
1.) Portuguese, and Spaniards both started the Atlantic Slave Trade, and took the most Black slaves out of Europe too.

2.) Some Black slaves taken would have otherwise been sacrificed by African tribes as POWs.

3.) The Black slave population in the U.S.A, grew faster than Europe's population.
So, it doesn't seem that Black slaves had it quite so bad for that time period as you think.

Of course they didn't. Slavery is awesome
1.) Portuguese, and Spaniards both started the Atlantic Slave Trade, and took the most Black slaves out of Europe too.

2.) Some Black slaves taken would have otherwise been sacrificed by African tribes as POWs.

3.) The Black slave population in the U.S.A, grew faster than Europe's population.
So, it doesn't seem that Black slaves had it quite so bad for that time period as you think.

Of course they didn't. Slavery is awesome

Being a slave, or being a starving Peasant were both bad by today's standards.

The difference is that the slaves had food to eat.
"There is nothing wrong with the black man. There is something wrong with the forces that have shaped their lives."
Yep. There is something wrong with the forces that have shaped their lives. You and he are right about that. It's called ignorance and excuses, baby daddies, bad culture, no parenting and a plethora of many other things. Nobody can "fix" their mindset. They have to do it themselves and their enablers (folks like you) will make sure that never happens.
Arab Muslims predated the white European slave trade, as far as I can tell, going back to the seventh century. And to this day, Muslims are allowed to practice slavery under sharia law, if I am not mistaken. I wonder if Black American Muslim converts are aware of that.

Why do we get all this .dumb crap about slavery elsewhere when we are talking about America? Slavery was not the only thing whites did here that involved racism.
"There is nothing wrong with the black man. There is something wrong with the forces that have shaped their lives."
Yep. There is something wrong with the forces that have shaped their lives. You and he are right about that. It's called ignorance and excuses, baby daddies, bad culture, no parenting and a plethora of many other things. Nobody can "fix" their mindset. They have to do it themselves and their enablers (folks like you) will make sure that never happens.

There is something wrong with YOU. .All these things you put on blacks is what you do yourself. When we talk of enablers, there is a boatload of white racist enablers places like this. Yours is the mindset that needs to be fixed. But it won't be as long as you don't fix the psychosis that goes with it.
White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.

In the 1500s and 1600s, British settler colonialism made its debut in Ireland. The Irish were driven off their land, massacred, scalped, sent to Barbados and elsewhere as slaves, seen as savages.

All true.

What you leave out is that the Irish got to where they are – because of racism.

  • They did not suffer from hundreds of years of slavery because they were White.
  • They could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s because they were White.
  • They qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans because they were White.
  • They could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools because they were White.
How did they do all that ?

Simple. They got in line and acted white.

In the 1800s when they began to arrive in numbers in the US, they were called “n.i.ggers turned inside out”

They had had almost no experience with blacks. Yet plenty of experience with the English, all of which had been negative: centuries of overt oppression.

They were stereotyped as being lazy, drunks, lacking in self-control, as being little better than beasts. In the South they were given work that even slaves would not be made to do because it was too dangerous. Want ads said, “No Irish need apply.”

But after a very short time in the states, Irish immigrants were rioting against blacks (as with the New York draft riots during the Civil War), joining in the barring of blacks from labor unions and jobs, opposed school desegregation and did the white flight nthing

Perhaps Americans of Irish extraction should move to a reservation, or a district where impoverished Black people live, and continue talking about how ‘unfair ‘and ‘oppressive’ it is to be white.

It is grotesque and monumentally repugnant of white males and females who want to own victim-hood whilst being steeped in white privilege

Why don't you direct your complaints of Irish ‘oppression’ to your fellow white Anglo-Saxon brethren ? Why to Black people? What you telling me for ?

Black people have never enslaved or oppressed Irish people.

Trying to garner sympathy, whilst exonerating themselves of racism, from the very people whom they oppress or derive privilege at the expense of, is morally bankrupt.

And now the oppressed has turned oppressor (Bill O'Reilly)


People who try to use the "Irish had it bad" kill me.

In order to become a good member of standing in the White club, they had to perform some of the racist dirty work to maintain the white supremacist social order and thus, in many respects, becoming even more racist than the original English oppressors.

It is not a curious coincidence that many Irish-Americans became policemen, for example, just for the chance to put blacks in the paddy-wagon.

So the Irishman learned that the best and fastest way of ascending to Whitehood was by stepping on the backs of the blacks. A lesson continuously internalized by other ethnic groups in America.

But this is good and proves what I always say.

The black man truly has no allies.

Besides, Blacks were selling their slaves in steady supply in Africa, so how do you know it wasn't more convenient?

So, you bring in Blacks to your own backyard, because you're a racist, really?
Africans sold there own ?

This is a common derail. It’s like the excuse you hear in school when kids say, “But they were doing it too! How come I’m getting in trouble?”

As if morality is based on how many other people are doing the wrong thing. You talk like white Europeans came to Africa for the weather.

Also since when have whites used Africans as a moral guide to follow ?

And as I said before.

When white people do something good like inventions

History does not matter and you don’t search for other (especially blacks) who have done the same

When white people do something bad like slavery

History now all of sudden matters and you search for others (especially blacks) who have done the same thing.

You want to claim and take pride in the good things from their past (inventions made, battles won, rights fought for) but then act as if the bad things have nothing to do with them – like slavery, genocide and rights not fought for.

But you cannot have it both ways.

If you claim that inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites.

You cannot claim one without the other.

Or: If slavery and genocide came about through the workings of human nature under a particular set of circumstances – if anyone else would have done the same thing – then the same goes for the inventions too.

Africa was not a country. Africans were not selling their own. They were selling their enemies, just as the Greeks and Romans once did. Africa. They were no more selling “their own” than, say, “Europeans” were killing “their own” during the Holocaust.

They did not see themselves as one big huge black race, but as a collection of different “peoples” (or races) who had brown skin. It would be like the English conquering France and selling some of the conquered French people to be workers in China.

Most African countries did not sell slaves and some even fought against it. But because Europeans back then could control the supply of guns there was little Africans could do to stop it. The Transatlantic slave trade was racist. The African slave trade, for all of its other ills, was not that. Neither was the Greek and Roman slave trade.

It was common for Africans to keep other Africans (as in prisoners of war) as slaves, but this was nothing like the slavery that took place in the US, Caribbean, West Indies, South America.

Slavery in Africa was more of an indentured servitude with a beginning and an end. Many slaves ended up marrying into the families they served. Slaves maintained their humanity and were not “born into” slavery. The child of a slave was born free.

But it is as a derailing argument that it comes into its own:

It's main purpose is to draw attention away from what whites did by turning the tables. But instead of facing up to it, they have built up defences against it:

  • Africans sold their own people as slaves.
  • Africans are still selling slaves.
  • Arab traders sold slaves too.
  • Slavery goes back thousands of years.
  • All races have practised slavery.
  • Whites stopped slavery.
  • My family never owned slaves.
  • That was Ancient History.
  • Get over it!
  • It was the times.
  • Whites got to where they are by their own hard work
  • Blacks are better off in America than in Africa
And on and on.

Why not just face up to it ? Because your sense of self worth is built on being white and how whites are so special. But it's a lie, a lie that can only be maintained by not looking at your past and present history honestly.
I rate Mr. Essens post a hall of famer. It destroys every white racist argument here. The only exception is that Irish historians say Irish were never enslaved but all that does is give this post even more power.

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White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.

In the 1500s and 1600s, British settler colonialism made its debut in Ireland. The Irish were driven off their land, massacred, scalped, sent to Barbados and elsewhere as slaves, seen as savages.

All true.

What you leave out is that the Irish got to where they are – because of racism.

  • They did not suffer from hundreds of years of slavery because they were White.
  • They could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s because they were White.
  • They qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans because they were White.
  • They could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools because they were White.
How did they do all that ?

Simple. They got in line and acted white.

In the 1800s when they began to arrive in numbers in the US, they were called “n.i.ggers turned inside out”

They had had almost no experience with blacks. Yet plenty of experience with the English, all of which had been negative: centuries of overt oppression.

They were stereotyped as being lazy, drunks, lacking in self-control, as being little better than beasts. In the South they were given work that even slaves would not be made to do because it was too dangerous. Want ads said, “No Irish need apply.”

But after a very short time in the states, Irish immigrants were rioting against blacks (as with the New York draft riots during the Civil War), joining in the barring of blacks from labor unions and jobs, opposed school desegregation and did the white flight nthing

Perhaps Americans of Irish extraction should move to a reservation, or a district where impoverished Black people live, and continue talking about how ‘unfair ‘and ‘oppressive’ it is to be white.

It is grotesque and monumentally repugnant of white males and females who want to own victim-hood whilst being steeped in white privilege

Why don't you direct your complaints of Irish ‘oppression’ to your fellow white Anglo-Saxon brethren ? Why to Black people? What you telling me for ?

Black people have never enslaved or oppressed Irish people.

The conditions that Irish Catholics, Jews, Italians, and Poles experienced in the early 20th century when they became middle-class, were clearly worse than the conditions that Black Americans have experienced since the 1970's.

They didn't have welfare if they failed, and were denied housing, or jobs sometimes.

You talk about "White privilege" and "Black oppressive neighborhoods" as if these are from society, and Blacks otherwise would be equal.

That's a vivid assumption.

Fact is Blacks are not equal anywhere.

Blacks in London, and Paris have the same kind of problems, despite not having the history of oppression there.

Blacks in Haiti were freed for along time, and went no where.

Blacks in Ethiopia, and Liberia weren't colonized ,and went no where too.
Most African countries did not sell slaves and some even fought against it. But because Europeans back then could control the supply of guns there was little Africans could do to stop it. The Transatlantic slave trade was racist. The African slave trade, for all of its other ills, was not that. Neither was the Greek and Roman slave trade.

It was common for Africans to keep other Africans (as in prisoners of war) as slaves, but this was nothing like the slavery that took place in the US, Caribbean, West Indies, South America.

Slavery in Africa was more of an indentured servitude with a beginning and an end. Many slaves ended up marrying into the families they served. Slaves maintained their humanity and were not “born into” slavery. The child of a slave was born free.

But it is as a derailing argument that it comes into its own:

It's main purpose is to draw attention away from what whites did by turning the tables. But instead of facing up to it, they have built up defences against it:

  • Africans sold their own people as slaves.
  • Africans are still selling slaves.
  • Arab traders sold slaves too.
  • Slavery goes back thousands of years.
  • All races have practised slavery.
  • Whites stopped slavery.
  • My family never owned slaves.
  • That was Ancient History.
  • Get over it!
  • It was the times.
  • Whites got to where they are by their own hard work
  • Blacks are better off in America than in Africa
And on and on.

Why not just face up to it ? Because your sense of self worth is built on being white and how whites are so special. But it's a lie, a lie that can only be maintained by not looking at your past and present history honestly.


Most White nations didn't get really involved in the Atlantic Slave Trade, either, this includes Russia, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Ireland, Serbia, Greece, Finland, Romania, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Czech, and Slovakia.

Some White nations hardly got involved, like Sweden, Denmark, and Italy.
White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.

It is not a curious coincidence that many Irish-Americans became policemen, for example, just for the chance to put blacks in the paddy-wagon.

Hilarious, so you think Irish didn't become policeman because they paid better than a lot of jobs of the same experience level, but did so to oppress Blacks?
White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.[/QUOTE

  • They qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans because they were White.

The Homestead Act benefited few Whites, or Blacks. (In fact in the long term it probably did the opposite putting people into rural areas with few opportunities)

If the G.I Bill subsidized income was so important In propping up Whites, so should Welfare subsidized income be the same for propping up Blacks, no?

FHA loans are available to Blacks for some time now ,and still 'Nada"
White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.[/QUOTE
They could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools because they were White.

They had "Safe" neighborhoods in Northern Cities before Blacks moved in.

But, what about the conditions?

Fact is many apartments in the late 19th, and early 20th century were without indoor plumbing, or refrigeration, or other modern conveniences.

By the time the Blacks moved in to say "Chicago" in the mid 20th century there was an increase in murder, and also living standards.

The big question is "How come"?

This is only to relativate and put Blame partially or mostly on blacks but racism didnt end with slavery africans did it for greed whites because they saw blacks as lesser beings

So, you bring these "lesser beings" into your own backyard,
A.) You profit off of them,
B.) You want them there?

Whites, and Blacks involved in slavery both were in it for profits.

Slavery was big business, with big profits.
I rate Mr. Essens post a hall of famer. It destroys every white racist argument here. The only exception is that Irish historians say Irish were never enslaved but all that does is give this post even more power.


You think you've refuted the "White slave" by going against the "Irish slave" by citing one Irish historian.

Well, actually the biggest collection of "White slaves" were by Nazis, and Soviets.
Between those 2 powers, 10's of millions of Slavs like Ukrainians, Poles, and Russians were enslaved.

This was more recent than your "Slavery"

Yet, none of these countries have a murder rate as high as the African American one, nor an IQ as low as the African American one.

How come?
White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.

If you claim that inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites.

Mesolithic Europe had no record of slavery, or genocide, the evidence points to those things entering Europe with Neolithic peoples from the Near-East.

Yes, Neolithic Near-Eastern DNA is higher in English, and Germans, than other Northern Europeans, who English, and Germans were the most barbaric of Northern Europe.

Coincidence, I think not.
I rate Mr. Essens post a hall of famer. It destroys every white racist argument here. The only exception is that Irish historians say Irish were never enslaved but all that does is give this post even more power.


You think you've refuted the "White slave" by going against the "Irish slave" by citing one Irish historian.

Well, actually the biggest collection of "White slaves" were by Nazis, and Soviets.
Between those 2 powers, 10's of millions of Slavs like Ukrainians, Poles, and Russians were enslaved.

This was more recent than your "Slavery"

Yet, none of these countries have a murder rate as high as the African American one, nor an IQ as low as the African American one.

How come?

Actually there is more than one Irish historian that refutes the lie of Irish slavery.

This is what Essen is pointing out. Your argument citing everything but America is bullshit.

And there is this matter of the 100 years after slavery was supposedly over you cant explain.

The Nazis and Soviets having slaves? That s your argument against American racism?

And your claims pf IQ are laughable.
White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.[/QUOTE
They could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools because they were White.

They had "Safe" neighborhoods in Northern Cities before Blacks moved in.

But, what about the conditions?

Fact is many apartments in the late 19th, and early 20th century were without indoor plumbing, or refrigeration, or other modern conveniences.

By the time the Blacks moved in to say "Chicago" in the mid 20th century there was an increase in murder, and also living standards.

The big question is "How come"?


Bullshit. But hey we'll blame blacks and ignore the fact that Chicago was an white organized crime controlled city.

The white racist is the dumbest human being walking this planet.
White were enslaved too.
Apparently they tried Irish slaves, but they kept dying from malaria.[/QUOTE

  • They qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans because they were White.

The Homestead Act benefited few Whites, or Blacks. (In fact in the long term it probably did the opposite putting people into rural areas with few opportunities)

If the G.I Bill subsidized income was so important In propping up Whites, so should Welfare subsidized income be the same for propping up Blacks, no?

FHA loans are available to Blacks for some time now ,and still 'Nada"

Do us a favor ad take this shit to stormfront where you can lie all day about how whites from England are Mediterranean.
I rate Mr. Essens post a hall of famer. It destroys every white racist argument here. The only exception is that Irish historians say Irish were never enslaved but all that does is give this post even more power.


You think you've refuted the "White slave" by going against the "Irish slave" by citing one Irish historian.

Well, actually the biggest collection of "White slaves" were by Nazis, and Soviets.
Between those 2 powers, 10's of millions of Slavs like Ukrainians, Poles, and Russians were enslaved.

This was more recent than your "Slavery"

Yet, none of these countries have a murder rate as high as the African American one, nor an IQ as low as the African American one.

How come?

Actually there is more than one Irish historian that refutes the lie of Irish slavery.

This is what Essen is pointing out. Your argument citing everything but America is bullshit.

And there is this matter of the 100 years after slavery was supposedly over you cant explain.

The Nazis and Soviets having slaves? That s your argument against American racism?

And your claims pf IQ are laughable.

Regardless, many Irish chose Indentured Servitude (Temporary slavery) over famine (Starving to death)
Really puts into question who had it worse starving peasants, or slaves?
The obvious answer is starving peasants.

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