"Future Unauthorized Residents"


Feb 14, 2011
What will the fed's solution be for "Future Unauthorized Residents" living in the shadows? Will it still be deemed inhumane to request something other than amnesty/legalization for lawbreakers 10 or 20 years down the road? P.s. I'm still waiting to decide which law I want a free pass for. I'm weighing my options carefully. Wanna make sure my choice is a good one and doesn't backfire like a genie wish.
C'mon peoples!

What's the plan going to be 10 years from now for the next 10 million people with expired visas and expired work permits living off the books and in the shadows?
Hell, why even close the borders? At least we could start collecting taxes from all that would actually report they are working, right? And then we could even close down ICE and immigration! :eusa_whistle:
What will the fed's solution be for "Future Unauthorized Residents" living in the shadows? Will it still be deemed inhumane to request something other than amnesty/legalization for lawbreakers 10 or 20 years down the road? P.s. I'm still waiting to decide which law I want a free pass for. I'm weighing my options carefully. Wanna make sure my choice is a good one and doesn't backfire like a genie wish.

well, dems will always want more votes, no matter what laws they break or people they shit on.


Can you imagine a person going through the proper process to become an American Citizen b/c he wants to, only to see criminals given a free pass?

That would fucking suck, but dems just shit on all our ancestors that came here and did it the right way.
C'mon peoples!

What's the plan going to be 10 years from now for the next 10 million people with expired visas and expired work permits living off the books and in the shadows?

I know. More government debt financed by the Fed printing more money so we can give out more Food Stamps and fake SS Disability benefits.
Thanks Amelia,

I got an infarcshun cuz of you.

I accept no responsibility for my actions and 1nala and can my entire ass.

yes, I will take the pass on sexual harassment.

That's right, I went there.
What the fuck is an "unauthorized resident?"

Someone who failed to pay their rent and won't move out? Failed to pay the mortgage and won't move out? Someone squatting in a vacant home?

What? I know you're not substituting "unauthorized resident" for "illegal alien" in some ill advised PC bullshit talking point...
Sorry about that, TT. See?! If you voted Democrat, that would have been okay!
What the fuck is an "unauthorized resident?"

Someone who failed to pay their rent and won't move out? Failed to pay the mortgage and won't move out? Someone squatting in a vacant home?

What? I know you're not substituting "unauthorized resident" for "illegal alien" in some ill advised PC bullshit talking point...

That's how it was phrased in the CBO report which pointed out the likely ineffectiveness of the proposed immigration bill in curbing the problem of future violations of our immigration law.
C'mon peoples!

What's the plan going to be 10 years from now for the next 10 million people with expired visas and expired work permits living off the books and in the shadows?

Free candy and passes to Disneyland!

If they don't address the problems now, there will just be a repeat of illegals flooding in only this time the numbers will be higher much faster.

Secure the borders, fine/jail those who employ illegals, follow up on those who came here via visa and go after those whose visa has expired but they didn't leave, back of the line for those here illegally, fine them, no road to citizenship ... permanent legal resident is all they can get. No votes for them! Coming here illegally has to have a consequence and instant citizen/blanket amnesty ain't it. Revamp the current law(s) on becoming a citizen.
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