Future of Russiagate


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
I don't know how much longer the MSM and the left can keep this up, without having anything to justify it. I have been impressed in the past, with how the media can stretch out non stop coverage of an airline crash for several days with only a couple pieces of information, but this Russiagate thing is absurd. Not a scrap of evidence, nothing but the hope of finding some reason to justify the spying on Trump's campaign. How much longer can this really go on? We all know that Obama spied on Trump, but it doesn't even matter! Obama got all the information he needed to help Hillary cheat and win, but it was still not enough to matter, because people just didn't want her! I think Russiagate is going to die out at some point, because there never will be any evidence. Russiagate can't live forever without fuel.
I predict that after this dies a slow death, lefties will still bring it up once per month or so, as if it really was something legitimate...
What's funny about this whole Trump Russia connection hoax, is that even if evidence materializes that shows Trump contracted Russian hackers to hack Hillary's email, the alleged hacked info was stuff that America needed to know anyway. Trump would probably just get a round of applause. Sure, the media and the left would go nuts, but then that's what they are doing anyway, without even having any evidence of anything....

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