
Because whites want to pretend and tell their stores of great white heroism and how their rugged individualism built a great nation. So when others want to tell their side of the story we see that there are whites who still practice the same fascism this country was founded upon.
It was whites that fought and died to help free your ancestors so STFU.

I guess Harriett Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Denmark Vecsey, Nat Turner and many other blacks just sat there and waited for the white man to decide to fight of us.

Let me make this clear to your stupid ass. Whites are not going to get credit here for helping to end some shit they never should have started in the first place.

So shut the fuck up.
Piss off racist

Is that the best you got?. I know I am not a racist. I now how these places work. A black person who does not toe the right wing extremist conservative wackjob line is a racist. If we date talk abut what whites have done and continue doing we are racists. I 've said nothing racist, but that's all you got because you can't out debate me on this issue
You can't erase history that easy you nasty ass chickenshit racist.

John Brown

John Brown

John Brown | Civil War Trust

John Brown (abolitionist) - Wikipedia

I'm not going to say this again.

I guess Harriett Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Denmark Vecsey, Nat Turner and many other blacks just sat there and waited for the white man to decide to fight of us.

Millions pf blacks died in slavery in work stoppages, slow downs attempting to escape and uprisings. Escaped slaves were killed by slave patrols Just shut the fuck up trying to give your white asses credit for what you don't deserve credit for. You aren't going to get the I'm grateful to whitey for my freedom b-tch.

Let me make this clear to your stupid ass. Whites are not going to get credit here for helping to end some shit they never should have started in the first place.
IM2 you are already exposed you nasty little racist. If it weren't for my grands family you'd be a slave just like your ancestors.
He can't see the forest for the trees, Rodishi. Hence...not wasting time on him. Those that can be reached, I will engage and swap beliefs, ideologies, infor, etc with. Some are just determined to stay in their tunnel vision, then pass it on to the next generation. And the next generation is already here. Hence..what you are seeing in his responses.

Meh. I got no time for dat shit.
This one is just a nasty racist and they keep proving they are nothing more than a nasty racist that thinks all whites should pay a price because he apparently from his claims did not feel like he was treated fairly with that inferior mind of his. The moment he started claiming the Bundy's shouldn't have their ranch was the turning point to be certain about what a race baiter he is.
I said Portuguese, and Spaniards took the majority of Black slaves, which is true, when looking at the combined totals the majority of Black slaves taken out of Europe were taken by these 2 Mediterranean nations.
it was the English who controlled the majority of the slave trade even taking slaves to Portuguese and Spanish, French and Dutch colonies and the English successors were the American Confederates who fought to keep slaves long after slavery was banned by the Spanish.

According to Haak a leading geneticist, English are rather Mediterranean by DNA, anyways.

Racism is not inherited in DNA.

Are you suggesting that Colonialism was about "Racism" rather than "Greed"?

Keep in mind the Colonists were really somewhat Multiculturalist, they went to overtake Aborginal people, and bring in Black slaves.
For greed profits.


Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.
Yes. Everyone does. So stop pointing the finger because for every one *you* point towards, five more will be pointed back.
None of us are perfect. Horrors have happened since the beginning of time.

Move on. Move up. Move forward and stop looking back.

If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.

Because whites want to pretend and tell their stores of great white heroism and how their rugged individualism built a great nation. So when others want to tell their side of the story we see that there are whites who still practice the same fascism this country was founded upon.
It was whites that fought and died to help free your ancestors so STFU.

I guess Harriett Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Denmark Vecsey, Nat Turner and many other blacks just sat there and waited for the white man to decide to fight of us.

Let me make this clear to your stupid ass. Whites are not going to get credit here for helping to end some shit they never should have started in the first place.

So shut the fuck up.
I just read this in "Slaves in the Family:" Over a couple of years I spent much time with members of Frederick Poyas's family. Once Carolyn and I were on the way to have lunch talking about the past. She reminded me that it was possible both to laugh and to weep about the old days.

"I have a friend," said Carolyn, "who gets all exasperated about it and he makes me laugh. He says, "I don't understand these white people" They force us to come here...then they hate us!"

I laughed, and Carolyn peeled back her lips and showed her teeth, but her laughter was a little sharper than my own. As we arrived at the restaurant, Carolyn put in another word. "I don't know," she said. Maybe you can tell me. I mean, the plantation, who thought this thing up? Who said, "Okay, we're going to this continent, take a bunch of people, chain them up, bring them over to this place and make them work." Who was standing around and said, "Hey! That's a great idea!"

I laughed and shook my head, but Carolyn was no longer laughing."
You began with a false accusation about the Spanish who were, in fact, the first to ban slavery.

Uh, Poland abolished slavery in the 14th century, and remained virtually slave free.

Portuguese + Spaniards took about 58% or a clear majority of Black slaves from Africa.

That's a majority.

It wouldn't really matter who abolished it first, or not.

I must say, however, much of western Poland is really Germany.

Much of those "Germans" came to Poland as immigrants invited in by Poland.
Breslau was a German city. Breslau will always be a German city!

Map of Europe 1,000 AD.

Who are these mysterious Veleti, and Abodrites who encompassed much of East Germany?
Forgive me but your map is a little out of date. Perhaps if I use the native language of the People from western Poland today it will help:
Danzig und Breslau sind deutsche Städte. Danzig und Breslau werden immer deutsche Städte.
Uh, Poland abolished slavery in the 14th century, and remained virtually slave free.

Portuguese + Spaniards took about 58% or a clear majority of Black slaves from Africa.

That's a majority.

It wouldn't really matter who abolished it first, or not.

I must say, however, much of western Poland is really Germany.

Much of those "Germans" came to Poland as immigrants invited in by Poland.
Breslau was a German city. Breslau will always be a German city!

Map of Europe 1,000 AD.

Who are these mysterious Veleti, and Abodrites who encompassed much of East Germany?
Forgive me but your map is a little out of date. Perhaps if I use the native language of the People from western Poland today it will help:
Danzig und Breslau sind deutsche Städte. Danzig und Breslau werden immer deutsche Städte.

German Teutons invitied in as "Friends" of Poland in the 1300's, went onto to burn Gdansk to the ground, kill Poles in the Gdansk Massacre, and promptly bought in German settlers.

That's how Germans came to Gdansk, as bandit savages.

Western Europeans can't help themselves, they love looting, and shooting.
Yes. Everyone does. So stop pointing the finger because for every one *you* point towards, five more will be pointed back.
None of us are perfect. Horrors have happened since the beginning of time.

Move on. Move up. Move forward and stop looking back.

If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.
nobody should forget, but too many blame whites for the history of white slave owners of the past.
He can't see the forest for the trees, Rodishi. Hence...not wasting time on him. Those that can be reached, I will engage and swap beliefs, ideologies, infor, etc with. Some are just determined to stay in their tunnel vision, then pass it on to the next generation. And the next generation is already here. Hence..what you are seeing in his responses.

Meh. I got no time for dat shit.
This one is just a nasty racist and they keep proving they are nothing more than a nasty racist that thinks all whites should pay a price because he apparently from his claims did not feel like he was treated fairly with that inferior mind of his. The moment he started claiming the Bundy's shouldn't have their ranch was the turning point to be certain about what a race baiter he is.

My mind is so inferior you can't out debate me.

Nah I never said the Bundys should not have their own ranch I did say that the ranch wad ab example of the history of government handouts given to whites.

I've said nothing racist. But to ignorant uneducated whites talking about the history of racism by whites is supposed to be racist.

If I had this fool in a debate hall with people in it, she's be laughed out f the room. You guys only survive in places like this.

And I said the governments of this nation should pay us reparations for t he human rights violations committee by this nation which was sanctioned by governmet laws upon blacks.

You see retard, all whites are still paying native americans every year for things done to them before you were born.
Yes. Everyone does. So stop pointing the finger because for every one *you* point towards, five more will be pointed back.
None of us are perfect. Horrors have happened since the beginning of time.

Move on. Move up. Move forward and stop looking back.

If talking about the beginning of time is not looking back there is no such thing.

Moving forward means confronting the current racism that exists in places like this by people like you who want to tell somebody to not look back when I look at your racism now in these forums..

Move on. Move up. End your racism..

I find it interesting that various groups hold yearly vigils and prayer services in order to "remember the past, so we do not forget it." But when black folks bring up history they are pretty much told to forget it.
nobody should forget, but too many blame whites for the history of white slave owners of the past.

Whites are blamed for their racist past and their continuing racism now. Whites are responsible for the slavery of the past. Because if you actually studied the issue, you would see how whites did it. On top of that things went far beyond slavery. Slavery ended in the 1860's but in the 1960's blacks were still fighting for equal rights. Can one of you white people explain this? Or did blacks create segregation too?
it was the English who controlled the majority of the slave trade even taking slaves to Portuguese and Spanish, French and Dutch colonies and the English successors were the American Confederates who fought to keep slaves long after slavery was banned by the Spanish.

According to Haak a leading geneticist, English are rather Mediterranean by DNA, anyways.

Racism is not inherited in DNA.

Are you suggesting that Colonialism was about "Racism" rather than "Greed"?

Keep in mind the Colonists were really somewhat Multiculturalist, they went to overtake Aborginal people, and bring in Black slaves.
For greed profits.


Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.

Slavery was about racism. Whites could have enslaved each other if there was such profit in it.

Now shut up.
Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.

Slavery was partly money of course and yes in 1807 the slave trade was officially abolished. But you're acting like when slavery ended racism just stopped and although in 1807 the slave traded ended.

Slavery was not.

So whites who wanted to do the cool thing said ” Sure, we’ll stop bringing slaves over from Africa, but I’ll be damned if I give up the ones raising my children and tending my land.”

You can deflect and talk about other forms of slavery but I know of no-one who has been affected by the Christian slave trade. I know no one who has been affected by the Arab slave trade nor do I live in a country that has been shaped and continues to be shaped by that trade. That is quite untrue about the Atlantic slave trade.

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects everyone posting in this forum today.

You can't (and here's a challenge if you are up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present or past) that has had such a global impact on this planet as the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.

And here's the real crux of the matter.

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.
Last edited:
Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.

Slavery was partly money of course and yes in 1807 the slave trade was officially abolished. But you're acting like when slavery ended racism just stopped and although in 1807 the slave traded ended.

Slavery was not.

So whites who wanted to do the cool thing said ” Sure, we’ll stop bringing slaves over from Africa, but I’ll be damned if I give up the ones raising my children and tending my land.”

You can deflect and talk about other forms of slavery but I know of no-one who has been affected by the Christian slave trade. I know no one who has been affected by the Arab slave trade nor do I live in a country that has been shaped and continues to be shaped by that trade. That is quite untrue about the Atlantic slave trade.

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects everyone posting in this forum today.

You can't (and here's a challenge if you are up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present or past) that has had such a global impact on this planet as the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.

And here's the real crux of the matter.

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.
Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.
The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

Welcome. It's good to have another voice here to counter the shit flinging monkeys that enjoy their free speech in this forum.
But your statement above is utter bullshit. Do you live in the U.S.? If so, when is the last time you left your ivory tower of theories?
Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.

Slavery was partly money of course and yes in 1807 the slave trade was officially abolished. But you're acting like when slavery ended racism just stopped and although in 1807 the slave traded ended.

Slavery was not.

So whites who wanted to do the cool thing said ” Sure, we’ll stop bringing slaves over from Africa, but I’ll be damned if I give up the ones raising my children and tending my land.”

You can deflect and talk about other forms of slavery but I know of no-one who has been affected by the Christian slave trade. I know no one who has been affected by the Arab slave trade nor do I live in a country that has been shaped and continues to be shaped by that trade. That is quite untrue about the Atlantic slave trade.

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects everyone posting in this forum today.

You can't (and here's a challenge if you are up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present or past) that has had such a global impact on this planet as the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.

And here's the real crux of the matter.

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.
Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.
The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

Welcome. It's good to have another voice here to counter the shit flinging monkeys that enjoy their free speech in this forum.
But your statement above is utter bullshit. Do you live in the U.S.? If so, when is the last time you left your ivory tower of theories?
Key word - "Most" Not "all"

It does not matter where anyone lives on the planet. There is no were to go to escape white supremacy. There is not a blade of grass. A grain of sand. A molecule of air on this planet that is free from white white supremacy.
Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.

Slavery was partly money of course and yes in 1807 the slave trade was officially abolished. But you're acting like when slavery ended racism just stopped and although in 1807 the slave traded ended.

Slavery was not.

So whites who wanted to do the cool thing said ” Sure, we’ll stop bringing slaves over from Africa, but I’ll be damned if I give up the ones raising my children and tending my land.”

You can deflect and talk about other forms of slavery but I know of no-one who has been affected by the Christian slave trade. I know no one who has been affected by the Arab slave trade nor do I live in a country that has been shaped and continues to be shaped by that trade. That is quite untrue about the Atlantic slave trade.

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects everyone posting in this forum today.

You can't (and here's a challenge if you are up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present or past) that has had such a global impact on this planet as the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.

And here's the real crux of the matter.

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.
Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.
The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

Welcome. It's good to have another voice here to counter the shit flinging monkeys that enjoy their free speech in this forum.
But your statement above is utter bullshit. Do you live in the U.S.? If so, when is the last time you left your ivory tower of theories?
Key word - "Most" Not "all"

It does not matter where anyone lives on the planet. There is no were to go to escape white supremacy. There is not a blade of grass. A grain of sand. A molecule of air on this planet that is free from white white supremacy.
That's a different argument altogether. It is a frequent and popular activity here, righties speaking for lefties and klanners speaking for blacks and everyone and his uncle speaking for Muslims. You fit right in.
It would be better if you didn't do that, though.

The fact that the rich white boys club still rules in this country is more about money than racism at this point. Would it be nice to crash their party? Sure. Us ladies have been working on that for awhile. Join in.
He can't see the forest for the trees, Rodishi. Hence...not wasting time on him. Those that can be reached, I will engage and swap beliefs, ideologies, infor, etc with. Some are just determined to stay in their tunnel vision, then pass it on to the next generation. And the next generation is already here. Hence..what you are seeing in his responses.

Meh. I got no time for dat shit.
This one is just a nasty racist and they keep proving they are nothing more than a nasty racist that thinks all whites should pay a price because he apparently from his claims did not feel like he was treated fairly with that inferior mind of his. The moment he started claiming the Bundy's shouldn't have their ranch was the turning point to be certain about what a race baiter he is.

My mind is so inferior you can't out debate me.

Nah I never said the Bundys should not have their own ranch I did say that the ranch wad ab example of the history of government handouts given to whites.

I've said nothing racist. But to ignorant uneducated whites talking about the history of racism by whites is supposed to be racist.

If I had this fool in a debate hall with people in it, she's be laughed out f the room. You guys only survive in places like this.

And I said the governments of this nation should pay us reparations for t he human rights violations committee by this nation which was sanctioned by governmet laws upon blacks.

You see retard, all whites are still paying native americans every year for things done to them before you were born.
You don't debate you merely sling shit about whites and how you as a black man has gotten such a raw deal but at the same time you attempt to toss in a brag about yourself.

A few Indian tribes have members that receive federal checks because their ancestors signed treaties with those boat people that originally settled the land. It doesn't sound like you got the luck of that draw on that so blame your ancestors not other people for that.

Just like Bundy's ancestors some blacks also received land when territories were settled. NebraskaStudies.Org Yours must have not been intelligent enough to be in with the ones that did that.
According to Haak a leading geneticist, English are rather Mediterranean by DNA, anyways.

Racism is not inherited in DNA.

Are you suggesting that Colonialism was about "Racism" rather than "Greed"?

Keep in mind the Colonists were really somewhat Multiculturalist, they went to overtake Aborginal people, and bring in Black slaves.
For greed profits.


Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.

Slavery was about racism. Whites could have enslaved each other if there was such profit in it.

Now shut up.

White were enslaved too.

Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.

Besides, Blacks were selling their slaves in steady supply in Africa, so how do you know it wasn't more convenient?

So, you bring in Blacks to your own backyard, because you're a racist, really?
Last edited:
Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.

Slavery was partly money of course and yes in 1807 the slave trade was officially abolished. But you're acting like when slavery ended racism just stopped and although in 1807 the slave traded ended.

Slavery was not.

So whites who wanted to do the cool thing said ” Sure, we’ll stop bringing slaves over from Africa, but I’ll be damned if I give up the ones raising my children and tending my land.”

You can deflect and talk about other forms of slavery but I know of no-one who has been affected by the Christian slave trade. I know no one who has been affected by the Arab slave trade nor do I live in a country that has been shaped and continues to be shaped by that trade. That is quite untrue about the Atlantic slave trade.

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects everyone posting in this forum today.

You can't (and here's a challenge if you are up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present or past) that has had such a global impact on this planet as the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.

And here's the real crux of the matter.

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.

The fact that the rich white boys club still rules in this country is more about money than racism at this point. Would it be nice to crash their party? Sure. Us ladies have been working on that for awhile. Join in.

When wasn't the U.S.A more about money, than about racism?
Slavery was a profit for business.

They imported, or supported Blacks in their own backyards.
How is that racist?

it's all about profit.

Slavery was partly money of course and yes in 1807 the slave trade was officially abolished. But you're acting like when slavery ended racism just stopped and although in 1807 the slave traded ended.

Slavery was not.

So whites who wanted to do the cool thing said ” Sure, we’ll stop bringing slaves over from Africa, but I’ll be damned if I give up the ones raising my children and tending my land.”

You can deflect and talk about other forms of slavery but I know of no-one who has been affected by the Christian slave trade. I know no one who has been affected by the Arab slave trade nor do I live in a country that has been shaped and continues to be shaped by that trade. That is quite untrue about the Atlantic slave trade.

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects everyone posting in this forum today.

You can't (and here's a challenge if you are up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present or past) that has had such a global impact on this planet as the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.

And here's the real crux of the matter.

Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.

The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

White man’s burden is a myth.
Most whites would be more than happy if we were back in chains. You would never admit this. But you know's it’s true.
The only reason why some whites put on airs is purely political. It looks bad to be racist. It carries a bad feeling and tone. White people enjoy the doings of the past because of the power it gives them.

Welcome. It's good to have another voice here to counter the shit flinging monkeys that enjoy their free speech in this forum.
But your statement above is utter bullshit. Do you live in the U.S.? If so, when is the last time you left your ivory tower of theories?
Key word - "Most" Not "all"

It does not matter where anyone lives on the planet. There is no were to go to escape white supremacy. There is not a blade of grass. A grain of sand. A molecule of air on this planet that is free from white white supremacy.

LOL, such White supremacists that they flood Whites with non-Whites.

In many cases they actually take away jobs from Whites, and give to non-Whites because it's cheaper.
He can't see the forest for the trees, Rodishi. Hence...not wasting time on him. Those that can be reached, I will engage and swap beliefs, ideologies, infor, etc with. Some are just determined to stay in their tunnel vision, then pass it on to the next generation. And the next generation is already here. Hence..what you are seeing in his responses.

Meh. I got no time for dat shit.
This one is just a nasty racist and they keep proving they are nothing more than a nasty racist that thinks all whites should pay a price because he apparently from his claims did not feel like he was treated fairly with that inferior mind of his. The moment he started claiming the Bundy's shouldn't have their ranch was the turning point to be certain about what a race baiter he is.

My mind is so inferior you can't out debate me.

Nah I never said the Bundys should not have their own ranch I did say that the ranch wad ab example of the history of government handouts given to whites.

I've said nothing racist. But to ignorant uneducated whites talking about the history of racism by whites is supposed to be racist.

If I had this fool in a debate hall with people in it, she's be laughed out f the room. You guys only survive in places like this.

And I said the governments of this nation should pay us reparations for t he human rights violations committee by this nation which was sanctioned by governmet laws upon blacks.

You see retard, all whites are still paying native americans every year for things done to them before you were born.
You don't debate you merely sling shit about whites and how you as a black man has gotten such a raw deal but at the same time you attempt to toss in a brag about yourself.

A few Indian tribes have members that receive federal checks because their ancestors signed treaties with those boat people that originally settled the land. It doesn't sound like you got the luck of that draw on that so blame your ancestors not other people for that.

Just like Bundy's ancestors some blacks also received land when territories were settled. NebraskaStudies.Org Yours must have not been intelligent enough to be in with the ones that did that.

I was intelligent to run 3 businesses so successfully that I am retired now. How about you? You call this a brag, I call it defending myself when a fucked up retarded ass white person decides to tell me how I am blaming whitey for my failures.

Indians are getting reparations fool. That's what those checks are. You show your ignorance when you make the comments you make in this regard. Because blacks had agreed to a settlement for a specific amount of land per slave after slavery which a president shot down and stopped. .

After the American Civil War many African-American people were promised land throughout the South via the Southern Homestead act of 1866. Few actual claims were granted after 10 years of legal wrangling, and the act was repealed in 1876.

I have specifically stated that racist laws and polices by whites have created damage to black communities that exist today. You can't dispute that so you fall back on the dumb ass he's blaming whitey line.

Only ignorant uneducated white people try this tactic. I've worked with far too many whites who will tell you exactly what I have said to you who have worked to help black communities to concern myself with what some uneducated batshit crazy retarded white woman thinks.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey is responsible for. .Deal with it.

So go read up on why more blacks did not participate in homesteading instead of arguing the classic whitebread bullshit.

Why didn't more blacks from the South claim land in the Midwest following the Homesteading acts? • r/AskHistorians

The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres - for free - of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.

RACE - The Power of an Illusion . Background Readings | PBS

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