperate about.

Look at this situation. The media never attacked Trump. Trump walked down those stairs and promptly called Mexicans rapists and murderers. The media did not do that. They have reported what he said. Trump didn't like that they reported both good and bad so he declared the media was biased against him when all they were doing was reporting what he said. So where is he medias role in this problem? Were they only to report good things about Trump? Are they supposed to genuflect in his presence and compliment or flatter him every day in every story? The media has treated Trump no different than any other president. So whatever you think honesty is you don't have it.

But you say his is onboh sdes. That's how much of a dumb fuck youo are.


When did Trump call all Mexicans rapists and murderers? Prove it! NEVER EVER did Trump say ALL Mexicans are rapists and murderers.

Now are some Mexican illegal immigrants rapists and murderers??

There would be no one to smuggle across our southern border the heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamines that plague the United States, reducing the U.S. supply of meth that day by 80%.
The lives of 12 U.S. citizens would be saved who otherwise die a violent death at the hands of murderous illegal aliens each day. Another 13 Americans would survive who are otherwise killed each day by uninsured drunk driving illegals.
Analysis | The original source for Trump’s claim of 63,000 immigrant murders? Bad data from Steve King in 2006.

Now some of you will quibble about where that 12 Americans per day figure comes from as being included in rapists and murderers...BUT there is NO question that smuggling
of drugs kills Americans. And some Mexicans have been involved in smuggling drugs that KILL Americans!

Trump said Mexicans were rapists and murderers in his first speech.

He never said ALL Mexicans were rapists and murderers!

NOW here is exactly what he said but really dumb people like you assume (making an ass out of you!) he SAID ALL!

When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best.
They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems.
They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime.
They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting.

"30 of Donald Trump's wildest quotes

I'm shouting now because YOU evidently can't comprehend simple sentences!

WHERE in Trump's above statement did HE SAY ALL MEXICANS were rapists and Murderers"?
Did he use the word "ALL" anywhere? NOPE!

You and your ilk NEED to understand what words mean! And not in that statement was the word
We're after different things. I want our problems to be solved, and it's my opinion that the best and longest-lasting solutions come from communication, collaboration and honesty.

That means we have to check our egos at the door and stop assuming that our way is the only way. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, sometimes we come up with something absolutely new, together. But that last one can't happen right now.


I'll accept that whole heartedly.

No need to rehash all the issues, but if the solutions were sought through an HONEST effort to actually solve a problem without regard to how it hurts Trump or whatever meat puppet the democrooks come up with next (assuming they ever win an election again), I'm on board.

However for the most part, government is the source of the problem and it's never held accountable.

Furthermore, when it comes to honesty, I have noticed you fight a hell of a lot more with libturds than you do with RWNJ's like me.

Just sayin'.

Another perfect example, thanks.

Just to play devil's advocate, and I do find it excruciating to defend that blithering imbecile, but in some cases we have to have division.

When it comes to a group of people piles of steaming animated bullshit who parrot absurd lies, slander and seditious agitprop we absolutely need division.

It's not even a matter of rhetoric anymore, it's a matter of which side is actively engaging in violent behavior and the libturds OWN that. Just yesterday another group of rabid, foaming at the mouth moonbats in Seattle converged on a group of people they're programmed to hate and violently assaulted them.

Clash between Patriot Prayer, Antifa members prompts police crackdown

I want to be divided from leftists. I want to be divided from lying, servile, collectivist parasites.

Just like IM2 wants to be divided from productive patriotic Americans.


Ahem, that was in Oregon. :rolleyes:
We're after different things. I want our problems to be solved, and it's my opinion that the best and longest-lasting solutions come from communication, collaboration and honesty.

That means we have to check our egos at the door and stop assuming that our way is the only way. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, sometimes we come up with something absolutely new, together. But that last one can't happen right now.


I'll accept that whole heartedly.

No need to rehash all the issues, but if the solutions were sought through an HONEST effort to actually solve a problem without regard to how it hurts Trump or whatever meat puppet the democrooks come up with next (assuming they ever win an election again), I'm on board.

However for the most part, government is the source of the problem and it's never held accountable.

Furthermore, when it comes to honesty, I have noticed you fight a hell of a lot more with libturds than you do with RWNJ's like me.

Just sayin'.

Well, the Regressives do get pretty cranky with me, that's for sure.

I just don't care for Regressives, on a personal level. Personal taste, I guess.

Another perfect example, thanks.

Just to play devil's advocate, and I do find it excruciating to defend that blithering imbecile, but in some cases we have to have division.

When it comes to a group of people piles of steaming animated bullshit who parrot absurd lies, slander and seditious agitprop we absolutely need division.

It's not even a matter of rhetoric anymore, it's a matter of which side is actively engaging in violent behavior and the libturds OWN that. Just yesterday another group of rabid, foaming at the mouth moonbats in Seattle converged on a group of people they're programmed to hate and violently assaulted them.

Clash between Patriot Prayer, Antifa members prompts police crackdown

I want to be divided from leftists. I want to be divided from lying, servile, collectivist parasites.

Just like IM2 wants to be divided from productive patriotic Americans.


Ahem, that was in Oregon. :rolleyes:

My mistake. It's all a zoo to me.
This is the headline from the Chicago Tribune when President Trump was offering support.
There was truly NO NEED to make this the headline...except to perpetuate the MSM biased news!

Trump, who often calls journalists the 'enemy of the people,' offers support after Capital Gazette shootings

Trump, who often calls journalists the 'enemy of the people,' offers support after Capital Gazette shootings
What's wrong with that headline? Where's the "fake news" in it?

Thank goodness someone is lashing out at these truly ignorant and biased democrat donors!
Gave 85% donations to Democrats.. 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008 according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. An average contribution of $880.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

I thought we all have the right to donate to who we want to. Apparently, in Deplorable Nation, it's a bad thing.....unless it's money for the Orange leader and his minions.

Thank goodness someone is lashing out at these truly ignorant and biased democrat donors!
Gave 85% donations to Democrats.. 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008 according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. An average contribution of $880.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

But he wasn't lashing out at them for being Democrat donors. You know that.

He was painting the media as the enemy of the people.

The reason, other than pure bias, is there in front of you. No need to ask the question.
Well, the Regressives do get pretty cranky with me, that's for sure.

I just don't care for Regressives, on a personal level. Personal taste, I guess.


I consider them my mortal enemy.

I pledge eternal hostility towards them and intend to cause them as much harm as I can while staying within the boundaries of God's laws and states regulations (while they're in effect).

The latter being subject to dissolve as things get more fucked up, but good guys wait for green lights.

The "press" dropped all pretense the moment they saw this guy coming down the escalator.

He's asked for some of it, including that dumb quote, but the press is no longer even trying to be objective.

As usual, a pox on both houses.

I agree 100%, we are now all about dividing, my side is right, your side is wrong and we aren’t going to compromise. Trump brought some of this on himself and the press is going after the President non-stop.

I look at two issues, immigration and gun control.

On gun control, the left wants more legislation, more laws, gun free zones, stricter enforcement and harsher penalties. The right, no more laws, relax regulations, allow guns everywhere. No one addressing the root of the problem.

On immigration the right wants more legislation, more laws, no sanctuary cities, stricter enforcement and harsher penalties. The left want no more laws, relax regulations, sanctuary cities, don’t follow the laws. No one is addressing the root of the problem.
He was painting the media as the enemy of the people.

They are.

Many people may not understand or recognize that most (ahem...) "journalists" are college programmed apparatchiks of the collective agenda who promote agitprop rather than truth.

Many people do not realize that pieces of shit like you are their enemy until you're pushing them into boxcars at bayonet point. Some even believe the libturd policy of civil disarmament has anything to do with "public safety", when in reality it is only for commissar safety.

I'm not under such delusions and it seems this country has the fortune of being informed well enough so that as of now, the DNC holds less power than it did since shortly after it attempted to destroy the country in order to maintain ownership of slaves.

The pox is on dumb asses who think the problem is on both sides. Donald Trump attacked the media falsely during his campaign and continues do so. He made them his enemy, he is not the victim.

WTF, so Trump shouldn't have offered support for the paper and people? You are a fricken idiot. We know exactly where the problem is.
The pox is on dumb asses who think the problem is on both sides. Donald Trump attacked the media falsely during his campaign and continues do so. He made them his enemy, he is not the victim.

WTF, so Trump shouldn't have offered support for the paper and people? You are a fricken idiot. We know exactly where the problem is.

I didn't say that. You are a frickin idiot and that's the problem.
The pox is on dumb asses who think the problem is on both sides. Donald Trump attacked the media falsely during his campaign and continues do so. He made them his enemy, he is not the victim.

WTF, so Trump shouldn't have offered support for the paper and people? You are a fricken idiot. We know exactly where the problem is.
When did he say that?
  • Thanks
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This is the headline from the Chicago Tribune when President Trump was offering support.
There was truly NO NEED to make this the headline...except to perpetuate the MSM biased news!

Trump, who often calls journalists the 'enemy of the people,' offers support after Capital Gazette shootings

Trump, who often calls journalists the 'enemy of the people,' offers support after Capital Gazette shootings
But he does call them enemy of the people, doesn't he?

End of discussion.
This is the headline from the Chicago Tribune when President Trump was offering support.
There was truly NO NEED to make this the headline...except to perpetuate the MSM biased news!

Trump, who often calls journalists the 'enemy of the people,' offers support after Capital Gazette shootings

Trump, who often calls journalists the 'enemy of the people,' offers support after Capital Gazette shootings

They do it to further rile up hysterical anti-Trumpers. They’re not gonna pass up the chance to cast blame onto him when they know the sheep want to let out their inner wolf.
The so called press is biased. They set out to deceive the American people, their dishonesty, lies and twisted half truths are intentional. I can think of no greater threat to the country than those filthy liars.

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